Jun 15, 2020

👼 ~ 💕 Breathe... (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |

by Ann Albers in Northern, AZ 


(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Take heart! You are re-birthing your world into a much better, kinder, more equitable, and connected reality. You are re-birthing yourselves into a more authentic, divinely inspired reality. You are all midwives of a new consciousness that has been awaiting the right and ripe time to make itself known... in your hearts first and then in the world.

Many of you have laboring for lifetimes to be ready for this time in human history. Many of you have played all sides of the current conflicts so as to bring your deep understanding into the current situations. Many of you have lived and died just so you could stand in this space – here, now, today, ready to affirm the live and light that lives within you all. You are brave souls dear friends. You are pioneers of awakening. You are the lights in a world that has, for too long tolerated darkness, ignorance, separation, and hatred, and your lights are not going to be extinguished.

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Letters to the Editor | ~ RDS- Open Letter to the President – Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders ~ | Blogger: Wauv! ... PS: Please always use your own spiritual discernment, reading on Verdensalt.dk.. That said, interesting to see one of the MASTERS of Wall Street financial criminals,"Golden Slacks", which SoTW has worked for in 20 years time, is majors in the stolen money of $100 trillion dollars. Please do not forget, that 'Rothschild family' who owns Goldman Sachs and most of the central banks and many countries, like Denmark with infamous DONG ENERGY... NSA official who BUILT their SPYING PROGRAM, Bill Binney, known to Mike Flynn, has the proof we all need - about everything and anyone... |

RDS- Open Letter to the President – Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders

Published by Benjamin on June 15, 2020 CET
11 June 2020
Mr. President,
It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn. It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on the record, in a sixteen-minute video at https://tinyurl.com/NSA-10-30-100. With ten people in thirty days, Bill can deliver all the data you need to confiscate, through civil and criminal forfeiture, $100 trillion (or more) in assets acquired by varied Wall Street financial criminals among whom Goldman Sachs is by far the largest, using naked short selling and money laundering to steal from all.
On the next page are four cartoons from Ben Garrison that I commissioned to help explain to the American people – and to remind you – that the greatest criminals in America are the banks, not the bank robbers. Wall Street has destroyed over 10,000 companies, thousands of innovations, and millions of jobs through its criminal financial practices, all condoned and enabled by the Senate Banking Committee, the Department of Justice (notably the Holder Memorandum taking jail off the table), the FBI, and the SEC.
By combining data from NSA, from a forced audit of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) that has spit on our laws since its inception, and data from ShareIntel, a company ripe for acquisition by DoJ, you can completely by-pass all Wall Street lawyers and the decades of delay that come with lawyers, and begin confiscating stocks of gold and silver, art, waterfront mansions, condos all over the world, superyachts, private airplanes, private islands, and more. You were deceived when you were told that $17 trillion was all you could get. Bill Binney and I can find you another $100 to $200 trillion to help Make America Great Again.

🤬🤼😔 ~ Sviner Huxi: Patetisk, gøgler, nar, taber! #trist #værdighed #penge #altformønt #patetisk #gøgler #nar #tilgrin #taber #danmarksradio ~ | Blogger: [👉'Skal virkelig bide mig selv i læben for ikke at gå all in her. Manden der gjorde alt for at udskamme mig, sidder nu, for at tjene penge og sviner somaliere til. Wow flot @huxibachable. Du er virkelig en dygtig dreng...', skriver Jan Grarup på Instagram👈] ... PS: Vil slet ikke går ind i dette drama, men mistede ALT for Huxi efter han, efter min mening med al respekt, tjener penge på alt og alle, og i samme fart, ved at svine folk til. Betalt af DDR og den medicinske mafia, og revser mannicherne, fordi de taler sandheden om Coronaen... Du storhyggede og blottede din polarisering og politiske korrekthed i 'Det Gode Gamle Folketing', på radio24syv, og nu mestre du, at nedgøre alle, Junkmedier, efterfulgt af decideret uforskammethed overfor en (ældre) mand, under Ugen plus det løse tilbage i November 2019, som ikke ser og lytter til DDR, fordi du selv, arbejder for DDR, som laver fake journalistisk, i verdensklasse... Og så er vi slet ikke nået til al det dum-smart-hu-hej med det nye satiriske quiz-format "Bruuns Stue". Kirsten-Birgit og Rasmus, må skrige af grin, det her er fandme humor... |


👩‍🌾🗼🤦 ~ Mens kritikken heglede ned, donerede Holch Povlsen anonymt 36 millioner kroner til test-indkøb ~ | Blogger: [👉Der blæst' en vældig vind den daw ud' fra vest. (Uha da da, uha da da da da). - Øøøh 'Anders'? Er det ham CEO for Bestseller nede fra øøh... - Ja! - Nå! Uha da da, uha da da da da👈] ... tsk-tsk... Vi skal være så EVIG taknemmelig, når Lame Stream Medierne plasker os til med historier, som gør vor elskede/hadede regering og magtelite, stuerene, samaritter og medlemmer af venligboerne... Snakkede med én af mine venner forleden da og han kunne fortælle mig, at hans nabo er leverandører til sundhedssektoren og da Coronakrisen var på sit højeste havde regeringen spurgt ham, om han kunne levere mundbind og andet godt fra havet, GRATIS! Det sagde han pænt nej tak til, da har OGSÅ havde en masse udgifter forbundet, herom.. Hvis det har været "metoden" at tigge og bede om hjælp fra virksomheder, selvom Staten har 1.500 milliarder at lege med hvert år i form af indkasseret skatter, samme som Danske Bank svindlede med, og dermed, vise SAMFUNDSSIND, i en god sags tjeneste, skal jeg lige love for, Dannevang, er på SPANDEN.. Også, Mærsk, der havde doneret og sat 24 fly ind i kæmpe luftbro mellem Kina og Danmark for, at hjemsende MILLIONER af (ubrugelige) værnemidler, som Sundhedsaggregatet Magnus Heunicke og Kongecobraen, Kronprins Frederik modtog, da flyet ankom, som vi ved, "IKKE" har nogensomhelst effekt. Takket være den kinesiske regeringsagent, Jack Ma fra Alibaba... DET ER ET STORT SCAM DET HELE... Man burde i stedet for stille spørgsmålet om, hvad Bestsellers topchef Anders Holch Povlsen, får for sin heltedåd... Der er INTET som er GRATIS!.. |

Mens Bestsellers topchef Anders Holch Povlsen i medierne mødte voldsom kritik for manglende samfundssind, donerede han via sit holdingselskab Heartland A/S testudstyr for 36 millioner kroner til det danske sundhedsvæsen.Foto: PR-foto: Bestseller Hans Christi
Kilde (Berlingske.dk)

Samtidig med, at Anders Holch Povlsen blev voldsomt kritiseret for Bestsellers fyringer og manglende huslejebetalinger, købte Holch Povlsens holdingselskab covid-19-test for 36 millioner til et næsten tørlagt sundhedsvæsen. Det viser en aktindsigt i regionerne, som afdækker det hidtil ubeskrevne forløb op til den anonyme donation.

Bestseller har ikke kun doneret antistoftest til det danske sundhedsvæsen under covid-19-krisen. Anders Holch Povlsens holdingselskab Heartland A/S sørgede også for kontakt til BGI, en kinesisk producent af covid-19-test, da det danske sundhedsvæsens beholdning af test var kritisk lav. Ligesom han betalte regningen for maskiner og de tilhørende test til en måneds forbrug.

Det viser en aktindsigt i regionernes kommunikation om indkøb af testudstyr, som Berlingske har fået.

3. april indgik BGI og Region Hovedstaden en kontrakt om købet af 200.000 testkit og seks analysemaskiner til at udføre testene i, men regningen på 36 millioner kroner blev efterfølgende dækket af Heartland A/S. (LÆS VIDERE)


🤘😈🔥 ~ Nationwide Luciferian march rollout on June 21 during solar eclipse ‘ring of fire’ (intellihub) ~ | Blogger: [👉"After crazed leftists tore down virtually every historical statue in America Satanists may be planning to erect Luciferian statues in their place" ~ Shepard Ambellas - an opinion journalist, analyst, political pundit, radio talk show host, and the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News & Politics👈] ... |


🛸👽💥 ~ Roswell: Why It Matters. Richard Dolan Livestream ~ | Blogger: Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. etc. etc.... |

Source (Richard Dolan)

Everyone knows about Roswell. It's the most famous word in all of ufology. Richard Dolan explains why the event at Roswell in 1947 is so important to us to this day. This is part of Richard's mini-series "Richard Dolan Explains the Cases of Project Blue Book," the TV series airing on the History Channel. Those cases are fictionalized portrayals of real events. Here, Richard tries to give proper historical understanding to those cases. We therefore start with Roswell, the theme of Season 2, Episode 1 of the series.

☑️🤻🏴‍☠️ ~ Top Strategic Analysis of Recent False Flags and Critical Warning (PFC+New Earth Project) ~ | Blogger: If you are a newbie to Ole Dammegard - Ole Dammegard is the author of Coup d’etat, a masterful book on the death of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme... Sacha Stone calls out danish Ole Dammegard, living in Spain, the master of deconstruction of false flags... |

Source (PrepareForChange)
5 Qs with Sacha Stone & Ole Dammegard Friday 10am EST /10pm Bali time

Brilliant next level presentation by Ole Dammegard who has been a crucial truth seeker and intelligence reporter that made his reputation on false flag event analysis over the years. His work is found at LightOnConspiracies.com

This discussion with Sacha Stone of New Earth Project, himself a global ambassador for critical thought and truth seeker, goes into the deep dive behind the current Agenda 21 and Operation Gladio tactics of the recent Covid-19 scheme and sets up the premise that there’s to be another false flag event. The interview took place days before the US police brutality event that lead to the current protests and riots in the US and being copied around the world.

🔬🤏🤖~ Elon Musk 'a year away from creating Six Million Dollar Man through implanted chips'- which will be implanted in human brains, will allow paralysed people to walk again, similar to 1970s cult TV show The Six Million Dollar Man, starring Lee Majors (Daily Star) ~ | Blogger: [👉Welcome to Cyborgs, Robots, Biohackers and Transhumanism – The Consciousness Trap👈] ... Make no mistake about it, Elon Musk, works for NASA-SSP-Cabal-Gangsters... Even if COBRAS' Resistance Movement (RM), says otherwise... (COBRA SCHOOL) - An Cobra article, that goes back to 2013-15, and one of the things that Cobra has said is that the Dark Alliance, for a better word, attempted to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why W.H.O. has made vaccination mandatory... PS: There's of course a difference between Atlantean Negative Etheric Implants and present Physical implants (biochips). But maybe, this will produce some wonderful clever answers to some of these questions about why Bill Gates, powerful Elites and Pharmaceutical Industry, are holding on to physical biochips, synthetic mRNA-DNA-vaccines, Biohacking, ID2020, Contact-tracing, Transhumanism and 5G IoT Manufacturing = CONTROL OF HUMANITY... |


Source (dailystar.co.uk)

Space billionaire Elon Musk says he is just one year away from creating the ‘six million dollar man’.

The eccentric tech tycoon said implanting chips into the human brain will allow paralysed people to walk again.

His new device will help improve vision, strength and host of other injuries connected to the brain.

Musk, 48, said: “The device would be implanted in your skull.

“Electrode threads would be inserted carefully into the brain and you wouldn’t know that somebody has it.

“It can interface anywhere in the brain.(READ MORE)

💥☄️🏴‍☠️ ~ NASA warns of another FIVE asteroids headed our way, after we MISSED one that passed closer than the MOON (RT) ~ |


🖖🤔🏴‍☠️ ~ Possible False Flag Warning and Galactic Wave- Short Live (Information of Anéeka of Temmer) ~ | Blogger: [👉Looking for truth? Is this true Galactic Blessings or Scammers?👈] ... Thx for sharing Gitte and Anne... A lot of people are tuned in to Cosmic Agency YouTube channeling and the Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades)... However, I have been told (and SoTW could be very wrong) from Tolec, And The Andromeda Council, that it's fake in the sense, there's no higher-hierarki teacher called Swaruu, an extraterrestrial woman from Taygeta (Pleiades)... Verdensalt has personally meet Tolec of the Andromeda Council in USA, amaaazing guy, really... I know that MANY follow "NewsinsideOut" by Alfred Webre, with Tolec's help has expose the so-called ET Swaeuu, as a imposter, which many highly spiritual people listen too, all the time... Well, you figure it out. Trust your own instinct and always, use your own spiritual discernment... Nothing is ever, what it seems... ☝️PS: The master of disguise is, in fact, a master of deception, the CIA(CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, NASA, DARPA, ESA - you name it)... One of the reasons, verdensalt.dk turned down the postings of RV/GCR scamtastic scammers like Jerzy Babkowski (AKA ZAP - Zap Office of Poofness) canadian scammer fraud!, Dinar Chronicles Blogs, TNT Tony, Landa China Global, Neil Keenan (Benjamin Fulford), The Dollar Vigilante, Karen Hudes, Dave Schmidt, etc... People who still waits for 'The EVENT'. YOU - are the event, WE are the event, EVERYBODY, is the event. BE the event.. The 'EVENT' DO NOT turn people, who bought Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong into multi Billionaires overnight (and yes - SoTW is one of them - I got clever)... |

Source (Cosmic Agency)

A short live with the latest information from Anéeka of Temmer regarding possible False Flag Operation, Trump, and related topics.


📰 ~ 💗 (Short) Earth Intelligence Report - June 2020 (Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings) 💕 ~ |

Source (Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings)

🎙️ ~ 💗 (It's Alive) Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors website is back 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉After some 6 months downtime, galacticconnection.com has re-emerged for better or for worse?👈] ... Back in the day, SoTW, tuned in to Alexandra website for fresh daily updates of world news, geopolitical, spiritual etc. Now it seems to be of the past! Galactic Connection claimed to be the most important PLACE to be, but now it's only about money, money money?. A online shop for all Alexandra Meadors products and goods and no more, daily news, which is sad. But I could be very wrong and I just speak my mind, even though you probably won't like what I have to say... |


👀 ~ (Simon says) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired June 14, 2020 | Connecting Consciousness Update | Blogger: Blogger: 👉Simon says -- in short headlines 👉... 🚩Simon says; do you really think there's free speech in America?? - Ted Mahr lost his base and radiostation in Seattle because some high-powered people have put pressure on Ted, blaming him to be pro-Trump and anti-governor, but he is to relocate to California instead (I do know Ted a bit at SoTW)... 🚩 Black Lives Matter has organized thousands of protests and demonstrations: There's a VERY big difference between those 'genuine people' who is campaigning for democracy, in the true sense of the word and a 'group of people' who is being funded and paid to create as much damage as possible. POTUS do not hate black people, says Simon...🚩 November 2020 United States presidential election: 'Everything and Anything' has been put into the magic ball, to try to get rid of POTUS, says Simon. The only reason they haven't succeeded to 'murder' Trump like JFK, is because his 'protection' is too good. It's that simple. A very powerful small group (Cabal) is trying their best by MSM platform etc. to create so much mayhem, that (Creepy) Joe Biden are able to take over as front candidate and win the election. Cabal was happy about deploying riot police and National Guard troops came together at BLM protesters and defend D.C., but Trumps American War Generals will deploy regular armed soldiers into the streets, if 2020 election is rigged... 🚩 Then Simon discuss about Connecting Consciousness organization... 🚩 Virus: Intelligence services says, that Mid-August or September is the target date for COVID-19 to re-emerge as a mutated form (like SoTW said for months). Start to prepare food storage, especially in America, says Simon. Cabal will NOT back down this time. It's the 'final battle'. The MOST powerful country in the World, America, is on the verge of tipping point of a certain direction, that could then unleash a 'hailstorm' (hellstorm between good and evil). The only 'people' who will lose, is the majority, that didnt see this coming... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...