Oct 13, 2019
🌿 ~ Autistic Child Starts to Speak After Two Days of Prescription CBD Oil Treatment (NNN + Yahoo News) ~ |
At 10 months of age, Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. He endured chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and surgery for two years—and survived. Then he was diagnosed with something permanent: severe autism that disabled him from speaking.
👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | .. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God .. |
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
© 2019 treeofthegoldenlight
11th October 2019. Mike Quinsey.
Battles are taking place in several countries and some are where there is a self-appointed leader who has exercised dictatorial methods to hold power. However, the people are rising up and seeking change to ensure a fairer society, where all are considered equal and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Regrettably it inevitably leads to confrontation and violence and is a path that so many have already experienced. The people will win such battles as it is time for changes that are needed to carry them forward, so that they can receive the benefit of new ways of living that offer a more pleasurable and beneficial way of life. It is all being prepared and will be waiting the outcome of future changes that should make life more comfortable.
The period that you are in has been described as a point in your evolution when matters will reach an all-time low, but it will be the trigger for the commencement of programs for changes that will quickly lift you up. So do not despair at the negativity when this period of time arrives as it may be a blessing in disguise. Certainly the world is in a turmoil and with the climate changes and sea levels rising, that may bring major changes to the coastlines with inland flooding. It is all speculation yet history and experience suggest Humanity takes good note and prepares for the possible outcome. Be assured that your Space friends who follow your progress are fully aware of events taking place and are doing their best to influence those who are ina position to help you.
⚙️ ~ US Navy Patent for Nuclear Fusion Reactor Supports claims of Mile-Long Space Carriers (Exopolitics) ~ | Blogger: NOW, the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, has recently talked about a "nuclear-powered" base on the Moon, which is BS, since Secret Space Programs (SSP), in which, Russians are part of, has developed clean energy devices, antigravity technology and startling array of breakthrough energy technologies, including an IEC fusion generator and zero-point energy electrical generator (propulsion systems), for decades... IF TRUE, retrofitted nuclear submarines and kilometers-long cigar-shaped space carriers were secretly deployed by the Navy in the late 1970s and early 1980s. One of those whistleblower revelations came from Tompkins or T.L. Keller, which verdensalt has personally talked to, at The International UFO Congress... I reckon, you think i'm looney tunes crazy, as the ones who steadfast hold to the claims, that the Earth, is flat like a pancake... Well, the reason i'm making the UFO/ET forbidden history public is, zero-point-energy and anti-gravitic technologies, that were reverse-engineered from downed extraterrestrial craft, dating back to the Roswell crash landings in June/July of 1947... And besides, the compartmen- talization (information security), all, and i mean (all) leading countries, are part of the cover-up... |
The US Navy has authorized the publication of a patent for a nuclear fusion reactor that can both generate enormous quantities of power and yet be small enough to be fitted on mobile platforms, including spacecraft. The patent’s publication supports Whistleblower/Insider claims of mile (1.6 kilometers) long space carriers that have been secretly built and deployed by the Navy since the late 1970s and early 1980s.
The patent application for a “Plasma Compression Fusion Device” was just published on September 26 after being lodged on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy back on March 22, 2019. The inventor is Dr. Salvator Pais, who works at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and has previously lodged other patents on behalf of the Navy concerning a hybrid air, water, and space vehicle propelled and protected by electromagnetic fields.
In the patent description, Dr. Pais explains how his nuclear fusion device differs from similar devices under development:
At present there are few envisioned fusion reactors/devices that come in a small, compact package (ranging from 0.3 to 2 meters in diameter) and typically they use different versions of plasma magnetic confinement. Three such devices are the Lockheed Martin (LM) Skunk Works Compact Fusion Reactor (LM-CFR), the EMC2 Polywell fusion concept, and the Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration (PFRC) machine. […] These devices feature short plasma confinement times, possible plasma instabilities with the scaling of size, and it is questionable whether they have the ability of achieving the break-even fusion condition, let alone a self-sustained plasma burn leading to ignition.
Ignition is the point at which the nuclear fusion process begins generating electrical power in a self-sustaining way through the superheated plasma. Dr. Pais further explains how his device will use electromagnetic fields to ignite the nuclear fusion process:
The plasma compression fusion device utilizes controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients, in order to generate extremely high energy/high intensity electromagnetic fields. These fields not only confine the plasma core but also greatly compress it (by inducing a high energy negative potential well) so as to produce a high power density plasma burn, leading to ignition.
The amount of power that could be generated is explained by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway, aerospace researchers at The Drive:
🚀 ~ Want to book a room? Roscosmos may soon offer nuclear-powered base on the Moon for rent (RT) ~ |
The Russian space agency is reportedly mulls building a sophisticated, nuclear-powered base on the Moon available to anyone who got some extra cash to spend. The multimillion project is set to be unveiled in nine years.
💉💌✋~ Nu får du brev i din e-boks om dine børns vacciner (B.T.) ~ | Blogger: [🙅♀️Det er ikke længere frivillig TVANG, men nærmere, indforstået SAMTYKKE, at modtage Børnevaccinationsprogrammet🤺] ... Det må ikke hedde sig, at i Danmark, findes der "TVANG" eller "OBLIGATORISK", for alle at blive vaccineret, så de danske genmodificerede politikere og Medicoindustrien, skruer op for lobbyismen... Tilslutningen SKAL OP og kræver, at fremover, skal DU, tage stilling, via den ”Obligatoriske tilmeldings-portal” e-Boks (Nets og Post Nord's 215 mio. kr. skattekiste) - FOR ELLERS!!!!!... Det ligner mere og mere, et Dansk-USA, som er kapitalistiske Vestens ubestridte korrupte ledernation og har indført "INDIREKTE TVANG", i New York samt Californien. Lidt ligesom SKAT (der 'kun' fanger små fisk i nettet) og de 16 nye tiltag af totalitær kontrol (fra CCTV overvågning, politifolk undercover og sessionslogning), med bitte, bitte små baby-skridt, indfører man hele tiden flere og flere ting, så DIREKTE TVANG, bliver det sidste... Nå, nå, nååå, TROEDE DU VIRKELIG, at Sharia-sheiken fra SSI, havde givet op?? At, præsident Trump, der brugte vagthunden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. til at bide en luns af EU-Domstolen, kunne vinde over den medicinske mafia?... Nu skal man ikke tro, at Rockefellers familiedynasti falder sammen, af den grund (det medicin-industrielle kompleks). Allerede nu, har vi set Sundhedsstyrelsen og medicinalindustriens sammensvorne bforskere, anvende tricks for at vildlede os... Og det vil de blive ved med at gøre, indtil dommedagen, den spirituelle revolution.. |
Sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke vil gerne have vaccinationstilslutningen højere op. Foto: Nils Meilvang |
Tilslutningen skal højere op... Sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke vil gerne have vaccinationstilslutningen højere op. Helt op på 95 procent, siger sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke (S). For ham er vacciner en mærkesag. »Vacciner virker. De redder liv, og derfor skal vi gøre det så nemt som overhovedet muligt for danske forældre at få vaccineret deres børn til tiden,« siger ministeren.
🍿 ~ RV/Intelligence Alert: ""Storm" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... {💛Welcome to the Awakening Golden Age🌟} ... "Big events" are expected to occur starting this month (October) and lasting throughout the remainder of the year." ~ DinarChronicles ... |
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - October 13, 2019
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
President Trump was briefed during his recent dinner with top US military brass on October 7th.
During the briefing, the next steps to take toward the transition were discussed off-mic.
The signing of phase one of a trade deal with China was was one of those steps which just occurred on October 11th.
During the deal, President Trump brought up issues regarding currency and foreign exchange.
Also, the Vice Premier of China mentioned that the trade deal will bring peace and prosperity to the world.
This was an indication of progress toward a new and fair global economy.
Meanwhile, the report on FISA court abuse is expected to be released next week which will implicate many officials.
During the briefing, the next steps to take toward the transition were discussed off-mic.
The signing of phase one of a trade deal with China was was one of those steps which just occurred on October 11th.
During the deal, President Trump brought up issues regarding currency and foreign exchange.
Also, the Vice Premier of China mentioned that the trade deal will bring peace and prosperity to the world.
This was an indication of progress toward a new and fair global economy.
Meanwhile, the report on FISA court abuse is expected to be released next week which will implicate many officials.
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