Aug 3, 2021

✨ ~ 💓 (New Nyla Nguyen Update) DOJ DROPS NYC CARE HOME PROBE, NETFLIX LOSING ADIENCE, BLACK CUMIN HELPS WITH SPIKED PROTEINS, UK ~ | Blogger: I think, Nyla Nguyen was a online personal trainer, fitness model/competitor, and an entrepreneur and you could call her a 'spiritual teacher'. Nyla hosts her own Youtube channel '3D to 5D Consciousness' as a way spread the light and raise the collective awareness of the planet... More on graphene oxide which is degusting... 😟PS: As you know, there is a large volume of evidence of people injected with the CO_VID vakkZine becoming magnetic following the injection. The reason for this appears to be that most of the injections contain tiny nanon-particulates of graphene oxide wrapped in hydrogel. Graphene is a relatively new material that is highly responsive to electromagnetic frequencies. At certain high frequencies the material is excited and oxidizes very rapidly. These frequencies are that same as those emitted by 5G wireless technology. It is clear that the vaccines ultimately have one main purpose: to connect everyone injected to the IoT, tracked and monitored 24-7 in realtime to the AI controlled cloud grid. The vakkZine-injections plus a 5G network is an electronic control grid for HU-mans. This explains why people are experiencing magnetism after vaccination. Comprised of single atom thick layers of carbon, graphene is incredibly light, incredibly strong, extremely flexible and highly conductive both of heat and electricity. Its properties hold the promise of outright technological revolution in so many fields that it has been called a wonder material. With jagged edges of graphene nanoparticles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals. The problem is, when you have billions of nanoparticles inside you that goes everywhere, brain, cells, tissue, organs, whatever, it will become toxic in human cells and when, activated. Right now, it's dormant, but when 5G will be fully integrated and (activated) I have no bloody idea, what that will mean, but if people are dropping like flies, they are dying or falling down in large numbers, because of graphene’s potential toxicity in human cells (Oh - this information is provided by a team of biologists, engineers and material scientists at Brown University, California, Riverside’s Bourns College of Engineering, Dr. Jane Ruby with Stew Peters an so maaaany others)...

The Biden Administration are involved in the coverup of the senior citizens deaths during the pandemic. Netflix losing a big portion of their subscribers in North America. Another natural remedy has been discovered to help with spiked proteins shredding. UK social credit system has been rolled out to monitor people’s eating habits.


Graphene oxide (GO) is also found to be in many COVID face masks.
  • GO fibres are in plastic masks.
  • GO fibres are on PCR test swabs.
  • GO appears to be in COVID-19 vaccines.
  • GO creates thromboses.
  • GO causes blood clots.
  • GO disrupts the immune system.
  • GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
  • GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
  • GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
  • GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
  • GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
  • GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
  • GO was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
  • GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.

🙏 ~ 💝 (MUFON CASE : 112163 Hartford, CT, US) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW Archive) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨UFO News: Giant lights hovering in the sky disappear in Hartford, Connecticut plus MORE ~ OOM2✨] ... 👽Yes, yes... 😮🛸🙃 been there, done that (student exchange program in New England)... UFOs exist... I have seen them with my own eyes, a few time in Denmark, Sedona, Mt. Shasta, Brazil and elsewhere... But they're probably not all, what you think... Some of them is in fact, alien biological spaceships controlled by alleged extraterrestrial beings (EBEs)... Others, "Camouflaged Aliens", made in US of A... SSP MIC-Inc., once manufactured & developed by Roswell, reverse-engineering and Project Serpo. That summer, a UFO crash-landed on a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. When the U.S. military tried to cover it up, conspiracy theories ran wild, as no one accepted the explanation offered - that the mysterious metals were just a conventional weather balloon or a nuclear surveillance test balloon, manufactured as part of the Cold War-era surveillance operation, Project Mogul. No Sir!... 😋You want more? Have I been to "Mad" Mike Hughes hideout (yeah). "Back Gate" to Area 51 (yes sir). MUFON & International UFO Congresses (of course). Together with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta seeing 20-30 UFO's (Absolutely). Sedona UFO and Vortex Tours (I confess). Talked to some, not many, people within the US-MIC (you bet your sweet bippy I did)... 🤔Why this crazy UFO interest SoTW?... Not sure really? A deeb inside knowing and seen UFO IRL... Maaany years of Cobra School!... My danish holistic doctor knowledge!... Reiki healing & Inaugurated in Kriya Yoga & Horoskop activations... As former danish military police recruit in the Royal Danish Air Force!... I dooon't know... Take a pick.. 👨‍💼PS: How many are willing to publicity say they stand behind their own president? Do I stand behind Mink-Medico-Mette Denmark's Corona-Commander-in-Chief? Never in a thousand / million / billion years... |

🙏 ~ 💝 (#Retsopgøret efter Corona-besættelsen 2025!?!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK Arkiv) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🤜A og B-borgere. Usmittede og Smittede. Tilpassede og Utilpassede. Vaccinerede og Ikke-vaccinerede. Dem med Coronapas og dem som ingenting kan og må!🤛] ... Opråb til Folket Fra Frontlinien: Søren "Gynækologen" og disse G-Men from Hell - AKA - kommunister og elitelæger, såsom Henrik Uld-I-Mund, burde sættes i spjældet og nøglen, kastes LANGT væk.. Er faldet over denne video fra Den Frie Presse, som proklamere, at til efteråret, kommer der en ny LOCKDOWN i Danmark og at det er BUNDHAMMERNDE ulovligt det vores stat foretager sig og hverken Trump eller Reiner Fuellmich, kommer til at redde os i Dannevang.. De sidste to ting er jeg på, helt enige i, men da vi allerede har 71% vakkZine-tilslutning (2 ud af 3 borgere på 16 år eller derover) og jeg spår, at efter sommerferien, strømmer der unge, børn, og gravide ind og skal have Deres "stik" af toksisk kill Sh0t, så er det lige meget om der kommer en lockdown eller ej, eller vi skriger og råber, med sms-kæder og demoer og flyers, "skaden" er sket og når først man har modtaget "andet stik", så er, Fanden løs i Laksegade. Med mindre, at Mink-Medico-Mæætte, har lovet generalerne på WHO, Zionist-staten Israel og Råddenschilds, at der skal være 100% vakkZine-tilslutning. Tredje "stik" er undervejs og jeg spår, at vi skal have booster-vakkZiner indtil 2025 eller resten af livet, hvis det står til disse "psykopater i jakkesæt". Man er nok nødt til at forstå, vi snakker om den medicinske-mafia, en KÆMPEMÆSSIG maskine, som er større end det militær-industrielle kompleks, eller en del af det.. Vi er PT det MEST vaxxed land i verden, vidste du det?. Desværre, uanset om vi, lysarbejdere, devaenglemennesker, der handler med spirituel aktivisme, ønsker, at råbe vores medmennesker op, så har statens kommunikationsbureauer, som et "magtfuldt håndværk" vundet. Hvorfor? Fordi, når ingen vil lytte eller ved, de skal vågne op fra en mareridtsdrøm, som de tror, er virkelighed, kan man ikke stille noget op. Ja, folk søger en "leder" og tør ikke stå udenfor det fine selskab og blive, udskammet. 🔎Husk - Du er, hvad du har LÆRT.. 🔎HUSK - Du er også, SLAVE af, hvad andre og dine autoriter TÆNKER.. 🔎 CITAT fra Wonder Woman 1984: 📑"Like a beautiful dream of when the whole world felt like a promise, and the lessons that lay ahead yet unseen. Looking back, I wish I'd listened. Wish I'd watched more closely, and understood. But sometimes you can't see what you're learning, until you come out the other side."📑... PS: Ja, 2025... "Sergeant Major" viste os et hemmeligstempet WEF/WHO-dokument-ish fra en video omkring, at 25. Marts 2025, er slutdatoen for Project CO_VID PlanDemic (kald den hvad du vil)... |

"Vi vaccinerer på livet løs – alligevel virker Søren Brostrøm overbevist: Smitten stiger til efteråret" ~

  "Der er kun få indlagte, men skadestuer er sat under hårdt pres af patienter, der frygter vaccinebivirkninger. Hver dag opsøger et stort antal patienter skadestuerne, fordi de er bange for at være ramt af blodpropper eller andre alvorlige bivirkninger efter covid 19-vaccinationen. De fylder langt mere end folk, der rent faktisk har corona, lyder det fra hospitaler, hvor de mange henvendelser skaber lange ventetider på akutmodtagelserne." ~

🔮⌛🐇 ~ (Future stargate technology: Is this why the "Cabal" freaked out and activated the CO_VID PlanDemic?) Project Looking Glass: From the Mouths of the Whistleblowers (SciCry) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Project Looking Glass S4 Area 51 (Alice in Wonderland) = 1997 movie Contact Tech? - OR - Loki Time-Rewinding Device - OR - The Nazi Bell Time Machine? - OR - Paycheck - Time Transportal?🤛] ... A MIND-BLOWING report... A shout-out to Steve Quayle for sharing is caring, even though I think that he's to much gung-ho; A Christian patriots, preppers, homesteaders & survivalists, Satan versa God-guy, for my taste... Anywho, SoTW, have meet Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot and she is awesome... Soooo, like I said, IF, Project Looking Glass (LG) and Time Travel experiments and whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood are telling the truth, is this why the "Cabal-Illuminati-Controllers" hit the alarm bottom and rushed to start the (1992 UN Agenda 21 - 2030) CO_VID PlanDemic to go on forever until 2025?. That is "forever", until, the foreseen (good) timeline hits us and we get our freedom back (the ones that are left standing) with THE GREAT AWEKENING, THE BIG BANG of LOVE TSUNAMI or THE SOLAR EVENT or what Corey Goode talks about, is actually the Galactic Pulse triggering the Sun or the Solar Flash a sub-aspect of the Galactic Super Wave? Sorry, I got carried away! .. Okay, so what I understand on SoTW, no-matter how these fine gents try to explain it; LG (Looking Glass), this device, could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events and only a short futuristic timeline.. Could it be, that is why the Cabal, lack of better word, realized, that in the end, they actually LOST the "Game" and the Earthlings of Mother GAIA and the LIGHT FORCES could win, they simply gave up on the project? That is why SoTW are trying to put an idea in your head about the CO_VID PlanDemic was fast-tracked to depopulate the world, with VakkZines, so they could try to "transhumanize" us all, before they saw a glimpse of the future, using the LG tech, that they were loosing... Well, I don't know, but I have also meet Dr. Michael Salla and he claims, and so does Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd and two former participants in the CIA's Mars visitation program of the early 1980's have confirmed, that U.S. President Barack H. Obama, was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Mars via "jump room.". So I truly believe the tech exist, like MIC-SSP has Star Trek and Star Wars technology, already... |


Project Looking Glass: From the Mouths of the Whistleblowers (SciCry) 

This is the best compilation of clips on Project Looking Glass you will find on the internet. The whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood will tell you from their own mouths what the project is and what it has been used for.