Feb 27, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Say out loud: "I surrender to the Guidance of Pure Light, of the Source and the Pure Light beings". You don't need to be Strong. You can be Soft and just Surrender. Let light Guide you. No attachment of Anything or to Anyone and you will not have Worries. You are an Angelic being. You are Pure Source Light. So much light in you. Be confident every second. I truly love myself...So be It, and so It is...🙏 |

🌩️ ~ 🏳️ New MASSIVE White Spike 170 Power in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space ❕ ~ |


😲 ~ (VaccineEnablers): The Panic Coronavirus Controlled World Stage Update ~ | Blogger: [🦠Coronavirus spreading to more countries around the world, with Estonia, Denmark and Georgia confirming first cases✊] ... In Japan 13 million children at almost 35,000 schools closes... Danish Doctors warn with posters: Please go home! and employees from a danish TV station, in quarantine. Not allowed to see their partners or children... Trump insists America “very, very ready” for any coronavirus pandemic, fails to mention virtually NO ONE being tested in America… the “Trump TRAP” is now set by the CDC... “The pasta shelves are empty”: panic buying continues in Italy... Countries affected now 48: Saudi Arabia bars pilgrims: UK Government, patients could be denied life-saving care 80% of the country could be infected: Dow Panic: Respirators selling for $10,000 on E Bay... Pope Francis falls ill day after supporting people with coronavirus & Iran health minister appears ill at news conference before COVID-19 diagnosis... Corona costs already hitting Norway hard. Norwegian air carrier has lost over half its value on the stock exchange in a week, same goes for SAS... |



🔴 (INGEN PANIK) Coronavirussen spreder sig. Beredskab sat i gang, men ingen epidemi. Ligesom Trump CDC, henviser Heunicke til S.S. hjemmeside (TV 2 LIVE) ~ | Blogger: [🙋Spørgsmål til professoren:🙋] ... (Verdensalt) 🤔(noget som min niece bekymrer sig om) Tør jeg rejse til Norditalien❓... 💬 Hvorfor ikke? Der bor 27 millioner fra Aosta Valley - Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Byer lukket ned og smittefaren inddæmmet. Odds er 1:1000? Og hvis du bliver testet positiv, skal du i forvejen være ekstrem svækket og svarlig sjæl, for at det udbreder sig til noget alvorligt. Masker, mundbind og briller, hjælper ikke! (desuden er alt udsolgt på apotekerne ifølge Folkets.dk og kommunerne har ingen). Kun når du er smittet, for ikke at smitte andre! Denne mutation af virussen er ekstrem smitsom og kan ikke måles, før man er syg (selvom minister og eksperter på TV2 siger det anderledes). Men god hygiejne og undgår folk med symptomer på lungevejsproblemer eller influenza. Derfor er den også "farlig", for svage ældre! Men designet til "Asiatiske Mænd", hvis man tror på konspirationen... 🤔Modtagelse af medikerede behandlingsmidler og Influenzavaccination❓... 💬 Under ingen omstændigheder. Behøves vist ikke at fordybe mig i det emne... 🤔Betaler forsikringen hvis man fortyder at rejse til lande hvor mennesker er smittede❓... Efter hvad jeg har set, så skal man være varsom. Forbrugerrådet Tænk siger, at man ikke bare kan aflyse sin rejse og få pengene retur, hvis der er coronavirus i det land og den landsdel, man skal til... 🤔Kommer der flere tilfælde med smittede i Norden❓... 💬 Naturligvis, Sverige og Norge har allerede haft Deres smittede, men derfor skal man ikke gå i panik, selvom (nogle) af de 1200 medarbejdere på TV 2/Danmark A/S, vil blive sendt hjem, ligesom de danske myndigheder højst sandsynligt, vil sende flere hjem fra andre firmaer... 💙Men, men men, nu er jeg én som ikke har "frygt" tæt inde på livet, så jeg gør hvad jeg finder rigtigt og bliver heller ikke smittet med noget, min energi-frekvens er høj, detoxer min krop hver dag, ved hvad jeg skal spise, dyrker sport og har en sund tilgang til tingene... |

Den første dansker med coronavirus: 'Jeg fik et chok'

Jakob Tage Ramlyng, der er den første dansker, der er blevet testet positiv med coronavirus, skriver på Facebook, at han fik et chok, da han fik diagnosen.

- Vi er selvfølgelig dybt rystede over, at det vi troede var stærkt usansynligt, nu er vores virkelighed, skriver han.

Han fortæller, at han og resten af familien skal være i karantæne i deres eget hjem i 14 dage, hvor han vil få en masse opkald fra lægefagligt personale. 

- Vi er ved godt mod, selvom vi er trætte og præget af hovedpine, ondt i halsen og hoste. 

- Det bliver uvirkeligt at skulle være indespærret i to uger, men vi prøver at få det bedste ud af det, skriver Jakob Tage Ramlyng på Facebook. 

🧙‍♂️ ~ Kolloidalt sølv i Nano-format - Vidundermiddel eller Hokus-Pokus Snydemedicin? - Svaret er meget overraskende (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Min holistiske naturlæge med 50 års erfaring er gået i gang med produktionen af Kolloid Sølv, efter Dr. Magnus Heunicke's elefantastiske Baron von Münchhausen løgnehistorier om en Evolutionskage samt Redningsfeber🤛] ... {Kan sølvet slå Coronavirusen ihjel? Svaret er højst sandsynlig - JA!} ... Ionosil kolloid sølv (blandt flere mærker), der kan dræbe bakterier, svampe, borreliose, virus og encellede protozoer typen amøber og Plasmodium (malaria), Mononukleose, ADIS, paravirus hos hunde og kræftceller. IONOSIL (en ud af mange producenter) er et produkt der er klassificeret som et vanddesinfektionsprodukt med styrken 10 ppm, (kan laves lang stærkere) hvilket svarer til 100 mikrogram sølv per 10 ml produkt. Hvem vil ikke eje et prisbillig naturligt produkt med antibakterielle, antimikrobielle, antifungale, antiviralle, parasit- og kræftdræbende egenskaber? Listen er ane lang...Noget som det danske medicinal-industrielle kompleks aldrig nogensinde vil anerkende. Helt uden recept, uden bivirkninger, uden godkendelse af Sundheds- styrelsen (SS) eller din læge, men det redder liv, tro mig... 💑|

Udgivet første gang den 9. Maj 2015 af Verdensalt

I Lucky Luke tegneserier eller western-film, 1800-tallet guldalder, optræder der altid 'charlatan-medicin-sælgere' som lokker med de intetanende befolkning med Snake Oil, vidundermiddel-medicin kan kurere alt lige fra hovedpine til gigt og lammelse. Blot virker vidundermidlet først 48 timer efter indtagelse af medicinen, og så er sælgeren over alle bjerge. Dog, fandtes der produkter som indianerne og kineserne benyttede sig af, som virkelig var helbredende. 

 I dag kan vi raffinere og fremstille produkter på organisk eller økologisk vis som rent faktisk virker. (Naturligvis uden om lægevidenskabens klare lys eller medicinalindustrien accept). Vidundermiddel som er hotte i vores tid, er Cannabis OlieKokosolie og Natron (bikarbonat) og som sagt Kolloid Sølv.

Radio24syv's 'Bæltestedet' med Jan Elhøj & Simon Jul kom faktisk lidt ind på emnet angående Sølv:  https://www.facebook.com/Baeltestedet/photos/p.1766428726916907/1766428726916907/?type=1&theater men det blev som sædvane gjort til en joke, fordi mennesker blev farvet blå ved indtagelse.

Lidt forhistorie 

Sølv blev anvendt op igennem middelalderen. Man brugte det til behandling af åbne sår på slagmarken i krigstider, og indiske ayurvediske læger anvender sølv den dag i dag. Før køleskabet blev almindeligt, brugte man at have en sølvmønt eller noget sølvtøj til at ligge i mælken og vandtønden, for at holde indholdet frisk. De første indvandrere til USA og Canada i 1800 tallet brugte sølv, og mange kan berette om, at deres bedsteforældre plejede at placere en sølvdollar i mælken, så den kunne holde sig frisk i stuetemperatur. 1924 blev den første elektro- kolloidale sølv fremstillet og det viste sig at være meget mere virksomt end de medikamenter, som havde været tilgængelige hidtil, og det blev dengang regnet for at være højt avanceret teknologi. I flere hundrede år havde den kendtes metode, hvorpå man kunne fremstille sølv til brug for mennesker, været at male sølvet til et fint pulver, enten manuelt eller kemisk.

Udtrykket "blåt blod" stammer fra en antagelse om, at royale måtte have sølv i blodet; for de spiste udelukkende med sølvbestik og af sølvskåle. - De indtog faktisk grove sølvpartikler, og det gjorde deres hud misfarvet. Så sent som i 1930'erne blev der anvendt sølvnitrat til at dryppe de nyfødte børns øjne med. Det skulle forebygge blindhed hos barnet, hvis moderen havde fået en kønssygdom. Dette bliver stadig praktiseret i mange lande.

Kolloid Sølv var almindeligt indtil 1938, hvor det blev brugt imod 650 forskellige infektionssygdomme, men det var meget dyrt at fremstille på den tid. Før 1938 blev Kolloid Sølv indtaget oralt, rektalt, vaginalt og intravenøst, eller det blev sprøjtet op i næsen, blev inhaleret med forstøver og dryppet i øjnene. 

🗳️ ~ The Strange Coincidences & Democratic Manic Syndrome: Denmark is Once Again Highlighted in the US Election Campaign as Best Place To Live The American Dream, Universal Healthcare with a Labor or Social Democratic Government ~ | Blogger: [👉By design: Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Rufus Gifford and even the Republican, Trump👈] ... {there's "something rotten in Denmark" and "no one wants to work" ~ Trish Regan Fox News} ... Denmark and other Scandinavian countries are 90% democratic in nature, it's no secret... In Denmark, right now we have a government "fueled" on a socialism - communism control. Did you know that? YES, most of the ruling parties or politicians has at one time, been attached to the Communist Party of Denmark (DKP)... SoTW 💖 Trish Regan and most of the stuff she says is true, even if all hell breaks loose... ☝️FACTS: We are 2,303,400 full-time employees in Q3 2019 in Denmark - 800,000 out of them work for the State - did you know that?... ☝️FACTS: Denmark is the highest taxed country in the world. Right again Trish... . ☝️FACTS: People are not lazy, but everything is paid for, including the educational system, and student loans (SU) are common, but State education system are failing, due to State "controlled" and "suppresses critical thinking" system... ☝️FACTS: Denmark to slash car taxes from 180% to 100%, with additional high yearly green taxes, but Trish is still right about, you pay more in taxes that you actually do on the car... ☝️FACTS: Trish is right again. Out of 5,6 million people living in Denmark, HALF, of the population is not working and depends on the State (lazy, sick etc.)... 2.1 million adult Danes are on publicly supported transfer income. Among other things, this amounts to 1.1 million pensioners, 329,000 SU (student loans) recipients, 190,000 people on unemploy- ment benefit and cash benefits, 199,000 early retirement pensioners and 49,000 people on retirement pay... |


👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired Feb 24, 2019 | ~ Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness ~ | Blogger:... () = SoTW... Simon says 🚩... {headlines only} ... (sorry no transcript from SoTW - this time)... PS: Simon Parkes take on 5G, China and Coronavirus might surprise you... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...

📺 ~ Intellihub: TV commercial contains subliminal message in which government declares martial law due to a pandemic outbreak (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: Shepard Ambellas opinion journalist, analyst, political pundit: "How could a commercial produced in 2014 foreshadow what is currently happening now with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak?"... |

Source (intellihub)

How could a commercial produced in 2014 foreshadow what is currently happening now with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak?

(INTELLIHUB) — An AARP television commercial released in 2014 that pertains to caregiving actually contains a subliminal message about the government declaring martial law due to an outbreak, one YouTuber reveals.

Audio playing in the background of the video can be heard which states: “Riots nationwide have prompted local governments to declare martial law. The president is asking that citizens find safety and remain calm. Authorities are working to contain the outbreak.”

🏃‍♂️😧🦠 ~ Hal Turner: Elites Are Bugging-OUT! CEOs of DISNEY, MASTERCARD and SALESFORCE all RESIGN within 24 hours ~ | Blogger: Hal Turner: "WHY🤔 Many people are now openly wondering why these top three CEO's all chose to leave on the same day? Some people say they believe it has to do with the Coronavirus outbreak and continued spread globally. It is being widely RUMORED that these rich and powerful people are "bugging-out" to their bunker-type survival locations to try to survive the coming pandemic"... |

Source (halturnerradioshow)

Head honchos at Mastercard, Walt Disney Co., and Salesforce, which all sit in the top half of the Fortune 500, are stepping aside, leaving many to speculate about the strange confluence of high-profile departures.

Robert Iger, who has helmed Walt Disney Co. since 2005, will retain the role of Executive Chairman through 2021, but will be replaced as CEO by Bob Chapek.

“With the successful launch of Disney’s direct-to-consumer businesses and the integration of Twenty-First Century Fox well underway, I believe this is the optimal time to transition to a new CEO,” Mr. Iger said in a statement released Tuesday.

“I have the utmost confidence in Bob and look forward to working closely with him over the next 22 months as he assumes this new role and delves deeper into Disney’s multifaceted global businesses and operations, while I continue to focus on the Company’s creative endeavors.”

Mastercard’s Ajay Banga will also transition from CEO to Executive Chairman effective Jan. 1, 2021, the company announced.

Banga will be replaced by Chief Product Officer Michael Miebach.

☸️ ~ 💗 Great Turning of the Wheel (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |


Since the momentous cosmic events in January, followed by the rare 222 Gateways in February, we are moving into an up-leveling to higher energies. You may have been experiencing massive clearings and adjustments since the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. It triggered much to the surface for review, healing and transmutation. We are involved in a physical transfiguration from physical density to translucent light bodies.

As you continue to spiral upwards in light frequency, your energy field transforms into the home for Soul embodiment. The ascension photonic waves of plasma and diamond light act as cosmic catalysts for rebalancing. The energetic circuitry of the electro-magnetic body is also adjusting from opposing polarity to united singularity. I’ve been noticing this adjustment occurring in both left/right side of the circuitry, as well as the feet chakra magnets.

Assisting this balancing act is the upcoming Aries Equinox on Thursday, March 19th at 8:50pm PDT/11:50pm EDT. The Equinox occurs at 0 degrees Aries, launching the start of a new season and new 12-month astrological cycle – when the day and night are equal length.

👯 ~ NY Times: FBI, NYPD Raid Fashion Exec Peter Nygard’s HQ in Sex-Trafficking Pedophilia Investigation ~ | .. FBI and NYPD detectives raided the Manhattan headquarters of fashion executive Peter Nygard on Tuesday morning in connection with an ongoing sex-trafficking investigation, according to the New York Times, citing two law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity .. |



Posted By: jensingr
Date: Wednesday, 26-Feb-2020 22:14:44

Coronavirus covert operation

by Jon Rappoport

February 27, 2020

In my ongoing coverage of the “epidemic” (archive here), I’ve written about the covert-operation aspect of the brutal game.

I want to add a few notes.

By its very nature, a covert op is meant to CONCEAL its true goals and details and players, so it’s no surprise we have unanswered questions. Rushing to supply all the answers in five minutes is a futile exercise.

A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation.

A covert op has cover stories and false trails. These are standard in the intelligence business.

A cover story is designed to divert attention from what is actually going on. It is basically a false picture floated to obscure the truth. The intent is: get people dividing into camps and arguing with each other about VARIATIONS of the cover story—thus taking them further from the hidden facts and motives.

In this case, the cover story would be: a contagious virus jumped species in China and started harming and killing people; it’s spread.

🦠 ~ (CALM DOWN) NO @POTUS !! NO #coronavirus vaccine! There are NATURAL ANSWERS! ~ | Blogger: [🙅‍♂️NO! It was NOT the Democrats or Trump, Weaponizing the Coronavirus. It goes much deeper; W.H.O, C.D.C., Military Bioweapon, Vaccine Industry's & UN Agenda 21 Depopulation programs😔] ... {How about a political quarantine🤔} ... |

👶 ~ 💗 (CALM DOWN) Seventeen-day-old baby girl recovers from coronavirus without medication after being born to a confirmed patient 💕 ~ | Blogger: [☝️SoTW'S FACT CHECKING: The Coronavirus attacks Elderly and Weak, not Young and Healthy. Some say, was Designed to attack Asian men, but mutated👈] ... 🤔FACTS: A total of 22,888 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital after recovery, according to the Chinese health authority... 🤔 FACTS: Viruses can be Good or Aggressive and Infectious nature... 🤔 FACTS: A regular surgical mask, along with gloves, goggles and gowns will not help you steer clear of the virus. It only helps those, who are already infected not by speading the virus to others... 🤔FACTS: Nobody should fear traveling to other Countries, just stay Clear from people showing signs of Flu Symptoms and wash your Hands frequently... FACTS: It's true, most viruses have a pathogenic relationship with their hosts – meaning they cause diseases ranging from a mild cold to serious conditions like severe acute respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV). They work by invading the host cell, taking over its cellular machinery and releasing new viral particles that go on to infect more cells and cause illness. But they're not all bad. Some viruses can actually kill bacteria, while others can fight against more dangerous viruses.... 🤔FACTS: There's much more important things than Coronavirus like Cancer, therefore, staying Healthy, avoid any kind of Medications or Vaccinations, use Alternative Medicine (good choices with no side effects are magnesium, bicarbonate, iodine and selenium, as well as vitamins A, D and C) .... As I always use to say on this channel; DETOX your heart💓 .. DETOX your brain🧠 .. DETOX your body🕴️ .. Detox is not just for cleansing - it is very important here!!.. It can be considered a Spiritual Therapy Formular - a daily rush to kill all kinds of Parasites, Viruses and Fungi and a complete STOP of spreading, the Cancer... 🐔PS: Sensationalising (clickbait) news is Hardly new and, in the days of print journalism, there was no guarantee the stories scrutinising the "powerful masters" who benefiting from these news, were being read any more than the titillating content. Perhaps the root lies in the infancy of medicine, where some foresight and strong money came in.... ✌️Stay Calm and Be Vigilant💙... |

  • The baby is the youngest patient to have recovered from the virus in China
  • She was allowed to go home on Friday after making a full recovery by herself
  • Doctors didn't give her antibiotic medication because her condition was minor
  • Experts suspect the virus could be passed from mothers to babies in the womb  
Source (Dailymail.co.uk)