Aug 7, 2018

Galactic Federation of Light | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Felines from Sirius: Making better energies; Our mission is totally kindness for you ~ |

Useful message! Let's help Earth to be a better place! Get Light on this video. Welcome to Light Hands of Light channel. Share this video to help your family and friends. Our goal is support Earth and Humanity to get more counscieness. Stay up-to-date: Please subscribe this channel. Let's practice the gratitude: Please like this video. Follow us on facebook for more videos, texts and new materials from the Cosmic: The Galactic Federation of Light - Please Subscribe us, join us. ;)

"Love and Peace"

Techrepublic | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Here's the FCC's plan speeding up 5G deployments and lowering their cost ~ | .. As the international race toward full 5G deployment continues, the FCC announced plans for how to up the speed and lower the cost .. | Blogger: [Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is😮] ... (2017:) - Did you know, that Denmark with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by Bilderberg Group), to be THE test country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integrated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? ... |

READ MORE: | 7. Aug 2018 | ~ Overlæge om saltmangel-indlæggelser: Det skyldes ikke postevandet alene ~ | .. De mange indlæggelser på grund af saltmangel på Holbæk Sygehus er ikke nødvendigvis et resultat af for meget postevand, siger overlæger .. | Blogger: [VI SKAL ALLE DØ - For meget vand kan både give søvnbesvær, træthed og stress og skyller vigtige mineraler som salt ud af kroppen og forstyrrer kroppens saltbalance, sagde Sø engang for at hjælpe Sundhedsstyrelsens propagandist-hykleri - O-M-G!] ... Overlæge afviser - Nååååå.... No Shit, Sherlock 🙄...Sensations-scam & clickbait sponsorhelvede -- ' - Blot tre liter postevand kan gøre dig dødeligt syg' - pjat vås og hamburg ... |


Henrik Qvortrup | 7. August 2018 | ~ Gæt en statsminister.😊 ~ | Blogger: [👴Een gang strømer... Efterlysning -- Hvor er Løkke?.. Nåååå... der er du!, gamle jas! 🤣] ... Noget der altid undre mig, er, når regnen pisker ned over Christiansborg, så forsvinder statsministeren.. ALTID.. Samme gjorde Helle Thorning i sin ministertid, men til gengæld, havde hun smilet, udseendet og charmen, inden det kammede over i teflon.. Vi har så HÅRDT brug for nye lederegenskaber i vores land, men vi mangler partier, som har kundskaben og som er 'rigtige' folkevalgte og ikke agere politisk korrekte nikkedukker i magtelitens højborg.. Gi' mig tæppebankeren og så skal jeg nok få tingene i geled... 💭 PS: Kresten Poulsgaard sagde det i en af de første udgaver af Huxi og det gode gamle Folketing: ”Fyr hele bundet, og start forfra”, ikke at jeg er 100 % enig med den gamle fodermester, men der er noget sandhed i det, han siger. Men måske, vi kan gøre det en anden gang... |


Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti og 'Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab' - Lars Løkke vil ikke have kritiske spørgsmål, danskerne revser Lars Løkke: 'Han er en kylling'. Mens erhvervslivet eeeeelsker vores statsminister for at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, den danske forsvarsindustri og især billioner store medicinske-industrielle kompleks.. 

⚠️⚠️⚠️ PS: Siden dette blogindlæg blev til i 2016, er BÅDE '',' (403 Forbidden), pist forsvundet og højst sandsynligt, censureret af Google og Staten ... Videoen: 'Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte' som blev lavet i samarbejde med Enhedslisten, også censureret... - var én af de ALLER bedste sider, om kritisk politisk journalistik i Danmark... Andre sider, som er forsvundet er;, der lukker ned pga. den nye GDPR-lovgivning og en stribe af andre medier, som ytrede sig eller gjorde tilnærmelser, til det beskidte politiske spil på Borgen... Som det ser ud i dag, er eneste medier; og, men de er jo en del af større mediehuse, som får mediestøtte af det politiske system... Ja, og så er der jo, 'Kisser's findes stadigvæk, mens, ikke er opdateret siden 23. November 2017... Heldigvis har vi samt |

Udgivet første gang den 25. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Forord: Som altid smider jeg nogen bolde op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af en tese, fortolkning og faktum, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.
Venstre politician slammed over possible conflict of interest
Frem og tilbage: Venstre holder liv i regionerne

Update: 21. Februar 2017
Venstre i Frederikssund giver ikke plads på kritik
Ny måling: Venstre går tilbage
Overrasket? Her er den rigeste minister  
Forstå sagen, der udløste en Cavlingpris til Berlingskes journalister 
Løkke indleder 2017 med tre udfordringer foran sig
Den politiske maskine er brudt sammen. Vores herskere på Christiansborg står i vejen for rationalitet, fornuft og fremskridt i Danmark.  
Tidligere Venstre-minister i kritik af uddannelsesloft 
Socialdemokratiet: Minister må på banen om vådområder 
Engell overrasket over dansk Trump-kritik: Det her er meget ...

Update: 23. November 2016

"Tusindvis af bekymrede danskere skriver breve til Løkke, Støjberg og Pind. Den seneste års øgede indvandring vækker stærke følelser hos danskerne, der i hobetal sender deres bekymringer, håb og gode råd videre til regeringen"
" Der er en fantastisk åbenhed, hvis man lige ser bort fra "Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard med henvisning til, at Venstre nægtede at oplyse forskerne om, hvem der sidder i partiets hovedbestyrelse, ligesom også de erhvervsklubber, som kanaliserer støtte til partierne, har en høj grad af lukkethed."
"»Hele konflikten om at acceptere konsensus, søge magten og æde de andres legitime ret til at være der, har udspillet sig for øjnene af os, mens vi har lavet det her arbejde. SF måtte træde ud af regeringen, fordi baglandet ikke ville acceptere, at man var nødt til at tage Goldman Sachs – nogle, man traditionelt ville tegne et fjendebillede af – og acceptere at de var medspillere med ret til at være der,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard. 
"Selv om mange sociopaterpsykopaterfupmagere, supersælgerekultledere, forretningsmænd og lignendekan også være politikere, er det modsatte er ikke sandt: Rigtige psykopater og sociopater er sjældne, i den samlede befolkningKun mellem 1% til måske 5af den samlede befolkning i de fleste kulturer.......Men MAGT, er en stærk og vanedannede narkotikum blandt Politikere... 
"Politikere mister tillid og opbakning i samfundet (Vi har brug for Dukkepartiet til at angribe den politiske kultur) - Gakkede partiarter - De nye partier, Alternativet, Nationalpartiet og Dukkepartiet, forsøger alle at være det »anderledes« parti, som vælgere, der føler lede ved de etablerede politikere, kan stemme på.... 
"Som seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm fra Den Korte Radioavis - Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk kokprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen....
Landbruget frem for alt. Forskere blev sat under pres, høringspraksis blev bøjet, EU-advarsler ikke taget til følge, miljøtiltag henvist til fremtiden – alt sammen for at sikre landmændene ret til at bruge mere kvælstofgødning fra næste måned. Jerngrebbet fra de traditionelle landbrugsorganisationer. Hvem ejer hvem? Sydøstjyllands Politi siger nu, at der blev udledt flere tusind ton flydende gødning ved brand på Fredericia Havn

Skandaler preller af på Venstre

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«
Lars Løkke Rasmussen - jamen jeg har ikke yderligere kommentarer.

18 politikskandaler 1980-2010
Det startede med den første venstreregering under I.C. Christensen blev i 1908 ramt af en skandalesag, da justitsminister P.A. Alberti blev dømt for bedrageri i en sag, der også førte til en rigsretssag mod I.C. Christensen, der havde ladet staten yde Alberti et lån. 
Antallet af politiske skandaler i danske medier har været stærkt stigende siden 1980. Det viser forskning fra Roskilde Universitet. Der vil fremover komme endnu flere skandaler, fordi sensationspressen kæmper hårdere for sit liv. Nye skandaler kan forventes at tage udgangspunkt i dødssynder som griskhed, ladhed og nydelsessyge.
I denne analyse skelnes mellem to overordnede typer af politiske skandaler:

  • Politikskandaler, det vil sige skandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers politiske arbejde. Politikskandaler drives frem af den undersøgende journalistik og afspejler på denne måde tanken om den politiske skandale som et højdepunkt for pressen i rollen som fjerde statsmagt.
  • Normskandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers personlige handlinger, enten i rollen som politiker eller i rollen som privatperson. Normskandaler drives frem af den tabloide udvikling i medierne, men kan også siges at spejle udviklingen/stabiliteten i samfundets overordnede norm og moralkodeks.
(2013 Politiske skandaler – Troels Lund Poulsen og Birthe Rønn Hornbech) Selvom der ikke går en uge uden nye belastende oplysninger om regeringsførelsen i den tidligere VK-regering, er vælgerne fortsat begejstrede for Venstre, eller er de? De juridisk tunge sager, der bliver kulegravet i kommissioner, går hen over hovedet på folk, fastslår eksperter, der udpeger store og komplicerede politiske sager som de mindst farlige. Carl Holst-sagen vidner om et større problem.Sagen om Carl Holsts misbrug af embedsværket er næppe enestående, vurderer eksperter. Der mangler et kodeks for embedsmænd i kommuner og regioner, hvor de ansatte ofte er tæt knyttet til de politisk valgte ledere, lyder det

Ved folketingsvalget den 18. juni 2015 fik Venstre 34 mandater i Folketinget. En tilbagegang på 13 mandater i forhold til valget i 2011. Mandaterne gik hovedsageligt til Dansk Folkeparti, som nu var det største parti i blå blok med 37 mandater. Venstre med bilags-Lars som formand var således valgets store taber med en resulterende nedgang i offentlig partistøtte med 7,1 millioner kr. årligt. Den formue kunne have finansieret hans forbrug af sokker og underbukser i mange år. Den 28. juni 2015 dannede bilags-Lars en Venstre-mindretalsregering med kun 34 mandater og 17 ministre ( måske 16 med udgangen af Eva Kjer Hansen)

Magtkampen mellem Kristian Jensen og Lars Løkke

"Det eneste sjove ved ham er, at han er fra Bøvling" - Forårets opgør handlede ikke kun om dyrt tøj til Lars Løkke, det handlede mere om Venstres identitet.

Kristian Jensens position i Venstre er så stærk, at han ville have erobret formandsposten, hvis Venstres krise var endt med et ekstraordinært landsmøde. Også selv om modkandidaten var den nuværende formand, Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Det vurderer Kristian Jensen selv efter tre dramatiske uger, der natten til onsdag i stedet endte i dannelsen af et nyt ’formandskab’, hvor både Løkke og Jensen bevarer deres nuværende poster......Det lå næsten i kortene, at efter bestyrelsesmødet og en formodet studehandel med Dansk Folkeparti, at Lars Løkke nægtede, at lade sig vælte. Men hvordan kunne man overlade Danmark og gå tilbage til åbenlys fuser, en svindler, som bilags-Lars? Var det i virkeligheden en magtkamp af værste skuffe, hvem som havde "venner" i  Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne, der gjorde udslaget om Kongetronen i Danmark?

Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte


"Danmark har nogle klare problemer med gennemsigtigheden i deres partistøttelov. Det er meget betænkeligt, at man ikke kan se størrelsen – og somme tider afsenderen – på pengedonationerne. Når disse ting ikke er synlige, opstår der mistanke." Ülle Madise, professor i offentlig ret og forfatter til rapport fra GRECO.

"Hvorfor offer formanden for pengeklubben alt for at finansiere et politisk parti? Årsagen er ganske enkel. Når man betaler, så bestemmer man også. På den måde, kan man tilrane sig magt og privilegier. Og i disse kredse, ender regningen ALTID hos skatteyderne. -

UFO Sightings Daily | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Another Cloud Ship? Caught In Santos City Philippines ~ | .. UFO Cloaked In Cloud Caught In Santos City Philippines. July 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News .. |

Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Location of sighting: General Santos, Philippines

This awesome UFO was hiding above a cloud during sunset and for a few minutes the cloaked craft was visible to the naked eye. Such beautiful colors and notice the round disk edge of the craft. This looks to be at least 500 meters across.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Unfortunately, I had only one phone at hand, the "good" HD Camera is currently defective. The colors were actually much more intense ... | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Massiv kø på motorvejen: Varebil står i flammer ~ | .. Brand i en bil har skabt lang kø på motorvejen mellem Tilst og Aarhus N, melder politiet på Twitter .. |

Billede er IKKE selve ulykken... 

Der er lige nu rigtig lang kø på Nordjyske Motorvej i nordgående retning mellem Tilst og Aarhus N, oplyser Østjyllands Politi på Twitter.

Årsagen er brand i en varebil. Brandvæsnet er til stede, og ifølge Østjyllands Politi er branden nu slukket. Der er dog fortsat lang kø i nordgående retning og en mindre kiggekø i sydgående retning.

Ifølge Vejdirektoratet er et spor farbart, men man skal dog forvente længere rejsetid på strækningen indtil sidst på eftermiddagen.


Truck explosion: Two dead, at least 60 injured after collision sparks fireball on highway in Bologna, Italy


Over 50 cars destroyed in horrific gas tanker explosion on Nigerian expressway

Activistpost | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ 80-Year-Old Grandma Thrown in Jail For Smoking Pot In Her Own Home to Treat Her Arthritis ~ | .. Delores Saltzman, an 80-year-old grandma was recently arrested because she had an expired medical marijuana card and police found a very small amount of cannabis in her home, about the equivalent of just a few joints .. |


A Message from my Higher Self | Aug 7, 2018 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | Blogger: Plus uplifting messages coming through Kryon ... |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

3rd August 2018

There are so many uplifting messages coming through Kryon, I could easily include extracts every week. However, I want to try and keep to my normal way of introducing them where possible every 4 weeks.

But occasionally I feel prompted to fit in a relatively short extract. The one following, apart from some very minor editing, is a complete extract. For anyone wishing to listen to this message it is part of a slightly different format to usual, as there is first an introduction before Kryon commences to speak at 12.06 minutes, and when completed it is followed by another message by Kryon to the end at 57.40 minutes.


Your soul resides inside and outside of you. Residing in God in some mysterious way is the beauty of the Creator of everything, and it is a Oneness that goes way beyond you, or the land you live in.
It is a Oneness with the air you breathe which is also from the Creator, and if you could suspend all the things you have been told – this is the way it works, this is what to expect – here is what is next if you suspend that. I would like to tell you something, that you can start building a truth that goes beyond anything anyone has ever told you, and you can call it “[your name goes here] truth” because it is the truth of you.
And you start asking questions and, if you want to metaphorically muscle test them, do it. “Am I here on purpose” – Yes. “Does the Creator of the Universe know me” – Yes. “Is it possible that when I die as human being that the beautiful part of me goes back to the Creative Source” – Yes.
Therefore it makes you eternal. It makes you not a human. The human is simply a vessel that is being used right now that is in the mirror every day, but the real you is magnificent and is loved by God.
God is the name you made up, human being. If you do not like the name make up something else you do like, the Eternal Light, the Great Central Sun, Spirit, the Creator of all Things” – give it a name. It is You, and what this will actually do if you can simply suspend all of the chatter of what you are supposed to be, what this does is enable you and empower you to solve the things you came in with.
Now we get personal. The God in you and the God in me are the same. You are entangled with everyone here and without even knowing that which is the problem you walked in with, I can say it is solvable, more than solvable. When you start the chemistry of your belief, your body responds. The profundity of what you have from the Creator inside you is lost on most and when you start understanding that the fire of creation and life itself resides in you, realise that all things there that would straighten out your life are there already in the field. It is a matter of selecting them with a human consciousness that starts to be tuned to the truth. There is nothing wrong in following those who give messages as long as they are the truth of love.


The next steps are very much down to the Human Race as every soul now has the opportunity to lift their vibrations, and their Guides will assist once they see that there is an intention to do so. There are of course many distractions and it requires a good amount of faith in the future to move through the present period without being affected.

James Munder \\ Zero Hedge \\ ABC30 | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ YOSEMITE VALLEY CLOSED 'INDEFINITELY' DUE TO HAZARDOUS SMOKE & WILDFIRES ~ | Blogger: Should we visit Yosemite or Yellowstone? Please keep in mind - Yellowstone National Park sits squarely over a giant, active volcano. Yosemite - now closed 🌋 |

Laura Loomer Update | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ New Video Expose' - New #Loomered Merch! ~ | .. Illuminate Media - Laura Loomer, Investigative Journalist .. | Blogger: DISCLAIMER: Always use your own spiritual discernment, when reading on my blog... 😇 |

Dear Fellow Illuminators:

As is the hallmark of their kind, the cockroach is back, and gathering friends.

I am talking about Linda Sarsour, the Farrakhan floozie who ironically sported a hijab at the Women’s March, and whom I confronted last November over her anti-semitism and calls for Jihad against President Donald J. Trump.

Linda has a new achievement to add to her jambalaya of jihadism. I have unearthed video of the Democrat’s Hamas-loving darling asking her Muslim “mentor”, who is a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, to support Michigan Muslim, Abdul El-Sayed, who wants to bring the Crescent Moon over Motor City as the state’s new socialist Governor. 

That’s right, Linda asked a real life terrorist, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, the current leader of The Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), and an unindicted co-conspirator in Islam’s first attempt to blow up the World Trade Center in New York City, to endorse Sharia fan-boy Abdul El-Sayed.

This same woman who promotes terrorist acts against our country, is campaigning and raising money to get other radical muslims elected across the country on behalf of the Democrat Party. 

I recently traveled to Michigan where I investigated the Democrat candidate for Governor of Michigan, Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed, who has a proven history and background with Muslim Brotherhood alignment and associations. His Marxist Jihad interactions in support of Mohamed Morsi during the Arab Spring, the supporters of his campaign – Linda Sarsour, Bernie Sanders, ISNA, and CAIR, and his Sharia compliant Islamic practices all relate the real plan he has for Michigan.

Space Daily | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Researchers at the University of New Mexico uncover remnants of early solar system ~ | .. Scientists believe the solar system was formed some 4.6 billion years ago when a cloud of gas and dust collapsed under gravity possibly triggered by cataclysmic explosion from a nearby massive star or supernova. As this cloud collapsed, it formed a spinning disk with the sun in the center. Since then scientists have been able to establish the formation of the solar system piece by piece. Now, new research has enabled scientists from The University of New Mexico, Arizona State University and NASA's Johnson Space Center to add another piece to that puzzle with the discovery of the oldest-ever dated igneous meteorite. The research titled, Silica-rich volcanism in the Early Solar System Dated at 4.565 Ga, was published in Nature Communications. This research provides direct evidence that chemically evolved silica-rich crustal rocks were forming on planetsimals within the first 10 million years prior to the assembly of the terrestrial planets and helps scientists further understand the complexities of planet formation .. |

NWA 11119 is an unusual light-green fusion crust, silica mineral-rich achondrite meteorit

TolecfromDakote | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Shekina Rose, Sedona Close Encounters, Friday, July 20, 2018 ~ |

Tolec of the Andromeda Council, of the planet - Dakote, star system - Taygeta, constellation - Pleiades got us all enchanted with knowledge off this world. Not many people know who Tolec is. Meet him at Mt Shasta conference in 2015. Make no mistake, Tolec is very real and very informed and connected person like Alex Collier. Have seen several people on the net trying to frame him as a nutcase or worse - part of Draco or even Cabal. Tolec is one of the good guys, if you ask me. He's on many hosted show like Simon ParkesOpen Your Mind radio. Tolec has lots of information about Nordic aliens or The Tall White Nordics.

Shekina Rose, lives in Sedona, AZ, where she connects and communes with the powerful vortexes of the land, with the blue orb for interdimensional and Galactic contact with higher beings for the Peace Alliance with Humanity.Shekina Rose is the Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions, and a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, Blue Ray, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions, Soul Readings, Divine Activations and Sound Performances. Her sacred gift of attuning to your soul and highest guides will give you profound transformative information and the frequency song of your Soul that will activate your higher Purpose and Divine Power.

The Christian | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Children in Belgium Are Being Legally Murdered by The Government ~ | Blogger: [Aktiv dødshjælp, også kaldet eutanasi (fra græsk : εὐθανασία] ... The world over, to murder a child, is generally viewed in a negative light. However, in Belgium, legislative authorities amended its law on euthanasia to include the authorization for doctors to terminate the life of a child. After the amendment, initially, and for the first year, no child came forth to be legally euthanized, however, from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2017 Belgian doctors euthanized three children under eighteen .. |


HAL Turner Radioshow | Aug 7, 2018 | ***** BREAKING NEWS ****** OBAMA FORMALLY RETAINS LEGAL COUNSEL |

Former President Barack Obama has formally retained legal counsel over numerous potential CRIMINAL Indictments for actions while he was President.

Insiders say that among the charges Obama COULD face might include:

"Material Support of Terrorism" for his activities in trying to overthrow the Syrian government." UPDATE 4:41 PM EST -- Worse, additional sources inside the Intelligence Community have now told me that it _appears_ a case may be brought charging Obama and many others with "creation, funding, and arming the group known as Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) sometimes also known as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which facilitated War crimes and crimes against humanity including numerous murders (some by public beheading), torture, rapes, theft of oil from Iraq and from Syria, laundering of money from sale of stolen oil, destruction of historical antiquities and . . . conspiracy to commit such acts with ". . . .leaders of other foreign nations (to be named ). . .

Also, possible charges in connection with shielding drug trafficking by Hezbollah and the unlawful payment of Ransom in cash money, as part of his effort to secure a deal with Iran on Nuclear Inspections. "BRIBERY" for any monies he accrued by making certain the URANIUM-ONE conspiracy was allowed to succeed, selling twenty percent of US Uranium to a Russia-controlled country, and other criminal charges.

This is a developing story; check back for updates. . .

Tune-in to The Hal Turner Radio Show tonight (Wednesday Jan. 24) from 9-11 PM eastern US time (GMT-0500) for additional information and updates to this incredible breaking news.  The show can be heard worldwide on WBCQ 7490-AM shortwave, and is Simulcast live right here on the Internet at using the LISTEN LIVE button just above the main news section.  *** Please note that the LISTEN LIVE links do not become active until about ONE HOUR before the start of the show.  During that hour, we stream commercial-free music (Classic rock) until the show begins at 9:00 PM eastern time.  The LISTEN LIVE LINKS DO NOT WORK PRIOR TO THEN.


Obama on Election Can't Be Hacked

ETH \\ Yahoo | 7. August 2018 | ~ Southern California wildfire becomes the largest wildfire in state’s history ~ | .. Raging Mendocino Complex fire becomes largest in Californian history .. | Blogger: (75 homes and more than 440 square miles - 1,100 square kilometers - of forest and rural lands, making it the largest fire in recorded California history. A wildfire last December in Southern California previously held the record. The Thomas Fire also killed two people and destroyed more than 1,000 buildings.) ... 🔥🔥🔥 This summer is exceptionally hot. July has been the sunniest ever recorded, and summer one of the driest. Forest fires have killed 81 people in Greece and raging in our neighboring country, Sweden - even as far north as the polar circle. It is estimated that 70 deaths in Canada have been directly linked to the heat wave, and in Japan, both flood and heat have killed more than 300 people... |

A wildfire south of Los Angeles is growing rapidly as it plows through the Cleveland National Forest. The blaze that erupted Monday has scorched 6 square miles (16 square kilometers), destroyed one building and prompted evacuations of two canyons and some campgrounds. It’s the latest of nearly 20 large fires that are burning in California. The largest is a twin-fire system north of San Francisco that has burned

75 homes and more than 440 square miles (1,100 square kilometers) of forest and rural lands, making it the largest fire in recorded California history. A wildfire last December in Southern California previously held the record. The Thomas Fire also killed two people and destroyed more than 1,000 buildings. Authorities say twin blazes rapidly spreading in Northern California have become the state’s largest wildfire in history. READ MORE

The GoldFish Report | No. 258 | Aug 7, 2018 | WEEK 81 | ~ POTUS REPORT W/ THE FETZ: HOPE AND HERESY ~ | Blogger: The GoldFish Report has been censored / illegally deleted on YouTube, loss of 12.000 subscribers, 3 years of hard work and 200 reports ... BIO: -- JIM FETZER -- McKnight Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth; Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth; Editor, Assassination Science; Co-Editor, Assassination Research ... |

On The GoldFish Report No. 258 Louisa begins with putting some Q and news into perspective for viewers regarding the sealed indictments and a new list of global resignations
of CEO's, politicians, media, judges, law enforcement, universities, government Departments, finance, charities, and much more since Sept 2017. Jim begins by reviewing a new book by Fox News Legal Analyst, Gregg Jarrett, titled "THE RUSSIA HOAX: THE ILLICIT SCHEME TO CLEAR HILLARY CLINTON AND FRAME DONALD TRUMP". Jim feels this epose' that reviewed legal facts, not speculation, about what really happened and who was behind the Fake Russia Collusion story and Why, recommends this book for a Pulitzer. Next JIm sharea . short video clip of Obama's remarks about election rigging. I sure would like to hear the reverse speech on this clip! Jim continues reporting on how the FBI has become a Rogue Agency of extreme deceit and even terrorist within America, the Manafort trial, NXIVM arrests, Adpocolypse, Chomsky on Israel interference in US Policy, the beginning of Iranian sanctions, more whistleblowers found dead, Turkey, and much more. The Red Pills keep coming in this Great Awakening! To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit Google 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' to find a free DVD of the facts. To receive our Reports you can subscribe to our BITCHUTE Channel at and to become a Patron of The GoldFish Report you can go to our Patreon page at . You can also subscribe to our "NEW" YouTube channel at, and, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, you can also follow us and like us on our 24/7 research news page at and to help support these and other programs please visit to make a donation. Thank you for your support and Thank you for viewing. | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Police officer jailed for raping a baby after he was caught by his colleagues ~ | .. PC Dean Roberts, 48, recorded himself abusing the infant and shared the clip to other paedophiles before he was caught by his workmates and arrested . Girl 'raped from aged 8 by cop' who 'told her he could love her more than puppy'. Man accused of raping mum and child lynched and beaten to death by angry mob.. | Blogger: ⚠️🚨( OOM2 - Ever wonder what a small child looks like after a satanist rapes and tortures her?) -- DISCLAIMER -- : THIS picture may be disturbing to some viewers... But we need to understand, what EVIL, we've dealing with... Sorry, please don't click (read more »), if you stomach turns on you, like mine did... 😢 |

PC Dean Roberts, 48, filmed himself abusing the "helpless" infant - and sent the footage to other paedophiles on a messaging app

Benjamin Fulford Full Video & Transcript | Aug 7, 2018 | ~ Secret societies, secret services and religions: The current balance of power ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | .. Notice to readers: For the next three weeks, barring some unprecedented news event, the reports will be pre-written as I take my annual sabbatical off the grid and off the Internet. Your understanding is appreciated .. | Blogger: Excerpts from the full report: ... Now let us look at Western secret societies…. Since a lot has been written about them already and our readers are more familiar with them, we will provide only a bare outline here. The overarching group in Western society is Christianity. While Westerners have fought among themselves for millennia, they still have a tendency to unite in the face of a common non-Christian threat. That traditionally has been the Muslims, but these days there is a push for a “Christian alliance” to counterbalance the rise of Asia. Secret Societies Secret Services Religions The first we look at are the Scottish Rite Freemasons, who can be seen as the main secret society in the Anglo world. They are linked to the British monarchy, the British Empire, and non-Catholic Christianity. They are the dominant forces in the Anglo world, namely Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the U.S., and they are working with China and Russia behind the scenes. They support a greater role for Asia in a revamped global architecture, but would rather fight to the death than become slaves to the Asians. Secret Societies Secret Services Religions The other big Western group is the P2 Freemason Lodge. This group controls the 1.5 billion-member Catholic Church and the Mafia. They are also very influential in the military-industrial complex through their control of chivalric orders like the Knights of Malta, the Teutonic Knights, etc. This grouping experienced something of a coup d’état in 2013 when Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) was removed from office for being a satanic pedophile. Also, under Pope Francis, the Catholic Church is reorienting itself away from its birthplace of Europe and toward... [READ MORE]... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, DenInternationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Secret societies, secret services and religions: The current balance of power

Udgivet af Benjamin den 6. August 2018 

The secret war for the planet earth has been intensifying and is headed for some sort of climax. For that reason, before the autumn battles begin, it’s a good time to look at some of the world’s most important secret societies and the governments, religions, and agendas they are associated with.

The first thing people must understand when looking at this issue is that in the real world, spy agencies, secret societies, and armies are subservient to religions. The reason for this is that even though Mao Tse-Tung said, “Power grows from the barrel of a gun,” it really grows from the mind of the person holding the gun. So the battle for the planet earth is really a battle for the hearts and minds of the people who really count during a power struggle—the warriors.

Let’s start with the Asian secret societies. Overall, their view right now is that the West has ruled the planet for long enough and now it’s their turn. However, the Asian secret societies, just like their Western counterparts, are divided into several competing groups.

The biggest is probably the Hongmen, with 55 million members, mostly located in China and in Asian communities around the world. Chinese President Xi Jinping is a member of this group. It can be seen as a sort of combination between a chamber of commerce and a gangster group. This sort of thing, by the way, is true of Western secret societies, too, because wielding big money and big power requires protection. The Hongmen are closely linked to, but not the same as, the Chinese Communist Party. Their hierarchy is based on meritocracy and not bloodlines. There is a Taiwan-based splinter group as well, but they are losing influence and power due to poor leadership and the betrayal of their March 19th secret pledge.

The Hongmen say they want a world government so that humanity can live in peace and prosperity. However, based on my personal experience with them, they need to become more multicultural if they are to succeed.

The second major Asian group is the Dragon family. This is a grouping of old royal bloodlines with their networks of retainers and their stashes of historical gold. They are strongest in Taiwan, Northern China, and Southeast Asia. North Korea is one of their main strongholds, since that country is the real heir to the Manchu Dynasty which ruled China during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). They are also strong in Northern China, Japan, and Mongolia. They are the heirs of the Mongol warriors, and any country whose name ends in “-stan,” such as Pakistan or Afghanistan, has a strong Mongol heritage. The Dragon family has close links to European royal families and also believes in a world government, but they think hereditary bloodlines and constitutional monarchies are needed to provide such a government with stability and continuity.

Another grouping that used to be very powerful was the Black Dragon Society (BDS). They were behind the World War 2 Imperial Japanese push for a greater East-Asian Co-prosperity sphere. This group thought the Nazis would win World War 2 and would proceed to try to enslave and then eliminate the Asian and non-white races, as Hitler indicated in Mein Kampf. The BDS was very successful in recruiting non-European people around the world in their bid to end European/Western rule. However, as an African-American activist explained to this writer, “We were all in favour of their aims, except that they told us we all had to become Japanese and obey the Japanese.” There are several organizations that claim to be heirs of the Black Dragon Society, but none of them have any real power.

The other big Asian secret society is the Blue Dragon, and they are the heirs of the Assassins. They are strong in Persia (Iran) and the Muslim world, especially the Muslims of India. They believe a great leader called the Mahdi will emerge and rid the world of evil before the End Times. This group, though lacking a clear leader, is working towards the common goal of liberating the Muslim world, especially the Middle East, of neo-colonialist rulers.

There are other Asian groups and subdivisions such as the Shinto-connected Three Legged Crow, but they are not major players in the current battle for the planet Earth and will align themselves with whomever emerges victorious.

Now let us look at Western secret societies….

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