Mar 23, 2017

PIOPIO | 23. Marts 2017 | Klummen | DANSKE BANKS AFSTUMPEDE GRÅDIGHED | Det er vanvid, at man kan have en direktion og bestyrelse i Danske Bank, der øjensynlig lader banken tjene penge på bevidst lovbrud og kriminelle. Og så tro, det er nok at sige undskyld. Det vidner om grådig arrogance og afstumpethed. Føj. |

Af Poul Erik Skov Christensen
Danske Banks topchef, Thomas F. Borgen, erkender efter afsløringen af Danske Banks deltagelse i global hvidvask for milliarder, at bankens rutiner ikke har været gode nok.

Det er lige før man i det flakkede blik fornemmer både ærgrelse, overraskelse og undskyldning sive frem i denne erkendelse.

Men inden for mange bryder ud i kollektiv medfølelse med Den Danske Bank og dens topchef Thomas F. Borgen, mener jeg, at der er grund til at få tjek på, om det reelt er et sandsynligt, at det alene er rutinerne, der ikke var gode nok.

Der er virkelig mange gode grunde til at undre sig.

Superligaen for danske banker ved bedre

For det første hører Danske Bank til den eksklusive gruppe af banker her i Danmark, der benævnes systembanker (SIFI Banker). De udpeges hvert år af Finanstilsynet ud fra visse kriterier, deres størrelse, eksempelvis skal de have balance i banken på mere end 6,5 procent af BNP. Se Finanstilsynets liste her.

Gruppen af SIFI-banker i Danmark er lille; men består til gengæld af store betydningsfulde finansielle institutter med stor viden, erfaring og kendskab til alle facetter i national og international bankforretninger. Der er også rigtig mange mennesker med stærke kompetencer i disse banker. I Danske Bank, har de næsten 20.000 ansatte.

En ledende og betydningsfuld virksomhed som Danske Bank, skal selvfølgelig have en kompetent bestyrelse, hvilket banken også har, og som det fremgår af denne oversigt over bestyrelsesmedlemmerne, så er det rutinerede og dokumenterede dygtige mennesker med mange forskellige kvalifikationer og imponerende CV’er.

Danske Bank har mange dygtige ledende medarbejdere med et hav af funktioner og specialviden tilknyttet banken, og i direktionen har vi en administrerende direktør, Thomas F. Borgen. Af hans CV, fremgår det, at han er meget rutineret og velbevandret med høje poster inden for mange typer af bankvirksomhed.

Vi har altså en administrerende direktør, en direktion, og en bestyrelse for Danske Bank, der samlet er særdeles velbevandret i national og international bankvirksomhed, og tilhørende lovgivning; personer med stærke spidskompetencer i forhold til at vurdere bankens risici.

Danske Bank har bevidst overhørt alle alarmer

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Folkets Avis | 23. Marts 2017 | Pernille Skipper – er du virkelig så dum eller lader du bare som om? | Pernille Skipper kender tilsyneladende ikke forskel på op og ned - eller også vildleder hun helt bevidst sine vælgere |

Foto: Steen Brogaard / fotos til pressebrug
Af LENNART KIIL - tor, 23/03/2017 - 09:34

I et rablende skørt opslag på Facebook sætter Pernille Skipper lighedstegn mellem det at ville fratage en forening en særlig statsstøtte og så at lukke institutioner som man gør i "anti-liberale og anti-demokratiske lande".

Mig bekendt vil Liberal Alliance og regeringen ikke lukke KVINFO, men blot fratage KVINFO en statsstøtte som foreningen har nydt godt af gennem årtier.

Så kan foreningen KVINFO jo leve videre på frivillig basis med betalende medlemmer og private sponsorer som tusindvis af andre foreninger og interesseorganisationer i Danmark.

Det er netop det frivillige foreningsliv, der kendetegner og liberalt demokrati. Ikke statsstøttede propagandaorganer som KVINFO.

Pernille Skipper formår altså virkelig at vende tingene på hovedet. Nok engang fristes man til at sige.

Læg også lige mærke til, hvordan det er alle socialisterne i Folketinget som kommer KVINFO til undsætning.

Om noget så bekræfter dette jo den anklage, som regeringen fremfører med KVINFO - nemlig at organisationen har en stærk politisk slagside.

Det er kun på sin plads at gøre op med statsstøtte til sådan en ensidig organisation, som dækker sig ind under at være forskning og oplysning.

Og så afslører formanden for Enhedslisten jo også her, hvad der virkelig kan få partiet op af boksen og i aktion. Nemlig når nogle højt priviligerede direktørfeminister mister en meget høj og helt enestående statsstøtte, som de har modtaget i årtier.

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen | Berlingske | 23. Marts 2017 | Pia Kjærsgaard angriber Folketingets partier for at give 52 millioner til sig selv: »Det er voldsomt og overraskende« | Folketingets formand kritiserer nu, at et flertal af partierne på Christiansborg har bevilget sig selv over 50 millioner skatteyderkroner til køb af blandt andet konsulenter og vælgeranalyser. »Den her aftale var en beskidt aftale«, siger Enhedslisten | Blogger: Jamen Pia Kjærsgaard, du har selv været med for bordenden, i det hersens poker game!! 50 mio. kr. - det er jo peanuts. Pocket Money, som man siger. DR: ".. Fra 2009-2014 har Finansministeriet brugt mere end 300 millioner kroner på konsulentfirmaer. Hvert år bruger staten milliarder af kroner på private konsulenter. Ifølge tal fra Rigsrevisionen brugte staten 3,8 milliarder på konsulenter i 2012..". Konsulentfirmaet McKinsey & Co., hvor Bjarne Corydon ligger gemt væk i flyverskjul, fik 89 millioner kroner fra 2009-2014. Måske er det tal pumpet op til et 3-cifret millionbeløb i 2017?. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, fik størstedelen af de 100 millioner kroner, som staten betalte for rådgivning i forbindelse med Bankpakke 2, og forundersøgelsen af Dongs børsnotering, som Rothschild stod for i 2007, der kostede 70 millioner kroner. Den ultra-eksklusive investeringsbank N.M. Rothschild & Sons i London, er Statens enerådende finansielle rådgiver, konsulenthus og investeringsbank, har bl.a. leveret konsulentydelser til Bankpakke 2, DONG, NETS, TV2/DANMARK, Post Danmark A/S, TDC, Det danske realkreditsystem, Danmarks Nationalbank og meget, meget andet.. Staten bruger kun de dyreste og største konsulenthuse og revisionsvirksomheder såsom, PwC, Deloitte, KPMG og Ernst & Young m.fl. Som Information skriver i dagens artikel ".. Ukvalificeret brug af konsulenter koster staten milliarder. Det har ikke skortet på milliardskandaler i staten de seneste år, herunder kæmpetab i Skat og salget af Dong til en alt for lav pris. Problemerne har rod i en problematisk forvaltningskultur, hvor uerfarne politikere ukritisk støtter sig til ansvarsfrie konsulenter... Uforståeligt salg og Hemmelighedskræmmeri af DONG. Finansministeriet misbruger offentlighedsloven til at skjule forløbet. Samfundet forærede Goldman Sachs 12 milliarder kroner, skattefrit med statens tilladelse. Gavetrangen nedtromlede alle advarsler og protester, herunder SF’s udtræden af regeringen. McKinsey & Company var konsulent i ministeriet. Det skabte ikke kvalitet i ministeriets arbejde, men ministeren blev international direktør i McKinsey kort efter ministertiden.." |

»Jeg synes, det er voldsomt og overraskende. Vi får mange penge, og 52 ekstra millioner er vældig meget,« siger Pia Kjærsgaard om den aftale, som et bredt flertal af Folketingets partier har indgået.
De fleste havde øjnene rettet mod Marienborg.

I statsministerens embedsbolig sad Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) i slutningen af november sidste år over for Anders Samuelsen (LA) og Søren Pape Poulsen (K) og forsøgte at nå til enighed om en ny regering.....[LÆS VIDERE]

DAHBOO77 | Mar 23, 2017 | Wikileaks Releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter", iPhones Infected by Malware | ".. Today, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter", which contains documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac Computer firmware (meaning the infection persists even if the operating system is re-installed) developed by the CIA's Embedded Development Branch (EDB). These documents explain the techniques used by CIA to gain 'persistence' on Apple Mac devices, including Macs and iPhones and demonstrate their use of EFI/UEFI and firmware malware..." |

Daily Mail | Mar 23, 2017 | BREAKING NEWS: French Muslim arrested after trying to drive a car loaded with liquid gas, assault rifles and knives into a crowd at high speed on a busy shopping street in Antwerp | Blogger: Here we go again... |

Police pictured at the Sint-Michielskaai in Antwerp, the location of a possible thwarted terrorist attack in Antwerp

  • Belgian police confirmed more security personnel were being sent to the city
  • The car, which had French plates, was driven at high speed trying to enter street
  • Scene has been described as Antwerp's main pedestrianised shopping street
  • Comes hours after three people were killed by an attacker shot dead in London

Read more:

The Conservative Tree House | March 22, 2017 | by Sundance | Freedom Watch Notifies Congress of “Deep State” Intelligence Whistle-Blower – full pdf… |

Freedom Watch notifies congress of a “Deep State” intelligence community whistle blower, Dennis Montgomery, with hundreds of millions of documents showing CIA and FBI and Intelligence Committees were spying on, and conducting surveillance on, American citizens for political purposes.

Mr. Montgomery is trying to use a legal “whistle-blower” process and not follow the same approach as Edward Snowden.


INTEL Update | Mar 23, 2017 | (Real News) via email | NESARA RV | Blogger: There's reason for not posting everything about RV/GCR (Zap office, Dinar, Dong Guru's, TNT Tony, dinarnews, David Schmidt, Karen Hudes etc.) It really needs to resonate with my belief system. The flood of “fake news” and Internet controllers we know of, it's hard to understand what is truth and fake informations. You really need to listen to your 'core' inner guides, trust the gut, belly, mind and intuition.. We know, that people who bought Kuwaiti Dinar/Zambian Kwacha/Viet Nam Dong(VND) and alike currency, must realize by now, that the different factions of mafia, drug cartels and financial controllers has done the exact same thing to exploit the possiblity to be next day billionaires, which will NOT happen. Asian Secret Societies (the Dragon Family), Saint Germain's world trust funds, Royal families with choosing countries has stacking of gold, precious metals and historic bonds to distribute to the world. Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Blockchain Companies), Gold and Silver are perhaps more safe choices, right now, until the 'EVENT' manifestations (physical plane) will hit us all, arrest of the Cabal (already started) takes place. Then the re-set of the Financial Systems and disclosure (the release of ET information). Not finally, but very important task, the beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity... |

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "NESARA RV" 3/22/17


1. A new movie "Eagle One to Wanta" tells about Ambassador Leo Wanta / President Reagan / end of the cold war / how the Bushs & Clintons put Wanta in jail and stole 27 Trillion set aside to pay the national debt.

2. The two million jobs Wanta will create to build the high speed rail system around the country are set to go.
Wanta's $27 Trillion has finally been released.

3. On 21 March 2013, approximately 200+ countries signed a "Gold Treaty" that designated a loan that would satisfy the BASEL III list.
This Treaty will eliminate the Fiat monies and derivative system once and for all.

4. Arrests continue worldwide of cabal and minions.

5. Over 1500 pedophiles arrested since Trump inauguration while the media kept silent.

6. The new CIPS/SWIFT banking system is working so well that since Sat. Feb. 25 2017 hundreds of arrests have happened after corrupt people tried to access the system.

7. Multiple nations (including here on US soil) have special forces operating in all theaters with shoot to kill orders and a mission that has quickly escalated.
They're targeting hidden Cabal leaders tucked away in their hideouts.

8. Department of Justice will begin enforcing General Services Administration actions this week.

9. Watch for The Global Reset and RV this week.
IQD, VND and ZIM are on bank foreign exchange screens.
Going for the higher rates will help the bank have more money in their system...especially if you don’t spend it all. (and you can't)

10. There is no limitation on Zim sovereign rates (estimated @ $125,000 USN as a final value).
It's truly an "open checkbook" whereby every redeemer will be allowed to pick their own final redemption amount.

INFOWAR | Mar 21, 2017 | Sweden Re-Activates Cold War Bunkers Over Fears of Russian Invasion and reintroduce compulsory military service from 2018, eight years after it was abolished | Thousands of shelters to receive comprehensive checks | ".. Shelters on the Baltic Island of Gotland will be prioritized for comprehensive checks after it was identified as a likely target for Russian invasion last year. Sweden’s most populous island has been the site of a dramatic build-up of military training more than a decade after being demilitarized. In light of the “special situation,” inspections of hundreds of underground shelters in Gotland will be stepped up, according to Swedish Radio. Sweden spent $9 billion dollars during the Cold War to build enough nuclear bunkers to shelter 80 per cent of its people, although many have fallen into disuse while the country’s population has grown by more than a million over the last two decades.." | Blogger: What the heck is going on in the world right now?? Given the structure of the Deep State (rising) and the intelligence community, we're looking at a full blown war on everyone.. Don't fall into the drama trap. Choosing LOVE over fear is the best thing you can do so that the fear doesn’t manifest into your life as things you really do not want. Fear is a very clear emotion that you can identify almost instantly when it occupies your body. Your heart can beat faster, you might feel tense, your body goes rigid and in intense cases you might get a nasty bout of the squirts. Nothing is what it seems… and this is exactly why you should question everything you think and everything you believe. It's like what Tony Robbins and many others are saying - where focus goes, energy flows.. Trumptopia Vs. Deep-State Democracy. Our unfriendly 'controllers' will do absolutely everything in their mighty power to keep them seated at the top of the pyramid. Let's STANDUP for one another! We The People, must stand up and band together. Unless you wish to be a sheep and be controlled, all your life... |

Shelters on the Baltic Island of Gotland will be prioritized for comprehensive checks after it was identified as a likely target for Russian invasion last year. Sweden’s most populous island has been the site of a dramatic build-up of military training more than a decade after being demilitarized.

In light of the “special situation,” inspections of hundreds of underground shelters in Gotland will be stepped up, according to Swedish Radio.

Sweden spent $9 billion dollars during the Cold War to build enough nuclear bunkers to shelter 80 per cent of its people, although many have fallen into disuse while the country’s population has grown by more than a million over the last two decades.

MSB CIO Svante Werger called for defense installations that were in use up until the early 90s to be re-activated in order to meet “updated defense guidelines,” reports Sputnik.

Earlier this month, Sweden announced that it would re-introduce compulsory military service from 2018, eight years after it was abolished.

The new policy will affect all Swedes born after 1999 and is being revived in order to address a shortage in both “quantity” and “quality” of soldiers.

Back in December, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) urged the country’s municipalities to prepare for dislocation, with security heads being ordered to be “better equipped to meet the threat of war and other crisis situations.”

Preparations to guard against an armed attack from a “qualified opponent,” meaning Russia, have been enhanced in recent months, although officials complained that there was no clear cut plan on how to provide vaccines, gas masks or fuel in the event of a crisis.


X22 Report YouTube Channel | Economic Collapse News | Mar 22, 2017 | Episode 1235b | Is It A Coincidence That An Event Occurred The Same Day The Surveillance News Broke? |

Breitbart correspondent stopped from talking about the Clinton email server. Google, YouTube is now implementing their system to go after offensive sites and videos. Nunes comes out says that Trump's administration was spied on and the investigation is continuing. The surveillance passed threw a foreign source to avoid the US laws. Trump kills UN Climate deal, says the US will not longer be sending funds. South Korea says NK shot off missile that exploded. The US flies B1-B bombers near NK. Sweden activates cold war bunkers because of the non existent Russian threat. Libya General is now being linked to war crimes. Major event occurred in London was this a distraction for the new about the surveillance on Trump.... [READ MORE]

RT News | Mar 23, 2017 | (VIDEOS) Large munitions depot up in flames in Ukraine, entire town evacuated, sabotage suspected | ".. Thousands of people are being evacuated from Balakleya in the Kharkov region of Ukraine, as a massive fire has broken out at a munitions depot, which is said to be the largest in the country. There are reports of explosions and shattered windows. Chaotic scenes with hundreds of vehicles stuck in traffic jams were reported on social media after the Balakleya city administration ordered an emergency evacuation of most of the city.. There have been no immediate reports of any civilian casualty.." | Blogger: Unintentionally or unexpectedly incident? Yet another terror attack? A diversion? Resistance movement takedown of Cabal? CIA Psychological Operation?. Deep State PropOrNot All-Star organizers: Koch, Soros, CIA, MI6 Ukraine, All Together Now... | Pravda.Ru | CIA report -- Where US invasion expected in Ukraine: The US has declassified a 200-page CIA report, named Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas. Ukraine. It is described in details there in which regions people would support anti-Soviet special operations. Ukraine has been divided into 12 so-called 'loyalty zones'. In August 1957 the report was written by a group of researchers of the Georgetown University at the request of the Department of the Army. The document fully analyzed prospects of carrying out anti-Soviet armed struggle in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by the US special forces in order to orchestrate an anti-Soviet revolt. It is noted, that in total Ukrainians are critical of the Soviet authorities. Under favourable conditions, these people may help the US special forces to combat the Soviet regime, the report says.. |

Large munitions depot up in flames in Ukraine, entire town evacuated, sabotage suspected (VIDEOS)



The US has declassified a 200-page CIA report, named Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas. Ukraine. It is described in details there in which regions people would support anti-Soviet special operations. Ukraine has been divided into 12 so-called 'loyalty zones'.

In August 1957 the report was written by a group of researchers of the Georgetown University at the request of the Department of the Army. The document fully analyzed prospects of carrying out anti-Soviet armed struggle in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by the US special forces in order to orchestrate an anti-Soviet revolt. It is noted, that in total Ukrainians are critical of the Soviet authorities. Under favourable conditions, these people may help the US special forces to combat the Soviet regime, the report says.

The Crimea and part of Donbass - industrial regions of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, were recognized by the Americans as the most loyal to the Soviet regime. The first region where the US special forces may get significant support are left-bank Poltava, Chernigiv and Sumy regions, as well as a right-bank Kirovograd one and part of the Vinnytsya region.

The so-called 8 Zone was named as more anti-Soviet. It comprised the Kyiv, Cherkassy, Zhytomyr and Khmelnytsk regions. The most anti-Soviet mood was ascribed to three Galician regions, these are the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk ones.

- See more at:

CIA report: where US invasion expected in Ukraine


The US has declassified a 200-page CIA report, named Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas. Ukraine. It is described in details there in which regions people would support anti-Soviet special operations. Ukraine has been divided into 12 so-called 'loyalty zones'.
In August 1957 the report was written by a group of researchers of the Georgetown University at the request of the Department of the Army. The document fully analyzed prospects of carrying out anti-Soviet armed struggle in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by the US special forces in order to orchestrate an anti-Soviet revolt. It is noted, that in total Ukrainians are critical of the Soviet authorities. Under favourable conditions, these people may help the US special forces to combat the Soviet regime, the report says.
The Crimea and part of Donbass - industrial regions of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, were recognized by the Americans as the most loyal to the Soviet regime. The first region where the US special forces may get significant support are left-bank Poltava, Chernigiv and Sumy regions, as well as a right-bank Kirovograd one and part of the Vinnytsya region.
The so-called 8 Zone was named as more anti-Soviet. It comprised the Kyiv, Cherkassy, Zhytomyr and Khmelnytsk regions. The most anti-Soviet mood was ascribed to three Galician regions, these are the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk ones.
- See more at:

Prepare For Change | | Mar 16, 2017 | 5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd control weapons | ".. Israeli research studies presented at an international conference reveal that the same electromagnetic frequencies used for crowd control weapons form the foundation of the latest network - branded as 5G - that will tie together more than 50 billion devices as part of the Internet of Things. Current investigations of wireless frequencies in the millimeter and submillimeter range confirm that these waves interact directly with human skin, specifically the sweat glands. Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics, Hebrew University, Israel recently detailed how human sweat ducts act like an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths. Scientists cautioned that before rolling out 5G technologies that use these frequencies, research on human health effects needed to be done first to ensure the public and environment are protected... For years, the U.S., Russian and Chinese defense agencies have been developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to induce unpleasant burning sensations on the skin as a form of crowd control.." |

No part of the country will be safe from ultra-high frequency signals.

We previously noted that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a scam ... being pushed so that Big Brother can spy on us.

Believe it or not, IoT may also pose health and safety risks.

Devra Lee Davis - Founding Director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, who has taught at the University of California, San Francisco and Berkeley, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Harvard, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other major universities, and has had articles published in Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association to Scientific American, the New York Times and elsewhere - says that the 5G wavelengths used in IoT have never been tested for health effects, and may adversely impact our skin and sweat glands:

Dr. Davis' group - Environmental Health Trust - explains:
Israeli research studies presented at an international conference reveal that the same electromagnetic frequencies used for crowd control weapons form the foundation of the latest network - branded as 5G - that will tie together more than 50 billion devices as part of the Internet of Things. Current investigations of wireless frequencies in the millimeter and submillimeter range confirm that these waves interact directly with human skin, specifically the sweat glands. Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics, Hebrew University, Israel recently detailed how human sweat ducts act like an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths. Scientists cautioned that before rolling out 5G technologies that use these frequencies, research on human health effects needed to be done first to ensure the public and environment are protected.


[Dr. Davis notes] "This work shows that the same parts of the human skin that allow us to sweat also respond to 5G radiation much like an antenna that can receive signals. We need the potential adverse health impacts of 5G to be seriously evaluated before we blanket our children, ourselves and the environment with this radiation."

Research studies from the Dielectric Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Department of Applied Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Yuri Feldman, indicate that millimeter and submillimeter waves may lead to preferential layer absorption. The number of sweat ducts within human skin varies from two million to four million. The researchers pointed to replicated peer research of these biological effects in laboratory research conducted in other countries and considered this mechanism of action well proven.

Today's cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves - a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. However, 5 G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves - to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation.


The Dollar Vigilante | Mar 22, 2017 | London Falling: Likely False Flag Conducted on Skull & Bones 3/22 | VIDEO -- Danish truth seeker Ole Dammegard predicted London terror attacks (03. 22. 2017) |

9/11 was the biggest false flag attack of our generation. But, there were many false flag attacks before 9/11 such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which gave a reason for the US government's terrorist attacks in Vietnam to name just one of many.

But, since 9/11, which was the most overt and obvious false flag attack ever recorded, no other so-called "Islamic terrorist attack" can be looked at in the same way. The very first thing that must be considered, since 9/11, is that it is a false flag attack.

Today, in London, a so-called Islamic terrorist attack was said to have been carried out with a few people reported to be dead and injured.

We, nor thousands of independent detectives worldwide, have yet to have time to dig through the evidence which will likely show it to be a false flag attack operated by MI6… but here is what we can say so far.

First, it occurred on the anniversary of the Belgian attacks last year which has been proven to be a false flag.

The Brussels false flag became obvious as soon as Fake news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal began releasing statements such as...

"Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks at the Brussels airport and on a subway train, starkly demonstrating the ability of the extremist network to direct or inspire deadly assaults in Europe, even as it suffered heavy setbacks from U.S. – led military strikes in its heartlands of Syria and Iraq…"

The only "evidence" they had for ISIS involvement is that supposedly some guy shouted something in Arabic inside the airport. Without ISIS actually taking public