Jun 15, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (WEEKLY VLOG) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟VLOG 223: WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS IN TRANSFIGURING OUR EARTHLY BODIES 🌟] ... I do miss traveling or dancing for that matter... SoTW did pay Rahelio Rodriguez visits back in 2018 and 2017, went on a spiritual journey in the sweet lodge & special ceremony up in the red mountains. Not able to meet Ann Albers in Sedona of 2019 or Native American Shaman, Rahelio Rodriguez, but went to Sedona Sacred Rocks, A Metaphysical BnB, for a weeks time. Actually I was sick as a dog, properly, infected with Corona😘, who knows... |

Princess Diana dancing with the actor John Travolta at a White House dinner in November 1985 https://www.facebook.com/groups/257953038794669/

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: SSP News Golden Age is Coming!) Short Film – Exposing the Big Lie: America’s UFO Technology (Michael Salla) ~ | Blogger: This is actually surprisingly interesting... Why does Dr. Salla submit so many short trailer videos? In order for you guys to register for "The Untold History of America's Reverse Engineering of Alien Spacecraft" Webinar to be held on June 19 or the next webinar and then some. It might be informative and recommendable, I honestly don't know, but guess what, I'll stick to all the freebies. Thanks goes to MS for all his great disclosure work... |


The Director of National Intelligence is scheduled to release a comprehensive report on June 25 to the US Senate that will conclude, according to official leaks, that UFOs are an unknown national security threat! Why is this a ‘Big Lie’? What’s the Deep State agenda behind promoting this now through the mainstream media after decades of dismissing the UFO phenomenon?

Watch this short film about how America has been secretly reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial spacecraft since the WW II era, and is on the verge of releasing some of its secret UFO technologies through the United States Space Force.

I wish to thank my inspired and incredibly gifted wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

🕵️🧧🤪 ~ ('Konspirationsteoretikere' er på listen over truede arter fordi alle teorier er nu fakta!) Når memes ikke engang er nok til at vise Coronakrisen også er en global menneskerettighedskrise og alle danske regeringskommunister skal retsforfølgelses i Haag, via Gitmo og Nürnbergprocessen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Mens vi venter på revolutionen: memes hentet fra Fjæsens "Rød Blok Indefra"👈] ... {Professor Eskild Petersen: Hvad gør vi til vinter med den smitsomme indiske Delta-variant som rammer Danmark?} .. 😮‍💨AV FOR SØREN -- det er W.H.O.- og SS(T) læge-general-commie Medical Corps Søren Understrøm aKa "Gynækologen" aKa "SB" idé, at vi skulle beholde den møgbeskidt mundble bakteriebombe, på ståpladser juni 2021, ifølge LA Ole Birketræ, det store røvhulshul (Kisser-slang)... 😮‍💨AV FOR SØREN -- SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve, blev isoleret af SB og (sendt på pension), ifølge ATS?... 😮‍💨AV FOR SØREN -- lige nu, render SB på Tingbjerg med sprit, hætteglas og kanyler og pisker en stemning op, for at vaccinere unge fra 16 og 24 år - HVAD FANDEN SKER DER!!!.. 🤔Man kan jo ikke lade være med at tænke på, om det var, Sørens Mini Me, Dr. Evil Fauci's ‘Gain of Function’-forskning i Wuhan og CCP-kommunister fra Kina, der forårsagede COVID-19 pandemien?... 🤔Ej, heller, om en virus overhoved eksistere, eftersom en aktindsigt, der tilsyneladende beviser, at Statens Serum Institut ikke kan bekræfte eksistensen af den nuværende coronavirus, florerer i stor stil på sociale medier i 2020 (PerBraendgaard)... 😮‍💨NU ER MAN UDE OG SIGE, at flere kvinder overlever livmoderhalskræft, og færre får konstateret den frygtede sygdom, fordi, man bliver vaccineret (EB)... 😮‍💨FOR AT DET IKKE SKAL VÆRE LØGNICKE, så er 848 børn og voksne sendt hjem i Hillerød - skole og vuggestue ramt af indisk Delta-variant, den som stopper genåbning af hele England, og 53 millioner borgere, og min nevø, niece, er sendt hjem og min familie aner ikke om, det også ødelægger min tredje niece som er 3.g'ers sidste eksamen, translokation og fødselsdag, i næste uge (TV 2 FNYS NEWS)... 😱DET STOPPER IKKE FØR 100% vaxx-tilslutning, så THE GREAT RESET kan skydes i gang samt CORONA CORPORATION har vundet!. Man kan jo ikke have konspirationsteoretikere, anti-vaxxers til at rende FRIT rundt og især ikke, Vivian Anita Alexandru, til at dele ting fra konspirationsbevægelsen QAnon, nu slettet Facebook-konto, uden nærmere begrundelse... |

[🤜Kære læsere, hvad jeg "tror" sker lige nu, er, at Vaccine-Metto, har været nede til den nu (afsatte BIBI), for at modtage "Corona Corporations Marching Orders". Siden hun ved, at China Joe aKa "fake Swagger-in-Chief!" ikke er præsident, og det ville se for mystisk ud, at tage til et falsk USA eller kommunist Kina og CCP. Vi ved jo at Metto og Co., er underlagt det zionist-commie styret Israel, og DDFO's planer for at få indført, næste fase af CV-19[84] Plan[Demic] Vaccine[Agenda] CV-[Passport] Trans[Human] Bio[Tech]. Og nej, LLR, Kristian Kedelig, "Trolex" m.fl., er ikke uskyldige, mht. COVID-19 og underskriften på Professor Klaus Schwab WEF/DK-aftalen i 2018 - se den tidligere artikel i dag!🤛]


Grinte min røv i laser, da det gik op for mig, hvad der "menes-memes" med denne hyggefætter!

🚰🏜️🥀 ~ ('That's not nature, that's climate engineering," Wigington says and Bill Gates ready & waiting to buy their land for pennies on the dollar.') Mega-Drought and Mega Food Shortages – Dane Wigington (forbiddenknowledgetv) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) PS: Communist China has also bought 130,000-acre wind farm in Texas right next to largest Air Force pilot training base and Utah Gov. Cox says 'divine intervention' is needed amid dire drought (something is wrong)... Much of the western United States is currently suffering from extreme drought, which is not least due to the low water level in Lake Mead - and thus a creeping water shortage. Right now, the area is in the driest period in 115 years, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is, according to Reuters, close to declaring Lake Mead in the most 'extreme water shortage state' ever... WHY do SoTW even care? Well, I have covered chemtrailing and climate engineering for a looong time and been to many places in US Inc... Fox News ADMITS to the government having Laser Technology or Directed Energy Weapons On September 28, 2017, about 10 days before the Northern California Fires in Wine Country began, ATHENA, (Advanced Test High Energy Asset) ... 🤔Why is this important? Going up north from LA towards Mt Shasta in 2015, back in my mind got some newsflashes that wildfire jumps highway in California and vehicles catch fire. My companion and I went by fields (interstate highways) that still smelled burned, watching black clouds and white clouds of smoke.. Again I (verdensalt) were in California in 2017 and 2018, and saw the wildfires, which was enormous, from the airplane and on the ground and that, was not "normal".. You be the judge... And I know, there's a Danish man, Jesper Joergensen, charged with starting destructive Colorado wildfire, sitting and rotting in jail, since 2018, still waiting for his trail, to begin. What if it's not his fault, but a deliberate act of covert weather warfare? .. |



Dane Wigington joins Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog.com to say that the Western US is under siege by covert weather warfare that is causing crop failures, food shortages, farmer bankruptcies and that Bill Gates is ready and waiting to buy their land for pennies on the dollar, as the largest buyer and owner of farmland in the US.

Many of us already know the story told by former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark to Amy Goodman at Democracy Now!, about how he was shown a list of target countries in the Middle East; countries that had been marked for invasion by the US military-industrial complex, long before 9/11 had occurred. This, by itself gave us pause. What if it were just as widely known that every one of these Middle Eastern target countries subsequently underwent a once-in-one-thousand-year drought?

"That's not nature, that's climate engineering," Wigington says. "In fact, the leaders of some of these countries stated so on the floor of the UN, like the leader of Iran. They have sophisticated atmospheric monitoring equipment and they stated, with no ambiguous terms that NATO was cutting off their precipitation, which destabilizes food productions and thus populations."

👤🔫⚰️ ~ (#ClintonBodyCount became bigger?) BREAKING: Reporter Who Broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story Found DEAD In His Apartment (HAF + Zero Hedge + Rielpolitik) ~ | Blogger: [🤜The “Clinton body count” is back and Conspiracy Theories has not only been banned, because of the Corona, but is soon a criminal offense and punishable by lethal nano-injection? ~ SoTW🤛] ... Seth Rich was a 27-year-old DNC staffer and Bernie Sanders supporter. He got wise to the shenanigans of the DNC as they worked to rob the nomination from Bernie so Hillary Clinton would get it. It was likely a robbery gone wrong, according to Washington, DC, police and MSM narrative, but might have been a hitjob because of the way he was gunned down on the doorstep in front of his house. Of course, it became fodder for dark anti-Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories, Seth Rich, and 4 others also killed within 6 weeks of eachother, but nobody has noted that minor detail, if you ask me on SoTW. Seth was one of five people who died in a six-week period who were all connected to Hillary in some way; Victor Thorn, the very next day Shawn Lucas, Joe Montano and lastly, United Nations official John Ash (see link)... Sooo, the main theory speculates that Rich was murdered because he was a source for WikiLeaks, which published nearly 20,000 of the DNC’s hacked emails and now, the body of a Birmingham, Alabama journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting in Phoenix between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found on Saturday morning of an ‘apparent suicide,’ according to AL.com... |




⚠️🙈🦠 ~ ('COVID IS A SCAM! - SPIKE PROTEINS WAS ENGINEERED – DON’T GET THE JAB! – DO VIRUSES EXIST?') PhD Chemist Dr. David Rasnick: "There Is No COVID Vaccine. These Are Injections. They Are Lethal." (truthcomestolight) ~ | Blogger: You could compare Dr. David Rasnick with Dr. Niels Harrit, former associate professor of chemistry Nano-​Science Center, at UCPH, who published a peer reviewed paper about the demolition of the World Trade Center. They're both leading experts in their own fields and telling the truth!?!.. |


“There’s no publication anywhere in the world of authentic SARS‑CoV‑2 in a bottle, or ever been observed, or characterized anywhere in the world — just like with HIV.”

…“There’s no covid vaccine. These are injections. They are lethal. They are highly toxic.”

…“Do not take these injections. You will regret it if you do. They are very, very dangerous.”

Josh Sigurdson interviews Dr. David Rasnick during Red Pill Expo, which took place June 5-6 in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Has the COVID virus ever been isolated?

Do viruses even exist?

What are the vaccinations for if they’ve never isolated the virus?

Dr. Rasnick speaks of other deceptions in the history of virology, including HIV and AIDS.





Mass hypnosis: The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine suicide cult
Mike Adams

The global vaccine suicide cult is very real, and it's a product of mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-annihilation.

Most people would rather die than be rejected by society, and because of the extreme propaganda push for vaccines right now, weak-willed people have a strong desire to fit in, even if it means annihilating themselves in the process.

In today's feature article and 1-hour podcast, I reveal the twisted, disturbing psychology behind the vaccine suicide cult. If you want to understand the vaccine suicide cultists, listen to this eye-opening explanation.

Find the full article and podcast here.


🦇🧬💉 ~ (Afviste det amerikanske senat flagermusteorien?) Did the US Senate reject the bat theory? (nyhetsspeilet.no) ~ | Blogger: Tak til min 50 års erfaren danske holistiske ND, for at dele... Det bliver min sidste danske (norske) artikel i dag... |


Forkastet US Senatet flaggermus-teorien?

En grusom svindel?

Source (nyhetsspeilet)

 er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med fem væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****

Ble vi alle svindlet, alle kvinner, menn og barn, familier i hele Europa og hele USA? Ført bak lyset, lurt og narret av noen få kvinner og menn som var lokket av penger, av de offentlige lyskasteres glans og makt? Ble vi alle ført inn i angsten og redsel for et usynlig virus, forledet uspurt inn i skrekk og avsky for sykdom av NRK, Aftenposten, VG og Dagbladet?

Ble vi påført sykdom utviklet av et spesiallaboratorium i Wuhan i kommunistenes Kina som siden ble tatt med på reise til Europa og USA? En merkelig sykdom i en koffert? En koffert båret rundt til utvalgte steder av svartkledde menn? Les om Netanyahus telefon-konferanse med utvalgte statsministre i Europa den 9ende mars 2020.

🆔🤖🦠 ~ (GR: 'DK's Digitale Strategi, Transhumanister og Teknokratiet') The Fourth Industrial Revolution som igennem World Econimic Forum vil blive underskrevet den 25 april i år af Danmarks Tech Ambassadør (SoTW Jan 2021 Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: Råmateriale... Jeg tillader, at lægge en mer-beskrivelse, ud af flere artikler om sammenhænge på verdensalt.dk og WEF/DK-aftalen, som LLR regeringen (V, K, LA) og DF og RV) grundlagde fra 2015-2018... Nedenstående kommer fra en såkaldt, dansk special task force gruppe af lysarbejdere, for frihed, under Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Danmark. I virkeligheden er de bare som dig og mig, men ønsker, ligesom du læser, at vi få syn for sagen og friheden, tilbage. Der er ingen tvivl om, at CV-19[84] Plan[Demic] Event 201 (digitalisering, robotisering og kunstig intelligens) er en del af WEF/DK-aftalen... God læsning (links inkluderet)... OG kan hilse at sige, LLR går igen og igen(ja ham den lille fede korkprop - generalen fra indremissionske Græsted) har lige skabt sit lille elitenetværk i 2021 sammen med Novo Nordisk tidligere CEO, som medlem (og lige nu - et nyt parti)... Man burde nok læse om emnet af Thomas Aastrup Rømer - Lektor i pædagogisk filosofi ved Aarhus Universitet... |



Hentet fra: https://www.verdensalt.dk/2021/01/dks-digitale-strategi-transhumanister.html


“At the end, what the 4th industrial Revolution will lead to, is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” ~ WEF

"Mere konkret forpligter aftalen mellem WEF og den danske stat til, at der samarbejdes om ”biotechnology” og præcisions-medicin og om det såkaldte ”internet of things”. Desuden samarbejdes om ”digital trade/cross border data, Artificial Intelligence/machine learning, Big Data, data ethics, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain”. Denne konstellation af begreber peger direkte i transhumanistisk og singularistisk retning. ~ TAR