Jan 28, 2018
DR TV \\ TV2 Norge | 24. Jan, 2018 | Manden med de magiske hænder (Snåsamanden) | Blogger: 📺🥇💖 Næsten stortudende (lidt overdrevet) - det var lige så jeg fik sitrende og snurren i min REIKI-hænder, efter at have oplevet 'Mannen fra Snåsa'... Pigen som havde fastlåst nakke (tænkte for meget på sin fars sygdom og død), viser i sin enkelhed, hvor meget åbne børn kan være, tillidsfulde, uhæmmet af traumer og frygt, som er i stand til at modtage og give... Alle, der ønsker ansvarsfuld underholdning, bør slukke for tv'et fredag kl. 20... Jeg har ikke TV og ønsker ikke at bruge tid på latterlige cafelatte mysterier, underholdning med min virtual reality-headsets og elendig reality-tv. Men en gang imellem, kommer der et program, som slår benene væk, under mig. Alle kender åbenbart Joralf Gjerstad, også den ene mors kræftlæge, som virkelig troede på ham (men som selvfølgelig opfordrer til medicin og kurer). Joralf Gjerstad har den største respekt og forsvarer lægevidenskaben, siger han selv. Han har selv en stor skare lægevenner (måske derfor, at stats-tv tør udgive dette program, hvis man er kynisk nok).. Joralf Gjerstad har det ligesom os andre på denne planet, når man træder udenfor det fine selskab. Han har mistet familiemedlemmer, fik hadebreve og ønskede på et tidspunkt, selv, at tage sit liv. Men det gode overvandt. Selvfølgelig har han også fået mange, mange positive tilkendegivelser fra mennesker, han har kureret eller behandlet, siger han selv... ".. Den norske healer og clairvoyant Joralf Gjerstad (f. 1926) er en lokal legende. Gennem de sidste 65 år har mere end 50.000 mennesker opsøgt Gjerstad for at søge hjælp for deres psykiske og fysiske lidelser. Tilsyneladende sker der ingenting under seancerne. Alligevel føler de fleste sig hjulpet. Gjerstads behandling er gratis, fordi han mener, at hans usædvanlige evner er en gave fra Gud .."... |
Sott.net | Jan 19, 2018 | Samfundets Barn Gold Coins Kaspersky Lab hævder at bitcoins blev skabt for at hjælpe med at financiere amerikanske og britiske efterretningsvæsner |
fre, 19 jan 2018 17:03 UTC
Bitcoin cryptovalutaen blev udviklet af "amerikanske efterretningsvæsner," sagde Natalya Kaspersky, CEO af InfoWatch gruppen af firmaer og specialist i cyber sikkerhedssystemer, ved sin præsentation ved ITMO Universitetet i St. Petersburg.
Kaspersky gav en tale om informationskrige og digital suverænitet. Billeder af hendes præsention som havde titlen "Modern technologies - the basis for information and cyber-wars," er blevet udgivet på sociale medier.
Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af Sott.net fra: Kaspersky Lab claims bitcoins were created to help fund US and British intelligence services
"Bitcoin is a project of American intelligence agencies, which was designed to provide quick funding for US, British and Canadian intelligence activities in different countries. [The technology] is 'privatized,' just like the Internet, GPS and TOR. In fact, it is dollar 2.0. Its rate is controlled by the owners of exchanges," one of the slides read.
She also claimed that Satoshi Nakamoto (the pseudonym used by its founder or founders) is the name for a group of American cryptographers.
The presentation also claimed that a smartphone cannot be considered as a personal gadget.
A smartphone "is a remotely controlled device designed for entertainment, work and at the same time for spying on its owner," according to Kaspersky, who is also the co-founder of Kaspersky Lab.
ZeroHedge | Jan 27, 2018 | Clinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond | .. GOP Congressional investigators have written six letters to individuals or entities involved or thought to be involved in the funding, creation or distribution of the salacious and unverified "Trump-Russia dossier" believed to have been inappropriately used by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration in an effort to undermine Donald Trump as both a candidate and President of the United States. Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SCS) wrote six Judiciary Committee letters requesting information from: John Podesta, Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robbie Mook, the DNC, and Hillary For America Chief Strategist Joel Benenson .. |
READ MORE: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-27/clinton-podesta-and-others-senate-crosshairs-over-dossier-given-two-weeks-respond
Letter to John Podesta (links to all can be found here):
370098995-scr1 by tim on Scribd
Fyens.dk | 28. Jan 2018 | Flere hundrede arbejdspladser: Forsvarets dronecenter skal ligge på Fyn | Blogger: ""Danmark er vidensøkonomiens billigland"" - Når sagen er bøf. Vi har Europas billigste vidensarbejdere og bedste arbejdsmarked - Det vurderer Roel Spee fra IBM Global Services, som rådgiver verdens største koncerner om placering af opgaver - Internationale konkurrenceanalyser bekræfter billedet - Danske ledere er blandt de allerbilligste i Europa. Billedet bekræftes af Roel Spee, partner og leder af IBM Global Services, som rådgiver globale koncerner som General Electric, Compaq, AstraZeneca, Nestlé, 3M, Citibank, Telia, Coca-Cola, Volvo m.fl. om, hvor de med fordel kan placere forskellige arbejdsopgaver. “Danmark har gode vilkår inden for videnstunge industrier, fordi det er relativt billigt at have højtuddannede medarbejdere ansat i Danmark. Kvaliteten er høj, lønniveauet er relativt lavt, og Danmark er et godt og ikke så dyrt sted at bo,” siger Roel Spee .." ... Sammentømring af forsvaret og erhvervselitens digitaliseret know-how samles i udkantsdanmark. Apple bygger i Viborg, Facebook i Odense, og nu har den tredje af verdens store teknologivirksomheder, Google, købt en kæmpe byggegrund i Fredericia... Borgmesterkæderne springes, efterfulgt af lokalpolitikerens logren og ikke mindst, adrenalinfeberen blandt spydspidserne på Borgen, hvis rødder stammer fra hjemegnen af Fyn, er fin! og Jyderup... Øen Fyn, som snart får tilnavnet; Innovation Centre Denmark's Silicon Valley. Her bor Sanistål - et af Nordeuropas største stållagre, 100 mia. kr. storomsættende Selfinvest ApS, Madrasfabrikken Dan-Foam i Aarup og ikke mindste verdens største skibe fra Lindø.. Pilen peger også på Fyn, når regeringen tvinger Miljøstyrelsen til Odense og de bliver sikkert ikke alene, de næste kommende år. 'Arbejdsstyrke, infrastruktur og energiforsyning med vedvarende energi, påstår de store it-tech-giganter er årsagen'. Meeeeeen, bagved findes der en grum plan om, at siden Irlands store skatteparadis, er blevet forringet (EU-regler for erhvervsbeskatning), med blæselampen fra Margrethe Vestager's skattedoktrin, søger man hen hvor græsset er grønnere. EL - bliver stortset lovet gratis væk, mulighed for lavere erhvervsbeskatninger, uforstyret landskab og natur, billige grunde og huslån og Europas billigste vidensarbejdere, lønniveauet er relativt lavt. ERGO - et nyt skattely, er opfundet. ".. 200 millioner i årligt "grønt tilskud" til Facebook - betalt af dig og mig .." (folkets). PS: Du skal ikke andet fortælle mig, at nu hvor virksomhedsgiganterne søger mod Nord, er det selvfølgelig for, at udnytte storhedsfordele - og det giver politikerne - glædeligt.. ALLE GØR DETTE - Nordea truede med at flytte sit juridiske hovedkvarter væk fra Stockholm, for at presse den svenske regering, til lempelse af skatter (det gav så bagslag mht. Deres image). I de senere år har Facebook betalt nul selskabsskat i Storbritannien, Apple har modtaget skatteaftaler i Irland (0,005% skat), og Google har måttet betale tilbage skatter til myndighederne, men flytter til Danmark. Bare man har sit juridiske kontor eller HQ placeret i et skattevenligt land, sparer man på, HELE skatten. Og dermed, oprette og flytte sine lokale underafdelinger, hvor i verden, man syntes optimalt, for at spare endnu mere, på skattebilletten.. |
Activist Post | Jan 27, 2018 | Pope Francis Criticizes Fake News Yet The MSM Is More Guilty Than Anyone (VIDEOS) |
Pope Francis condemned fake news as satanic, stating journalists and social media users should ignore and unmask manipulative “snake tactics” that foster division to serve political and economic interests, Reuters reported.
“Fake news is a sign of intolerant and hypersensitive attitudes and leads only to the spread of arrogance and hatred. That is the end result of untruth,” Francis said.
The Pope writes in the document, called “The truth will set you free — Fake news and journalism for peace,” that spreading fake news can “serve to advance specific goals, influence political decisions, and serve economic interests,” according to the news publication.
He also criticized the “manipulative use of social networks.”
“This false but believable news is ‘captious’, inasmuch as it grasps people’s attention by appealing to stereotypes and common social prejudices, and exploiting instantaneous emotions like anxiety, contempt, anger and frustration,” he said.
He added there is an importance of being able to recognize the “sly and dangerous form of seduction that worms its way into the heart with false and alluring arguments.”
“We need to unmask what could be called the ‘snake-tactics’ used by those (purveyors of fake news) who disguise themselves in order to strike at any time and place,” Francis said.
The Pope previously in 2016 sensationally claimed “that media that focus on scandals and spreading ‘fake news’ to smear politicians risk becoming like the people they have a morbid fascination with excrement.”
Hold on, hold on really you compare reporters holding politicians accountable for their political ties to shady groups, secret societies and potential scandals to eating poop and getting off on it? What?
Yeah we sure did eat a lot of bull sh*t in the past like the Iraq WMDs when the U.S. and U.K. governments colluded to sell the American people fake news that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to self-investigate Iraq based off forged plagiarized academic papers. It’s also now known thanks to the press that Bush and Blair planned the Iraq invasion a year prior revealed by the emails of Hillary Clinton.
Then there is the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that started the invasion of Vietnam on false pretext when the government at the time lied and said a second Gulf of Tonkin attack had happened. And, finally, the admitted bombing of the Lusitania which started WW1. And while we are talking about false flags to start wars, let’s add in the proposed false flag that JFK stopped, Operation Northwoods; so this seems like an ugly pattern of the sin of treason.
Mr. Pope Francis what do you have to say about this well-sourced but disturbing information? Even ex-governor and Navy Seal Jesse Ventura has came out and spoken out about the Gulf Of Tonkin incident and how all wars are started with a false flag.
Then there is the lie of a 15-year-old girl named Nayirah to Congress in October 1990. Nayirah claimed to be a refugee and hospital missionary of the maternity ward of Al Adan hospital in Kuwait City, stating she witnessed Iraqi soldiers steal the incubators and leave 312 infants to die. Shortly after was the launch of Operation Desert Storm by then President George Herbert Walker Bush. Nayirah lied about her identity; she was actually the daughter of Kuwait Ambassador to the United States and member of the Kuwait royal family, Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah. Nayirah had no connection to the hospital at all and, in fact, she was instructed on how to give her testimony by a U.S. public relations firm Hill and Knowlton.
COBRA \\ PFC | Jan 27, 2018 | ~ Urgent Request ~ | .. Isis Astara is in hospital in critical condition. Please pray for her in your heart and send her love, light and support .. | Blogger: People who knows about Cobra and the Resistance Movement, understands the secretly surrounding Cobra and his spouse, Isis Astara. I had the pleasure to spent some time with them at THE ASCENSION CONFERENCE in Crete (we had to sign a lot of Confidentiality Agreement papers). I have meet a bunch of awesome people, one guy knew and had some relatives to Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark. Another, a danish woman in particular (lucky for me 1 additional danish person was actually present at these events), we both agreed, that COBRA is not from this world, but I'll assure you, he's one of the good guys, helping the humanity, back on track. All healing and prayers goes out to Isis Astara... 😇🙏🕯️ |
Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Below is the meditation which is being done every four hours globally. The next meditation time is at 3:30 AM Greenwich Mean Time, and every four hours thereafter during these critical next few days.
You can use this website to figure out the time where you live:
In order to further strengthen the effectiveness of our mass meditations for Isis Astara, the following instructions are suggested for those who feel guided:
1) Begin playing this track “The Central Sun Meditation” from The Goddess Spiral CD created by Cobra & Isis in collaboration with Medwyn Goodall.
2) Declare your intention to use this meditation to bring Isis Astara’s physical body back to full health.
3) Visualize the brilliant white light of Source emanating from both your Soul Star chakra as well as your heart chakra.
4) Connect with the Soul Star & heart chakras of both Cobra & Isis – giving strength and healing to each of them.
5) Further visualize connecting with the Soul Star & heart chakras of all persons meditating.
6) See this white light filling Isis’ physical body, infusing every blood vessel and cell with the white light of Source. See this light traveling via the circulatory system throughout her body… sending signals at the molecular level to repair all damaged cells to their state prior to the recent attack.
7) Visualize all damaged cells in Isis’ body renewing to a healthy state… with the white light of Source communicating with her DNA to accelerate the healing process.
8) Continue this visualization for the duration of the music track.
Additionally, if you feel so guided, you can do this meditation in Triangles of Light as suggested in the following post for increased effectiveness:
Collectively, we have the ability to accelerate and amplify the healing process. Let’s do this in support of Isis & Cobra!
Source: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/urgent-request.html
You can use this website to figure out the time where you live:
In order to further strengthen the effectiveness of our mass meditations for Isis Astara, the following instructions are suggested for those who feel guided:
1) Begin playing this track “The Central Sun Meditation” from The Goddess Spiral CD created by Cobra & Isis in collaboration with Medwyn Goodall.
2) Declare your intention to use this meditation to bring Isis Astara’s physical body back to full health.
3) Visualize the brilliant white light of Source emanating from both your Soul Star chakra as well as your heart chakra.
4) Connect with the Soul Star & heart chakras of both Cobra & Isis – giving strength and healing to each of them.
5) Further visualize connecting with the Soul Star & heart chakras of all persons meditating.
6) See this white light filling Isis’ physical body, infusing every blood vessel and cell with the white light of Source. See this light traveling via the circulatory system throughout her body… sending signals at the molecular level to repair all damaged cells to their state prior to the recent attack.
7) Visualize all damaged cells in Isis’ body renewing to a healthy state… with the white light of Source communicating with her DNA to accelerate the healing process.
8) Continue this visualization for the duration of the music track.
Additionally, if you feel so guided, you can do this meditation in Triangles of Light as suggested in the following post for increased effectiveness:
Collectively, we have the ability to accelerate and amplify the healing process. Let’s do this in support of Isis & Cobra!
Source: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/urgent-request.html
Daily Mail Online \\ DrudgeReport \\ WSJ | Jan 27, 2018 | Schools in ELEVEN states have closed this flu season as experts warn more than 50,000 Americans will die |
https://www.wsj.com/articles/as-flu-spreads-schools-close-in-at-least-11-states-1516984718 |
- Schools are closing due to the spread of an aggressive strain of the flu
- The strain, known as H3N2, has killed 37 children so far this season
- The CDC has said the epidemic will most likely worsen in the coming days
- Seven children have died from the flu this week alone
The Solar Flash / aka The Event or The Lifting
The Solar Flash from the Galactic central sun AKA the Event or the Lifting
The “lifting” is the moment ofthe “Compression Breakthrough” on earth.
The return to full consciousness
It is a cosmic EVENT HORIZON created by big solar waves reaching the Earth from the Galactic Central causing the activation of “The Compression Breakthrough”, this is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle, that is on the surface of the planet.
On the non physical plane: there will be a “big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet”. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) The energy from the Central Sun will stimulate a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.
It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.
The date of this Event can not be predicted. There are many groups involved worldwide, and many informations have to remain secret for now to guarantee the safety of the operations. All we can say, is that we are getting close. This is why this information and support networks is being put in place so that the population can be prepared.
On the physical plane there will be:
- The arrest of the Cabal (already started).
- Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.
- Abolishes income tax.
- Abolishes the IRS, with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
- Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
- Increases benefits to senior citizens.
- Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
- Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
- Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.
- Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
- Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
- Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
- Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
- Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
- Restores financial privacy.
- Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law,
- Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
- Establishes peace throughout the world.
- Releases unprecedented prosperity with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
- Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.
- Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on planet earth.
- Disclosure – the release of ET information.
- The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.
- There is much, much more to look forward to.
Tales from out there | Jan 27, 2018 | ~ USAF Has Been Quietly Testing Alien Technology at Nellis AFB ~ |
It’s no secret that Nellis AFB has seen some alien activity. At least that’s what any seasoned UFO hunter will tell you. The Nevadan base is as notorious as a UFO hotspot can be and over the years, a large number of sightings have been reported in its vicinity. Many speculate this is because the Air Force is secretly testing alien technology recovered from downed flying saucers or offered to them by extraterrestrials in a giving mood.
Source: https://ufoholic.com
You Are Free TV | Jan 27, 2018 | ~ #LIGHT: Q Assures Dark Days Ending! #FS1649 FBI Slush Fund, Plus C60/Liver Connection ~ | .. With Melania Trump banning the flu shot from the White House and Q Announcing "Where there was darkness, there will be LIGHT", we have #HEALTHY revelations to look forward to this coming week. Today, Hannity tweeted #FormSubmission1649, referring to the FBI slush fund used for undisclosed projects. Q asks us to follow the Executive Order trail into what the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), acting on behalf of the Secretary of the Treasury, has achieved by paying attention to who is resigning across multiple business and political platforms .. |
Verdensalt | 28. Jan 2018 | ~ Borgerlig Revolution - grundlæggende samfundsforandring. Borgerskabet har med sin 'flid, fedt og snyd' på den måde, lagt grobunden for sin egen undergang. Når det ikke længere er skæbnen, gud, traditionen eller historien selv, der skaber og sætter rammen for menneskelivet ~ | Blogger: 💊💊💊Hvad fatter og politikerne gør, det er altid det rigtige! Tre af de seneste møgsager som råber til din indre svinehund - få nu søsat den manglende tornado til at igangsætte den indre revolution. Hvordan skaber vi, som Werner Erhard citere; En Verden, Der Virker For Alle?: 💬 "..Heroes are ordinary men and women who dare to see and meet the call of a possibility bigger than themselves. Breakthroughs are created by such heroes, by men and women who will stand for the result while it is only a possibility - people who will act to make possibility real..." | 💨 1. Information.dk: Claus Hjort beskyldes for usandheder på samråd om kampfly. Piloters arbejdsforhold på spil: På et samråd sagde Hjort, at forhandlinger med piloter var "i god gænge". Men det kan piloter ikke genkende [PS: 💭 Vi snakker snart om en rigsretssag - om de 27 F35-fly, men danskeren er åbenbart, ligeglad] ... | 💨 2. 24nyheder Morgen: Politikere afviser danmarkshistoriens første borgerforslag. Studerende forsøger at afskaffe loftet over dobbeltuddannelser. Inden de 50.000 underskrifter er indsamlet, afviser de 3 største partier - Skuffende, arrogant og holder borgerne for nar, siger Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF) Forkvinde, Sana Mahin Doost. [PS: 💭Jeg sagde det igen og igen, Folketinget lader ikke danskerne, bestemme] ... | 💨 3. Folkets Avis: Nu stiger hendes løn igen: For DR-direktør var 301.914 kroner om måneden åbenbart ikke nok. Danmarks Radio skider på henstilling fra Rigsrevisionen. Som jeg efterhånden har skrevet et utal af gange, er Danmarks Radio ude af kontrol... |
Wake Up World | Jan 27, 2018 | ~ Revolution is an Inside Job ~ | Blogger: Hvorfor stopper vi aldrig op, kigger mod himmeriget og retter blikket indad? Vores livsanskuelse hviler i væsentlig grad på erkendelsen af, at sanselige, forgængelige ting ikke giver varig lykke eller fred, at alle ydre materielle former er underkastet forvandlingens lov. Gør os selv overfladisk, rastløs midt i den udvortes civilisations vækst og hjerneintelligensens - lidt Martinus snak ... |
January 27th, 2018
By Caitlin Johnstone
Guest writer for Wake Up World
Do we have enough time? This is the question I keep coming back to.
There are many existential threats to our species looming on the horizon, and our current trajectory has us hurtling straight into all of them fairly soon. We’re flirting with an ever-increasing threat of nuclear holocaust if environmental chaos doesn’t collapse industrial agriculture and cause an extinction-level famine event first. And if we dodge those, we’ve still got the automation crisis and impending AI explosion to deal with, as well as the possibly permanent worldwide lockdown of human consciousness as oligarchic propaganda and censorship become too sophisticated to circumvent.
Do we have enough time to pull up and away from disaster? Current facts in evidence say no. Not enough humans are getting sane enough quickly enough for us to make the drastic changes necessary to pull up and out of this insane trajectory before one of the many impending disasters takes us out for good. 7.6 billion humans and counting is too many unpredictable moving parts to hope that everyone collaborates to keep us from going the way of the dinosaurs, and judging from our overall behavior we’re all more than happy to keep skating right into the abyss as fast as our legs can carry us.
From what I’m seeing, it will take not just a miracle to turn this thing around, but a whole stack of miracles. Luckily, in my experience one of the brightest secrets about this world is that miracles are not in short supply.
I’m not going to share my experiences here, or probably ever, because people won’t believe me and it will be used to attack the credibility of my work elsewhere. But I will say I have learned that humans are capable of transcending their old patterns by leaps and bounds with great spontaneity, and we are capable of amazing and inexplicable transformations from an unwholesome way of functioning to a wholesome way of functioning. Believe me or don’t, I don’t care; I will swear to this fact on everything I hold dear. Miraculous transformations in human consciousness can and do happen.
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