Aug 19, 2022
😎🥳✌️ ~ (Freaky-Friday. Elon Musk buying Manchester United, Twitter, MonkeyPox quackccine cards & FBI from the Clintons) Todays Crazy Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Friday even more freakier than freaky... 😵💫Dudududu dudududu dudududu - Twilight zone... Hey Ya! SoTW's here and of course it's gonna be a Fun Friday!... Like my dad told me the other day; 'I'm not gonna get any more COVID-19 booster shots, Tdap, flu shots, ever again.'. Good for you dad, after he received 5 shots between 2020-21 and was sick like a dog (men always exaggerate when sick). Although, he still refuse pooping out the BLUE Pill, and popping the Red Pill, because, that ONE bad vax-experience, was not enough, to change his entire life. Swallowing the Red Pill can mean different things to different people, but it often starts with the idea that it feels like a extremely large poop is coming out after chronic constipations of BS a whole lifespan. And the only thing you can think of is a toilet! Right! Some drastically changes is needed in your own life, after the FIRST spiritual awakening!. Another problem will occur right away, and that is; when you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what you've been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding YOU back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore... Stay free (SoTW).. |
🕉️👼🖖 ('Ascension means humanity no longer living in denial, live as one people in harmony & the natural world around them.') The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again! (Aurora Ray) 💕 ~ | Blogger: B-E-A-utiful... Thanks to Colleen & Sheldan Nidle from sharng is caring and PAO/Galactic Heart's newsletter. And of course, Aurora Ray - Ambassador of the Galactic Federation... |
The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again! ( |
What happened to Earth?Some time ago, negative forces arrived on Earth. They used advanced mind control techniques to take over the planet's inhabitants and seize control of the Earth's resources. The negative forces are currently trying to overtake the entire galaxy. But that's not all! These evil creatures can also disguise themselves as humans. This is what makes it difficult for us—they hide in plain sight! However, there is some good news. • The Earth will be restored. • The Earth will be healed. • Darkness will be eradicated. • Earth will ascend to higher dimensions. • The Earth will become a member of the Galactic Federation. • The Earth will be a Galactic Federation planet once again! How will it be done? Over the last few months, Earth has been ascending to a higher dimension, and we are about to be reconnected with the Galactic Federation of Light. Many are remembering their connection to the Galactic Federation. The planet was once part of that group but became disconnected. We have been in the dark for thousands of years. Now we're finally getting back on track. Our planet is to be restored to its previous state as a galactic federation planet again. Who's behind it? |
👁️⃤ 🚨🍀 ~ (#DeFantastiskeFireCarteBlanche) LandsModer-Mette corona-commander-in-chief. Magnus LØGNICKE Corona-general. Søren Tissekonedoktoren SS(T) Obersturmführer. Kåre Møllarve Supersoldier SS(I) Medical Corps (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🙅♂️"Men sundhedsministeren deltog slet ikke i det møde, som startede konspirationsteorien", siger Danmarks Radio. Jooo han gjorde👇] ... Du burde spørge dig selv om, hvem er disse Falske-Fantastiske-Fire Evangelister på (indersiden), som tror de gør Danmark grønne, gladere og giver os meget gammel og gebrækkelig historieskrivning?. Det er bevist samt bevidst, at samtlige 179 statuetter på Borgen, er med-lem af en eller flere frimurerordener (mand- og kvindeklubber - kald dem hvad du vil). Mink-Medico-Mette er optaget i 2016/17 stykker under Christian Den Fjerdes Laug af 16. december 1942. Som du kan se nedenfor, Magnus, medlem nr. 66 i Harald Blåtands Laug i Slagelse. DDFO-Daisy optaget i 1994. Både Anders Fog of War samt Kneppe-Kofod står på samme billede med "ok og bolle"-håndtegn, samme som, Carl 16. Gustav af Sverige. Har været oppe og mundhygge med min nabo om chr4laug, som han, hans venner og 25.000 andre, er medlem af og anser, som fuldstændigt "uskyldig", men, han kender, én gårdmand, som er 100% frimurer og farlig. Og jeg spørger min nabo, hvorfor er din (kult)"klub" god og andre farlige, og han kan ikke svare. Jeg har selv festet en del på Broderloge nr. 55 PAX - Odd Fellow Ordenen, hører under Den Uafhængige Storloge for Kongeriget Danmark - I.O.O.F. Men er sgu da ikke medlem og kun under familiekomsammener. Min bedste jyske kammerat har været medlem siden 2009 i 6 loger, især i én af de helst store og var 3. grader fra, at blive MESTER, inden, de smed ham ud. Og det er ikke småting, han kan berette, om. Han siger han var ligesom politikerne, iskold og uvidende, kæmpe racist, fordi, det havde han lært af sin egen far. Men igen, når først man våger op og "smell the coffee" - så kan man ikke være i disse klubber mere, når man selv, finder ud af sandheden og hvem de bejler til... |
💌KÆRE MAGNUS LØGNICKE - VI VED HVEM DER BETALER DIN LØN -- det gør Novo Nordisk, Rockefeller Instituttet i København, Bill Gates, WEF, Johns Hopkins (JHSPHCHS), millionærer såsom Bestseller A/S og kongehusvenner, DDFO på Blegdamsvej 23, Frimurerlogen Cimbria i Aalborg og andre loger, som har fået fast sæde i DIN regeringens kontroltårn, UDEN, at andre Partiledere er blevet informeret om, at private aktører sidder med ved møder om Danmarks coronakrise...
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Sundhedsministeren fylder år: Magnus Heunicke helt privat | BILLED-BLADET ( The Illuminati Hand Sign of the Pyramid | Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard |
Mette Frederiksen optaget i Lauget ( |
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Minister: Danmark skal være maritim stormagt og bygge krigsskibe | BT Politik - has expired |