Apr 28, 2020

🧬 ~ 💗 Sandra Walter: Purifying Diamond White Flames of Ascension 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to TEP for sharing... |

Beloved I AM Presence, Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, Paradise SUNs of God,
send the purifying Diamond White Flames of Ascension into all of my relationships, loved ones, family monad, Soul monad, OverSoul monad and to all willing hearts whom I connect with each day

Source: Sandra Walter

Decrees are an honored Mystery School technique for #Ascension.

Our out-loud commands, decrees, invocations and prayers have a direct effect on our #DNA, which produces our experience in the physical. Decrees affect our realities.

Use Mastery Decrees every morning, or anytime for alignment.

Like any spiritual practice, it’s like training a muscle. Heart-powered Creator-in-Carnate muscles and neural pathways in the brain are reprogrammed with consistent reinforcement, and produce the Embodiment experience through your DNA.

Prepare: Connect with your heart center; the Pure Source-spark of Diamond Light within. Take a moment to feel your Heart intent.

Say aloud::

💌 ~ 💗 Ashtar Command: Independence 💕~ | Blogger: [👉"Translation for this channeling to English by KejRaj(KayRy) on EraofLight.com from Swedish Channel Beatrice Madsen - st-germain.se👈] ... Thanks for sharing EOL... I (SoTW) dont know KejRaj(KayRy) in person or anything but i think? it's runned by a woman, who is very attuned with Cobra or / and other advanced esoteric philosophers. The Earth Plan (theearthplan.blogspot.com), is another great site, to visit. For people who don't know who Cobra is and SoTW has been in COBRA SCHOOL for a number of years. Cobra is a pseudoname for a human who claims to be a Pleiadian incarnate and who is part of the “Resistance Movement” that intends to overthrow the secret government ruling Earth and to expel alien races who have been living below the surface, and suppressing humanity’s technological development (very cruel and shortened explanation, please forgive me)... ANYWHO, KejRaj(KayRy) has talked about, as many of you have heard, wordpress, which Era of Light is hosted on, has been shutting down blogs that share “alternative” news without warning. Kauilapele.wordpress.com with KP is one of them, Golden Age Of Gaia, are out and saying the same thing... |

Source (EraOfLight)

As you look more and more through the illusions and become more independent, you also become a greater threat to those who previously used you as puppets. In desperation to keep you on the carpet and “barred” you are fed with even more illusions, via the media and subliminal messages.

You have now acquired so much knowledge and wisdom that you usually have a choice. What we see from this is that you now feel so much easier when you make a choice based on your EGO instead of your own and others’ highest interests. We fully understand that this is not easy and that you are tested daily.

The temptations are great and sometimes you have to allow yourself to fall into the trap to see in retrospect that it was actually an illusion you tied yourself to.

There is now a great leveling on the planet. The imbalances in assets that have been prevailing for so long are now being shaken so that energies for all life on the planet should be able to feed themselves.

🔺 ~ Loud-bagmænd handler med sig selv for millioner af skattekroner – så tæt forbundne er de ~ | Blogger: [👉Si' mig engang; er det et Multi Level Marketing og ulovlig pyramidespil, de har gang i?👈] ... Uden for Kisser/Rasmus-regi, har Bandidos-rockeren "Sass" Larsen, 'MENED' om Pengeskabelsesprivilegiet, samt Kristian Thulesen DAHL, trykket på brøleknappen og fik landsat en organiseret hetz mod Radio24syv og fik dem afsat. Det lå i kortene for år tilbage.. Pointen er, at vi ikke må være kritiske over for politikere og især ikke gøre dem til grin, så falder hammeren... Hold da kæft hvor er Radio Loud, Radio Diablo med Martin Brandt Larsen, men også en række andre sydfynske erhvervsfolk, m.fl. pilråddent... |

Kilde (journalista.dk)

Selv om Radio Loud stort set ikke har nogle lyttere, er stationen alligevel en potentiel pengemaskine for sine ejere. Det med udgangspunkt i Radio Diablo i Svendborg, hvor der er en lang række personsammenfald, som også inkludere iøjnefaldende radio- og tv-foreninger finansieret af det offentlige.

👮 ~ Politi: Aktuelle hotspots, du bør undgå ~ | Blogger: [😮Fik du set det? Desværre, nåede ikke at ta' et screenshot, inden politiet fjernede den udvidet liste, igen🖊️] ... Her, viste man en masse skovstrækninger som Gribskov, Tisvilde, Gilleleje, Dyrehaven og eks. vis. Posen i Hillerød *(yndet sted for unge mennesker at samles til livemusik m.m.) og massevis af andre steder fra det Nordsjællandske hvor der var påbud eller rettere, ud af 124 mulige risikoområder, politiet fører tilsyn med 38 hotspots, som nu er mindsket igen, efter et læk... Tænkte på, hvordan de kunne spærre helt af for, om vi måtte cykle mountainbike i skoven eller gå sammen som familie og venner over 10 personer. Det her, bliver KUN værre, før det bliver bedre... Stakkels den kvinde som fik en bøde for at opholde sig ved en legeplads med sit barn, eller bøder for at lovligt at vente på havnebus - det her er SINDSYGT, hvis du spørger mig, mens Ikea har åbnet og folk stod så tæt ved Gentofte, at man kunne mærke den dårlige ånde i nakken og Magasin og andre undre sig, og det kan jeg sku godt forstå. Det er endeligt sjovt så sur erhvervsminister Simon Kolbøtte er - en mand som ALDRIG har sat foden i en privat virksomhed eller arbejdet udenfor det politiske kult off. system. Regler om afstand gælder også gågader og p-pladser, vidste du det?... Skal vi til at have Thinking Caps med afstandspinde, som de kinesiske børn på billedet? Eller tyvstjæle mobilitystokke og markeringsstokke som de svagtseende går med, så vi kan gå og slå folk? Var i den lokale kvickly i går og en dame SPRANG for livet af mig hos bageren, troede først det var en engangsforstilling, men nej, det gjorde hun også for alle andre, og tænkte på, det må eddermame været hårdt at være hende, når hun skal handle ind... Stod også og snakkede med et dansk par på den lokale grillbar og nævnte, at jeg nok ikke kunne rejse ned og sole mig i Tyrkiet lige med det samme og at prisen på flybilletter, ville eksplodere og myndighederne ville gøre det så svært at rejse, grundet kontrol og regeringens tiltag mod spredning af coronavirus/COVID-19, at det nærmest var UMULIGT. Os, husejere har jo også tabt til Coronaen, jeg alene 300.000 i nedslag, så jeg har opgivet at sælge, lige nu, tusinde tak Fromme Moder Mette. Vi var alle sammen enige om, at INGEN kommer ud at rejse, før 2021, selv mine naboer tror de kan rejse til Juni 2020 mod det Japanske øhav og andre steder, fordi, Finnair ingen restriktioner har i CPH. De bliver nok klogere med tiden, tænker jeg... |


🛸 ~ RT: Declassified: Pentagon officially releases 3 UFO VIDEOS to ‘clear misconceptions’ ~ |

Source (RT.com)

More than two years after they were leaked online, the Pentagon has officially released three short clips from the encounters of US pilots with what they called ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’

The infrared videos, filmed from US Navy planes in 2004 and 2015, showed ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ (UAPs), better known to the general public by their old name, unidentified flying object (UFO). The objects can be seen traversing the skies in an unexplained manner and at extremely high speeds. Two of the videos contain the recordings of the communications by the pilots, who were clearly blown away by the velocity of the unknown aircraft.(READ MORE)

🚀 ~ Will China Mars Mission encounter Breakaway German Colony? ~ | Blogger: [👉I have stated this many times before, the above top secret many factions within MIC-SSP with NASA as fake CIA-front, will NEVER EVER allow any pictures of alien structures or German space colony (whatever)👈] ... When Indian Chandrayaan 2 aimed to explore the dark side of the moon back August 2019, there was NO pictures of anything... Well, if Humans of Earth knew, that for over 80 years now, MIC-SSP has existed that has been in contact and traded technologies with other Alien Civilizations. Some claims from whistleblowers that SSP has revenge engineered aliens spacecraft or into something like Elysium-style, 5th element-style, Stargate-style regenerating Medical Beds and all diseases are cured... IF, you're a incarnate Star Wars / Star Trek fans like me, you also think the Moon is actually artificially made. Titanium-Based Combat Planet or Moon an Artificial Satellite? At least it is reported that after NASA and SSP (ie the US secret space programs) threw a 2-tonne Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) on the moon and it shook for several days after, perhaps proving it is hollow inside. Yes, all superpowers who have access to the universe make frequent use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, it is used to 'blur' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Armada, their 2 massive Space Stations in (LEO), Asteroid Mining, the Entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, Space Stations on the back of the Moon and Mars, the real appearance of the Sun (Portal) and, of course, the Spaceships of Extraterrestrial beings, etc... My theory is just as crazy as the Danish Facebook Group, runned by Ole Lochmann, Psychotherapist, who has convinced 25,000 other Danes that the Earth is Flat (it's NOT Flat btw)... I know, it's all tuff to get red-pilled, but it's better to have a open minded Soul, than one, who will never ever look at Space and Universe with trillions of Planets and Stars and think, there's no other life out there, than Earthlings living on 1 planet Mother NOVA GAIA, not super spiritual advanced Humanoids, that has an appearance resembling a human without actually being one... |


China is on schedule to launch an orbiter and rover to Mars in July 2020 in a mission called Tianwen-1 – meaning ‘questions to heaven’. While the mission goals for Tianwen-1 appear very mundane – mapping the surface and extracting soil samples – one of the “questions to heaven” that the Chinese are very interested in answering is: “are multiple insider accounts of a German space colony that moved to Mars from Antarctica in the 1950s/1960s true?”

Andrew Jones from SpaceNews explains what to expect with the Tianwen-1 mission:

The Tianwen-1 orbiter will be equipped with a high-resolution camera comparable to HiRise on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It also carries a medium-resolution camera, subsurface radar, mineralogy spectrometer, neutral and energetic particle analyzers and a magnetometer. The orbiter will also play a relay role for the mission rover.

The roughly 240-kilogram solar-powered rover is nearly twice the mass of China’s Yutu lunar rovers. It will carry a ground-penetrating radar, multispectral camera, a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy instrument and payloads for detecting the climate and magnetic environment. The rover has a mission design lifetime of three Earth months. The rover will receive a name through a public vote closer to launch.

The Chinese orbiter and rover will provide independent data to answer many questions Chinese researchers have about Mars in terms of its ancient history and life, without relying on third parties such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which are well known to disseminate disinformation. (READ MORE)

😷📸🔐 ~ US was warned of threat from anti-vaxxers in event of pandemic ~ | Blogger: [👉"America’s “anti-vaxxer movement” would pose a threat to national security in the event of a “pandemic with a novel organism"👈] .. Give me freaking break! You only have to arrest and prosecute 6-7 people and E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G will blow away and as we know of now, the CV19, was deliberately weaponized as a contagious, but not lethal, double-stranded airborne disease spread into airborne pollutants of China, Italy and USA from Milan (and Iran) that's SoTW take. We know for a fact, that CV19 and Milan was the epicenter and has the highest cases of people dying from COPD, respiratory diseases associated with particulate matter (a perfect crime). All this has been planned for decades. To replace running governments with technocrats, who are taking over the practice of medicine. Some say, not even Trump is in power anymore. It's in the hands of the Medical-Industrial Complex... 1️⃣ - WHO Director-General (Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) look at the crimes below besides rumors of W.H.O. are aware of child sex trafficking inside the organization 2️⃣ - Xi Jinping for putting Dr Tedros in power in the first place, and a few days ago, gives another $30 million to the World Health Organization. Besides installing surveillance cameras outside and inside people's front door/homes in China & US/EU is mimicking this Orwell's police state strategy 3️⃣ - CDC Director Robert Redfield embedding FEARS into the American and World's' population and mentions a "second wave" of the coronavirus, at the 2020 winter outbreak will be "more difficult" because it will coincide with the seasonal flu. Which means, another bioweapon stage 2 of a contagious kind, mixed with seasonal flu viruses (all viruses are engineered in a lab) 4️⃣ - Dr. Anthony Fauci. Who has not been around patients for 30 years, and his company benefits from Bill Gates donated Danish / Saudi vaccine empire and many, many other crimes 5️⃣ - Bill Gates, the crimes and the gift that keeps on giving. Look at INCREDIBLE amount of evidence from godlikeproductions PDF's 6️⃣ - Denmark; (former) Communist Party of Denmark (DKP) doctors like SS(T) Medical Corps Søren Brostrøm and SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Mølbak... PS: AND NO - I don't think that if you "cut off one head, two grow back". If you look into these people and remove them from power, it will be all over - Hail Hydra卐✋... |

