Nov 17, 2016

Bliver oliebranchens store hemmelighed endelig afsløret? Noteringen af Saudi Aramco ventes at værdisætte selskabet til omkring 14.000 mia. kr. Det vil dermed med længder blive verdens mest værdifulde børsnoterede selskab. Apple har til sammenligning en markedsværdi på ca. 4.100 mia. kr (Blogger: Først fik vi 'The Panama Papers', derefter BREXIT, så var det amerikanske præsidentvalg nu verdens største børsnotering der kommer til at svie på alles læber. KRISE: Vi ved, at 11 Maersk-skibe er arbejdsløse og ligger i Fredericia i snart et år. Skibene burde sejle forsyninger til boreplatforme, men der bliver ikke boret i Nordsøen og på grund af dårlige oliepriser m.m. er Danmark 'dødafhængige' af olie fra bl.a. de totalitære diktaturstater, som Saudi-Arabien og Qatar. Også derfor har Kongehuset, danske petro-dollar-pro venlige politikere med følge af VL-grupperne også besøgt disse stater masser af gange... Dannevang har naturligvis mindreverskomplekser, den lille duksedreng vil da også lege i skolegården, med de 'STORE' drenge... Olie er ikke længere en vinder-aktie fremfor for klimaneutrale investeringer og derfor har Mærsk, DONG Energy, Novo, Nordea Liv & Pension, PenSam, PFA og PKA trukket stikket. Efter et hård langt pres tilbyder Danske- og Jyske Bank nu kommuner og pensionsselskaber, at de kan anbringe deres midler i investeringspakker, som er renset for selskaber inden for kul, olie og gas. Selvom Finansfolk advarer mod investeringer i kul og olie, fortsætter 16 danske pensionsselskaber med betydelige investeringer i fossil energi. Trump er 'desværre' stor tilhænger af kul og olie, så det bliver spændende at se om nogen vil investere i det kommende børsnoterede selskab 'Saudi Aramco'. Som business skriver: ".. Næsten lige meget hvad der kommer ud om reserverne, ventes det at påvirke oliemarkedet, fordi det vil afsløre hvor længe verdens største olieproducent kan forsætte med at pumpe olie ud på verdensmarkedet..")

Saudi Arabiens energiminister Khalid al-Falih Foto:

Tallet har længe været omgivet af stor mystisk. Men verdens største børsnotering vil sandsynligvis endelig afsløre, hvor meget olie der findes under den saudiske ørken. 


Business 17. November 2016

En af oliebranchen største hemmeligheder står til at blive afsløret, når Saudi Arabiens statslige olieselskab Saudi Aramco efter planen bliver børsnoteret. Indtil nu er der kun få, som kender tallet for, hvor meget olie der endnu gemmer sig under den saudiske ørken. 

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Godt man ikke får tappet sit postevand fra drikkevandsforsyningen i Roskilde eller svømmer i Roskilde fjorden. "En udsivning fra et atomaffaldsdepot ved Thise kan forurene Thise vandværk", ifølge en pressemeddelelse fra Skive. Christiansborg bakkede dog op om de fire kommuner, heriblandt Skive, som kæmpede mod at blive modtagere af et atomaffaldsdepot tilbage i 2012, sorteper blev nemlig Roskilde kommune (Blogger: Placeringen af Danmarks depoter med atomaffald opbevares sikkert over jorden hos Risø. Skal tonsvis af atomaffald graves ned i Danmark? Selvom Danmark for årtier siden sagde 'NEJ TAK' til både atomvåben og atomkraft, findes der stadig atomaffald herhjemme? En hel del af det, faktisk, for på Risø-centeret ved Roskilde er der opbevaret mellem 5.000 og 10.000 m3 radioaktivt affald i tønder!!!!.I begyndelsen af 2017 skal Folketinget efter planen beslutte, om det danske atomaffald skal placeres i et mellemlager eller graves ned et sted i Danmark... Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet har bestilt geologiske undersøgelser i en dybde på 500 meter, og det forstås af nogle som om, at idéen med at slutdeponere det danske atomaffald i Danmark er genoplivet... Mens regeringen er igang, så kan de vel også bare hente de 200.000 liter dieselolie, lavradioaktivt spildevand fra en atomreaktor og kemisk og giftigt affald hjem til Danmark fra et 50 år gammel nedlagt base ved navn 'Camp Century' i Grønlands indlandsis som var del af USA's tophemmelige missilforsvar mod Sovjetunionen... En win-win-situation, USA forbliver vores venner og regeringen kan bortskaffe livsfarlig affald...)

I begyndelsen af 2017 skal Folketinget efter planen beslutte

Atomaffald kan ende i den danske undergrund

16. nov. 2016 kl. 10.46

Forskningsministeriet har bestilt undersøgelser i en halv kilometers dybde. De skal være klar i december.

Det danske atomaffald fra Risø skal måske alligevel ende et sted i den danske undergrund én gang for alle.

I foråret 2015 besluttede Folketinget ellers at lægge planerne om et dansk slutdepot til atomaffaldet på hylden for i stedet at koncentrere sig om et såkaldt mellemlager.

Læs videre:

Grønland vil have Danmark til at tage affære

Grønland truer med at trække Danmark og USA i FN

Saudis, China Dump Treasuries; Foreign Central Banks Liquidate A Record $375 Billion In US Paper - Nov 16, 2016

It is official: Trump or no Trump, foreign central banks, SWFs and virtually every other official institution in possession of US paper, and as of this month, private investors too, are liquidating their Treasury holdings at a record pace.

One month ago, when we last looked at the Fed's update of Treasuries held in custody, we noted something troubling: the number had dropped sharply, declining by over $22 billion in one week, one of the the biggest weekly declines since January 2015, pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.805 trillion, the lowest since 2012. One month later, we refresh this chart and find that in last week's update, foreign central banks continued their relentless liquidation of US paper held in the Fed's custody account, which tumbled by another $14 billion over the course of a week, pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.788 trillion, a new post-2012 low. 

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Dr. Greer: The Cosmic False Flag from Portal to Ascension LIVE and Webinar



Now more than ever the nuance described in this paper is important to understand.

"When Disclosure Serves Secrecy."
"Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound.

And yet it is fraught with danger.

The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it.

There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject- and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart. Elsewhere, in the [ ] book  "Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications" I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful.

But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses."

Click here for the full article.  This information will be particularly pertinent for those who watched the Nov 13th webinar about " The Cosmic False Flag."


Cobra / Prepare for Change: November Interview 2016

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 759 entries to this date. See:

To Listen via MP3 format click below

Transcript of the November 8, interview posted on November 16, 2016

COBRA INTERVIEW 11/08/16 and Cobra Interview Transcript

November PFC ( & Cobra interview 2016

Malawi Update

Enock has sent me pictures of 8-year-old George Andrew and his siblings: Estery, Lukia and Daniel (they range in age from 5 to 10-years old). These 4 children lost both of their parents due to Malaria. Now the children live with their young auntie. Their house, like all the village houses is made of the adobe bricks which are made of dirt and water then dried in the sun. They sleep on the dirt floor; no beds. They are happy to have a blanket and that too is usually shared. There is no indoor plumbing, no kitchen; cooking is done outdoors with the neighboring villagers.

It is because of the good will and generosity of our Prepare for Change family that Enock was able to give this family a 50 kilo bag of maize. This will last about 1 week. We are really making a difference with these people’s lives. If it weren’t for you, our listeners that have opened your hearts and your wallets for this village in Malawi, Africa; there would be more people dying of starvation........

NASA Leaks: Warp Drive a Reality? --"Can Defy Newtonian Physics to Travel to the Stars in Weeks or Months"

A recently leaked, unpublished paper from NASA reveals that NASA has made a functioning Radio Frequency Resonant Cavity Thruster, otherwise known as electromagnetic propulsion drive or EM Drive or Warp Drive – a space engine with fuel-free propulsion system. The EM Drive uses magnetic waves to create thrust by bouncing microwave photons within a closed cone-shaped metal vessel shown below. The motion causes the pointed end of the drive to generate thrust and propel it in the opposite direction. The microwaves gather electricity via solar power and it does not require a propellant. Critics remain skeptical about the idea saying that the engine violates basic Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months, of transporting humans to Mars in 10 weeks, fly to the Moon in four hours, and travel to Pluto in only 18 months - all without the need for a propellant.

As detailed in the paper, NASA physicists led by Harold “Sonny” White and Paul March were able to generate thrust in a “tapered RF test article” (EmDrive prototype) during a series of tests at NASA’s Eagleworks Labs at Johnson Space Center in the fall of 2015.

In short, the NASA engineers are trying to determine whether faster-than-light travel — warp drive — might someday be possible. The team is attempting to slightly warp the trajectory of a photon, changing the distance it travels in a certain area, and then observing the change with a device called an interferometer.

“Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago,” White told the New York Times in 2013. “And we know that when you look at some of the cosmology models, there were early periods of the universe where there was explosive inflation, where two points would’ve went receding away from each other at very rapid speeds. Nature can do it,” he added. “So the question is, can we do it?”

As detailed in the leaked paper, the NASA EmDrive test consists of a closed copper cone, that is bombarded with microwaves. The researchers powered it with 40, 60, and 80 watts and found that it generated up to 58, 128, and 119 micronewtons of thrust, respectively. Given that this “anomaly” was still observed by White and his colleagues after accounting for error, this suggests that the results of the experiment show an EmDrive is possible.

The incredible blue dunes of Mars: Stunning new NASA image reveals layers of ancient rock

  • Image shows striations of varying colors in region known as Nili Fossae
  • The canyon was formed by a system of faults, but also once hosted water
  • Blue and white rocks are partially covered by layers of younger material
A breathtaking new image from NASA reveals the pale white and blue layers of ancient Martian bedrock.

The view captures the sediments on the floor of a canyon near a feature known as Syrtis Major, and provides a glimpse at the history of the landscape.

According to the researchers, the striations illustrate a chronological stacking of the sediments, with younger layers of dust and other wind-blown materials partially covering the rocks beneath

A breathtaking new image from NASA reveals the pale white and blue layers of ancient Martian bedrock. The view captures the sediments in the floor of a canyon near a feature known as Syrtis Major, and provides a glimpse at the history of the landscape
The region known as Nili Fossae is a candidate for a future robotic mission, and researchers say the varying colours and tones of the rocks reveal changes in the composition of the sediment.

While the canyon is thought to be the product of a system of faults, there is evidence to suggest that water once flowed through the area.

Orbital spectral measurements by the OMEGA instrument on Mars Express and CRISM on MRO show an abundance of clay minerals of different types in Nili Fossae.

These, along with other sediments detected at the site, are typically left behind by water.

According to the researchers, the variations in these layers reveal insight on how the Martian environment has changed.

NASA isn’t the only agency with plans to send robots to the red planet - in September, the ESA revealed the swirling valley of one of its ExoMars candidate landing sites.

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