Nov 4, 2021

🦸‍♀️💋🤳 - (Omstridt sms: Luk lortet. Jeg er REN!) Jeg er landets statsminister, jeg dækker ikke over noget - I må stole på mig - Det var BB! Vil ikke undskylde hårdt sprogbrug eller sletning af sms'er! »Lev med det« Hilsen Mink-Medico-Metto »Læg jer, rul rundt« Hilsen Barbamama. Qvortrup: Det er patetisk (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Det danskerne har været vidne til - MMM's lille show - var en "brandsluknings øvelse". Og som det brandskum som PFOS-forureningen har udgjort, slås man i de næste 100 år om, hvem som skal betale for oprydningsarbejdet🤛] ... IGEN og (igen) overlever regeringen og coronapionererne, bare ikke "minkerhvervet". Noget som EL, har slået på tromme for i evigheder, skulle nedlægges... hmm... Lidt vildt og griner er det, foruden at Ekstra Bladets Brian Weichardt flytter pladser, at "Journalisering" betyder, at sms'er SKAL gemmes på den sag, som den handler om, hvis de vurderes til at have betydning for sagsbehandlingen. Men Mæææætte, finder det ikke nødvendigt i hendes tilfælde, ikke én eneste SMS ud af tusinder, skal lagers og desuden er hun "ren". Hun har ikke noget at skjule.. Vi kan jo godt blive enige om, at efter 2 timers pressemøde og en byge af spørgsmål, fjerner, IKKE vor Statsministers store problemer med minksagen - ej heller, Coronabedraget samt vakkZinedødslisten, for den findes skam... Men man skal nok kigge lidt mere mod hvem som ejer "Corona-Corporation" fra udlandet... Herhjemme, skal vi nok mere kigge på hvem som står på Konge-Pingo's jagtliste. Det, være sig, VL Grupperne, Novo, som sad i det famøse Coronaudvalg og Mærsks krav om at vaccinere alle sine medarbejdere, på hovedkontoret. De har tjent KASSEN FRU MADSEN på Coronakrisen. Den eller dem, som evt. virkelig trækker i trådene og som ikke har fået et åndelighedstjek, er DDFO-kongen, Stormester Walther Schwarz, i logerne fra Nederlandene til England og Overlægen af OverDanmark... |

"Kongehuset, styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser" ~ Knud Jacobsen fra partiet: Folkets Ret (

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«
Lars Løkke Rasmussen - jamen jeg har ikke yderligere kommentarer.

MASONRY GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD DENMARK: Worlds of government-related electronic communications MUST be retained for the purpose of fulfilling public records requests, including text messages sent from both government-issued and personal devices. But not in Denmark

MASONRY GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD DENMARK: The government has admitted it did not have the legal authority to kill healthy mink herds but culled 17 million minks anyway in November of 2020 in response to Covid-19 outbreaks at more than 200 mink farms depending on 6.000 workers and more familes and a whole industry died out.

MASONRY GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD DENMARK: Thus, access to documents obtained by at the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) shows that Denmark has bought a total of no less than 47,400,000 corona vaccines. If two vaccines are calculated per Dane, this means that all around 6 million Danes can almost be vaccinated 4 times before the stocks are emptied.

🙏 ~ 💝 ('A m-class solar flare of long duration and the CME is coming.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Jason A World News: WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS??🌟] ... |

👁⃤ 🔱📐~ (Halyna Hutchins making creepy illuminati hand sign on IG) Illuminati Stars Flashes Hand Gesture, Telltale Signs VIP's & Celebs got COVID or Declared Dead = Singing like a Canaries, Arrests, GITMO? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Kim Kardashian is now the Queen of Staten Island. She was tested positive for Covid-19, like all the Kardashians. Former nanny, Nancy Jenkinson, Kim is a Satanic Illuminati Witch👈] ... Some say, Hollyweird, has been emptied out. No more A-list actors. Most of what you see is made with CGI.. Soo.. I'm just spit-balling here... I found it peculiar that, even though it could be a nothing-burger, these days, so many people are leaving the scene, lack of a better wording.. Vaxxed up or not, they get COVID.. And you have nooo idea the long list of secret celebrity trannies, drag queens, cloning and crisis actors, controlled by the elite puppets. As we speak, Scotland primary school draws flak after telling boys to wear skirts... In these #MeToo and the 'woke' generation, men-must-die-for-what-they're-done-times, let's look at the woman, some are men, or used to be... Anyways, one example, is Khloé Kardashian, 2nd time she got the Coronavirus, fully vaccinated. She is a long-rumored Illuminati member. The gossip about the 37 year-old reality TV star being involved in the sinister secret society, which some believe rule the world, has been afoot for some time. Speculation rose once more when she posted pictures to Instagram where she made the hand gesture that many associate with the Illuminati in 2014... Anti-vaxxer, Kristy Swanson, the O.G. ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer,’ hospitalized for COVID-19 treatment. Strange yeah?... And then we have our own DK-celeb - Naked ZULU Awards Ibi Støving - with a Tongue Out: (Sexual abuse / sex programming, sex rituals, insemination/seeding ritual). Her ex-boyfriend, Simon Makienok, who has devoted and admitted, his life to the Illuminati-order, tatted on his belly and has got COVID. Ibi Støving is also hosting the show "The Masked Singer" which is absolutely, using illuminati rituals and symbolism. Was Ibi, really "shot" with a bullet in her right forearm in a so-called drive-by shooting in Los Angeles? (symbolism "shot" = vaxxed?) ... You be the judge... |

list of celebrities and famous people with coronavirus, including Trisha Yearwood. There are over 80 celebrities with COVIDsome who've died.

🔴🔮🎱 ~ (Flynn vs. Trump: Is Trump damaged goods?? Some 'Truthers' are working for Dark Hats) LIVESTREAM: TAROT READINGS BY JANINE & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic ~ | Blogger: OMG! Benjamin Fulford was right - Mr. Trump was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt as a businessman and for the longest time, BF has stated, Trump was damaged goods for a number of reasons, I'll read his reports for years. However, the tarot cards said YES, that he was bailed out by the "Club", but Janine says, it was a loong time ago, and since then had a long time slow dead of association with them, like 80%, worked out the connection, with the "Club or Black Hats", it looks like. Wow, BF was also right about Mr. Trump, was offered a chance to overturn the stolen 2020 election (and complete lockdown) but refused by Mr. Trump, said the cards. Jesus H. Christ, WHAAAT!???.. Janine goes on, if, Mr. T played along, and closed down USA, he would have been the one to blame... Flynn and Trump has heated discussions but are very independent and tired out. Mr. T has advised by off-worlders, Flynn wanted to move faster as an independent person. More on BF, Mr. Flynn & Janine's interpretation about is Flynn, throw Mr. T under the bus. And Mr. T is very, very tied out about the Mainstream (MSM) narrative. Mr. T is DONE like the rest of us (We, The People) and wish to flip things around. Mr. T fearfully for his life, says Janine (end at 30 minute marker)... There's so much more in this videocast - and Dallas and the BIG event - wealthy people hoarding silver - China govt tells the Chinese people to stock up on food creating DRAMA (fearmongering) etc. etc.. Wow - someone is gonna have a field day - especially the Trump haters and naysayers... Time to start using discernment and trusting your own intuition folks... |

First shots of WWIII fired on Polish/Belarus border as collapse of EU begins


"What people need to still realize though, is that Donald Trump is not the man to lead the US back to democracy and independence. Remember, open-source information in places like Forbes and the Wall Street Journal show he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt as a businessman. Trump is also openly calling for everybody to be vaccinated for the non-existent pandemic.

General Michael Flynn has said the US military offered Trump a chance to overturn the stolen 2020 election and Trump betrayed them by refusing. For this reason, the White Dragon Society sent a representative to meet in person with Flynn last week. The idea was to offer Flynn the job of interim president of the US following the formal bankruptcy of the USA Corporation. According to this Dragon family member, Michael Flynn is"