Dec 6, 2022

💝 (Another CV-19 global agenda lockdown? Latest Infinite Intelligence Report) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 6, 2022 (SOTW; Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings is a Healer, Channeler, Akashic reader, and Spiritual Teacher and more. Btw, You know the "THE DRAMA TRIANGLE" right? A long story short - I have had the "pleasure" of 2 longer female relationship, what has sucking the life out of me. One was my bio-daughters mother and another, my x-wife, who has the most lovely indigo child on Earth. I love them both dearly. Loss of both of my 'daughters' and thousands of tears later, I was punished, for my kindness, because, I had the nerve as a 'rescuer' to ask the 'persecutor' or 'victim' to try to help them. It didn't went well. I guess, we all have been energy vampires, at one point in time in this life or another, the answers are within, not in others. Buuutt, double-crossing a psychic vampire (or energy vampire) which is a creature in folklore said to feed off the "life force" of other living creatures, is very dangerous. I know) ~ |

👁️⃤𓂀 (Er regeringsforhandlinger 2022 planlagt fra dag ét af til fandens-fødselsdag?) Once a CIA Agent, Always Mason-Frimurer? 6 dage til Fandens-Fødselsdag dagen den sjette December 2022 det 6. år hvor 9 indgår Dato + Måned (SOTW; For jøder, kristne og muslimer betegner tallet 6 den dag hvor mennesket blev skabt. Tallet 6 indgår også i tallet 666, der for kristne repræsenterer det onde. Det er dyrets tegn i skildringen af dommedag i Johannes Åbenbaring i Det nye testamente. Tallet 6’s konstruktive aspekter: Kærlighed, harmoni, tryghed, forståelse, stabilitet, ligevægt, beskyttelse, retfærdighed. Tallet 6’s negative aspekter: Bekymring, ængstelse, indblanden, misforstået sympati og forståelse, hævdvundne regler. Tallet 6’s destruktive aspekter: Egoisme, mistænksomhed, jalousi, regler for reglernes skyld.. Hvorfor er det, vi skal lytte til vores indre intuition og ikke den ydre komplekse verden af symbolisme, manipulation og bedrag? Mærk og modtag healing fra dit indre kompas, gør klogt. Guddommelig kærlighed er hel og har ikke modpolen had, som den menneskelige kærlighedsfølelse, har. Mystik og spiritualitet er synlig kilde, der springer. Der kan alle hente vand, hvis de vil. For 300 år tilbage, skete det i forskellige mysterieskoler, der alle var meget lukkede og måske havde et godt budskab og sindelag. 50 år siden blev den satanistiske gruppe Church of Satan etableret i USA og mange tror på, at mellem dannelsen af den første storloge (paraplyorganisation) i 1717 i England og ukendt årtier efter, blev frimureriet overtaget af højerestående udenomjordiske mørke entiteter, der indførte meget brede rammer for, at satanisme og dæmonologi med djævelske idealer, der kendetegner udenlandske grupperinger, men er bestemt ikke, fremmede for danskerne. Hele fænomenet var også præget af, at der ikke stod nogen kapitalstærke trossamfund, institutioner eller forlag bag. Desværre, har enorme pengesummer og ritualer blevet til inspirationskilde for mange - ca. 6 millioner på verdensplan og især i udlandet, så er mange kendte spirituelle guruer, forfattere og mystikere sammen med politikere og eliten m.v., blevet indviet og dermed, kompromitteret og blevet til det vi kalder, “kontrolleret opposition”. Laver mange stavefejl. Sjusk og ordblindhed. Beklager) ~ |

Symboler vil være deres downfall...

(20+) Facebook
Fakta: Netværksanalyse af det danske coronaoprør - Mandag Morgen - Uafhængigt innovationshus. Analyser og ny viden. (

Her er konspirationsteorien om Illuminati | Tjekdet
Googles billedresultater
Analyse: 'Kronprinsesse Mary lyder mere og mere som Mette Frederiksen' | BT Royale -

Løkke kendte ikke til ny klagesag – Ekstra Bladet

Blå partier kritiserer Ellemann: Samarbejde kan ligge i ruiner (

Ny dansk forskning: Næsten 600.000 danskere har arvet en forhøjet risiko for hjertesygdom (

OLFI - Meget taler for, at amerikanerne stod bag sabotage af gasrørledningerne i Østersøen

📉💱💸 ('No coincidence FTX collapse happening same time Ukraine money laundering network faltering & Dems elec. fraud maneuvers about to be exposed.') The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 844, Sunday December 4, 2022 ~ |

 FTX Reveal

The Crypto platform took a major blow on November 11 when it reported a ‘hack’. Lacking the resources to support the investments entrusted to the FTX board, FTX was suddenly bankrupt. In other words, someone robbed the bank. And the CEO - Bankman-Fried – reportedly fled to Argentina. Bankman-Fried’s mother was a heavy contributor to the Democrats, second only to Soros in this regard. Is there a relationship to the election losses for the Democrats on November 8? There is an alleged relationship to funds sent to the Ukraine by the Biden Administration, which were laundered back to support the Democrat campaigns.

Cryptocurrency Platform FTX Goes Bankrupt In US, Boss Resigns
November 11, 2022
FTX Group announced in a statement that it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. This week’s financial chaos at FTX has seen major cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, plunge.
FTX was founded in 2019 and somehow managed to quickly become the biggest name in crypto. His mom is a major dem operative.
Democrats' 'Newest Megadonor' plummets on Election Day, forced to Sell Crypto Company to Biggest Rival
November 12, 2022
Bankman-Fried, 30, was the second-biggest individual Democratic donor this election cycle behind top-ranking liberal billionaire contributor George Soros.


🔴※📰 ('$2.5TR in derivatives held by banks will bring down the financial system first.') Benjamin Fulford *FULL* Report ~ Dec 6, 2022 (SOTW; HUman Clone Avatar Army? Every day, celebs are leaving the earth plane. Kirstie Alley, is yet another of the Hollyweirdo who has died - 'originally' version or clone, we do not know! Justin Castrudeau the Faggot-Drag-Queen, has been executed at GITMO, rumor has it - we know that. BF says, Justin-The-Avatar, will soon go the same say. BF also says, Satanist Klaus Schwab Rothschild, has been spotted at Waldorf Astoria hotel in DC, reported had died and they're preparing for another avatar. Also, Tokugawa shogun was killed at “the battle of Yamanaka” and replaced by an avatar under their control. Another avatar clone is Killary Clinton Rockefeller. BF are saying, that Israel, Ukraine, the USA and other strongholds falling, it looks like the Satanists will soon have nowhere to hide. Perhaps they can take up residence in the “Illuminati” hotel in the United Arab Emirates. Lastly, BF and his secret sources in the space program say, that the day when anti-gravity and other futuristic technology will be shared with the world is coming soon) ~ |


Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Lost tribes of Israel and space Nazis come out of closet as Satanic rule collapses

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill... 

Published by Benjamin on Dec 5, 2022

There can be no doubt the planet earth is going through changes that are beyond biblical in proportion. That is why an ancient secret society -with roots going back to the biblical Jacob in Egypt- as well as space Nazis on flying saucers are coming out of the closet. This is happening because an esoteric war that has been raging for thousands of years is coming to an end. What we are witnessing is an end to millennia of Satanic rule on this planet.

This is visible in huge changes taking place in governments around the world, most notably last week in China, the United States, Israel and Brazil.

Let us start with events in China because they hold the key to so much else that is happening and is about to happen.

China was touted by top Satanist Klaus Schwab Rothschild (Rothschild=red shield of satan) as the model for their digital human animal farm New World Order. 

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The plan the Satanists had for this planet was to genetically modify every human into farm animal-type obedience, microchip their brains and control every aspect of their lives through constant, intrusive digital surveillance. In other words, literally, turn the planet into a giant human farm.