May 27, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Løgnere dækker sig med fordømmelse og bruger deres personlighed som forsvar) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉'Ellen Imellem' og Det, vi taler om: Trump fra en anden Planet. Anti-vaxxers. Kennedy-og Martin Luther King-mordene. Månelandingen. Nazi-Wernher von Braun og fake-Andreas Mogensen. Flat Earther og Rasmus Prehns misbrugte kreditkort. Herlufholm og skandalerne, slutter aldrig o.s.v. o.s.v.👈]... Og jeg skal give dig, skal jeg ... Uha da da - hvor klaveret spiller skævt under bøsse-trilogien på B.T's og dagens podcast; Det, vi taler om, når Israelske agent-Ditte, er væk og Nikolaj Vræææ, har overtaget. Der var ikke et øje tørt eller rettere, ikke en mås så velsmurt, som når panelet-brillerer med Forensic Statement Analysis (FSA). Dog, udføres, en FSA ikke på Mørke-Mette og Co., om minkslagtningen, eller hvorfor fanden, Journalist & royal korrespondent, Primadonna Heinel, påstår, at 82% af danskerne, eeeelsker vores kommende Pingo-Konge, når vi ved, at han har "løjet" et helt liv, væk. Tag blot eksempler; fik tæsk af PaPa, skandale-druktur, brogate, IOC-løgnen, sexfester i Grønland, hemmelige møder med ledende medlemmer af Forsvaret, helbred og hytteskandaler (og jeg kunne bare blive ved). Herr Heinel påstår også, han blev oppasset af konspirationsteoretikerne, der mente at han havde, en hjernekontrollerende nanochip i én af de 6 vacciner han modtog, men disse mennesker ligger nu for DØDEN, fordi, de NÆGTEDE at tage imod wacko-vaksinen. For at blive ved (Bar Mitzvah – pligtens søn) Heinel, så "beskyttede" han også Ellen DeGeneres forlagte fødsesldagsinvitations-upser på live TV. Det som alle vi ved i Sandhedsbevægelsen er at, den LGBQT-bevægelsen og Transhumanisterne under Hollywood, har, Pædofilmonsteret-Tom Hanks og lesbiske Adrenokrom-Ellen, som værende de officielle Illuminati-talsmænd for Corona, og alt det skidt og møg, imellem... Det, bliver først riiiigtigt sjovt, i anden time, når de har inviterede Ole Lochmann - Parterapeuten - der er overbevist om, Jorden er flad, ind i studiet, eller med fuglefløjten, fra hans mobil og kanten af universet. Og der er faktisk et par enkelte ting, som jeg kan være enig med Ole Loch-Ness-uhyret om, men, tilhænger af flat earth-teorien, er jeg ikke på SoTW. Han havde også lidt svært at forklare sig, da spørgsmålet kom ind på om, andre planeter og månen, faktisk, er runde... |
🕉️ ~ 💗 ('3 cycles, cosmic, galactic and solar, converge into the opening of the Ascension portal of 2025.') NEW COBRA UPDATE: The Apocalypse (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Are we all going to die soon??... Remember, La Palma volcano collapse could cause a super-tsunami, heading for Canadian and Americas east costliness scientists warned 20 years ago and nothing happened, in 2021. Perhaps intervened by our friendly galactic sky-people... Be careful about predictions and or spiritual 'esoterically teachings' coming from any "guru" and in particular, what Cobra RM (teams) are cooking inside the witches boiling cauldron - it should be taken with a grain of salt. And I'm sorry, SoTW refuses to believe in the demise-scenario of HUmanity as Cobra RM predicts and Cabal knows about seeking inside their underground homes when crustal displacements and a physical polar shift takes place. That will lead to the polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the planetary surface and purifies it, and human population will be evacuated from the surface, says Cobra RM etc. etc... However, that said, my H-S told me, that a MAJOR Earthquake would create epic tsunami in December of 2022. An epicenter in Iceland AKA the North Atlantic ridge hitting New York City (Edgar Cayce predictions 1930) that will affect shores of Denmark, Island and England, of course. It will NOT be due to pole change due to the Sun, rather, to the earth's magnetism South and the North Pole that revolves - I.e. the electromagnetic shift on our planet, but NOT as such as a crustal displacements and a physical polar shift... What you believe in is up to you - I have no say in it or master or control, what my H-S predicts... 🙏SoTW will not deep dive into more bad experiences about this Cobra RM organization, have already done that on Some of the described reporting might be true, but I'm not a ultimate doomsday prepper... Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... |
'In a few months, mainstream scientists will begin to realize that there is something unusual going on with the current solar cycle, and some of them will be able to connect the dots, triggering utter panic in some circles.' ~ Cobra
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
As hinted at in the previous update, we are at the turning point of several cosmic cycles.
First, there is the completion of the great cosmic cycle which lasted over 13 billion years. This universe is right now at the turning point from expansion into contraction. That is a unique moment, when the Source (the Absolute) can intervene directly into the Creation and dissolve the primary anomaly and all evil related to it, and this is the real reason why all darkness will soon disappear.That moment of direct intervention is called the Apocalypse (the Revelation in English) and is quite accurately described in a famous, almost 2000 year old vision:
This moment can also be called the Cosmic Reversal, and scientists are beginning to understand that it will not happen billions of years from now, but much sooner:
Second, there is the completion of the galactic magnetic pulse cycle which lasts somewhere between 12,000 and 13,000 years. Every 12,000 years or so, the Galactic Central Sun reverses its magnetic polarity, and in two such cycles it reverses its magnetic polarity back to the original one. Earth axis is entrained with the galactic magnetic field reversals, and this is the true origin of the 25,772 year precessional cycle, and the 12,000 year Heinrich event cycle:
Recent scientific paper shows that galactic magnetic field reversals are sudden events that only take a few years:
🤓🥳✌️ ~ (Freaky-Friday: "Deep state cabal" is NOT easing up sails in a heavy storm!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Friday even more freakier than freaky... 🤪Watch out - crazy times ahead🤪... ⚠️FINALLY in the Lame-Stream-News: "Texas cops did ‘NOTHING’ to stop school shooter – parents. Uvalde police were unable to explain why it took them an HOUR to break down a barricaded door and kill the gunman." ( ⚠️DENMARK BIG PHARMA HQ - Danish VPCIR biosciences, going-in-all, by diagnosing the new viral disease, monkey pox. + Bavarian Nordic signs 'larger' monkeypox vaccine supply deal with unnamed country + Grindr has alerted European users to the risk of monkeypox despite experts insisting it’s not an STD. + Enochian BioSciences, biopharmaceutical company, owned by 'Pandora billionaire club', René Sindlevs top-scientists, has a KILLER, in the Midst, named, Serhat Gumrukcu ( + + Fiercepharma + Newsmax)... ⚠️IN THE MEANWHILE, the disgraced actor, Kevin Spacey, faces new charges with 4 sexual assaults in UK (, + new charges puts Bill Cosby in a new civil trial that begins in L.A., drugging and sexually assaulting another woman were overturned (Theguardian). That is not all, DISTURBING video from Disney+ promotes “This is Me: Pride Celebration Spectacular” featuring a cross dresser encouraging children to join GLSEN, a trans activist organization (Keanu Reeves)... ⚠️O-M-G! ARE THOSE PEOPLE INSANE??? Ex-Danish immigration minister, Inger Støjberg (depicted below) found guilty and jail for asylum separations is out again - and THOUSANDS of Danes pay tribute to Stoejberg despite prison sentence: RELEASE-PARTY on Visborggaard Castle (WTF!)... 🙏SOTW TRUELY WISH for a better world - sooner-than-later!. How much more can we all take? Are we REALLY the 99% that fight against the 1%? Why hasn't more woken up yet? It’s NOT that I can’t SEE what THEY see it’s that I see what THEY can’t... |
NEW - Pope Francis: "Ours is the age of fake news, collective superstitions, and pseudo-scientific truths."
Executive Director of Oxfam International at WEF: "Covid has been one of the most profitable products ever"
Is it true that when the Indians saw ships for the first time, they couldn't see them because they had never known of its existence? Was it because their eye's photoreceptors couldn't gather the light reflected from the ship or that their brains couldn't comprehend what they were looking at?? | | | |
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