Jul 28, 2018

Alien-ufo-sightings | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ THE 15 BEST PLACES YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT ON EARTH ~ | .. They say ‘Free World’ … but the truth is that it is not as free as you think. In fact, there are more than a dozen places on our planet that you CAN NOT get access to. From ultra-secret military bases to exclusive clubs and shelters of Armageddon. In this article, we take a look at the FIFTEEN most restricted places on the surface of our planet .. | Blogger; There's of course many, many more, like Norway's HAARP Facility EISCAT, Base S4 in US, D.U.M.B.s Deep Underground Military Bases, Inner Earth Entrances and the Danish Prime Minister's Office Ministry Vault of Secrets... |

Base S4 Found at Papoose Mountains South of Area 51
 Norway's HAARP Facility EISCAT in Tromsø




READ MORE: http://alien-ufo-sightings.com/2018/07/the-15-best-places-you-are-not-allowed-to-visit-on-earth/

France24 | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ Pope Francis accepts US cardinal’s resignation over sex abuse scandal ~ | .. Pope Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, one of the U.S. Catholic Church's most prominent figures, who has been at the centre of a widening sexual abuse scandal .. |

© Shawn Thew, AFP | File photo taken in Nov. 2002 of Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
READ MORE: http://www.france24.com/en/20180728-pope-francis-accepts-us-cardinal-resignation-vatican-sex-abuse-scandal

Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ QAnon Unmasks Britain as State Actor that Interfered in US Presidential Election ~ | .. The military intelligence source QAnon has dropped another bombshell with the latest round of leaked classified information, which has been released with the tacit approval of the Trump White House. QAnon has revealed that contrary to popular perception and an ongoing criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was senior government officials from the United Kingdom, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections. QAnon has in previous articles been shown to be linked to a faction of U.S. military intelligence that recruited Trump to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2015. While the Deep State has leaking classified information to destabilize the Trump administration, Trump has responded in kind by authorizing QAnon to leak classified information that exposes the Deep State and its nefarious global activities .. QAnon listed some of the 32 U.S. officials that were part of this collective effort to derail the 2016 election regardless of the will of American voters: [Peter Strozk] LP. [Lisa Page] No Name. [John McCain] [James] Clapper. [John] Brennan. [Susan] Rice. LL. [Loretta Lynch] HRC. [Hillary Rodham Clinton] BC. [Bill Clinton] Hussein. [President Obama] +22 ... It has long been known that Britain is a key player in the Deep State through its powerful financial institutions based in the City of London. One of the key figures in the City of London is Baron Jacob Rothschild who is the fourth Rothschild to gain the hereditary peerage established by Queen Victoria in 1885. According to QAnon, the Rothschild family controls world wide assets of over two trillion U.S. dollars and forms the occult leadership of the Deep State, which actively practices Satanism and performs child sacrifices. The Deep State compromises aspiring politicians through pedophilia as documented in books such as The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1992) by a former State Senator for Nebraska, John DeCamp. Therefore, it is very feasible that Deep State elements of the British establishment did set out to undermine the Trump Presidential campaign through manufactured evidence of Russian collusion, which was approved by President Obama and pursued by multiple officials in his administration as QAnon claims. The disturbing conclusion that emerges is that British government officials, rather than Russian intelligence officers, are most responsible for interfering in the U.S. Presidential process by contriving evidence and leaking classified information through the Five Eyes agreement .. | Blogger: [🕶️Keep in mind: Denmark is one of the NSA's '9-Eyes'. Lesser security clearance than the 5 Eyes, however, still, VERY POWERFUL🧛🏿] ... |

READ MORE: https://www.exopolitics.org/qanon-unmasks-britain-as-state-actor-that-interfered-in-us-presidential-election/

Sputnik News | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ Active Shooter Reported at Shopping Mall in Texas ~ | .. Police are currently responding to reports of an active shooter at Texas mall. At the same time, the Hidalgo County Constable Precinct's office has warned the locals to avoid the area .. |

Verdensalt.dk | 28. Juli 2018 | ~ Det, vi taler om - Radio24syv. Selvudnævnt sundhedsguru får igen opmærksomhed i agurketiden og igen, hoppede kæden af for de strenge selvcensurskrav, som stilles via sponsorerede farmaceutiske mafia og Berlingske Media's propagandister, lobbyterrorismen samt værternes manglende vidensdatabase ~ | Blogger: [Things That Make You Go Hmmmm... 🤔Måske har Anne Kirstine Cramon, taget for mange illuminati Beyoncé-fag på universitetet, solstik, eller bare indoktrineret og fået penge, for at holde Kaje!?🤑] ... (Nikolaj Vraa er vært, og i panelet sidder politisk kommentator, Henrik Qvortrup, kommunikationsrådgiver, Anne Kirstine Cramon, og direktør i Impact Tv, Thomas Heurlin) ... HOLD NU DA K***.... Kommunikationsrådgiver, Anne Kirstine Cramon, sprang ud af medicinskabet efter en halv times tid, for at sparke til endnu en uskyldig verdensalt.dk kombattant, som bare ønsker at oplyse verden om alt det FUP, SVINDEL OG HUMBUG, der florere på de sociale medier, massmedierne, nyhederne, men så sandelige også i DET, VI TALER OM... Den alternative behandler Martin Hejlesen, har skrevet opslag om hudkræft og solcreme på Facebook, om indtagelse af gulerodssaft og andet godt, i stedet for Kemoterapi og HPV, faktisk giver Kræft, ikke forhindre KRÆFT... Martin Hejlesen er årsags- behandler, forfatter og instruktør inden for konflikthåndtering, METAsundhed og Emotionel Friheds Teknik (EFT), Fængselsbetjent i lukket fængsel, soldat i flyvevåbnet, flugt fra granaterne i Kroatien, mellemleder i Dansk Supermarked og Coop Danmark.. Men, ALLIGEVEL NEDGØR, Anne Kirstine Cramon, Martin Hejlesen, fordi vi MÅ IKKE TALE OM DISSE EMNER - for det ""ENORMT"" magtfulde medicinal-, fødevare-, fremstillings- og produktionsDanmark, som styrer os, direkte mod døden, via medicin og FALSKE PROPAGANDA NYHEDER... SKANDALØST!!! STORT TAK TIL Martin Hejlesen, for hans indsats... 🙏💙... »Mens dermatologer og solcreme-producenter har gjort det til deres mission at overbevise verden om, at Solens eksponering forårsager kræft, er dette en stor løgn. Sollys er ikke den primære årsag til hudkræft. Faktisk forhindrer sollys faktisk kræft!« Martin Hejlesen Jensens mener, at mange danskere har et lavt niveau af D-vitamin, og det er den primære årsag til, at vi ser en høj forekomst af hudkræft i Danmark, ikke på grund af Solens UV-stråler... |


The Big Wobble | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ Insane: 124.3 degrees F (51.3 Celsius) in Algeria is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Africa as the global heat wave continues ~ | Blogger: [❄️World on Fire - Record cold - Forest fires burn at 800°C (1472° F) to 1200°C (2192° F). Greece Attacked With Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - Spot Fires. The melting process for glass, required a temperature closer to 2500 °F. Engine blocks - 2200° C whereas the melting point of aluminium is 659°, of iron is 1530°, of cast iron 1260°,of high carbon steel 1353° etc. 🔥] ... (Climate Change is Man Made.... by the Military Industrial Complex) ... Tropenætter i Danmark, hedebølgen fortsætter i hele august endnu, siger man. Svenskerne fjerner ilt fra skovbrande med jagerfly og bomber. Det er bevist, at militæret benytter sig af laserteknologi og Direct Energy Våben i Kalifornien, for at ANTÆNDE ild, nu også i Grækenland, siger nogle. Alaska har målt rekordhøje temperaturer. Hele centralafrika brænder. Japan har hedebølge, 50 dræbt, aldrig mål, nogensinde. Texas i USA, ligeledes hedebølge mens April slog rekorden for koldeste temperaturer i hele USA, hvordan kan det nu være!? ... |


Insane: 124.3 degrees F (51.3 Celsius) in Algeria is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Africa as the global heat wave continues

The planet's hottest continent probably just endured its hottest weather ever reliably measured.
An Algerian city soared to 124.3 degrees (51.3 Celsius) Thursday, adding to the onslaught of records for extreme heat set around the planet during the past 10 days.
The blistering-hot temperature reading, observed in Ouargla, is probably the highest temperature ever reliably measured both in Algeria and in all of Africa.
The record was first identified by weather records expert Maximiliano Herrera.
Ouargla, with a population of nearly half a million, is located in north-central Algeria, roughly midway between Morocco and Tunisia.
Its 124.3-degree temperature surpassed Africa's previous highest reliable temperature measurement of 123.3 degrees (50.7 Celsius) set July 13, 1961, in Morocco.

According to the Guinness book of records, on 13 September 2012, the World Meteorological Organisation disqualified the record for the highest recorded temperature, exactly 90 years after it had been established at El Azizia, Libya, with a measurement of 58°C.
The official highest recorded temperature is now 56.7°C (134°F), which was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA.
As a result of an investigation in 2012, the WMO concluded that the El Azizia record measurement could be inaccurate by as much as 7°C due to a combination of factors including the asphalt-like surface over which the measurement was taken, which is not a fair representation of the native desert soil.

BT.dk Nyheder | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ V-politiker har haft over 100 sexpartnere: Folk kalder mig rundetrunte ~ | (In English:) - a danish/iranian prominent politician, have had over 100 sex partners: People call me 'Rundetrute' - a danish word for a girl that like a hooker without getting payed (acc. to urbandictionary) ... | Blogger: [Hverdagsfeministen har INTET med racisme at gøre, #Metoo-bevægelsen har bare fundet et nyt smuthul, eller helt ny drejning om du vil, med #over10-kampagnen, som uden etik og moral, lovliggøre, at det bare er i orden, at dyrke sex med 100 mænd. Er det okay!?]... |

Den 35-årige politiker tager et opgør med, at promiskuøse
kvinder er at betragte som 'ludere, billige eller brugte.'
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.bt.dk/danmark/v-politiker-har-haft-over-100-sexpartnere-folk-kalder-mig-rundetrunte

Conscious Reminder | Jul 28, 2018 | ~ Expect An Emotional Outburst At The End Of July, The Lunar Eclipse Is Bringing Strong Shift Of Energies ~ | .. The month of July is in news all over the world for being an astronomical and astrological marvel .. |

The eclipses that would take place this month, along with the presence of the Blood Moon on 27th July, would be the highlights of several new columns, and several new pages on the net.

People are clamoring to understand the process of a Blood Moon, and what it entails to people all around.

The Blood Moon would bring in several new changes throughout the world, and human beings, would be better set, if they are aware of it before it affects them. It’s always precaution before mitigation.

The Blood Moon, and the presence of the eclipse draws its strength, among the Sun, and the Moon, the planet Mars.

Mars, being the Roman God of war, has always been prone to bursts of anger, and excitement that would turn into reckless anger, and a tenacity to throw caution to the winds.

While this reckless behavior might be of some use in some extremely rare situations, it needs to be known that the majority of it would be hazardous for the individual, and have the potential to spoil their life.

This doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to live your life the way you want it to. All it needs is being careful, and realizing that, life sometimes takes a turn towards uncharted territories, and that is when one has to be confident, and calm enough to pass through it.

This resilience comes from knowledge, knowledge that the eclipse this year would be a turning point in your life, when you would need to gather your wits and attempt at thinking before leaping, for the ides of Mars would increase the excitement you generate for every action.

This is where your knowledge comes into play. You are aware, at every step, what an eclipse could do to your life, and therefore you would make sure to carefully side step the crevices and pitfalls at your feet, and try to navigate through, safely, using your knowledge of the eclipse as an oar.

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Verdensalt.dk | 28. Juli, 2018 | ~ Du kan få Måne, Sol og Stjerner. Du kan også få Fuldmåne - Blodmåne - Måneformørkelse ~ | Blogger: [We're back! We're bad! You're black! I'm mad!🤪] ... (🔭The Nibiru cataclysm, Pole Shift & Earth Axis, Hydraulic Fracturing, HAARP, EISCAT, Chemtrails, DEW, Weather Modification, Weird Deformed Animals Findings & Animals Fall from the Sky, Hail Storms, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Sinkholes, Massive Cracks, Sonic Booms, Bible Prophecy Signs in the Sky, Tsunami, Flooding, Hard Rain, Drought and Wildfires All At Once - What The Heck Is Going On❓) ... Sirius i stjernebilledet, Store Hund - bringer ENORME energier med os, som trækker vrede ud, frustrationen, vildskaben og andet godt, indefra... Vildeste tur til Jyderup, nærmere Ringkøbing Fjord, i sommerhus med familien... Vi så lokale sommerhusejere, drømme sig væk i liggestole med solnedgangen i øjenhøjde, som en drive-in bio væg, på 30 cm vanddybde, 1 km ude i fjorden, mens en KÆMPE BLODRØD SOL, gik ned og fuldmånen stig op, Chemtrails, kunne ikke undgås... Vi så en blodmåne den 26 Juli, i stjernekikkerten, mens i går den 27. juli, udsprang endnu et eksep- tionelt astronomisk fænomen... Forsøgte med min bedste overbevisning, at konkretisere, hvad der sker omkring os til mine to nevøer, som spørger ivrigt, de ved godt eller kan fornemme, at vejret rundt i Dannevang og rundt om i verden er vendt på hoved og Deres onkel, er crazy... Man starter ikke ud med at forklare, at visse organisationer tillader, at 'bestøve' os mennesker på moder jord, med kemikalier fra flyeskadroner, som var vi et monster stort biologisk eksperiment, der som organer, skulle opbevares i formaldehyd, eller i en Matrix-film, hvor mennesker ikke længere bliver født, men dyrket. De høstes for det enestående formål, at fungere som batterier, til at en race af maskiner, kan overleve... Så den medicinske industri kan afprøve nye vira, militæret kan spraye flere boligområder for at afteste, hvor meget mikrobølgestråling, 5G og WiFi, menneskehjerner, kan holde til... Kan heller ikke sige til mine nevøer, at vores lokale Sol i mælkevejen, er en kold planet, solståler opvarmens først når de passere, jordens atmosfære, en portal til andre dimensioner og der findes centrale sole, 100 gange større end vor egen, sol... Vi får hele tiden at vide, at Solen er farlig. Altså, at soludbrud, er voldsomme eksplosioner, som slynger enorme mængder plasma ud i rummet fra Solens atmosfære, og når de rammer Jorden og optages af alt levende, så bliver vi elektrificeret af kraftige elektro- magnetiske stråling, der ødelægger os... Nej, vi dør ikke af det, tværtimod. Vi dør af pengebegær og alt det skidt som militæret, og gigant-virksomheder, supermagtens industrielle revolution, skaber for at teste på os, mennesker.. Det vi modtager fra universet, er mange gange, guddommeligt lysenergi, Tachyons (hvis de slipper igennem Kurgan Archons Earth Grid), som aktivere vor junk-DNA, healer og helbreder og skaber superwave vortex strømninger af kosmiske stråler fra høj-energi stråling eller høj-energi elektroner (Photon Energy ikke nødvendigvis gammastråler) og det er ikke farligt.. Ja, det er rigtigt, at galaktiske storme, soludbrud, stjernestøv, meteorer, kometer, supernova-eksplosioner, og for nylig i 2018, en massiv eksplosion 100 gange lysere end en supernova, som kaldes “The Cow”, skabte panik... “Troen kan flytte bjerge” - men verdensalt.dk, tror på, at tophemmelige rumprogrammer, en magtelite, militærkontraktere via nazistbevægelser og gigantvirksomheder, har erobret universet, 70 år tilbage, og de stadigvæk forsegler vores skæbner, til vi er enslydende robotter og nikkedukker, som tror på alt hvad vores regeringer, medierne og b-forskere, fortæller os... |


Feriebilleder fra Jylland og Sjælland...

Desværre kan man ikke se solens gule og røde nuancer i en dårlig mobilkamera 

Taget gennem en Celestron Skymaster gigant 70mm

Check disse mærkelige drejninger, 2 selvstændige chemtrails fly foretager sig, min mor og jeg så hvordan flyene så accelererede til enorme hastigheder ved Ringkøbing fjord...