Oct 24, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (In memorial of Tim "Avicii" dead or alive in a white-hat bunker) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Oct 24, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: 🕯️😔💞🕺🏽💌💃I have never meet my (name) brother IRL or seen him live on a concert or anything. Buuutt, according to my very best research on Verdensalt.dk, the award-winning journalist Måns Mosesson, got it all wrong. Avicii's cause of death was NOT because of (alone) substance-related suicide, by drugs, alcohol and low self-esteem, fear of not measuring up to other's expectations, etc. etc. Superstar DJ Avicii was "found" dead after exposing pedophile ring and was open-mouthed sharing, his discovery. So was Avicii silenced for his views? As a successful and popular young artist with a following of tens of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses. As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work is incredibly dangerous in today’s world. Are all of these deaths related, or is it all a big coincidence?. In a string of leaked documents, audio recordings, and videos, Anonymous (decentralized activist hacker group known as Anonymous) suggested that Avicii was among a group of high-profile celebrities like Princess Diana, Kurt Cobain, Paul Walker, Chester Bennington, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, and Chris Cornell who "were silenced" after speaking out against child trafficking. You be judge of that as always. Oh man, i'm so tired of these lies, deceit and "assisinations" done by these sicko cabal. We'd all lost friends. Since 2006 SoTW have lost 5 really good spirituel friends to cancer. It breaks my heart sometimes🕺💕💃🏽🎹🎵🎶... |

👁️⃤𓂀👶⛓️🚢 ('Kisser' og SoTW får ret og vi andre får fred?) Næ næ næ næ næ det må vi ikke (sige),. fy fy skamme skamme fy fy ah ah. slemme slemme fy fy næ næ nix nix. slut forbudt - men hva må vi så? ~ 24. Oktober 2023 ~ |

Kathrine K. H.: 'Kongehuset - en enkeltmandsvirksomhed? 'Er kongehuset i virkeligheden en virksomhed - og ikke en “myndighed”? Virksomheden “Kingdom of Denmark”. Med 666-adresse. Sygt.'... Anders Bak Acephali - Notar - Folkedomstolen: 'Fra vugge til grav - du er de facto helt død, retsløs, et firma, en tosse, idiot, baby, kreaturer og en fjende af staten gennem din FØDSELS- OG DÅBSATTEST, så de kan handle med dig'!..    

FREE GUY: Benjamin Hav sagde ja tak - Kim Larsen sagde nej til at modtage ridderkorset men sagde ja til at spille for 'DAMEN'... Og Anne-Sofie Tørnsø Olesen har afvist bud på 10.000 kroner for sin efterhånden verdensberømte gyldne 'Askepot'-stilet... SoTW fik ret (igen) mht. Traktor-Troels. Og jeg spår Jacob får et job i et privat frimurerfirma aka hos nogle af de mange 'røverrevisorer', der hjælper svindelvirksomheder som det krakkede lampefirma Hesalight. Eller revisor i AAL der overså omfattende misbrug – fik bagefter flere hundrede tusinde kroner for at finde det... Jacob's snedige vente-pensions-finte er lige så listig som LLR's Pensions-finte i Løkkefonden... Kilder som 'Kisser' (Kirsten Birgit) nævner (nogle) eftersom Lars, mangler penge og er insolvent eftersom 00'ernes Don Ø's Kommanditselskab, som komplementar og UDEN regnskabspligt, snører Løkke og de 9 kommanditister, bla. med Fitness-konge Palm og Jørgen Glistrup, der går konkurs og man hæfter solidarisk med Don's sommehuse-indkøbs-scam (siger rygter og Kirsten Birgit)... SoTW siger; Har du stadig fidus til fidusmageren og LøkkeFonden, så Ryg og Rejs med det færøske rejsebureau Make Travel... |
(20+) Frimurersymboler og -loger i Danmark | Facebook

(1) Kirsten Birgit on X: "Han tog beslutningen i går." / X (twitter.com)

✨🤗🙌 (SoTW loves how Rose turning Anna's dark comments into light) Anna: There is no RV and there can be no RV because there are presently 22 wars taking place in the world. So, if any two banks want to stop an RV for any reason, all they have to do is hire some mercenaries or stage a putsch of some kind, and voila -- no RV... Rose: Where is the RV! We all know the RV will only take place when the world is at peace... Thus, the RV WILL BE available once these “final” military operations are indeed finished. ~ Oct 24, 2023 ~ |

Editor’s Note: I respect Anna, yet want to answer her question. Ok… where is the RV! We all know the RV will only take place when the world is at peace. The “22 wars” Anna refers to may be the military police actions now happening across the globe as the “bad guys” are rounded up.

Moreover, the elections that took place in both Argentina, and Switzerland, on Oct. 22, are connected to the financial operations in those respective countries.

The point is…the actions of the dark cabal, undertaken to “rule out world” for their financial benefit, are indeed ending. Thus, the RV WILL BE available once these “final” military operations are indeed finished. This IS happening during the planned “economic shutdown” highlighted by an Internet outage!

Stay tuned, my friends, the best IS yet to BE as we all will BE in…

Quantum Joy!


By Anna Von Reitz

There is no RV and there can be no RV because there are presently 22 wars taking place in the world.

The bankers have agreements called "bank treaties" in place, agreeing that no RV can happen while there are active wars taking place.

So, if any two banks want to stop an RV for any reason, all they have to do is hire some mercenaries or stage a putsch of some kind, and voila -- no RV.

If logic prevails, there are somewhere between two and forty-four banks, or bank associations, keeping the madness going and preventing an RV.
All they need is a lot of money and a handful of thugs on each side to stop any Revaluation of Currency.

⚔️✡️🤥 (Israeli speaks his truth) Oct 7th - on the Gaza border, 'was an inside job'! From a former soldier who served on the Israeli border; 'Israeli citizens on border were disarmed 30 days prior to invasion.' ~ Oct 24, 2023 ~ |


(1) Taylor Mason on X: "@CitizenPcorp @LauraLoomer This is coming from an #Israeli… you should listen to him. He actually served on the #Gaza boarder." / X (twitter.com)

🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW's Crash Course of Unfathomable Mysteries) Millions of years old Earth's Ancient Tech... 450.000 years ago with The Anunnaki Timeline... The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica revealed... The 19th Century of Tartarian Empire & The Giants... The 1945 US Operation Paperclip, OSS, Nazi scientists, NASA, Walt Disney, The "Elon" and The Vril Society... David Wilcock on SSP, Alien abductions, E.T. races, Time Travel and Galactic Treaties... The Secret Covenant written by John D. Rockefeller how HUmans should be Mind Controlled... Oct 24, 2023 ~ |