Jan 4, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (I Declare and Decree) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Lightworkers & Lightwarriors and everyone who feel so guided; Say out loud: 📜 "I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings📜 ... 📑You don't need to be strong' and 'tough,' living in a survival mode - you can be soft, sensitive and vulnerable. It is a strength and not a weakness.... Because we shine more and more light, we're open for attacks, but it doesn't mean, we need to give up and let go.... The greater your peace, the easier it becomes to feel the God's or Source presence...📑 ~ verdensalt.dk... |
💌⚖️✌️ ~ BREAKING NEWS (Love & Justice will prevail) Assange WON’T be extradited to US on spying charges in shock decision at London’s Old Bailey (euroweeklynews) ~ | Blogger: Did POTUS had anything to do with this? During christmas 2020, rumor has it, possible pardon from Donald Trump.... Time will tell... Assange, 49, is charged with 18 counts of conspiring to hack US government computers and the publication of confidential military records, including a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad in which a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists, were killed... Jubilant scenes have now greeted Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s decision not to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US to face espionage charges at London's Old Bailey courthouse... |
Jubilant scenes have greeted Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s decision NOT to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US to face espionage charges at London’s Old Bailey courthouse. Assange, 49, was charged with 18 counts of conspiring to hack US government computers and the publication of confidential military records, including a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad in which a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists, were killed.
Jubilant scenes have greeted Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s decision NOT to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US to face espionage charges at London’s Old Bailey courthouse. Assange, 49, was charged with 18 counts of conspiring to hack US government computers and the publication of confidential military records, including a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad in which a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists, were killed.
In her ruling, Baraitser said that freedom of speech rights do not provide “unfettered discretion by Mr Assange to decide what he’s going to publish”. A bail application has been made, the result of which will be made available with a few hours. No comment has yet been made by the US government.
🦠☠️🔐 ~ (Cluster B.1.1.7 og Mette's regler) Skal vi alle dø!? Næææ, flere virksomheder kræver bare lyntest, inden første arbejdsdag efter nytår, flere massive restriktioner på vej i Norge, Sverige samt UK, og ordførere indkaldes til møde om britisk variant og vacciner (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Engelsk og Sydafrikas nye plager har ramt Danmark. Covid-19 501.V2 aKA Cluster B.1.1.7, N501Y, E484K & K417N mutationerne👈] ... "Verden er at lave"... Hvad sker der nu?... Jo ser du... Landsmoder Mette-mus, har lovet os, at i April 2021 er alt normalt, dvs. ihvertfald forsvinder "Coronaen" som dug for solen, altså, måske inden sommerferien 2021 eller nok, efter sommerferien 2021... Har du også modtaget tilbud fra Norwegian og andre flyselskaber, at April måned, kan man rejse igen??... Nu har det vist sig, at en topembedsmand i Sverige er havnet i massiv modvind, efter at han fejrede jul på De Kanariske Øer og han er ikke den første, som skider på reglerne. Hvis COVID-19 var farlig, ville han og andre, tage på udlandsrejser, på ferie?... Så man skal Globalt og Lokalt, finde en nedlukningsstrategi, som harmonerer med 'Big Pharma Kina Gudernes' vilje... Det er naturligvis sagt lidt i sjov, fordi, jeg tror ikke på, at COVID-19, eller andre kommende, mutationsvarianter, er farlige... Der er INGEN verdenslederer, som ville væve og bæve om reglerne, hvis det nu viste sig, at være en, DØDSENSFARLIG Ebola-virus... Så ville SAMTLIGE lande, eller det præcise angivne sted for smitte, blive lukket ned, PROMPTE, fra første dag og vi ville se F.E.M.A. (DEMA) camps blive aktiveret og følge den militære strategi, som under filmen Outbreak (1995). Og der ville blive stadfæstet et globalt og ensrettet regelsæt, hele vejen rundt - uden undtagelser... Det mest besynderlige er, at Folkets.dk med Lennart Kiil, har været ude med en artikel om, at han (og andre) har Bundsolide Data og håndfaste konklusioner om, at første bølge var corona, 10 GANGE mere DØDELIG end almindelig sæsoninfluenza... Jeg er sgu efterhånden målløs... Jeg vil gå så langt at sige, og har en tro på, at CV-19[84] Plan[Demic], er / var en "menneskeskabt begivenhed", og ja, meget tyder på, at COVID-19, var en biologisk fremstillet én af slagsen, som er / var MEGA-meget smitsom, men overhoved ikke farlig (for sunde og unge raske mennesker uden ældres Immunsvækkede og kroniske dødelighed af hjerte-kar-sygdom m.fl)... Det er bare min mening, og jeg skal ikke være dommer for, hvad du føler, tænker og mener... Tak til Torben Chris - skidegodt egon godt lavet videoindslag og støtter op om det, han siger, 100%... |
B.T. erfarer: Så farlig kan britisk variant blive for Danmark
Sundhedsmyndighederne er meget bekymrede for den nye covid 19-variant B117, som er opdaget i Storbritannien.
Varianten har allerede spredt sig i Danmark med aktuelt 86 bekræftede tilfælde.
Men ifølge B.T.s oplysninger frygter sundhedsmyndighederne, at B117 kan sprede sig så meget i det danske samfund, at kontakttallet kan stige til 1,5 i februar.
Det vil sige, at 10 personer smitter 15 andre, og dermed vil smitten stige meget hurtigt i Danmark.
Det særlige ved den britiske corona-variant er, at den menes at være væsentlig mere smitsom end den kendte coronavirus. Intet tyder dog på, at det er mere dødelig.
Sundhedsmyndighederne er meget bekymrede for den nye covid 19-variant B117, som er opdaget i Storbritannien.
Varianten har allerede spredt sig i Danmark med aktuelt 86 bekræftede tilfælde.
Men ifølge B.T.s oplysninger frygter sundhedsmyndighederne, at B117 kan sprede sig så meget i det danske samfund, at kontakttallet kan stige til 1,5 i februar.
Det vil sige, at 10 personer smitter 15 andre, og dermed vil smitten stige meget hurtigt i Danmark.
Det særlige ved den britiske corona-variant er, at den menes at være væsentlig mere smitsom end den kendte coronavirus. Intet tyder dog på, at det er mere dødelig.
⚔️🤙🛡️ ~ (tough call) Situation Update, Jan 2nd – The Big Reveal … How Trump will change history on January 6th (NN) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Situation Update, Jan. 3rd – Senators announce 10-day emergency investigation into election fraud, Pence likely to invoke on the 6th🤛] ... Simon Parkes has said the same thing about January 6th ... Of course it's perfectly timed, that the transcript of President Trump’s phone call with Georgia election officials, has been pushed out now, and the media is going berserk, to put 45th President of the United States of America into the grave, for good... It's all so damn predictable... Will the Light Forces, who protect Trump on January 6th, 2021 win or will the Dark Alliance, intervene, ONCE AGAIN?... I have noooo clue whatsoever... All I understand is, that The Black Nobility or Cabal (DS) has been weakened, but (still) very strong and we're not out of the woods yet... |
Prepare for the 'big reveal' on January 6th... something huge is brewing | |
We now know that Trump is preparing to reveal something so massive, so historic on January 6th that he believes it will force Congress to reject the fraudulent Biden electors, securing victory for Trump. On top of that, VP Mike Pence may be pursuing a truly historic strategy to reject the Biden electoral votes, then resign from public office forever. In today's Situation Update, we cover all the details, with new intel and OSINT as well. Things are about to get wild. See the bullet points and hear the full podcast here. Also today: My predictions for 2021 will give you hope for the future of our nation and our world. |
👨💻🔄🆔 ~ (GR+Industry 4.0 you simply can't ignore it) Covid “Mutation” Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last Forever (PFC - biggest US support group for Cobra2012 + alt-market.us) ~ | Blogger: I don't know if COBRA and the leader himself, the official communicator of resistance organisation (I know his true name, identity and location but it's a secret) approves with all the stuff PrePare For Change (PFC) are pushing out all the time... Some is light work good and some is really depressing... I personally don't agree with it all and I have been to COBRA SCHOOL and once, one of the true follower of the inner core groups... But, as a wise man once said: "We can't make anyone feel or do anything. We can throw things into the wind, but it's up to each person to decide how they want to react, where they want to stand when things fall."... |
Source: https://alt-market.us
By Brandon Smith
For many months now I have been warning that the design behind the pandemic lockdowns is a perpetual one; meaning, the lockdowns are MEANT to last forever. We can see this in the very commentary of the establishment elites that are pushing for the mandates; their most frequent argument being that the pandemic restrictions are the “new normal”. This assertion is outlined by globalists like Gideon Lichfield of MIT in his article ‘We’re Not Going Back To Normal’. In it he states:
“Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.
…one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.”
👨💻🔄🆔 ~ (Digital GR New Normal) Humans of the GREAT RESET: What the future MIGHT look like in 2021 – if the controlling elites have their way (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🤜The GR is not to be confused with NESARA / GESARA / RV / GCR / QFS. It should have been renamed to The GREAT "TRANS-HUMAN DIGITAL ID2020" RESET🤛] ... Do you still think the GREAT RESET is a joke?... The Light Bulb Conspiracy of BS?... Yes, RT is sponsored partly by Russian govt, I do believe that Russia Today, a 24/7 English-language global news channel is one of the best and only reliable MSM sites, that exist, if any... And of course there's many different theories about GR... Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run what many are predicting will be the true outcome of the GR, and it's getting worse by the minute (N501Y = mutations and lockdowns - forever)... Will we stand for it? Hell no! Time to fight back Folks!... |
With vaccine rollouts underway, humanity looks set to win the fight against the coronavirus. But some elites planning a post-coronavirus ‘Great Reset’ don’t want to go back to normal. Here’s what they have planned instead.
As lockdowns and mask mandates became a part of daily life over the last year, politicians the world over asked their citizenry to accept “The New Normal.” The phrase became ubiquitous, but as vaccines inched closer to deployment, that phrase was replaced with a new one, “The Great Reset,” used to describe the monumental changes to human society needed in a post-coronavirus world.
Unveiled in May by Britain’s Prince Charles and the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, the ‘Great Reset’ is an ambitious plan to create a more equal, cashless, integrated and sustainable global society. World leaders have seemingly signed up to the plan, with its catchphrase, “Build Back Better” featured prominently in incoming US President Joe Biden’s campaign messaging.[READ MORE]
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