Sorry Guys! Christmas or not - Truth never Sleeps...... Q - Saving Israel for Last. Israel is the last piece in the big puzzle of dismantling the global deep state and The Reptilian Agenda. As you may or may not know, David Icke, claims that shapeshifting reptilian aliens secretly control the world. Israel has the biggest underground lair of reptilians in the world ...
Editor's Note: what SoTW heard for many years. The reason why 'Israel is for last' is because of Israel has a HUUUGE underground city or nest or realm of reptilian domination with 1000s upon 1000s of ‘Alien reptile’ and cloaked figure in their population. I think it was David Icke's belief it was the concept of reptilian-human hybrids (otherwise known as “lizard people”). SoTW think of it as The Hive, formerly known as the Krill, in Destiny 2, of Thrall. The bottom of the hierarchy of Hive, thrall harken back to ancient human myths of demons or zombies. Crazy talk - do your own research.. |  |