Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 6 April 2023
Compiled Thurs. 6 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”
Who Will Win?
The Great Reset:
Cabal Central Banks have announced they are going digital with fiat monies by July 2023.
The Global Currency Reset:
On Sat. 25 March the Alliance officially began the Gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset of 209 nations, including a move toward full Martial Law across the Globe.
“A Quiet Groundswell of Love and Friendship”
February 21, 2021 – #4771 Music & the Spoken Word (
All over the World people are combining compassion with creativity to build bonds. If we’re ever tempted to think that society is pulling apart, that more people are sowing discord, perhaps we could look away from the noise and what we’re likely to see is a quiet groundswell of love and friendship happening all around us. We may even feel inspired to join such efforts, adding our own offering of peace and compassion wherever we are, however we can.
Judy Note:
- Global Financial Collapse, Banks and Businesses everywhere are failing, while new US Notes were appearing.
- NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System – a Tsunami of wealth
Restored Republic:
- After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we would then connect to a new Quantum Internet.
- Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., would be dismantled and replaced.
- GESARA/NESARA would be activated.
- In the US, the IRS (which was actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) would be dismantled and replaced with a 14% tax on the sale of new items only, with no tax on food or medicine.
- You were urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food, water, cash and essential supplies for the transition period. The Militaries would hand out food, water and essential supplies for those in need.
The Real News for Wed. 5 April 2023:
- The Great Reset: Cabal Central Banks have announced they are going digital with their fiat monies by July 2023. The new FED NOW system is rolling out everywhere and it seems they finally have showed their hand in how they are going to put the final nail in our coffin.