Artist's rendering depicts
the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it studies the outer limits of the heliosphere -
a magnetic 'bubble' around the Solar System that is created by the solar
wind. Scientists observed the magnetic bubble is not spherical, but pressed
inward in the southern hemisphere.Credit: NASA/JPL
(Space) Our solar system is passing through a cloud of interstellar material that shouldn't be there, astronomers say. And now the decades-old Voyager spacecraft have helped solved the mystery.
Anita Moorjani was diagnosed with cancer and died, then she came back to life and went home healthier than ever. You might find yourself asking, how is this possible?
Moorjani had been battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma when one day she woke up and could not move at all. She was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with 4B lymphoma. Her organs were shutting down, and was told that she only had 36 hours left; eventually losing consciousness.
However, she found herself still aware of everything that was going on, and could even hear her husband in the hall observing all conversations. And then, she claims she was aware of something else entirely.
“… I actually “crossed over” to another dimension. I was engulfed in a total feeling of love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand scheme of things, and how life works in general.”
“The clarity and understanding I obtained in this state is almost indescribable. Words cannot describe the experience. I was at a place where I understood how much more there is than what we are able to conceive in our three-dimensional world. I realized what a gift life is, and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual beings, who were always around me even when I did not know it.”
Vi slutter adventskalenderen af med en eventyrlig, men sandfærdig historie om, hvordan rapperen Al Agami, det afrikanske kongedømme Lado og Gode Penge er kædet sammen. Og så har vi en rettelse til sidste adventskalender, hvor guldbarene pludselig blev meget billige.
Dagens historie starter, da vi i Gode Penge arrangerede en høring på Aalborg Universitet i København i 2014. Vi havde inviteret Ben Dyson fra vores britiske søsterorganisation Positive Money, som sammen med Andrew Jackson har skrevet Modernising Money, der beskriver grundlaget for Positive Money og Gode Penge.
Blandt de tilhørende var de sædvanlige typer: økonomer, bankfolk, foreningens medlemmer og et par politikere og journalister. En herre på forreste række skilte sig dog ud. En velklædt og koncentreret afrikansk gentleman sad ivrigt og tog noter.
Manden var John Bart Agami, far til rapperen Al Agami og intet mindre end konge i kongeriget Lado, der i dag er underlagt staten Uganda.
Lados historie er præget af kolonialismen, ekstreme voldsudgydelser, men også en del forvirring og mystik. John Bart Agamis position som konge af Lado gjorde ham til et oplagt mål for Ugandas blodige diktator, Idi Amin, der bestilte et mord på Kong Agami i 1975. John Agami måtte gå i eksil med sin familie, og John Agami måtte herefter se sig tilfreds med en rolle som eksilkonge. En rolle han har bestridt lige siden.
Et selvstændigt kongerige (eller en selvstændig stat for den sags skyld) skal have en centralbank og Kong Agami havde derfor opsøgt vores arrangement. Men før han var kommet så langt havde han været til et møde med den daværende chef for Bank of England, Mervyn King.
Til det møde sad Kong Agami og snakkede med centralbankchefen på hans kontor i en times tid. Alt imens bemærkede kongen, at der på Kings bord lå en blå bog med hvid skrift på forsiden. Det var Modernising Money, og bedst som mødet skulle til at ende tog centralbankchefen bogen op fra hans skrivebord, viste den til John Agami og sagde: If you really want to create a central bank, read this book! Således havde Kong Agami fundet frem til Ben Dyson og Gode Penges seminar.
Anyone who read the Greek myths, or at least watch a movie inspired them
knows about the different demigods, centaurs, giants and special beings
encountered by their heroes. Questions that many now put, is whether
the majority of hybrid creatures were only fantasies of our ancestors,
or myths (such as in the case of Troy) describe being or an event that
once truly existovali.Mnohí scientists and writers engaged in ancient
times are now convinced that the world is nothing new happening that
genetic engineering has long passed, people … just not the Greeks isles
myth-crossing. Lions with human faces, people with avian heads – all
this can be seen in ancient Egyptian paintings from the time when Greek
culture was still in its infancy. But neither the Egyptians did not
invent anything new. Footprints lead to the world of Sumer “cradle of
humanity” where the rivers Tigris and Euphrates suddenly appeared
civilization that – as shown by the latest research – was older than we
Hvem er Annunaki - Del 1/2 De selvbestaltede guder's indflydelse på globale samfundsorden og vores Bankkonsortium
Udgivet første gang den 3. Juli 2014 af
Dette indlæg - 1/2 : I dette indlæg lægger jeg vægt på Annunakierne og Deres dominans over menneskeheden i oldtiden. Noget som er nævnt i det nye testamente også de ældste kilder fra lertavler som stammer fra Sumer og det skrevne ord. Kommer også ind på Annunakierne indførte begrebet penge. Nutidsbillede af den globale samfundsorden
Næste indlæg - 2/2:
Teori om vores forfædre som går endnu længere tilbage end
Annunakierne.. og her ser vi også på vores DNA streng kaldet "affald"
eller "rest" DNA. Kommer også ind på Universets energier i form af
frekvenser og vibrationer.
Ældste historiske kilde er fra Annunakierne - Faldne Engle - Guderne
Oprindeligt virkeligt billede af Anunnakier
- tilføjet 1-1-2015 af ambasadør WDS
DebattenrasetomAnunnakierne-ikke om, hvorvidtde findes -eller omde har været på Jorden-for beviset for deres eksistens er så overvældende, atmanglende accept afAnunnaki'stilstedeværelsepå Jordener kun for demsom er i fornægtelseaf sandheden.Debattener, omde stadig har en "rest" som findes i vores globale samfundsorden.
Den historiske tid er den del af menneskets fortid,
som er kendt fra skriftlige kilder. Uden skriften er det ikke muligt at
fastholde begivenheder for eftertiden. De ældste historiske kilder
stammer fra Sumer i det nuværende sydlige Irak og er ca. 6000 år gamle
(Sumeria) . Tusinder af lertavler med kileskrift fortæller om alt fra
købmændenes lager, til hvilke konger som herskede.
Hvem er Annunaki - Del 2/2 De selvbestaltede guder's indflydelse på globale samfundsorden og bankkonsortium
Udgivet første gang den 10. juli 2014 af
Sidste indlæg -1/2:
kom vi ind på de ældste historiske kilder og Annunakierne - de faldne
Engle - guderne som prægede jorden og sumeriske efterkommere for 6.000
år siden. Præste-guder og introduktionen af begrebet "penge" som vi
kender det idag.
Indlæg - 2/2: Denne del er teorier om vores forfædre
som går endnu længere tilbage end Annunakierne tidsperiode. Jeg ser
også på forbindelsen af vores DNA streng kaldet "affald" eller "rest"
DNA. Sidst en teori omkring Universets energier i form af frekvenser og
Uundgåeligt vil der dukke spørgsmål hos enhver seriøs søgende individ:
"Hvor kommer den esoteriske viden fra?" Hvem har givet de
åndsvidenskabelige svar, som forskere, tænkere og filosoffer i alle
tider har stillet sig selv? Svaret kunne være; mestrene, skaberne, vores efterkommere. Disse medlemmer har ad forskellige kanaler givet svar på nogle af de mest fundamentale spørgsmål, som et menneske kan stille: "Hvem er jeg? Hvor kommer jeg fra? Hvor skal jeg hen? Og hvorfor?"
Forsøger, at åbne pandoras æske med nogen svar omkring vores allerældste efterkommers historie
I disse dage, vil du finde et væld af kanaliseret materiale på
internettet, der hævdes at komme fra forskellige enheder og kollektiver.
Der er endda kanaliserede budskaber, der hævder at komme fra rumvæsener
- fysisk, teknologisk og åndeligt avancerede væsener fra andre
verdener, der holder et vågent øje med vores planet og bistå os med
vores løbende fysisk og åndelig evolution.
Der er masser af teorier om, hvorfor de ikke direkte har vist sig selv,
og blandt dem er tanken om, at deres udseende ville krænke vores
kollektive fri vilje, ved at vise os noget, vi ikke er parat til at se.
Tænk over det - hvordan ville du reagere, hvis et ti-etagers moderskib
pludselig vidste sig fra sit slørget skjulested og landede i din egen
Der er et væld af teorier, der forsøger at forklarer, hvorfor "de
ikke-jordiske væsner" (de større åndelige kræfter hjælper til at udvikle
os), har ikke vist sig for menneskeheden.
Gang på gang dukker betegnelsen "Galactic Federation of Light." Hvem er de og hvor kommer de fra, vi er nødt til at gå meget lang tilbage i livets oprindelse.
Vælger man ikke at tro, lever man i benægtelse. Vi kan naturligvis leve i vores 3D Matrix af illusion med skyklapper på øjene, men siden 21 December 2012, er vores verden som vi kender den, i meget hastig forandring. Vores efterkommere er stadigvæk et mysterie, her er et bud, søg selv viden og dan Jeres egen mening.
Published, first time, November 11, 2015by Verdensalt
Blogger: Before you begin, my 'short' blog post contains 'extract only' who are the potential rulers of the world... it's very advisable to read some history background first about The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia. Text and language is 'largely' my own, references to articles do not
necessarily reflect my own opinion, but are angles that can refine the
topic from experts, other links from enlightened individuals or
organizations from the web and multiple universe.
"Thinking outside the box" is required, use your own discernment.. research, research research...
ShadowGovernment:If you ask me, thetwoentities, in addition to the 13topheadsin the totalitarianpower structureofthe Illuminati(Cabal -banksters) arethe Rothschild Familyandthe KhazarianMafiaempire. [Aside from the Federal Reserve System (Fed), it is true thatRothschildowns allcentral banks]. Do You really think, President Obama or the rest of the western leaders has the magic wand?
“The Dark Cabal.” (Kabbalah - Secret) It
is composed of and directed by hidden and secretive groups of
influential and wealthy families all over the world who have for eons
placed themselves above the law. From all available evidence it's clear
that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected
crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is that
an international cabal took control of the United States in the early
part of the twentieth century and is now methodically destroying
American and world institutions and values. The dark especially over the
last 70 years has built a complex
intertwining of secret governments that support one another whether of
British, Asian, European or American origins.
NicknamesDraconian/illuminati/Zionist/Illuminazi/Jewish Masonic elite/New World Order/Demonic Cabal/Freemasonary - supposedly directly descendant of their Masters Anunnaki ( Part I, Part II
Danish posts) or psychologically influenced by other species like:
Sentient species, some look reptilian, some insect-like or The Grays.
Also Influenced by Archons- and Reptilian Agenda.
Dark Alliance: Infiltrated into many groups and socialites like:
Rothschild-Belmont, Queen Elizabeth II, Israeli elites, Bush- and Clinton
Administration and Congress, oligarchic cabal, The Federalist party
cabal, The American, British, Saudi, and Dutch ruling elites, Bill
Gates, UN, NATO, WHO and other well known organisations.
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan
family dynasties with their "thinktanks" such as the Council on Foreign
Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and other
pretentious enclaves of pseudo-intellectuals and mandarins: Kissinger,
UK: The Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Round Table group. Queen Elizabeth II Saudi royal family and The Big Three--the bin Laden family, the al Ahmoudi family, and the
Mahfouz family--the richest clans in that medieval kingdom
NL: Dutch royal family and related circles
large number of financial, military, telecommunications, The World
Bank, BIS and the International Monetary Fund, The Republican party, The
corporations that bribe politicians in both parties....
Mainstream media:
Massive corporations dominate the U.S. media landscape. Through a
history of mergers and acquisitions, these companies have concentrated
their control over what we see, hear and read. In many cases, these
companies control everything from initial production to final
distribution. The bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and
controlled by a mere 6 corporations. The conglomerates are: General Electric, News Corp., Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. Global mass mainline mediaare censored- period... Not discussion about that. Two of the major media outlets which Cabal controls are CNN and FOXnews.
Secret Space Programs:
(Earth’s secret space programs and breakaway civilizations) It's not
possble to discuss Cabal wihout recognising the evil empire of SSP,
which are so extensive and has sophisticated alien technology beyound
your wildest dreams Thule, Vril, Black Sun and other secret societies
had advanced technologies and was to sacrifice Hitler's Nazi regime
already in 1918ish. Take Star Wars & Star Trek and combine those -
you get the five rival secret space programs, present today. Some says
its all hoax and just elaborate psychological warfare operation to
mislead us or revealing the truth about genuine unfolding events
involving multiple secret space programs and extraterrestrial visitors?
However, Corey Goode still claims - Five rival secret space programs
exists - (One of Them are Solar Warden program - US Naval Network and
Space Operations Command (NNSOC)
David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighed bedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder "who and what is really controlling the world". Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, har han skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin stilling, døbt ""New Age conspiracism", og har tiltrukket en betydelig følgende fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".
er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder,
filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab,
og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos
er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis
sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst,
Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad
Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.
to Ancient Aliens TV & Media, we are the Official Media Management
company for the cast of Ancient Aliens®. Please feel free to get in
touch. We offer a bespoke public relations package for Ancient Aliens TV
and global marketing of the Ancient Aliens Hypothesis. Should you need
to contact a cast member, you can contact the publicity team on
Live video of Earth from space - as seen from the Nasa ISS live stream aboard the International Space Station.
International Space Station - ISS - circles the earth at 240 miles
above the planet. The station is crewed by NASA astronauts as well as
Russian Cosmonauts and a mixture of Japanese, Canadian and European
astronauts as well.
As seen from the Nasa video ISS live stream on the International Space Station -
A real astronaut view of Earth!
ISS stream of planet earth from space courtesy of Nasa HDEV High
Definition Earth Viewing Cameras aboard the international space station.