Sep 29, 2016

Corey Goode Vlog Update: Living Happy and Healthy Adventure with Bridget Neilsen | High Vibrational Diet Retreat

Corey Goode - Living Happy and Healthy Adventure with Bridget Neilsen

Published on Sep 29, 2016

Stacy and I went to Sedona, AZ to attend Raw Vegan classes. Please visit the websites and subscribe to the YouTube Channels of our hosts.
Bridget Nielsen, Kirk Nielsen, Patrick Haize and Sandra Rolus are the founders of Harmonious Earth and Hybrid Children Community. Together they created platforms to assist new Earth templates (social, financial, spiritual, infrastructural, ar), ET Disclosure and spiritual awakening. As a physical expression of these concepts, they facilitate "adventures" (spiritual retreats) to be in heart-connected community to expand consciousness in Earth's sacred sites. The group creates a high frequency bubble to play, connect and raise each other's spiritual energy as living embodiments of a harmonious earth. This video is an example of their Sedona Adventure focused on high vibrational food/diet, living joyfully and coming together as a loving, unified group.
Bridget Nielsen, Patrick Haize, Kirk Nielsen & Sandra Rolus


Scandal - It's Official: The Danish welfare state and SKAT (SKAT is the Danish for 'TAX' or 'Inland Revenue Service') spends almost $1 million on the so-called Panama Papers - very first country in the world to amid it - government legicity unconfirmed (Blogger: Danish Inland Revenue Service bought information from an anonymous source (It is the first time in history SKAT has bought documents from a tax haven and unkown seller, so they claim), who the seller really is has not been confirmed by the danish authority, but money-back garantees for taxpayers(funny). That include thousands of confidential information from the law firm Mossack Fonseca in Panama. Equals to 15,000 DKK for every Panama Dane on 500-600 taxpayers from an anonymous source...The government justified the payment earlier this month saying it needed to take all necessary measures to catch tax evaders... It really stinks to high heaven, can you believe that people actually buying into this crap...Christ...If we have learned anything from the Panama Papers, it's that the revelations most likely are coming from CIA and other intelligence agencies in cahoots with western elite politicians and executives trying to frame their enemies.. Like Russia etc. CMON!!! )

Skat justified the purchase by saying it needed to crack down on tax evaders. Photo: Erik Refner/Scanpix

Denmark pays for Panama Papers data on own citizens

Anonymous source given six million kroner. 

'Helt hen i vejret' - Prins Joachim skal i skånejob hos Forsvaret. Ligger der andre planer bag? (BT: Prins Joachim ansat til 20 timer om ugen: Men så meget arbejder han rent faktisk, eller gør han? Prins Joachims gyldne fidus: Får gratis feriebolig på Schackenborg Slot...)

28. september 2016

Daglig nyhedssatire

Danskerne er dødtrætte af alenlange, tilstræbt objektive nyheder – de vil have KORTE nyheder, jo kortere jo bedre, og så vil de have deres nyheder serveret i skarp sovs, på et sprog de kan forstå.

Programmet beværtes af seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, og med sig i studiet har hun nyhedsredaktøren Rasmus Bruun. Med deadline hvert femtende minut vil de sammen arbejde målrettet, knaldhurtigt og kompromisløst på at gøre nyhederne kortere og kortere, og skarpere og skarpere. 

 Prins Joachim skal i skånejob hos Forsvaret

"Jeg har det fremragende i en uniform. Jeg kan relatere til det," fortæller prins Joachim
25. september 2016
Efter 21 år som landbrugsejer har Prins Joachims karriere skiftet spor over til Forsvaret. Nu sætter han for første gang ord på, hvilken rolle han spiller der -
Link til artikel: Børsen

26. september 2016

Helt pjattet

Hvis man ser bort fra nøgletal og annoncepriser, har det været en rigtig god weekend for de gamle etablerede papiraviser. De har trykt mange stærke og tankevækkende historier, ja, ligefrem relevante politiske nyheder. Men især to ret store interviews har gjort indtryk på os her på Føljeton.
Først opdagede vi et interview på internettet, som Prins Joachim har givet til Børsen. Under den kedelige overskrift ‘Prins Joachim løfter sløret for sin nye stilling’ løfter Prins Joachim sløret for, hvad han skal lave i en ny stilling som ’særlig sagkyndig’, der er blevet oprettet til ham et sted i Forsvaret. Prinsen, der ellers har gennemført agrar-økonomuddannelsen på Den Classenske Agerbrugsskole Næsgaard på Falster, opgav som bekendt i 2014 livet som landmand på det sønderjyske slot, han fik i gave som niårig (lidt underligt) af lensgreve Hans Schack og dennes kone, grevinde Karin.
Det, Prins Joachim efter alt at dømme skal være med til i sit nye job, er at føre noget, der hedder Delstrategi 9 ud i livet. Delstrategi 9 handler bl.a. om at få vækket nogle af de civile kompetencer, som ligger og sover i Forsvarets såkaldte reservestyrke, til live. Ledelsesstilen bliver moderne, forstår man: ”Jeg skal ikke lede ved at trække sablen og ud over stepperne. Jeg skal netop have alle til at hjælpe med hver deres erfaringer og høre, hvad er man villig til, og hvad er man klar til,” udtaler Prins Joachim. Han tilføjer, at han for hele tiden at minde sig selv om, at han om nogen repræsenterer symbiosen mellem det militære og det civile, ”gør en dyd ud af” ikke konsekvent at optræde i uniform. ”Jeg kan også dukke op som en trold af en æske i jeans og T-shirt. Ej okay, måske ikke helt så dressed down. Men det handler om at bringe det uventede i spil – det er jo netop det, som det handler om i mit job.”
Læs teksten – det er en guldmine. Henimod slutningen stiller Børsens reporter prinsen det journalistisk blændende opklarende spørgsmål: ”Hvor meget arbejder De egentlig for Forsvaret?”

Recent Earthquakes Near Central California Sorted:15- earthquakes today 62- earthquakes in the past 7 days 255- earthquakes in the past month 3,417 -earthquakes in the past year

Reblog: The GCMAF Miracle The FDA Fears (Blogger: Over 14 alternative doctors have lost their lives for curing cancer and revealing the death through innoculation program, Nagalese...Fox News Radio Show Host Fired 1 DAY Before Having me on As Guest on Doctor Deaths!!.. Novo Nordisk image er fantastisk og alle danskerne er så stolte, men Novo er i direkte partnerskab med Agent-Orange-Nazi-grundlagt Bayer AG der for nylig opkøbte RoundUp-GMO-Monsanto - A "Marriage Made in Hell"?)

Udgivet første gang den 22. maj 2016 af Verdensalt

Søg på verdensalt "GCMAF" eller "Nagalese"
Blogger: Blot en tanke... Novo Nordisk image er fantastisk og alle danskerne er så stolte...Må jeg gøre opmærksom på kemikoncernen "Monsanto"(De er blevet karakteriseret skiftevis som kyniske, onde og en corporate bølle. Undersøgelser viser de rangerer blandt de mest forhadte virksomheder i Amerika. Nu har Nazi-grundlagt Bayer AG købt Monsanto som også indgik partnerskab med Novozymes(Novo A / S, som ejer ca. 40% af B-aktier) for at kunne drage fordel af virksomhedens erfaring inden for mikrobiel, i 2013. Novozymes har en af verdens største og mest avancerede enzymfabrikker. Dominerende på markedet var vaskemiddel- og fødevareindustrien, som for Novozymes' vedkommende udgjorde over 70% af salget. Med andre ord, kunstige kemiske fremstillet enzymer, ligesom "Nagalese"...Novo, Novozymes, Monsanto er bl.a. også, kemikoncerner, som fremstiller kunstige enzymer til alt det du drikker og spiser... Tænk lige over det ... Novo Nordisk A/S, uformelt blot Novo, er Danmarks største medicinalvirksomhed, der fremstiller insuliner, GLP-1-analog, glucagon, blødermedicin, væksthormon og kønshormoner....Med al den forskning i diabetes og fremskridt inden for diabetes behandlinger, er det fristende at tænke. nogen sikkert har fundet en diabetes kur nu. Men virkeligheden er, at der ikke er nogen kur mod diabetes - hverken type 1-diabetes eller type 2-diabetes. Hvad ville der ske, hvis det kom frem i lyset (ligesom det faktum, at bl.a. Cannabis kurer kræftceller), at vores hæderkronede firma - Novo Nordisk, (Novo som dækker verdens insulinmarked med 1,1 billion kroner) blev præsenteret for en naturlig/ kunstigt enzym som kurer 'diabetes' på celleniveau eller Holistisk metode? Ved Novo Nordisk,  at den farmaceutiske industri hæmmer enzymet GcMAF for magt og profit? Ville det stoppe Novo som koncern, med at fremstille 'human insulin'(syntetisk insulin) og gå tilbage til 1920'ernes behandlingsform for ’animalsk insulin’(insulin fra bugspytkirtlen hos køer eller svin)? Er 'human insulin' (genmodificerede gærceller eller E. coli-bakterier) 100 pct uden bivirkninger? Vi kan vel være enige om, at det er et lægemiddel som er syntetisk fremstillet? Vi kan vel også sige, at diabetes tilfælde er eksploderet som en spirende epidemi de sidste 50 år, men et faktum er, for 50 år siden,  fik børn slet ikke konstateret type 2-diabetes eller kroniske sygdomme, hvorfor? læs mere...

Fox News Radio Show Host Fired 1 DAY Before Having me on As Guest on Doctor Deaths!!

Published on Sep 21, 2015
Interview with CEO David Noakes 9-2015

7-Year-Old Tells Hillary Clinton She Wants to Change Her Name From Lilly to Lillary, so she can someday run for president, too (Blogger: oooh that's so sweet!!!, but that only in my mind shows virtually all of us, since birth, have been brainwashed through various outlets that encourage materialism, ego, subservience, control and conformity. By Religion, Ridiculous role models, Money, ego and materialism, Divide and conquer techniques, Television, Education, Health..)...

BUSTED !!! Was Hillary Clinton Wearing A WIRE And EARPIECE For Hofstra Debate ? 
Published on Sep 27, 2016
Something odd can be seen on Hillary's back under her clothing. A wire to an ear plug? A Medical device?

"I think Lilly is a great name," Clinton wrote back.

A 7-year-old girl has been so inspired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, she told her mom she wants to change her name from “Lilly” to “Lillary” so she can someday run for president, too.
Lilly’s mom, Jennifer Rosen-Heinz, wrote in to the Clinton campaign to share this story, not expecting any word back. But a letter recently arrived in the mail addressed to her daughter. Rosen-Heinz shared a photo of the letter on Facebook:

Dear Lilly:
I received a terrific message from your mom, and was touched to learn that you want to change your name to “Lillary” so that you can be president when you grow up. I think Lilly is a great name—and I hope you know that you don’t have to change it to become president; if you dream big, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.
I know that it may seem like a lot now, but as you grow and learn and search for your own place in the world, I hope you’ll consider how you can make your voice heard. Speak your mind in your classes, and at meetings once you have a job. Proudly take credit for your ideas. Have confidence in the value of your contributions. And if the space you’re in doesn’t have room for your voice, don’t be afraid to carve out a space of your own. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give in. Don’t give up. Don’t quit — on yourself, on your dreams, on your future. You really can be anything you want to be. I may become the first woman president, but you, Lilly, could be next.
With warm wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
Lilly already seems to be taking that message of confidence to heart: In an interview with the Washington Post, she said, “She’s the first girl president. And I would be the second.

Russian FM Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova hit back at her US counterpart John Kirby, who warned that terrorist attacks may take place in Russia if the civil war continues in Syria. His remark sounds like a call to “get ’em,” she noted...Washington’s foreign policy is driven by hysteria and resembles a “reality show” in which nobody cares about facts and resorts to old cliches and attacks on Russia to gain international and domestic political capital, said Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman..)

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Voskresenskiy / Sputnik

Most-read: Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come: The Event ("..It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event? Ascension—we’ve been hearing and studying this most mysterious event for years now (almost a decade now for me). Many of us believe it is coming and then there are those who also believe it has already happened—is happening... We are all experiencing ascension symptoms that range from severe depression to extreme states of euphoria. Think of it as hitting all the musical keys on the emotional scale of life…for the last time..Members of an alliance that have formed from these secret space programs have all confirmed that an ascension event is going to occur and that hundreds of extraterrestrial groups from all over our galaxy and within our earth are all waiting for this moment to happen, watching and waiting to see what happens to our planet and all that are on it at this time. It’s not just us humans going to surf the wave, we have help from our galactic families that will be right by our side..")

by Parinya Champ,

It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?

Ascension—we’ve been hearing and studying this most mysterious event for years now (almost a decade now for me). Many of us believe it is coming and then there are those who also believe it has already happened—is happening. Regardless of whether anyone is right or wrong about when ascension should and will happen, we can all rest assured that learning to prepare our bodies and minds for this once in a lifetime opportunity is just as good as experiencing the real thing.

As we cross through the Galactic Plane, our sun is about to make its next leap into a higher state of consciousness, and it does so every 25,900 years. Our light bodies are like open sails and the coming burst of energy said to be released by our sun will lift us into a higher dimensional realm of consciousness. It will leave behind all those who chose to remain in lower, negative states of consciousness that are not in harmony with the new frequencies. These people will quietly disappear from our lives like long lost friends we haven’t seen for many years.

As the days fly by, and I literally mean fly by, as all time and space seem to be shooting hard through a bottleneck at these last moments, we are all experiencing ascension symptoms that range from severe depression to extreme states of euphoria. Think of it as hitting all the musical keys on the emotional scale of life…for the last time. Enjoy those ups and downs and treat them like how an artful connoisseur of life would, with detachment, wonder, and compassion. Extraterrestrial beings from many groups believe our sun is about to go through an evolutionary jump into a higher frequency or octave, and that it will give off a mysterious burst of light that will transform everything in its path—this transformation is a spiritual consciousness upgrade that will be felt by all and missed by none. Since back in the day, I’ve frequented in5d on countless occasions throughout my awakening, always looking for ways to alleviate my ascension symptoms and find others who are experiencing similar struggles on the path before the event. I’ve been helped so many times and now I want to give back to the community of Lightworkers.

Here are some TOP 10 TIPS we can all do to prepare ourselves and each other for the event: 

1. Eat Lighter

Bloomberg: Elon Musk Reveals His Plan for Colonizing Mars

Streamed live on Sep 27, 2016
Elon Musk takes the stage of the 67th International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico on Sept. 27, it won’t be to rehash terrestrial concerns like a fatal Tesla autopilot crash or a poorly received merger proposal. Instead, the space and electric-car entrepreneur will be talking about realizing his boyhood dream: going to Mars.


Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY - For Sundhed og Frihed: Milliard-donation til alternativ kræftbehandling (Emner: Sygdom/sundhed | Elektrosmog | GMO | Vaccination | Overvågning/registrering | Miljø | Politik | Ny forskning | Arrangementer)


Finansmand støtter ikke-konventionel kræftbehandling
Den svenske finansmand Bengt Sjöberg har doneret 2 mia. kroner til svensk kræftforskning, og samtidig har han kritiseret de farmaceutiske selskabers magt over patienterne. Det store bidrag skal opmuntre til brug af ikke-konventionelle behandlingsformer og vil være uafhængig af medicinalindustrien. Det primære mål er at hjælpe syge mennesker uden tanke på at producere medicin, fortjeneste eller patenter. Desuden vil han hvert år ...
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Rapport om alternativ behandling i det norske sundhedsvæsen
En ny rapport fra den norske forbrugerorganisation Fritt Helsevalg (FHV) vurderer mulighederne for at implementere alternative behandlingsmetoder i det norske sundhedsvæsen. Rapporten gennemgår forskellige undersøgelser og muligheder og ender med bl.a. at anbefale:
- at de norske myndigheder samarbejder med WHO om implementering af alternativ behandling,
- bedre uddannelse for behandlere med kvalitetsmærker, så de kan indlemmes i den offentlige refusionsordning,
- bredere helsevalg som kan aflaste læger,
- og endelig statslig regulering af alternativ behandling.
Læs rapporten her
Læs her FHV's henvendelse til de norske politikere

Antibiotika tidligt i livet kan øge risiko for diabetes
Et nyt musestudie viser, at behandling med antibiotika tidligt i livet ændrer tarmfloraen så meget, at risikoen for type 1-diabetes stiger markant. Det skriver
I studiet, som er publiceret i tidsskriftet Nature Microbiology, har musene fået den samme mængde antibiotika, som børn normalt får i ...
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Microsoft vil "løse" cancer inden for 10 år
Fra Dr. Rath Foundation forlyder det, at Microsofts videnskabsfolk, ingeniører og programmører vil benytte algoritmer og computere til at udregne nye behandlinger mod cancer. Men de ignorerer de egentlige årsager til cancer. I følge Dr. Rath's Cellular Medicine Approach opstår cancer ikke, fordi kroppen mangler kemo, medicin, kirurgi eller stråling og heller ikke af mangel på computerkraft, men derimod af en kronisk mangel over mange år på de rigtige mikronæringsstoffer (vitaminer, mineraler, aminosyrer etc.) i den daglige kost. Læs mere her...(engelsk)

Zika-virus har det svært i en sund krop
Er du bange for at blive inficeret med Zika, eller skal du rejse til et af de berørte lande, så læs her, hvad du kan gøre for dit immunsystem, så det kan bekæmpe...
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Diabetes og kanariegræsfrø
Måske en alternativ behandling af diabetes?
Se her og køb det evt. her


Send condoms to space to teach alien invaders safe sex with hot earthlings, Swedish group urges NASA (“We know that you guys sometimes send stuff up into space so that whatever life is out there will get an idea of what goes on here on Earth,” the group’s bizarre explainer video begins)

The Swedes are asking NASA to send condoms into space because they feel the aliens might find them “handy” if they ever decide to come to Earth and have sex with “some hot earthlings”.

The request is part of a campaign from the Swedish Association for Sexualilty Education (RFSU) who’s aim is to bring more awareness to one of “the most important inventions of all time”: the condom.