by Parinya Champ,
It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?
Ascension—we’ve been hearing and studying this most mysterious event for years now (almost a decade now for me). Many of us believe it is coming and then there are those who also believe it has already happened—is happening. Regardless of whether anyone is right or wrong about when ascension should and will happen, we can all rest assured that learning to prepare our bodies and minds for this once in a lifetime opportunity is just as good as experiencing the real thing.
As we cross through the
Galactic Plane, our sun is about to make its next leap into a higher state of consciousness, and it does so every 25,900 years. Our light bodies are like open sails and the coming burst of energy said to be released by our sun will lift us into a higher dimensional realm of consciousness. It will leave behind all those who chose to remain in lower, negative states of consciousness that are not in harmony with the new frequencies. These people will quietly disappear from our lives like long lost friends we haven’t seen for many years.
As the days fly by, and I literally mean fly by, as all time and space seem to be shooting hard through a bottleneck at these last moments, we are all experiencing
ascension symptoms that range from severe depression to extreme states of euphoria. Think of it as hitting all the musical keys on the emotional scale of life…for the last time. Enjoy those ups and downs and treat them like how an artful connoisseur of life would, with detachment, wonder, and compassion.
Extraterrestrial beings from many groups believe our sun is about to go through an evolutionary jump into a higher frequency or octave, and that it will give off a mysterious burst of light that will transform everything in its path—this transformation is a spiritual consciousness upgrade that will be felt by all and missed by none. Since back in the day, I’ve frequented in5d on countless occasions throughout my awakening, always looking for ways to alleviate my ascension symptoms and find others who are experiencing similar struggles on the path before the event. I’ve been helped so many times and now I want to give back to the community of
Here are some TOP 10 TIPS we can all do to prepare ourselves and each other for the event:
1. Eat Lighter