Oct 11, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Halloween is Next - what to Expect) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Oct 11, 2023 ~ |

Zelensky visits NATO headquarters for allied meeting to support Ukraine - The Washington Post
Iran's Former Intel Minister: Mossad, MI6, And CIA Created Islamic State (rferl.org)

Symbolic Pics of the Month 09/23 | The Vigilant Citizen

(20+) William L. Gladstone Marthen | Facebook

⭐🗳️👨‍💼 (In case you missed it) Phil Godlewski’s ‘Two Lies and One Truth’ Game ~ Oct 11, 2023 ~ |

Phil did a recent podcast that he creatively made into a game. It’s really quite long, and if you don’t care to go through it all to pan for a few nuggets of information…I’ve made notes.


The EBS will occur before the end of 2023.

Speaker of the House ~

Donald Trump or Jim Jordan will be the next Speaker of the House.


Assuming a one to one ratio, the chance of Gold and Silver exceeding $10,000 per ounce is 100%.

Edward Snowden ~

Even after Edward Snowden became the most well known (and first) whistle blower, he continued to help the White Hats in the plan to save the world…the Great Awakening.

JFK, Jr. ~

Phil has met JFK, Jr. since his alleged death in person.

Joe Biden ~

📸🥰🤳 (Dialog med mit Højere Selv) Sandt eller falsk?. Jeg stiller spørgsmål, mit H-S svarer min dagsbevidsthed og krop tilbage gennem Kinesiologi og naturlæge. Det overrasker altid mig, hvordan mit H-S selv ser sig på verden (Please use Google translate on my website) ~ 11. Oktober 2023 ~ |


 Udgivet den 11. Oktober 2023 af Verdensalt

FREE GUY: Det er min egne spørgsmål til mit højere selv (H-S) som Louis som er min "naturlæge m.m.", omsætter. Herunder er her ordret hvad vi snakkede om via mobil optagelse den 5.10.2023. Foruden nedenstående spørgsmål gennemgår jeg altid et personligt Krop-Sind-Ånd kinesiologist "Sundhedstjek" som hvis du gik ned til almene læge praksis. Det kan være om der unbalance i min aura eller livsenergier, de 12 af meridianbaner, min DNA hukommelsesceller, eller forkert madindtag eller stress og frygt som har ophobes sig m.m... | 

🙋 1. Kommer der RV af Verdensøkonomien til én fælles mønt kommer der i 2023 på verdensplan? Dvs., RV blive frigjort (proklameret - deklameret) at der findes en verdensomspændende valuta, baseret på landets guldværdier   

-    JA! November 2023

🙋 2. Er "Joe Biden" afsat fra sit embede i øjeblikket? Dvs., er Joe Biden sat ud af spillet lige nu?    
-    JA!

Holder man det hemmeligt? 

-    JA!

Dvs., Joe Biden regere ikke i USA altså, han er sat ud af spillet - er det korrekt? 

-    JA!

Hvornår bliver det offentliggjort han er sat ud af spillet?

-    November 2023

Kan Kamala Harris eller Michaell Obama komme til magten?

-    NEJ!

(Louis bryder ud - alle siger det bliver 2023 at det hele vælter)

🙋 3. Simon Parkes Spirituelle Organisation CC Connecting Consciousness har den nogen værdi for de 130.000 tusinde medlemmer?     

✡️⚔️🔺(Spirituel guide getting out of DRAMA triangle trap) As you might know, all wars are BANKERS' wars ~ Oct 11, 2023 ~ |

K vil undersøge straf til personer der hylder Hamas-angreb - Avisen.dk
Dronning Margrethe Chokeret over Voldsomt Scenarie i Israel | Ekstra Bladet (kendte.dk)
Lars Løkke besøgte Netanyahu under privat påskeferie i Israel - Udfordringen
mette frederiksen besøger israel - Google Search

FREE GUY:  Protect the Jews at all Cost as Gaza 'will soon be a tent city' says Israeli official as IDF launches 250 airstrikes in one hour into 'Nest of Terror' and 'infantry, artillery and 300,000 reservists' mass on the border 'ready to execute' ground offensive. Denmarks HM The Queen (DDFO-Daisy) in SHOCK who's the V.I.P. of The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, condemned Hamas' attack on Israel, which she calls for, TERRORISM... Read Benjamin Fulford's latest report. Listen to David Icke. Look up Michaell Salla's latest Telegram message or Laura Logan's Iran and Biden connections. They're are all basically pointing in the same direction - as magnetic force between two currents going in the same direction .That is, a 'Hidden-Hand' or the usual suspect from the Elite CULT (DS, Shadow Govt, Rothschilds +13 Blood-families, “Khazarian Mafia”. Kabbalah in Ashkenazi Zionism with other factions and/or malevolent aliens), call them what you want, has Hijacking earthlings Mind (again). They control mainstream media (MSM), Think tank Organizations / politicians, WHO, EU, UN Agencies, Secret Societies, Freemasonic Orders and Black Magic, Witchcraft and Occultism - everything. It is a religious schism or divide-and-conquer game against HUmanity. To lose freedom of thought (FoT). Truth is not how we know; truth is what we know. Truth is not simply what is believed. A lie believed is still a lie. Which is true? “Seeing is believing” or “believing is seeing? Believing is taking on faith that seeing is believing because seeing is a complicated neuro-physical process that "may" be an illusion... | 

Damage to gas pipeline, telecom cable connecting Finland and Estonia caused by 'external activity' | AP News
america bomb pipeline - Google Search
Report: Israeli Soldiers Find Dead Babies After Palestinian Hamas Attack (breitbart.com)

Video af børn i bur hævdes både at være fra Israel og Palæstina, men dokumentationen mangler | Tjekdet

Telegram: Contact @docsalla

Cult of Ba’al stages mass sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in doomed attempt to get money

David Icke – what’s REALLY happening in Israel – David Icke

'Fasten your seatbelts': California pastor suggests Hamas terror attack on Israel was predicted 2,500 YEARS AGO