Aug 13, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Fake VD yes, but have you heard the joke about gaslighting?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 13, 2023 ~ |

👁️⃤𓂀⚱️🐫🦄 (Tintin er ikke “bare” en tegneserie for børn og voksne Enhjørningens hemmelighed) som omhandlede et forsvundne skib, der rummer hemmeligheden om en antik skat og nøglen til en ældgammel forbandelse. Tintin historierne, er måske ikke bare fantasi, nu hvor belgiske De Persgroep der ejer, har taget emnet op, så har jeg fundet ud af, at Kih-Oskh Broderskabet, er en kriminel organisation, der hovedsageligt har specialiseret sig i narkotikasmugling. Kih-Oskh-symbolet blev designet til at være den uharmoniske version af yin & yang-symbolet. I kinesisk kosmologi repræsenterer symbolet dualisme og balanceringen af alle ting i universet. I modsætning hertil er Kih-Oskh-symbolet asymmetrisk og forrevne. Og så begynder det måske at dæmre, hvorfor, Farao Ki-Osks mærket, som journalisten kalder det, kendt fra Tintin-albummet »Faraos Cigarer«, som et mystisk symbol dukker oftere og oftere op i danske byrum. Hvis nu man er sølvpapirshat af paranoide eller konspiratoriske karakter og skal tænke sig ind i den kriminelles løbebane af Kabbalister og satanister. ~ 13. August 2023 ~ |

Kih-Oskh Brotherhood | Tintin Wiki | Fandom
The Secret of the Unicorn —
TINTIN PIN BADGE #85 - "Kih-Oskh symbol"- WHITE - BRAND NEW ITEM! | #305827201 (
Et mystisk symbol dukker oftere og oftere op i danske byrum. Men hvorfor? (

"Mason -religionen bør opretholdes af os alle, der er indviede (33 grader) af de højeste grader i renheden af den Luciferiske (sataniske) doktrin."...

FREE GUY: Jeg elskede Tintin som barn, fra skummelt-okkulte stemning fra De 7 Krystalkugler, til Den Afskyelige Snemand og Mission til Månen. Med masser af spirituel stemning, overnaturlige elementer, flot suspense samt både lokalkolorit og humor. Der findes måske også en bagside, som viser os et glimt af alle hemmelighederne. En talemåde dækker det meget godt; 'Hvad man ikke ved, har man ikke ondt af.' Og jeg tror på SoTW, at Compartmentalization er én af disse - den ene ved ikke hvad den anden foretager sig oppe i hierarkiet - indgår i frimureriets doktriner. Sammen med tavshed er guld og hvis du snakker over dig, er det af, med hovedet. Syntes nu mere om; 'Først når man vågner op trippende på livet og ser den grønne kode fra ‘The Matrix’ og læser sandheden, kan man aldrig gå tilbage.' Sådanne har jeg ihvertfald. Og ja, man kan enten grine eller græde af de forbandede frimurers stilhedsterapi, hvor magt, bliver til magtfuldkommenhed og forfinede fornemmelser, bliver til feinschmeckere for abefest for viderekomnende. P.S.: En lille fodnote fra et kommentarfelt;'Symbolet for Yiguandao ("Mother") fra det nittende og det tidlige tyvende århundrede ligner påfaldende cigarsymbolet, bortset fra at Yiguandao er symmetrisk, passende nok til en harmonisk kult, og Cigars-versionen er forstyrret - igen, passende nok' (Yiguandao er en kinesisk frelsende religiøs sekt, der opstod fra Xiantiandao)... |  
Den egyptiske farao - Bubbleminds

Aarhus-rigmand har bygget en 1:1 kopi af kendt Tintin-slot |
Simon Møller - Creative Manager - Møllenborg Slot A/S | LinkedIn
En dronning skal dannes – men hvordan? | Kristeligt Dagblad (
The ‘Committee of 300’: Complete List of Members - Stillness in the Storm

ørkenens sønner går aldrig tibage til en fuser - Google Search
'Geordie Shore'-stjerne springer ud som homoseksuel – Ekstra Bladet

Sødt pletskud! Se hvem kronprinsesse Mary sendte luftkys til under gudstjeneste | BILLED-BLADET (
Illuminati | Alt om det hemmelige selskab – før og nu | Historie (
Brødremenigheden i Christiansfeld | Græ (

👁️🎯⚔️ (Sauron's eye FIXED on 2023 BRICS Summit REAL issue is DOLLAR CRASH!) Let's talk about the sudden dollar crash or de-dollarization with "Project Sandman," in the month of August hits after they introduce BRICS GDP of $35.15 trillion 19 countries announcement ~ Aug 13, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: With global debt reaches a record of $226 trillions, many are having problems pulling even $2000 in cash from their bank accounts. Asking for $20k or more can take weeks to order. Why? Because there's no cash - banks create money out of thin air and cryptocurrencies were created out of thin air. The derivatives rose to $632 trillion at end-June 2022 and that will blow up in their hands. Derivatives are gambling like “poker” is gambling. That again, will mark a shift in the global order as emerging powers seek membership in the organization of BRICS.

On Charlie Ward Show Sat 12th Aug, said it in this way (nothing to do with Sandman); Charlie - 'without (national) Digital ID as a foundation for CBDC, it's not gonna work.' Lena also said; 'the corporation is closed so why do people bothered to go to work.'? What SoTW have learned is, after the BRIC Summit, shit hits the fan and every truther and digital soldier understands, WHEN and not IF, major countries, abandons fiat US Dollar, for the gold/asset backed currencies of the BRICS nations. That is when Kabbalists and Globalists will come at us with everything they got. Distractions as False Flag terror attacks, assassination attempts, climate lockdowns, new Trump indictments, direct energy-weapon attacks, you name it, they will bring it. I'll say it once and i'll say it again, 9/11, was the biggest gold heist in history and at the same time, they prevented implementation of NESARA - a miraculous secret law hundreds of years in the making - that they believe was blocked and covered up by the Bush administration and all globalists conspirators. That is my humble opinion on SoTW and I will stick to that truth, but could be dead wrong... |

South Africa assumed the chairmanship of BRICS for 2023 - EMBAJADA DE LA REPUBLICA DE SUDAFRICA EN MEXICO (

🥰📨🤲 ("Of course, I'm open to receive! Bring me what I want.") Message from Ann & the Angels: Receive ~ Aug 13, 2023 ~ |

by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ


Hi All,

Today, the angels elaborate on one of their favorite practices and remind us that help is there for the taking.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)
♥ Ann

Message from the Angels
Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

The energies on your planet are swirling intensely right now. So many of you are working diligently to stay in a higher vibration. We see and celebrate every kind and loving choice you make. From the briefest moment of appreciation to the heroic act of switching your focus after someone has wronged you, each and every loving choice makes a difference. Each and every kindness—to self or another—matters. Even a simple loving thought ripples out into the One.

We know this is challenging right now, and today, we gently remind you that we are here to help. We are here to love you, soothe you, help you, heal you, and assist you in stabilizing in the vibrations that will allow what you are seeking to come to you.

👤❤️‍🩹👼✨ ('There was NO PAIN.') COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Texas Student Dies in Car Accident — Discovers Life after Death” ~ Aug 13, 2023 ~ |


COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Texas Student Dies in Car Accident — Discovers Life after Death” | Ascension Avatar (

Tricia Barker shares her Near-Death Experience, occurring during the surgery to save her life after a horrific car accident her senior year of college. She recounts her shock at remaining lucid and conscious after leaving her body and is shown many things during her Near-Death Experience. In addition to a life review, she has a reunion with her grandfather and shares the insights she has carried with her since this fateful day that changed her life.

Ascension Avatar note: I saved posting this as the final ‘Coming Home’ NDE documentary from the series. I have had three Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in this lifetime, which mind-boggles me to this day — drowning at age 4, a bike accident at 30 and pneumonia at 35. The bike accident (a hit-and-run by a car) involved being teleported by an angel to the front doorstep of somebody’s home (with multiple broken bones and blood coming out of both ears), to receive the medical attention my guides knew I desperately needed. I retained my original soul (unlike some that agree on ‘walk-in’ soul experiences), but each time came back more psychically aware with new abilities: art… hearing ‘Music of the Spheres’… reading minds… seeing through untruths and deceptions… having ‘X-ray vision’ into the souls and intentions of humans (if they are human at all, or AI cloned versions)… knowing the outcomes of earthly events before they occur… and one more ability too overall intense for my personal comfort: being ultra, ultra empathic. I can relate to Tricia Barker’s insights, experiences and especially her humor in this video! It’s why I saved it for last. Enjoy.