Jun 3, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Mega Ancient Alien [Metropolis] Discovered Off Ice Land! UFO Sightings 2015 - June 3, 2015

My own Google Earth - Its real!!!
Published on Jun 3, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Mega Ancient Alien [Metropolis] Discovered Off Iceland! UFO Sightings 2015! What is this google earth evidence? Nazca Lines Underwater? Share Your Comments Below!

79*34'57.28"N   4*00'12.34E Level -4.069 Meter

78*22'39.47N   8*07'32.81"E Level -2433 Meter

NASA To Test Flying Saucer Over Hawaii - June 3, 2015

"hopeful the success would make a breakthrough in landing technologies for future Mars missions" cmon: Secret Space Program Already Reveals we have bases on Dark Side Of Moon and Mars since 70ish. 

NASA is set to test its revolutionary ‘Flying Saucer’ technology on Tuesday. The low-density supersonic decelerator (LDSD) will launch from the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii at around 1:30 PM local time.

The test flight is expected to last for two hours and NASA scientists are hopeful the success would make a breakthrough in landing technologies for future Mars missions. Depending on weather conditions, the test flight should carry the LDSD to an altitude of 120,000 feet at the initial stages. The 7,000-pound saucer-shaped vehicle will be carried by a huge balloon the size of three football fields.

After the initial stage, the 15-foot wide ‘flying saucer’ will be released and a booster rocket will propel the saucer at Mach 4, four times the speed of sound, to a height of 180,000 feet.

Bavarian retreat becomes fortress ahead of G7 summit - June 3, 2015

Germany has reintroduced border controls in the run-up to the G7 summit in Elmau, Bavaria. To avoid a repeat of violent protests by anti-G7 demonstrators at the last meeting, German police have sealed off the venue.

The luxury hotel, Elmau Castle, in southern Bavaria, where the next G7 summit will take place on June 7 and 8, is normally an idyllic alpine resort. But authorities don't want to take any chances that anti-capitalist demonstrations could devolve into violent clashes with police.

To that end, the interior ministry has said there will be a temporary reintroduction of border checks on people moving between countries in the usually control-free Schengen area. The ministry said the checks would be carried out mainly on Germany's border with Austria and the Czech Republic.

And in the summit region itself, authorities are already busy ensuring that protesters do not have access to objects that could potentially be used as weapons. For one resident in nearby Oberau, that means removing a woodpile in front of his house.

"We're supposed to move the entire pile – that's around four cubic meters," he said with a sigh. His house is located along the route that will likely be used by cars transporting G7 leaders. Everything that demonstrators might use as a projectile has to go, including the flowerpots adorning his neighbor's yard. The local antiques dealer has also been told not to exhibit any of his wares outside on the days of the summit.

Irak-kommissionen indkalder Anders Fogh og Per Stig Møller til afhøring (Det var godt nok på tide ) - 3. Juni 2015

Læs også: Top Bush Era CIA Official Just Confirmed the Iraq War Was Based On Lies - May 27, 2015 CET. 

Ethvert barn som voksne ved, at det Colin Powell præsenterede i FN for tolv år siden omkring  Masseødelæggelsesvåben, var en direkte løgn. Politikere er formidable til at glide af, 'nødløgne' bliver brugt jævnligt, først når alle Bushses ( Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq)bliver anholdt offentligt, så har Irak-kommissionen en sag, ikke før. De får aldrig Anders Fogh eller Per Stig Møller til, at indrømme, George Bush og Tony Blair hang på nakken af dem for at gå ind i krigen i Irak og Afghanistan...Uanset om bogen Mørkelygten, sætter tvivl om det juridiske grundlag, der blev præsenteret for Folketinget og offentligheden, var politisk bestillingsarbejde eller ej...Det er naturligvis min egen mening..

Topembedsmænd samt daværende statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen og daværende udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller skal afhøres om det juridiske grundlag for Irak-krigen

Tidligere statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V) og daværende udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller (K) skal afhøres om grundlaget for Irak-krigen. Det har Irak- og Afghanistankommissionen netop offentliggjort.

Desuden er en række topembedsmænd blevet indkaldt, blandt andet tidligere direktør i Udenrigsministeriet, Friis Arne Petersen. Derudover skal Peter Taksøe-Jensen, der var souschef i Udenrigsministeriets Folkeretskontor, samt tidligere departementschef i Statsministeriet, Nils Bernstein, afgive forklaring. Afhøringerne begynder efter planen i november i år.

»Det vil i første omgang handle om Udenrigsministeriets vurdering af det juridiske grundlag for Irak-krigen,« siger Michael Kistrup, der er formand for kommissionen.

Netop det juridiske grundlag for Irak-krigen er stærkt omdiskuteret. Debatten genopstod sidste år, da en række anonyme embedsmænd i bogen Mørkelygten af journalist Jesper Tynell fortalte, at de mente, at det juridiske grundlag, der blev præsenteret for Folketinget og offentligheden, var politisk bestillingsarbejde. I bogen udtaler en embedsmand:

LaRouchePAC Live: Capitol Hill Press Conference on the 28 Pages (unveil the Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims Act of 2015) - May 3, 2015 CET

Blev streamet live den 2. jun. 2015

On Tuesday, June 2, at 10:00 a.m. ET, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), U.S. Representatives Walter Jones (R-NC), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), and Thomas Massie (R-KY), and former U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) will hold a bipartisan, bicameral press conference to unveil the Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims Act of 2015. The legislation calls on President Obama to declassify the redacted 28 pages from the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001. Also attending the press conference will be Terry Strada, Co-Chair of the 9/11 Families United For Justice Against Terrorism, and family members of victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This event will be streamed live on larouchepac.com. For more background on the 28 pages, see larouchepac.com/28-pages


Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki (Legal system has declared the US Corp as bankrupt) - 3. Juni 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Finansielle akronymer update Bonds, Stocks and derivatives

At present, there is a legal system that has declared the US Corp as bankrupt. Likewise, its companion, the Fed has been declared bankrupt. This is to become official once various other aspects of a new financial system are fully in place later in the year

Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the
Sirian Star system

10 Ben 11 Pax, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! Much is now happening on this world. Many final changes are taking place to ensure the success of what we do. As we stated last time, what is happening is the last fading of a system that has ruled this surface world with an iron fist for the past 13 millennia. Such an operation is filled with seemingly endless individuals who are truly dedicated to the old system that was set up long ago by the Anunnaki. Our earthly allies began over a decade ago to establish precedents to construct an alternate system. As we stated previously, this new system already operates in most of Asia and is coming on board in many parts of this globe. It is this prototype system that we last alluded to. In Europe and in Asia, this alternative is becoming strong and is being used to exchange funds across this world. The US Corporation realizes this and deeply senses that its time of reckoning has come. These views have been secretly exchanged. The last hurrah for this antiquated system is upon us. A great moment in the changing of power is near.

The US Corporation comprehends what is currently going on around this world. Asia has risen up from the great depths that she had descended to at the beginning of the post World War II era. America was completely dominant and used this advantage to enforce its global precepts upon the world. This superiority came to a screeching halt after the second Iraq conflict. Suddenly the lack of sufficient precious metal monetary reserves brought a change in US monetary policy. The fiat dollar was under attack and the US Corp. began a series of holding actions that has brought the Federal Reserve to the very brink of existence. The world, and especially Asia has shown that the past monetary idea of fiat currency is no longer completely viable. In its stead is to be formed a new system based on a fair exchange rate from a pool of precious metal currencies. The US and its friends are staging this holding action. The length of this action is one, which is attempting to hold back currency resets and a global currency revaluation. This action is running its course.