Dec 25, 2018
RT | ~ ‘Mary, has someone else emptied their sack into you?’ Jesus nativity sketch on Swedish TV draws ire ~ | .. A producer has been forced to apologize after Swedish TV lost any customary cultural sensitivities and broadcast a profane primetime Christmas sketch, featuring a jealous Joseph interrogating Mary over the paternity of baby Jesus .. | Blogger: WHAT THE.. Swedes have a 'insane' humor 🤪... (sorry but "Hay por ahí suelto mucho loco") - something is very, very wrong with their govt body and their society ... “Sex must be voluntary - if it is not, then it is illegal.” ~ new Swedish law in 2018... Just like the grammatical word for 'neuter' = "HEN", which is a gender-neutral personal pronoun in Swedish intended as an alternative to the gender-specific hon ("she") and han ("he")... Sweden has hate crime legislation that provides for punishments, of even custodial sentences, for “insulting a person, an ethnic group or another such group of people by reason of their race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, creed, or sexual orientation,” though mainstream satire is often exempted from such laws... |
TV2 FNYS NEWS | 25. Dec 2018 | ~ Ventetider til psykolog slår rekorder ~ | .. Ventetiden kan koste samfundet dyrt, advarer Dansk Psykolog Forening .. | Blogger: [🔮Fremtidens små krystaller, Større teenager problemer, Størst kvart- livskrise. Følelsen af, at tabe uendelige muligheder på gulvet og der ikke ligger en fast køreplan, for livet 🧒 En ny generation af børn er siden midten af 1990'erne, blevet født. De får ondt i sjælen og livet - VELKOMMEN TIL OPLYSNINGSTIDEN 😇] ... Vores personlige balance er den vigtigste nøgle, for selvhealing og selv- udvikling, og det selvom, vi manifestere at træde ud af vor 3D matrix af illusion, som jeg kalder det eller det der sker i en 3D 'realitet' af NUET. Accelerationen af lineær tid, det faktum, at vi er tættere på compression breakthrough, betyder kun, at vi stadig har brug for mere udrensning, frigivelse og helbredelse. Med andre ord oplever vi alle vores indre kerneproblemer og vasana med automatiske reak- tionsmønstre, der er født af tidligere traumatiske hændelser i en accelerations- bevægelse, komme op til overfladen, netop nu! ... |
Vi løser dog intet, ved at være passive og neutrale, når vi arbejder med vores fem sanser og genkendelsesmønsteret. ALT det vi optager, lagres i vores computerhjerne, og her, findes ingen tidsfornemmelse... (kommer tilbage til)
Når frygten rammer os, indtager vi en position af ”blokering, låsthed, fiksering” op mod 86 pct., resten af de 14 pct. er de basale overlevesesinstinkter.
Når frygten rammer os, indtager vi en position af ”blokering, låsthed, fiksering” op mod 86 pct., resten af de 14 pct. er de basale overlevesesinstinkter.
For at få opløst frygten, skal vi fortælle computerhjernen, at vi har ret til at få frigivet alt den dårlige programmering, alt det vi har lært fra autoriteter, et helt menneskeliv og frygten af genkendelsesmønstret, ophævet...
- Dvs. TID, eksisterer ikke... DATIDEN bliver centret om NUET og forløsningen sker, blot efter du tillader, at acceptere, neutralisere og give slip på datidens tramantiske forhold, ellers, forbliver hjernen i en EVIG tidslomme...
Det handler ikke altid om at tilvælge, karrieren, jobbet, partneren og få børn, det handler i højere grad om, at får mere fokus på, hvordan vores autoriteter; politikerne, forældre, præsten, lægen og skolelæreren, har skabt den «propaganda», «agitation» og «hjernevask», som alle har med ensidighed i påvirkningen at gøre.
Vi kan SLET ikke begribe, vi er vores egen VÆRSTE fjende, hvis vi ikke tror på, at vi MENNESKER, indeholder det guddommelige livslys og selvstændige valg, til at gøre, NØJAGTIGT, det vi ønsker, i livet...
At, vi ikke har brug for at blive guidet af samfundsorden, som tvinger os én retning, alene. Andre ting kommer også op, til overfladen! De traumatiske barndomssymptomer, (traumer i barndommen følger med ind i voksenlivet), begynder at dukke op i slutningen af tyverne. Lav selvtillid, Fobier, Lavt selvværd, Personlig udvikling, Angst, Stress, Sorg o.s.v. o.s.v. MANGLEN PÅ TROEN TIL VORES EGET ENORME POTENTIALE...
🚸🏫.... -- Numensas... Vi skal HELT IND i sindet... Måske skyldes det LANGT dybere årsager til de de unges røde STRESSBAROMETER??...
TASS | ~ S7 Space company starts implementation of orbital cosmodrome project ~ | .. The Russian private company S7 Space (the operator of the Sea Launch floating spaceport) embarks on the implementation of the project to create an orbital spaceport. The company also announced a Mars mission, according to the report released on Tuesday on S7 Space’s Facebook .. | Blogger: [🚀Just like SpaceX, with Never A Straight Answer - NASA in their back pocket, that announced the com- pany’s first private passenger to fly around the Moon in 2023 and Interplanetary travel to Mars👨🚀] ... BUT WAIT... NASA, China, Russia, EU and former Nazis with privately military aerospace, defense, and security sectors of several planetary alliances already exist in our Milky Way galaxy and beyond our Solar System... " The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) controls cloaked space stations in near Earth orbit that use technologies as much as 50 years ahead of what is found on the International Space Station, according to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode" ... |
David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016:
MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. The Russian private company S7 Space (the operator of the Sea Launch floating spaceport) embarks on the implementation of the project to create an orbital spaceport. The company also announced a Mars mission, according to the report released on Tuesday on S7 Space’s Facebook.
"We are starting the work to implement the ‘Orbital Cosmodrome’ project. We suggest applying the rich experience gained by the domestic cosmonautics in long-term manned missions in its creation," the report says.
The company calls on state corporations, commercial companies and ambitious upstarts to cooperate. "The goal will become a stimulus for the development of technologies and boosting private-state partnership in the implementation of the prospects of the space industry, as well as provide the high demand of the Russian cosmonautics in the global movement into space," the report says.
S7 Space also published a video footage with the concept of its space program on its Facebook page. Carrier rockets are expected to be launched under the Sea Launch project, and cargoes are to be delivered to the future orbital spaceport to be further delivered to Mars. S7 Space has the Orbital Cosmodrome section on its website, but it is empty yet.
"There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. Lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.] During the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey"...
The company calls on state corporations, commercial companies and ambitious upstarts to cooperate
MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. The Russian private company S7 Space (the operator of the Sea Launch floating spaceport) embarks on the implementation of the project to create an orbital spaceport. The company also announced a Mars mission, according to the report released on Tuesday on S7 Space’s Facebook.
"We are starting the work to implement the ‘Orbital Cosmodrome’ project. We suggest applying the rich experience gained by the domestic cosmonautics in long-term manned missions in its creation," the report says.
The company calls on state corporations, commercial companies and ambitious upstarts to cooperate. "The goal will become a stimulus for the development of technologies and boosting private-state partnership in the implementation of the prospects of the space industry, as well as provide the high demand of the Russian cosmonautics in the global movement into space," the report says.
S7 Space also published a video footage with the concept of its space program on its Facebook page. Carrier rockets are expected to be launched under the Sea Launch project, and cargoes are to be delivered to the future orbital spaceport to be further delivered to Mars. S7 Space has the Orbital Cosmodrome section on its website, but it is empty yet.
Total Eclipse | ~ Q Anon Funds Cut, FRB Mystery, Oil, Yemen, Merry Christmas ~ |
COBRA Portal for Planetary Liberation | ~ Make it Viral!!!❤️ It's time for a new consciousness and beginning on Earth!!!🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 ~ | .. We're now shall bring the light returned! And ending this long galactic wars! Stand up, and make your mind to create a whole new world, a place like a haven realm of divine, there is no suffering exist any longer! .. | |
Thanks to by Clarisse Ira Weng |
WLMM | ~ New Daily Emergency Meditation Focus: Indonesian Tsunami ~ | .. A tsunami hit beaches around Sunda Strait in Indonesia at about 9.30 PM on Saturday night, Indonesian time, which is around 2.30 PM UTC. A total of 222 people have been confirmed dead and 843 injured, while 28 remain missing after the tsunami destroyed hundreds of houses and buildings, media reported, citing the national disaster relief agency. Authorities expect the death toll to rise as many affected areas have not yet been reached .. | Blogger: [💔Has rising to 429 people killed and injured more than 1,480 - 16,000 displaced🕯️] ... |
Simon Parkes Official | ~ 'No Drone' Police Comment... ~ | Blogger. [🛸Aliens? Russians? Killer Drones? ISIS?🛩️] ... Verdensalt has already mentioned about this disturbing facts and 'cover-up' by the political body of UK and intelligence services... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......
Monday, December 24, 2018
After casting doubt that drones were the cause of Gatwick airport closure, the senior policeman has been overruled by the government. - He now says he has been miscommunicated.
Sounds like the official telegram in 1947 regarding the Roswell incidents - In that it used the word – ‘miss step’ in relation to blindsiding the worlds press.
Message from Jesus | Channeling through John Smallman | ~ ❤️ You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms 💕 ~ |
Sananda sends weekly messages for the time being, for those of us who have followed Jesus Sananda for a long time, it has always been a joy and uplifting experience for our understanding of what is happening around us. The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.
Channeled by John Smallman
© 2018
Jesus Audio Blog for Christmas Day
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.
Truly, your awakening is to be an absolutely amazing and exhilarating event. Nothing like it has ever before occurred on Planet Earth. The vast majority of humans on Earth at present, even those who are spiritually inclined and are holding the intent to live loving and compassionate lives, have no idea that an awakening of such enormous significance is shortly to uplift them into a state of joyful astonishment. And even those who have been consciously working for it as light-workers, star-seeds, spiritual teachers, and way-showers for most of their lives, have lingering doubts and anxieties about the validity of the divine promise that humanity’s awakening is to occur “very soon.” They want it, and deep within themselves they know it will come about, and yet they doubt. And their doubts are sometimes strengthened by their conversations with others who are also waiting expectantly.
The word “soon” has been mightily overused during the last couple of decades in order to encourage people to trust that it is about to happen, and because, there being no time as such, it has in fact already happened. Therefore, for all of you living within the limitations of physical form and linear time, and although you continue to remain unaware of it, it is a done deal that has already occurred! Nevertheless, the persistent use of that word has at times caused anger and resentment to arise. And this is, of course, because it seems that the awakening is no nearer than it was maybe thirty years ago, and it most certainly has not happened for humanity in form. But enormous progress has occurred during the last thirty years, purely because those of you working so diligently to bring it to fruition have never ceased to hold and maintain the intent to bring it on.
Channeled by John Smallman
© 2018
Jesus Audio Blog for Christmas Day
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.
Truly, your awakening is to be an absolutely amazing and exhilarating event. Nothing like it has ever before occurred on Planet Earth. The vast majority of humans on Earth at present, even those who are spiritually inclined and are holding the intent to live loving and compassionate lives, have no idea that an awakening of such enormous significance is shortly to uplift them into a state of joyful astonishment. And even those who have been consciously working for it as light-workers, star-seeds, spiritual teachers, and way-showers for most of their lives, have lingering doubts and anxieties about the validity of the divine promise that humanity’s awakening is to occur “very soon.” They want it, and deep within themselves they know it will come about, and yet they doubt. And their doubts are sometimes strengthened by their conversations with others who are also waiting expectantly.
The word “soon” has been mightily overused during the last couple of decades in order to encourage people to trust that it is about to happen, and because, there being no time as such, it has in fact already happened. Therefore, for all of you living within the limitations of physical form and linear time, and although you continue to remain unaware of it, it is a done deal that has already occurred! Nevertheless, the persistent use of that word has at times caused anger and resentment to arise. And this is, of course, because it seems that the awakening is no nearer than it was maybe thirty years ago, and it most certainly has not happened for humanity in form. But enormous progress has occurred during the last thirty years, purely because those of you working so diligently to bring it to fruition have never ceased to hold and maintain the intent to bring it on.
Aluna Ash- 9D | ~ Energy Update 12/24 ~ | Blogger: Perfectly short video, specific with Divine Composition... 🙇|
They do these rituals and mass sacrifices when the moon hits specific degrees, 22, 27- its all astrological/astronomy/numerology/operating in 4D. Focus on your sadhana- spiritual practice. These are not humans, they use humans as outfits- they are entities operating beyond the 3rd dimension. Today is a throat chakra day, yellow galactic Sun, tone 8- galactic tone, Christ along with 9.
This day is about: enlightenment, universal fire, unity with the collective mind, limitless, loving, dreaming about your next stage along your path, devotion to your Soul group and collective service.
This is an incredibly karmic time too, so emotions and fears can surface along w collective mind. Galactic days are about integration, harmonization and becoming a master of your energy.
Tomorrow- 12/25 is a 9 tone- christ consciousness, 5th time dimensional frequency, also means completion. It is a reflection day from the difficulties that got you here on your path. Tomorrow is a Solar Plexus day- release of imprints to move into the heart before the solar eclipse wave activation hits.
Was also seeing with activations, people will see a flash- its internal.
Joe M | Archive | July 1 - Dec 26 , 2018 | ~ Q The Plan To Save The World (Polished version) ~ | Blogger: ONE of the greatest awakening videos... |
A polished version with the updated Twitter credit, and quieter background music as well as the spelling mistake "Inevitible".
Look on Twitter for: @Jordan_Sather_ @prayingmedic @LisaMei62 @FedupWithSwamp @tracybeanz @IntheMatrixxx @_ImperatorRex_ (not a Q follower but predicts a lot accurately). @StormIsUponUs (me)
Answering the "New eyes" call.
Changed my Twitter handle to @StormIsUponUs. The other was an old recycled account that didn't really make any sense... READ MORE
SpaceShot76 | ~ Kevin Spaceys Let me be Frank Wow ~ | Blogger: OMG! - Impeachment without trial?.. Frank Underwood back from the dead as a new charactering paedophile raper? Hollywood's obsession with the occult, and the elites use rituals & sexual blackmail to keep it's stars in line... Kevin Spacey returns back from the dark in the guise of Frank Underwood and says “I’m certainly not going to pay the price for the things I didn’t do,”... WHAT THE... 😨 |
Operation Disclosure | ~ RV/GCR INTELLIGENCE ALERT ~ | Blogger: [🎵 It's looking a lot like Christm... = the downfall of govt Cabal 📉] ... 1:) ↠ MARKET UPDATE: Nikkei Crashes 1000 Points or 5% as US markets see worst December since Great Depression (FX Leaders & RT) ... 2:) ↠ Dow Drops Below 22K, S&P Enters Bear Market on Worst Christmas Eve Session Ever (thestreet) ... 3:) ↠ Trump Points The Finger At The Central Bank, Rothschild Responds (x22 report Episode 1749a) ... 4:) ↠ Secretary Mnuchin conducted a series of calls today with the CEOs of the nations six largest banks (all MSM news) ... 5:) ↠ The Great Depression on prices destroys the Christmas spirit on Wall Street (translated from danish, ... 💡 PS: As always, please use your own spiritual discernment... I'll been dreaming all night to invest in 'more' Gold and Silver coins and crypto- currency, before it's to late... Especially one CC sticks out, that Cobra has mention to be very important after the EVENT. You need to look for this particular information, yourselves... |
🔩 Sooo what is QFS?? -- It's suppose to be the new hack-proof, super-conscious, Quantum Computer Global Financial System... NESARA/GESARA - the secrete GESARA Treaty (disguised as the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change)....
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
The Alliance continues to work tirelessly throughout the Holidays on starting the transition.
All countries are being forced to a consensus on the QFS and GESARA.
Trump is currently out-of-country (Washington D.C.) for Christmas.
It has been rumored in the past that POTUS must be out-of-country in order for the RV to begin.
If the RV begins, mass indictments and military tribunals will start as early as January.
2019 will be a year to remember.
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 24, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
The Alliance continues to work tirelessly throughout the Holidays on starting the transition.
All countries are being forced to a consensus on the QFS and GESARA.
Trump is currently out-of-country (Washington D.C.) for Christmas.
It has been rumored in the past that POTUS must be out-of-country in order for the RV to begin.
If the RV begins, mass indictments and military tribunals will start as early as January.
2019 will be a year to remember.
Benjamin Fulford Full Report Transcript & Video | ~ Western civilization heading for a reboot over the holidays ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [💝As a token of appreciation or small x-mas gift from verdensalt, presenting the full report from BF - It's paid members only - please respect the author and sent love to BF and prayers for pres. Trump - hallelujah🎅] ... (⚠️PS: don't forget to check out the video '2 Huge Prison Barges Headed to Gitmo NOW' - IMPORTANT⚠️) ... -- From the Full Report:... Thats why this current U.S. government shutdown is going to ... lead to some sort of Chapter 11 reorganization of the U.S. government. The European royals, for example, acknowledge that the historical bonds, farm claims, and other claims against the U.S. government must be paid, yet cannot be paid without bankrupting the system. However, discussions with the European royals and the P2 Freemasons who control the Vatican make it clear that fundamental decisions have not been made about what the reboot will resemble. It is clear, though, that the current system is being shut down. This can be seen not just in the U.S. government shutdown, but also in the fact that no corporate junk bonds were issued in December and that U.S. stock markets fell by the most since the Lehman shock of 2008... (..).. [READ MORE]... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
At times, David Wilcock and others, comments on Fulford's blog. Really exciting news, an angle that becomes more valid because they both have informants and inputs to the real agenda, without censorship that never reaches the official narrative or media circus.
Western civilization heading for a reboot over the holidays
Published by Benjamin on December 24, 2018
Many signs and confirmations from highly placed sources indicate that a reboot of Western civilization is being planned for 2019. The shutdown of the U.S. government over the holidays, for example, has nothing to do with building a wall, and everything to do with a financial reboot and upcoming military tribunals.
However, what is coming is about much more than just rounding up the criminals who hijacked and bankrupted the U.S. government—it is about fixing the problems besetting monotheism.
Since today is December 24th, Christmas Eve, it’s a good time to remind people of the historical truth behind this holiday. The fact is that nobody knows when Jesus Christ was born, so the early Christian church hijacked the old solar New Year holiday and replaced the sun with Jesus. Here’s the thing: the sun sets at its most northern point on December 21st, the winter solstice. For three days afterwards, it appears to set at the same place, and then on December 25th it starts setting further south, marking the birth of the solar New Year. Thus, the Christian church needs to confess and tell people the truth about Christmas without in any way denying the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity.
The Jews, for their part, need to stop celebrating the xenophobic Hanukkah and realize that it is perfectly kosher to celebrate the solar New Year (unless they somehow think the Creator did not make the sun). Anyway, Merry Christmas to the Christians and Muslims, and Merry Sunmas to everybody else.
These issues, together with discussions of updating the calendars to bring them back into line with the movements of the heavens on which they are based, are going to be part of a broad public discourse in the New Year. That is because, at the highest levels of world power, a decision has been made to go ahead and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and turn that city into an international free zone. This is why 2019 is likely to be a year for the history books.
In preparation for these upcoming historical changes, U.S. troops are being withdrawn from various conflict zones in order to pave the way for world peace, CIA sources say. Pentagon sources agree, adding that “U.S. President Donald Trump is pulling out of Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and the Ukraine to terminate the Deep State and the Zionists, since the global currency reset requires peace and cessation of hostilities.”
European royal family sources concur that preparations are under way for a reboot of the global financial system. The current U.S. dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen-based system is bankrupt and dysfunctional, these and other sources agree. This is especially true of the United States, which has been bankrupt for quite some time now, the sources say. That’s why this current U.S. government shutdown is going to lead to …
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
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