Jun 17, 2015

Hollow Earth - Secret Underground Bases"FOR ALIENS" - June 17, 2015 CET

Did Adm. Richard E. Byrd find Tropic Climate, Mammoths, Flying Saucer, Coal, Oil, Uranium and minerals near Hollow Earth and even entered a new world inside earth core?

Marker 00:00 - 09:00 Radio Show about Hollow Earth
Marker 09:00 - 47:10 Flat Earth Clues Part 2 - Byrd Wall (Must-See)
Marker 47:10 - 01:07 Secret Underground Military Industrial Complex bases ( Secret Whistleblower)
Marker 01:07 - 01:20 Back to Radio Show
Marker 01:20 - 01:32 Whistleblower Phil Schneider
Marker 01:33 - 01:33 Fox News on Solar Flare, Black Hole Sun and Media coverup etc.
Marker 01:38 - 01:39:50 Fleming Cooper - Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist !!
Marker 01:39 - xx:xx Mystery in the Sky (Norway and Russia) - VAUW - Must-See unexplainable phenomena!!
Rest covers Chemtrails, and 'fake' space stations activity actually under water, not in at space. Planet X, NASA Coverups


I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.

This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex.
 Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end.

Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again... and those who are of darkness shall fall in it's Light... FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.


Admiral Richard E. Byrd
United States Navy
24 December 1956



Nearest Human Base to Hollow Earth Entrance Coordinates
Published on Jun 16, 2015

According to the Ancient Greeks there were caverns under the surface which were entrances leading to the underworld, some of which were the caverns at Tainaron in Lakonia, at Trozien in Argolis, at Ephya in Thesprotia, at Herakleia in Pontos, and in Ermioni.[3] In Thracians and Dacians legend it is said that there are underground chambers occupied by an ancient God called Zalmoxis.[4] In Mesopotamian religion there is a story of a man who, after traveling through the darkness of a tunnel in the mountain of "Mashu", entered a subterranean garden.[5]

ZenGardner: Swarm: Backlash of Awakening Humanity - June 17, 2015

by Zen Gardner

The self appointed elites are on the run. We are clearly freaking them out. The astounding rate of our awakening is not anything they were expecting nor counting on. That’s not surprising, considering their arrogance, but search any subject you wish to pursue and you’ll find that despite their algorithms, distorting mechanisms and surveillance they cannot stop the onslaught of truth coming from humanity itself.

This is a reality to be encouraged about. We are a tide of Truth coming at them so fast they honestly do not know how to handle it. We’re dismissed, minimalized, marginalized and disparaged in a host of ways, but they cannot cope with our resilience. Hence their stepped up agenda towards our physical and spiritual weakening. It’s that clear.

The war we are in is real. It matters what you do and think. We are the embodiment of our own solution and need to come to that realization fast and furious. We are literally putting them on their heels and they simply need to keep pushing their agenda in more and more draconian ways as if everything depends upon it – because it does! That’s what you’re seeing in the so-called “news”.

A Time To Shed

It’s really about letting go when it comes to moving into this next phase. Let go of entanglements, let go of any parasitic connections they have on you. Be it banking, mortgages, soul-sucking relationships, false media addictions, bad food proclivities or the like, it’s time to take a stand.

Operate according to your true convictions.

I know it’s easy to say, but the cut off point will come one way or the other. Either they’ll do it when you’re on the defensive and powerless in dire circumstances, or you do it before they can take advantage of you. That’s the situation we’re in, like it or not. The dependence on their system is what needs to be shed, any and every way we can do it.

From there we take the offensive. They are bluffing. So let’s march.

Dismantle the Bastards

De amerikanske medier er nu begyndt at rapporterer, alle verdens finansmarkeder er manipuleret via computere og klart baseret på calculus, financial market strategy

(Repost&Reblog) Udgivet den 17. Juni 2015 af Verdensalt

I tidligere artikel, konkludere jeg, at bankerne er pengeløse, ergo i den finansielle verden findes der ingen definition på penge. I stedet for udsteder bankerne papir og veksle dem frem og tilbage og så bogføre dem. Derimod, er der definitioner på: Gældsbeviser (promissory notes), Veksler (bills of xchange),  Omsætningspapir (negotiable instruments)

"Køber man Aktier(Stocks), får man en ejerandel i en virksomhed"."Køber man obligationer(Bonds), køber man gæld i et selskab"."Investere man på 'derivater'(derivatives) gambler man via en kontrakt om,hvad der vil eller ikke vil ske, i fremtiden"(Calculus). Derivater er Satans lottokupon, et sandt onde skabt til Wall Street og verdenseliten for maximalt afkast, indtil nu, har det virket, men ikke meget længere.... 278 trillion dollar af derivater, er en tidsindstillet bombe der kan gå af, når som helst...

Uddyber lidt i dette blogindlæg, omkring den altoverskyggende computeriseret elektroniske handel, senest opdateret i Finansielle Akronymer og forkortelser

Electronic trading algorithm - (Algoritmisk handel, også kaldet automatiseret handel, black-box handel eller algo handel, High-frequency trading (HFT))

Handel med aktier og andre finansielle instrumenter har eksisteret i lang tid. Det er elektronisk handel, der har ført til langt lavere spreads og lavere faktiske handelsomkostninger fra din mægler. Meget ofte har HFT virksomheder taget æren for at reducere spreads Men rent faktisk var det via den elektronisk handel.

Brugen af ​​elektroniske platforme til indtastning af handelsordrer med en algoritme, som udfører forprogrammerede handelsinstruktioner tegner sig for en række forskellige variabler som timing, pris og volumen. Algoritmisk handel kan anvendes i enhver investering strategi, herunder market making, inter-marked spredning, arbitrage eller ren spekulation. En fordel ved algoritmisk handel er, at det nu er muligt, at udføre ordrer før mennesker er i stand til at fortolke den information de præsenteres for. Handelsmetoden har i høj grad vist sig profitabel både på valutamarkedet samt andre dele af det finansielle marked. Blandt andet har den, via komplekse investeringsstrategier og muligheden for at operere med tidshorisonter ned til få millisekunder, vist sig profitabel med henblik på at forfølge risikofrie arbitragemuligheder, der normalt kun er eksisterende i ganske kort tid, inden ligevægt er

Hvorfor er valutamarkedet manipuleret (rigged)? 

Her kommer det chokerende faktum som de fleste mennesker slet ikke er klar over; 95 procent af de verdensomspændende finansiel handler (trading), er nu overgået til et elektronisk setup ( algorithmic trading technique eller HFT), der eliminere dybest set, mennesker som prisstillere

Dvs. Algoritmer har nu overtaget og anvendes som prisstillere. 

Hvad er så en 'algoritme' - et derivat - (Calculus) der stammer fra en matematisk funktion baseret på udefinerede variabler for, at nå en forudbestemt resultat. Algoritmer bruger den eksponentielle funktion som en genvej. Logaritme er dermed den inverse funktion. Anvendes handel med optioner og den elektronisk algoritme med den inverse funktion aka logaritmen, repræsenterer størrelsen og forfald af optionspræmien aka tidsværdi.

Det kan være uhyre kompliceret, men jeg kan lide at forenkle tingene. På et meget grundlæggende niveau, en "derivat" er, ikke en investering i noget. Når du køber en aktie, køber du en ejerandel i en virksomhed. Når du køber en obligation, køber du gæld i et selskab. Men et derivat er helt anderledes. I det væsentlige, de fleste derivater er simpelthen væddemål om, hvad der vil eller ikke vil ske i fremtiden. De store Wall Street banker har forvandlet til det største kasino i historien om planeten, og når tingene kører problemfrit, generere det rigtigt, rigtigt mange penge.......

Wall Street agere på markedspladsen med en avanceret sammenlægning af hastighed og kunstig intelligens, ifølge Haim Bodek, et "geni" indenfor algoritme arkitektur, der 'vovede' at bryde Wall Street berygtede OMERTA, branchens uskrevne regel om tavshed og hemmeligholdelse. Bodek gjorde sin opdagelse, når hans egne algoritmer, han havde startet sin egen HFT firma, kaldet Trading Machines - pludselig stoppede med at fungere en dag. "Der findes en gylden regel. Aldrig bebrejde andre mennesker. Aldrig bebrejde markedet. Læg aldrig skylden over på anden trader, "Bodek forklarer. "Det er altid dig. Din "kode" er forkert. Svaret på hvorfor Bodek algoritmer aldrig blev en succes, var ikke i hans egen kodning men i stedet fandt han ud af på et lokal værtshus, via en udveksling "insider". "Valutamarkedet er manipuleret og medmindre du vidste den hemmelige adgangskode, havde du aldrig en chance"... 

Hvad er der i vente og kommer guldstandarden tilbage

Tesen om, at verden snart får et funklende nyt monetære system eller finansielle instrumenter ændres radikalt er blot et udtryk for, vores nuværende system ikke fungere mere. Guldets storhedstid i det monetære system varede fra 1870'erne til første verdenskrigs udbrud. I denne periode etableredes et verdensomspændende fastkurssystem baseret på en fast definition af de enkelte valutaer i forhold til guld og klare regler for guldindløselighed og gulddækning. Da guld var en knap ressource, blev det kun i mindre omfang anvendt som direkte transaktionsmiddel i form af mønter. I stedet fik pengesedlerne en større rolle, hvormed sedlernes guldindløselighed blev det bærende element.

Nogen påstår, at de verdensomspændende finansielle banker står overfor en større kredit og likviditetskrise som afledte nøgletals fortsætte negativ retning. Dette vil føre til en elektronisk handels-algoritme-drevet nedsmeltning.

Handelsvare: Med stort set ingen reel likviditet tilbage i verdens finansielle markeder vil 'algos' handel snart gå hybrid versus den manglende likviditet, fjerne eksponentialfunktionen og gå lineær, der fører til en Black Swan event aka et verdensomspændende aktiemarked nedsmeltning hvor illegale bankernes modstandskraft svækkes grundet kunders manglende indskud. Vil det så sige, guld storhedstidens standard og ædelmetaller vil vende tilbage og benyttes som handelsesplatform for verdens nationer? Ja, for er der et alternativ overhoved? Vil vi tillade Cabal til alt evighed at manipulere med systemet via computeriseret elektroniske handel og HFT?

Min lid og fornemmelse, efter så mange lande nu endelig er overgået til AIIB, som verdensbank eller investeringsplatform mod øst i stedet for Vest hvor USA, FED og Wall Street har haft magten, kontrollen inklusive over Danmark, kommer der snart til at ske noget stort.

Tak fordi du læste på min blog.


Most-See Video: NASA Astronaut on Free Energy: “ These Concepts Have Been Proven in Hundreds of Laboratories Around the World” - June 17, 2015 CET

Dr. Brian O’Leary, Ph.D, scientist, author, Princeton/Cornell physics professor, and former NASA astronaut, was filmed shortly before his passing stating that over-unity devices are indeed real, and that “these concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, but have not really seen the light of day.”

We are talking about a well educated person who has been working in and involved with science and technology at the highest known levels. He held multiple positions at various universities and worked with the likes of Carl Sagan, among many others. A quick Google search would suffice if you are looking for more information regarding his academic background. He was (obviously) extremely passionate about changing the world and we can see that passion expressed clearly in this video, presented at the United Nations shortly before his passing:

Video presented at the United Nations from Sean Sullivan on Vimeo.

O’Leary devoted a significant amount of time to studying and investigating new energy technologies, traveling the world and visiting laboratories to see them for himself.

All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.” 
–  Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel… We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians… Throughout space there is energy.”  
– Nikola Tesla

As featured in the Thrive documentary (https://youtu.be/s4ga9FCHSKc):

What Critics Have To Say About Over-Unity Energy

RT: Texas fracking site that spilled 42,000 gallons of fluid into residential area hopes to reopen - June 17, 2015 CET

Investigators in Arlington, Texas blamed equipment failure for a fracking fluid spill that caused an evacuation of 100 homes in April. Owners of the facility hope to restart the drilling, but the local community is unhappy with the prospect.

Results of the investigation, released Tuesday, show the malfunction of a well head component on April 10 caused 42,800 gallons of fracking fluid to spill out of the well and into the streets and storm sewers of Arlington, a community just east of Fort Worth. Sealing the well took 24 hours and four attempts.

The drilling site is located in a residential area, next door to the Arlington Lake Baptist Church, and the local residents are alarmed at the prospect of future spills.

Read  more : http://rt.com/usa/267838-arlington-texas-fracking-accident/

Læs også: Skifergas: Enhedslisten vil stoppe prøveboring uanset prisen

Mother's Mini-Message # 13 - Where Battles are Won With Laughter - June 17, 2015 CET

I do recognize many truthseekers and Lightworkers consider Kathryn E. May as hoax and scam artist with self centered attitude, however besides her high price tag workshop retreats etc. I do personally find her transcribed messages uplifting and liberating, truth or not. You decide. The day when heads of the 13 families surrender ( incl. Banksters Rothchilds), will be the end of Cabal, fear will disappear and freedom for Terra

Mother's Mini-Message # 13

Where Battles are Won With Laughter

Beloved Ones, it is a fast-moving time on Earth. Much of what is happening in recent days is outside your view, but creating great energy shifts nonetheless. I will give you a small update of the things that have happened in the Temple of Light in New York, as an example of the kind of massive changes that are flowing across the globe. Lightworkers in various walks of life have set things in motion that are then completed by other Lightworkers across the globe, and they may not even know of their joint successes.

For instance, the closing net that is bringing arrests and legal prosecution to many of the leading bankers of the cabal has started a small stampede toward the Temple of Light on the part of the incarnated dark ones. Many have worked in secret organizations where telepathy is used as a weapon, and have been trained as part of their cabal membership to use telepathic communication and remote viewing as a way of spying on Lightworkers. They have used these methods to try to destroy Kathryn and Christine.

They send high-pitched frequencies that are specifically aimed at the vulnerabilities they have discovered in each of them. For instance, they send stabbing pains to Kathryn's heart, which is supposed to initiate a heart attack (a common strategy), and burning pain to a sciatic nerve that was injured years ago. For Christine, it is stabbing head pain and fire in her kidneys, which were injured in the scalar attack she has just recently begun to heal from. Even the animals in the house are under attack.

These vicious techniques are fortunately very personal. By that I mean, it is human observers who are watching and learning about Kathryn and Christine and their loving family life. Our daughters have maintained good spirits and at times a very funny and satirical approach to the attackers. We call it "the wrench," and Kathryn is very good at throwing it. Today she announced to them that she is very flattered by all the attention they are paying, and gratified that they think she is so threatening and important to them, and so she will take their constant attempts to kill them as a great compliment.

The frequency attackers, who are trying to activate the nano devices that are supposed to drive people crazy, are baffled when they laugh uproariously, even in the midst of pain. They taunt their adversaries by dancing and singing, "Hit me with your best shot...Fire away!"

This approach has brought a response, as I told you yesterday with the children, who were supposed to be weapons themselves, but who learned much from watching our family of Light. Today has brought two Bushes, a Rothschild, a Rockefeller, two Cardinals, and a number of other top leaders, who have felt the ship sinking under them. They have all been listening to the discussions in the Temple, and have become convinced that their best option, finally, is to turn themselves over to Father and me. All respond to Kathryn's empathic acknowledgement that they have suffered terrible abuse as cabal captives and slaves - even the leaders - that they are very tired, and that they are guaranteed safety and no punishment when they come Home to us.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 17. Juni 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Finansielle akronymer

The rise of Spirit is yet another portent of how the Light is transforming this realm for the better. The moments are upon us for the long prophesied triumph of the Light upon the Earth plane.

Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the
Sirian Star system

11 Manik, 5 Kayab, 11 Ik

Dratzo! Around this world, a transformation of unprecedented proportions is taking place. The Anunnaki’s minions are being pushed from power in both the world’s governments and its financial system. This amazing process is being preceded by a series of mass arrests and the sudden resignations of key figures in the global banking system. This is being done to correct a process, which has over the last two decades left this world’s financial system in shambles. Those individuals who have immensely profited from a gross series of illegalities are shortly to pay handsomely for their attempt to permanently put your world in an immense power grab that began in earnest with the sudden departure of their former overlords, the Anunnaki. These formerly dark lords had decided en masse to join the Light and be a positive part of the new alliance forged by the declarations of the Anchara continuum to create a new galactic peace. This enabled the Light, at last, to produce a coalition and carry out the ancient prophecies of ArchAngel Michael.

This heavenly alliance is aided here on Gaia by the forces of our large fleet, which is staffed by a group of Beings dedicated to making it possible to produce a realm that can free surface humanity. This group initially received a great setback when the American cabal struck suddenly in your Gregorian year of 2001. DEW explosions and an all-consuming fire destroyed the twin towers of lower Manhattan. This audacious event temporarily caused a setback for those who were ready to formally declare NESARA. This legislation was to make possible new governance that was to drive the dark from power. Nevertheless, the wars and a dark plot to take over the globe’s monetary system ultimately failed and the Light’s coalition started to come together and arrange a way to terminate the powers so illegally grabbed by the American cabal. We now stand on the verge of the success of a "quiet revolution" that is making possible a long overdue currency readjustment. These new financial systems are to drive out the dark cabal, swiftly bring this globe an end to debt slavery and produce a worldwide prosperity.