Jan 7, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (With Queen-Lizard & Daisy gone what could go wrong?) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Jan 7, 2024 ~ |

Remember when ABC refused to air Amy Robach’s "We have everything" story on the Epstein client list??  Not a peep from ABC and 'The Palace' still bodyguarding 'Randy Andy' like Prince 'Pingo'? (and his alleged affair & controversial prenup)



👁️⃤𓂀🔮😱 (Den uforudsigelige verdensorden) To gamle ordsprog; man skal ikke sætte alt på et bræt og altid gøre som præsten (dronningen) prædiker. Noget med, at man ikke bydende nødvendigt, er nødt til at følge, hvad ens aldersgruppe, generelt gør og slavisk følge flokken ~ 7. Januar 2024 ~ |


Editor's' Note: (fortsat) Teenagere er som bekendt spejlblanke - de tror de ved alt - men det stikmodsatte er beviseligt. Vi bliver nemlig mere modne og klogere med alderen. Livets skole er i virkeligheden den bedste skole. Det er bare så sandt, så sandt. Det gælder næsten alt - også når man breder sig til spiritualisme, guru og religionsdyrkelse, ens jobliv, den eneste ene og evig fortabelse o.s.v. For der er ingen der ved hvad fremtiden bringer. Og ingen kender sandheden om alt. Alderserfaring er godt, men alligevel, overtænker vi omkring fortiden og uvisheden om fremtiden er ofte forbundet med angst. Man kan jo faktisk også blive så klog, at man ikke længere kan høre den rene tone. Livet er fyldt med udviklingskriser, traumatiske hændelser og psykiske efterreaktioner. Det er op til os mennesker, at skelne mellem hvad der er spirituelle kriser og opvågnen, og hvad der er psykologiske sår og traumer (You can take that to the bank )... | 

👼 ~ 💌 ('Third, fourth and fifth densities.') Matthew’s Message ~ Jan 7, 2024 ~ |

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2024 matthewbooks

Editor's Note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)


January 3, 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are inundated with information, and rarely do we tell you which to embrace and which to disregard. Instead, we have emphasized using discernment and trusting intuition about all information, and we have offered guidance to distinguish factual from false.

Now we are going to speak out forthrightly, about the perception that you are entering fifth density. You need to know that is a misperception so you don’t become disillusioned when what you are expecting doesn’t happen.

We don’t know from whence came that idea about Earth’s proximity to fifth density—perhaps the intensity of the collective desire for goodness to permeate the planet and uplift every life. You want your families to live in a peaceful world where everyone shares in bountiful resources and has nutritious food, excellent healthcare and education, and satisfying housing. A world whose damaged areas are restored to health and beauty, where neighbors and nations cooperate happily, everyone has advancement opportunities and all humans live in harmony with Nature.

👨‍💼⭐👈 (Trump Hatism Death Rubber Stamps?) Does hate stem from fear and uncertainty about the future? Why are people afraid of change? How can we prevent govt- and educational authorities and mass media lies? You've got to believe in something, and what is the alternative, right? Why not a 'Trump-version' backed by (Earth Alliance, White/Grey Hats, Q-Generals and Off-worlders?), burning down 1000 years of Nimrod, Babylon, and Satan's kingdom? ~ Jan 7, 2024 ~ |


Is it time for 1776 yet? CGI, clone, real world leaders out? Trump is ‘single most dangerous threat’ to the US, warns Republican Liz Cheney (and all Cabal countries including Kingdom of Denmark, follow suit and agrees)

Editors' NoteInstead of trusting a no-good layabout fakery CGI/actor Joe-the-Moe Biden and the media myth of Democratic momentum. But noooo. It's a 'Dead or Alive' strategy and The Deep State want to destroy Donald Trump by any means necessary - whatever it takes to accomplish their goal or aim. 

Yesterday's b-day my (normie) family (who's clever than God himself) was celebrating and many discussions was taking place. Before we knew it, my old dad, was absolutely furious over Trump mocked Joe Biden over stutter. My sister really (hates) Trump, would rather see "Obama's Third Term". But she has never been to America, but she has US friends living in DK, but they also (hates) Trump. My sisters (mercenary ex-soldier boyfriend) followed suit by saying; 'Trump should be locked up after J6 and if he wins, and it seems to be true in 2024, the world is in danger.' My mom is more subtle and thinks all presidents of America are (crazy). All of my family members seems to put their trust in DeSantis saying; 'Trump's stolen-election theories were all false. 

Is it wrong if Trump ask the right questions? Trump promised to drain the swamp and the swamp seems to be doing fine in the public eye. Do you know there's more than 250,000 Sealed Indictments? Why doesn't (normies, muggles and democrats) care about Trump accomplishments. Buuutt, as I always say - put the trust in the PLAN not in (one) MAN!. 

Time Travelin' Trump or not, uncle John G Trump & Nikola Tesla - they're all very special and according to several channelings, Trump is galactic protected by Light Forces. We are with you President Trump (protected by Archangel Michael royal blue, purple and golden light, as I have heard it). You know, Trump is a wild card - a starter - not the finisher. A Light warrior, but have served his term in the White House. He will keep the pledge to 'drain the swamp'... |

SoTW - I think Hakann is all BS - buutt thats just me (my Higher Self said he is NOT dead)
Rose Rambles…

