May 18, 2018 | May 18, 2018 | ~ BREAKING: Cuba plane crash - Boeing 737 crashes shortly after takeoff in Havana ~ | Blogger: Latest News Feeds: 1. Khamzat Azimov: Who is the Paris attacker responsible for stabbing five people, killing one? .. 2. Multiple fatalities reported (8-10) after Texas high school shooting. Possible explosives found .. 3. A PLANE has crashed in Cuba, shortly after takeoff from Havana's Jose Marti International Airport, Cuban state media has confirmed .. 4. The Pope's "Terrible May" predicted by Q is unfolding! Pope Francis announced his possible resignation in coming .. 5. Report that Novichok sample came from Germany in 1990s “plausible" – Top ex-German spy ... |
Verdensalt | Archive | May 18, 2018 | ~ The most spiritually touching and inspiring flicks in 2015 close to tapping the universal truth? or just fantasy? ~ | Blogger: “I find your lack of faith disturbing” - "When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master." (The Dark Lord - Famous Darth Vader)" ... Sooo ... Where Do We Find The Truth? If you can handle the truth and truly believe in your own spiritual self-mastery!!! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy - in movies of course! 🎦 🎥 (too many choices) ... Take 'The X-Files series' (Season 10, Season 11). TRY to really listen to the 2-5 minute opening monologue/introduction of x-files episode 1 in each season from 2016/2018 and you will discover the TRUTH ... Avenger movies (next generation super soldiers & SSP wars) ... 2017 - Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (some say the movie and Spiritual Life depicts the REAL universe) ... 2010 - 'Green Zone'. "Green Zone" produced the 'American War' in a way that almost NONE has dared to do in a Hollywood studio ever: Its message was that Iraq's fabulous "weapons of mass destruction "did not exist and that neocons in the (deep state or real state) administration made up the lie and were ready to kill to cover their deception ... 2017 'Geostorm' - Hollywood introduction of 'weaponized weather' and geoengineering, dumbing-down the population ... 2014 - "Interstellar," Co-created with Sananda and One ... 2016 - Independence Day Resurgence, depicts elements of Alien Disclosure ... Iron Sky: The Coming Race (Nazis on the moon) ... Spontaneous sci-fi controllers like Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451), Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke ('2001: A Space Odyssey), Robert Wise's 1951 science fiction film classic ('The Day the Earth Stood Still') - still fanfic ... Lastly a important movie called "They Live" - Truth Sunglasses (1988)... |
Published Sept 12, 2015 by Verdensalt
I'm such a romantic soul.....There are so many movies out there that 'kinda' defies Hollywood/Illuminati's trend of most overbaked Clichés - psychological subliminal messages and censorship, to say at least... Romantic movies, though, still have a happy ending story.... however, that's what we really want, right? Besides the romantic storyline, everyone who knows Hawaii (City Of Light - Hana, Hanae, means Heavenly Joy) understand the significance of spiritual sacred place... like the mystic earth's energy was sacred ... Mount Shasta, CAas well as Sedona, AZ...... like the flick 'Aloha'
Anyways... from the very beginning of Aloha, Hawaii is painted as a magical, spiritual place. Tracy's son, Mitchell, repeatedly brings up the Hawaiian legend of Lono (characterized in the movie as a playful god) and Pele (a goddess of fire), and how their interplay leads to birth and rebirth. Mitchell believes that Brian may be Lono—a force who'll upend all their lives and put everyone on a new path (for better or worse).
Ng, who constantly brings up the fact that she's one-quarter Hawaiian, talks about the spirits of the land. When a window blows open, disturbing a military party, she credits the action to "Hawaiian leprechauns," who are said to come in with the wind. Driving at night, she and Brian come across the "Night Marchers," thought to be ghosts of ancient warriors. Ng tells Brian to stop and look down, because looking at the spirits (if you're not Hawaiian) means death. She and others talk about the sacredness of the earth, the sky and the bones of ancestors.
While on the island, Brian must facilitate a sacred ceremony, wherein a new graveyard can be consecrated under the eyes of local gods … but of course he himself doesn't believe in these island spirits. "Tell me you don't believe that the sky has the answer to every question," he says to Ng, and insists the Night Marchers were a reenactment of some sort. "I salute your elaborate system of denial, sir," Ng says.... I really love this
Next is Interstellar.. My first reaction was VAUW! Should probably watch it a few times to catch the core of the symbolism and the many layers of meaning....My headline is captured from a conclusion on the film by Ben Kendrick from Screenrant.
Movie by Christopher Nolan's titled 'Inception' evokes deep traces of symbolism, mystery and future aspects of multi-dimensional partial worlds.....
If I had to put into words 'Interstellar', it would probably be trying to show the world in a post-apocalyptic condition where lack of food forces people from Earth into space, i.e. a state of the earth's impending doom. There is still a focus on the human drama about family the father of Matthew McConaughey figure who must leave her children to save the world, he believes. In return, Nolan here screwed seriously the visual buttons and displays both our planet and the universe around it in a grandiose overwhelming aesthetics. However, it seems that Nolan is out in more classical, epic storytelling than Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity) was with his existentialist space history... read more (danish).......
The Esoteric and Extraterrestrial Meaning of Jupiter Ascending....
On the surface, the Wachowskis‘ new sci-fi epic is action-pacted, Jovian fun, however Jupiter Ascending paints a very dark, more Saturnian portrait of the Universe we inhabit. But is there a positive message obscured by all the darkness? Yes, and it relates to The Law of One.
The film is enjoying mixed reviews and less than stellar box office receipts. The art direction is stunning. The effects are dizzying. The script is sufficiently Matrix-esque. Yet something truly original is what’s missing from this formula. From Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, to The Fifth Element and Dune, we’ve visited this Universe before. Yet continuing in the trend of recent blockbusters coming out of Hollywood, there’s something subtly darker about this piece of adrenaline-fueled, science fiction fluff.
Mainstream film critics (as well as your average sleeping filmgoer) will eagerly concede that this convoluted, hyperactive, yet thoroughly entertaining space opera presents a timely message about our consumption-based society and the income disparity between the one percent and everyone else – the other 99% – a message that is given vapid lip service by politicians and media alike, yet still goes unaddressed. But is there a deeper message beneath the shiny veneer of this mostly forgettable science-fiction epic?
This is a film by the Wachowski siblings after all, the pair who brought us such profoundly influential and esoteric films as The Matrix Trilogy and V For Vendetta. The Matrix films are almost universally credited for creating a modern mythology of our awakening (The Matrix Trilogy Decoded). V For Vendetta has been adopted as a cultural emblem of the hacker collective Anonymous and the restless 99%. (related post featuring V For Vendetta)
Does Jupiter Ascending offer up any such groundbreaking message? Does the film’s title hold any hidden meaning? .... read more
Thanks for reading on my blog..
Namaste :-)
The Earth Plan Blogspot | May 18, 2018 | ~ X-Files: Best Scene S10 E1 ~ Baudlink ~ |
Ahh....yes....that (new) classic rapid-fire delivery from Mulder from the latest X-Files season. What a shame that it didn't create a massive wave of Awakening!
Emery Smith asks, "Did they read my files?" That's also classic, Emery.
Portal to Ascension \\ UAMN TV | May 18, 2018 | ~ The Secrets NASA Hope You'd Never Find Out - Incredible Disclosure Testimony ~ | Blogger: A must-see ... 🛸🚀👽... RDT&E Programs, classified “black programs”, Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs (ADP) a.k.a. Skunk Works and Northrop Grumman, Advanced Technology and Development Center (ATDC) a.k.a. NATDC ... |
This man has developed a number of contacts which have had first hand experience dealing classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET SCI security clearance.
Aerospace Historian Michael Schratt discusses some of the above top secret “Special Access Programs” within the Aerospace Community which involves “next generation” hypersonic aircraft. Highly credible eyewitnesses including civilian and military pilots have seen these man made craft of various types. Michael talks about the “Black Triangles” and “Boomerang” shaped craft. The so called “Black Budget”, Classified Project Code names, The infamous A-12 Avenger II fiasco, and what really happened, F-35 cost over-runs, Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber, Toxic burn pits at Area 51 exposed, New building expansion at Area 51, The March 13, 1997 Phoenix lights case, legacy of anti-gravity research and the military industrial complex, “Build your own UFO extravaganza”.
BREAKING | CBS NEWS | May 18, 2018 | ~ Texas school district confirms injuries in high school shooting - LIVE UPDATES (Up to 10 fatalities confirmed. Possible explosives found at Texas school) ~ | .. A suspect was in custody after a high school shooting south of Houston, an assistant principal at Santa Fe High School told CBS affiliate KHOU-TV. The school district said on social media that "there have been confirmed injuries" but didn't provide more details .. | Blogger: [🏴☠️Nikolas Cruz, the modern-day Manchurian Candidate. Staged To Justify Disarming American People 🏴☠️] ... (The suspect appears to be a student, a local law enforcement official said) ... Parkland all over!? A copy-cat? 1 shooter - student with backpack? Real or False Flag event? The high school has about 1,400 students, according to ... Let's wait until Ole Dammegard and Jim Fetzer gets their hands on this story and analyse it ... |
Injuries reported in shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas: School district
Injuries confirmed in Texas school shooting (WATCH LIVE)
Breaking News: Shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas (RSBN)
PFC \\ The Corbett Report | May 18, 2018 CET | ~ #NewWorldNextWeek - Israel Celebrates Birthday With Gaza Massacre ~ |
Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
This week: It's a “Massacre”:
World Decries High Death Toll In Gaza Protests
Wikipedia: United States Recognition Of Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel
Gaza Massacre Film Earns Rave Reviews at Cannes
Story #2: Are We Living In The 50-Year Rage Cycle?
Wikipedia: Cliodynamics
Wikipedia: Kondratiev Wave
Story #3: EFF Wins Flawless Victory Over Podcasting Patent Troll
The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet
U.S. Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre
US Blocks UN Probe Into Gaza Deaths
Seven Palestinian journalists injured as Gaza protests continue
Kinsella on Liberty
You can help support our independent and non-commercial work by visiting & Thank You. | 18. Maj 2018 | ~ Løkke reagerer på overfald på Søren Papes forlovede: 'Man skal frit kunne leve sit liv' ~ | .. Sympatitilkendegivelserne er væltet ind, efter justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsens (K) forlovede Josue Medina Vásquez natten til torsdag angiveligt blev udsat for en hadforbrydelse og vold .. | Blogger: [🚨Slå først, Frede. Fik en straksdom og kom i varetægtsfængsel. Men Josue - slog først?, siger den slovenske ishockey-fan, som desuden nægter sig skyldig. Det mener, Lars Løkke ikke og dømmer en mand på forhånd for hadforbrydelse på twitter, inden dommen. Lars Løkke var for hurtig på Twitter-aftrækkeren, siger forsvarsadvokat Mette Grith Stage. - Det er selvfølgelig frygteligt, når folk bliver udsat for forbrydelser. - Men som fremtrædende politiker skal man være varsom med, hvad man går ud og tilkendegiver offentligt i forhold til skyldsspørgsmålet, når vi samtidig har en sigtet, der nægter sig skyldig, siger Mette Grith Stage⚖️] ... |
Søren Pape Poulsens (K) samlever er natten til torsdag blevet udsat for vold i København. Det skriver Ritzau, torsdag den 17. maj 2018.. (Foto: Linda Kastrup/Ritzau Scanpix) Foto: Linda Kastrup |
SITSSHOW | May 18, 2018 | ~ Experts Reveal, 7 Out Of 8 People Who Died Of The Flu Had Received The Flu Shot ~ | .. (Awareness Act) Tracking the true impact of influenza across the country can be incredibly difficult for a number of factors. First, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the individual states are not required to report deaths related to influenza in those Americans over the age of 18 to the CDC, limiting the availability of accurate information for the purposes of tracking trends nationally. Furthermore, many of these deaths aren’t actually recorded as with influenza as the cause of death. Instead, death certificates list a number of flu-related complications such as respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, or complications related to inflammation of the heart, brain or muscle tissues .. |
David Icke | May 18, 2018 | ~ Rule By Bloodline? Time To Grow Up ~ | The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast | Blogger: [Skandaler i kulissen før prins Harrys bryllup – uvist, hvem der skal følge bruden op ad kirkegulvet?] .. ( - Lønfest: Frederik og Mary giver ansatte 12 mio. kr. i løn ... Se OG Hør kan afslører, at Mary og Frederiks svimlende forbrug: Så mange penge bruger de om dagen. Selv om Mary har skotske aner, bliver der ikke sparet på noget, når kronprinsparret svinger dankortet. Mary og Frederiks indkøb svarer nemlig til intet mindre end 15.000 kr. i døgnet ... |
David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighedbedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder "who and what is really controlling the world".Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".
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Croatia Political Party Inspired By David Icke's Work Has Seats In Parliament - Dot-Connector
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Higher Journeys | May 18, 2018 | By Mary Rodwell | ~ The New Human: Star Children -The Extraterrestrial Connection - HOW DO WE RECOGNIZE “THE BRINGERS OF LIGHT?” ~ | .. There is an exponential increase in ADD, Autistic and Indigo children. Their brains work faster and I believe they already ‘KNOW ‘ what they are being taught. .. Metaphysical groups have recognized these children and offered labels to explain the differences. However some are labeled dysfunctional because they struggle to socialize or cope with the pressures and conditioning modern society places on them. These labels include ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Asperger syndrome, forms of Autism, and Dyslexia. However these labels may stem from our lack of understanding of the way these generations operate or perceive reality .. |
There is a race of beings upon the planet, increasing in number, although visually and physically indistinguishable to most humans. They are “the bringers of light” and are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial consciousness. The New Children are born without programs and will bring about a Global Awakening.- Tracey Taylor artist /experiencerMetaphysical groups have recognized these children and offered labels to explain the differences. However some are labeled dysfunctional because they struggle to socialize or cope with the pressures and conditioning modern society places on them. These labels include ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Asperger syndrome, forms of Autism, and Dyslexia. However these labels may stem from our lack of understanding of the way these generations operate or perceive reality.
It appears that many struggle with the conditioning of 3D reality.
Dr. Ohlson PhD, a molecular biologist calls these individuals “letter people.” She believes she is a letter person, i.e. Asperger’s/ADHD and has explored her multidimensional and physical sensitivities from a practical and scientific perspective.
The programs such as ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, “Letter people”, I do not believe are ‘broken or dysfunctional genes’ but instead offering new multidimensional skills to prevent limited re-programming of a third dimensional reality.The letter people show an impairment in communication between the brain-halves and thus use one side of the brain for solving the same problem. Although it is thought they are dysfunctional however, it may be a way to free more space in the brain for solving difficult tasks. The Asperger part might be responsible for ‘higher’ knowledge, not interested in traditional learning.- Dr. Ohlson, Ph.D.Dr. Ohlson PhD a molecular biologist brings two important perspectives to this phenomenon: The perspective of the soul journey, and our extraterrestrial star origins.
It is not so simple as foreign DNA. It’s a combination of genetically improved bodies, in combination with souls from different places in our Universe, incarnating in these ‘improved ‘ bodies. The souls have different frequencies/vibrations depending on their evolutionary status and that plays a role in activation of the DNA in that particular body. I believe we also have to take into account the collective soul of Homo sapiens. The ‘letter people” have above normal sensory cells on the skin. They hear above normal range. They are aware of minute differences in the shades of colour than normal. Taste and smell are enhanced. Sensitive to all frequencies and can be overwhelmed by sensory overload. Sensitive to radioactive radiation as well as energy fields and energy beaming from angry people or animals.- Dr. Ohlson, Ph.DDr. Ohlson has observed that calculated levels of Acetylcholine and dopamine in the brain is higher in Letter People and suggests ways to help these children cope with the 3D challenges. Letter people need extra help nutritionally to cope, plus multi-vitamin and mineral supplements:
She explains that Acetylcholine is formed from choline in the vitamin B family and letter people need more choline, but also other vitamin B members because they use more of it. This is the simplicity behind the ‘cure.’ She states:
- Vitamin D3 50 microgram/day, Vitamin C 1-2grams/day
- Occasionally they may need Silica gel for the stomach and nervous system and probiotic for the intestinal flora.
- For the nervous system and brain (running all the functions in the body this is crucial).
- Vitamin B´s in a complex /day (25 mg each of B1, B2, B6, PABA, Inositol)(50 mg each of B3, B5, Cholin) (50 microgram of B12, 25 microgram B15, 150 microgram Biotin and 200 micrograms Folic acid).
Omega oil 3,6,9.
MSM (methyl-sulfonulmethane): Initially start with few grains to the maximum dose of two tsp. daily. This supports the enzymatic reactions in the brain and the formation of acetylcholine from Choline. Best to be taken morning or during daytime because it gives energy and can keep the person awake in the night. For the prevention of anxiety take Valerian officinalis between 200mg/ day and 1200mg/day, and for depression Hypericum officinalis (between 600mg/day and 900mg/day).
Jason A World News | May 18, 2018 | ~ Strange Events in America! (2018-2019) ~ | Blogger: [⚠️BRACE YOURSELF BEFORE WATCHING!!!⚠️] ... Oh man! I'm sorry, don't know what i would have done to this bus driver seen taunting child with autism, if it was my own daughter 😣. It's a horrific act of abuse and CANNOT be justified.. And unfortunate it's not the only american school bus driver who is tormenting kids with autism or similar 'handicaps' lets us call it that.. this make me soooo sad... 😟... and then these deluted and bizarre celebs of world of famous kids on Instagram ... What a strange world... |
Look at What's Happening Across America! (2018-2019)Facebook:
jason a world news 2018 2019 bus autism students teacher public schools us | May 18, 2018 | ~ Canadian & British Columbia Liberal Party, pushing for counter-ecological Texas Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline, approved 2003 takeover of Canadian Census & BC Ferries-Highway system, by DEW arms dealer Lockheed Martin ~ | .. See, Evidence of remote DEW torture, body parts mobility, V2K by extraconstitutional DEW network controlled by Lake Grove, LI, Mayor, a 34-year employee of Lockheed Martin, DEW contractee .. | Blogger: [🛡️Glem alt om oligarkerne et øjeblik. Du har helt sikkert hørt om USA's mikrobølge-våben!. Måske har du også hørt om MK Ultra og mind-kontrol? Black satellitter og HAARP? Det militære blueprint af DEW📡] ... Tænk, har hele tiden svoret til, at Lockheed Martin (og det tophemmelige Skunk Works rumprogram) er dødsensfarlige og at, hvis historien holder (og det gør den), så har Danmark, købt kampfly, militære ydelser og konsulentbistand, fra en af verdens største virksomheder inden for luftfart, forsvar, sikkerhed og teknologi, der udvikler og sælger Elektronisk Krigsførelse a.k.a. DEW våben (sammen med Department of Defense - DOD) til resten af NSA's 5-eyes ... DEW - directed-energy weapon, eller DE (paraplybetegnelse) - der dækker teknologier, der producerer en stråle af koncentrerede EM-energi eller atom- eller subatomære partikler. Dvs. det mest modbydelige 'usporlige' instrument, som kan skade og dræbe mennesker, ligesom mobilstråling / elektromagnetisk stråling skaber hjerne- og hjertekræft, bare i en koncentreret form for stråling, beregnet til at bryde hjernens funktioner (og nej - jeg har ikke en livlig fantasifugl der sidder og pipper konspirationer ind i mit hoved). har personligt mødt 2 personer, som er døde af DE våben (andre i min omgangskreds (og mig selv efter ungarn tur) som har været udsat for DEW))... De to grundlæggende typer af DEW'er omfatter lasere og mikrobølger. Mikrobølger og lasere er begge en del af det elektromagnetiske spektrum. De er lavet af samme elektromagnetiske energi, som består af lys og radiobølger. Denne energi kan forklares ved hjælp af enten bølgelængde eller frekvens. Jo kortere bølgelængden af et hvilket som helst energifelt inden for spektret, desto højere er frekvensen. Mod den lave ende af spektret er der lavfrekvente radiobølger, der er tusindvis af kilometer lange. Og i den anden ende af spektret er lyse bølger, som kan være en brøkdel af et atom i størrelse (vedlægger dokumentation).. Det mest modbydelige med dette instrument og hvorfor militæret elsker at bruge det målrettet, fra laservåben SBL (Space-Based Laser - SBL - Orkan styring m.v.) eller rettet ind mod mennesker er; koster næsten intet at anvende, det er 100 pct nøjagtig, usporlig, praktisk talt ubegrænset magasinkapacitet, det kan tunes med frekvens som en dødelig dosis eller ubehag, fungere under alle vejrforhold, engagere flere mål, næsten ingen følgeskade og med en energi, som bevæger sig ved lysets hastighed.. o.s.v. o.s.v. (Get my drift?) ... |
439. Canadian & British Columbia Liberal Party, pushing for counter-ecological Texas Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline, approved 2003 takeover of Canadian Census & BC Ferries-Highway system, by DEW arms dealer Lockheed Martin
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
READ FULL Letter of Notice to Liberal Party of Canada and of British Columbia | 18. Maj 2018 | ~ Ni patruljevogne sendt afsted mod skov: Undersøger personfarlig kriminalitet ~ | .. Politiet er mødt talstærkt op ved en skov i Hornbæk torsdag aften. Der er sendt ni patruljebiler afsted, hvoraf nogle er hundepatruljer .. | Blogger: [👮Det Paradoksale Liv - stadig mystisk omkring Hornbæk til morgen - ingen kommentar siger Politiet🚔] ... (Claus Hjort: Putin står bag daglige angreb på Danmark. Søren Pape: Privatlivskrænkelser skal straffes tre gange så hårdt) - Politiet er i stand til at gendanne en ubådsbyggers mobiltelefon der har ligget i 8 måneder i en sejlrende i Køge Bugt, men ikke en mail fra deres egen server (Tibet-sagen) ... Det militariseret politikorps, Secret Service PET, Rigspolitiets nye kommandocentral i KBH, 1,5 mia. kr. store nye døgnbemandet operations- og situationscenter for cyber- og informationssikkerhed, CCTV med kunstig intelligens, Smart City, Europol og verdens mest avancerede teknologisk knowhow, Københavns Politi helikoptere og små fly og droner i luften med skudklare betjente henover det bandekrigshærgede Nørrebro og det hemmelighedsfulde politi-selskab, i endnu en topsecret mission impossible, i provinsen... Politi i mystisk aktion: Rykker talstærkt ud til kolonihaver ... Øksemorder på spil i Birkerød... Så kom turen til Hillerød, psykisk uligevægtig mand tænder bål på sygehus - opklaret.. Dernæst en røgbombe på Grønnevang Skole - 60 personer evakueret - uopklaret.. Fantasiens Ø, der var et lille lystpalæ, som et "hemmelighedsfuldt sted, som appellerer til fantasi og forestillingsevne - opklaret - selvmordsforsøg?.. Foruden pistolatrapper og forlagte kufferter med mulige bomber, der aldrig findes, savner jeg de gode gamle dage, hvor landbejtenten tog sin cykel på nakken, ligesom Tv-serier fra Storbritannien, dog ud uden våben og knippel og løste problemerne med snak og snusfornuft... Nu er Dannevang omdannet til George Orwells militalizerede samfund og overvågning i retsstaten. En konstant PANIK tilstand, hvor kampklædt Politi, ingen chancer tager, fordi det åbenbart altid er et 'komplot', der står på spil. En bekymret borger ringer ind og hele kommando- centralen koger over og betjente sendes ud - like there's no tomorrow... En bombe situation, en fremmed mand med skæg og blå briller eller en plastik sabel i et S-tog, der får adrenalinen til at eksplodere og almindelige mennesker, bliver bange... Det paradoksale er, at Politiet ind i mellem laver Falske Flag Operationer, som Angrebet på Krudttønden og Fyns Politi, Beredskab Fyn og en lang række øvrige myndigheder simulerede et kemisk angreb på Odense Congress Center og et uheld på Odense Universitets- hospital, den 20. Marts 2018... Hvordan kan vi skelne politiets indsats som ægte eller iscenesat falsk, når det hele skal være så djævelsk hemmeligfuldt?? ... PS: Lidt sjove er at Politiets Aktionsstyrke (AKS) - det danske politis antiterror-enhed, har problemer med at rekruttere til antiterrorenheden ... |
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