Jan 16, 2018

Sheldan Nidle | 16. Januar 2018 | PAO - Planetary Activation Organization | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki ... |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 

An important event is expected to occur in the coming weeks, so be prepared. The dark realizes how close its demise really is...Once all is in place, be prepared for the sudden arrival of the RV GCR NESARA/GESARA, including all the rest of your promised prosperity.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Balik! We return. The events of today are encouraging and continue to foreshadow the defeat of the dark cabal. The important point is to understand what this defeat would truly imply. The dark is reeling as it collapses in the wake of its unavoidable defeat. Consequently, we are ecstatic and realize that this is just the beginning of many rewarding events to come. We recognize what this process truly means to all of you who are working in the Light. We expect, after initiating our next gambit, to present you your long-sought victory of prosperity and freedom. We have now devised a special strategy to see that this is actually carried out. The dark can no longer rely on power as its main base. So far, the dark does not yet fully understand our intent. We are determined to achieve the victory that their defeat implies. It is not easy to remake a reality that is over 13 millennia old. We ask that Lightworkers persevere in the patience you have shown so far. An important event is expected to occur in the coming weeks, so be prepared. The dark realizes how close its demise really is.

The dark continues to deploy any stratagem it can to delay the inevitable. The long-delayed packages are being readied for release. The maneuvers of the GF and our Earth allies have enabled us to surmount certain obstacles. Once all is in place, be prepared for the sudden arrival of the RV~GCR~NESARA/GESARA, including all the rest of your promised prosperity. A number of discrepancies in the banking system are currently to our advantage. We are using their own system to out-smart them. These “banking rules” are to allow the long-promised Lightwork to actually occur. We clearly foresee a torrent of liberating activity when this discrepancy is resolved. The secret war in the banking system is being put right. This change is to result in the end of USA, Inc. and the just and undeniable rise of the Republic in the United States. We expect all of this to unfold in the coming weeks. Be prepared to witness these truly extraordinary events.

Hubble Space Telescope | JAN 11, 2018 | 3D Flight Through the Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light [Ultra HD] | .. This visualization explores the Orion Nebula using both visible and infrared light. The sequence begins with a wide-field view of the sky showing the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, then zooms down to the scale of the Orion Nebula. The visible light observation (from the Hubble Space Telescope) and the infrared light observation (from the Spitzer Space Telescope) are compared first in two-dimensional images, and then in three-dimensional models .. |

This visualization explores the Orion Nebula using both visible and infrared light. The sequence begins with a wide-field view of the sky showing the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, then zooms down to the scale of the Orion Nebula. The visible light observation (from the Hubble Space Telescope) and the infrared light observation (from the Spitzer Space Telescope) are compared first in two-dimensional images, and then in three-dimensional models. As the camera flies into the star-forming region, the sequence cross-fades back and forth between the visible and infrared views. The glowing gaseous landscape has been illuminated and carved by the high energy radiation and strong stellar winds from the massive hot stars in the central cluster. The infrared observations generally show cooler temperature gas at a deeper layer of the nebula that extends well beyond the visible image. In addition, the infrared showcases many faint stars that shine primarily at longer wavelengths. The higher resolution visible observations show finer details including the wispy bow shocks and tadpole-shaped proplyds. In this manner, the movie illustrates the contrasting features uncovered by multi-wavelength astronomy. Credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, J. DePasquale, L. Hustak, L. Frattare, M. Robberto (STScI), R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC), M. Kornmesser (ESA), A. Fujii Acknowledgement: R. Gendler Music: “Dvorak – Serenade for Strings Op22 in E Major larghetto”, performed by The Advent Chamber Orchestra, CC BY-SA

CBS News | Jan 16, 2018 CET | The Philippines' most active volcano threatens to erupt - 21,000 evacuated |

USNEWS | Jan 16, 2018 | Even the Eyelashes Freeze: Russia Sees Minus 88.6 Degrees F (-67°C) |

BREAKING | DR TEMA UBÅDSSAGEN | 16. Jan 2018 | Peter Madsen tiltalt for drab: Anklagemyndighed mener det var planlagt | .. Den svenske journalist Kim Wall døde ombord på ubåden Nautilus i august sidste år. Anklagemyndigheden tiltaler ubådsbygger Peter Madsen for drab. De mener, det er planlagt på forhånd. Det oplyser Københavns Politi, som omtaler det anklageskrift, som nu ligger i sagen. - Ifølge anklageskriftet er drabet sket efter forudgående planlægning og forberedelse, skriver Københavns Politi .. | Blogger: 🏴‍☠️ KONSPIRATIONSFEST ELLER REN TILSTÅELSESSAG?? 🏴‍☠️... Ud af det blå vand, dukker én af de mest rabiate drabssager i nyere tid op til overfladen og folk sluger historien, råt og uforsødet!. Peter Madsen blev fremstillet i grundlovsforhør bag dobbeltlukkede døre, direkte i varetægtsfængsel. En ren tilståelsessag, siger politiet og det bakkes op, siden at Raket-Madsen, har erkendt, at have parteret Kim Wall og kastet hendes ligdele i havet.. Men har politiet og anklagemyndigheden 100 procent konkrete beviser? Det rygtes at, 'Både Peter Madsen og Kim Wall er en del af et meget hardcore SM-miljø, på Amager', og at Kim Wall's far arbejdede for Google and MSM nyhedsmedierne!!.. Hvorfor havde Kim Wall malet sit ansigt HVIDT på sit profilbillede - ligestillet med Geisha, lige inden hun døde?... Som jeg har sagt fra starten af, der er noget ""lunkent"" ved denne sag, omkring det okkulte og sataniske i det hele taget, mærkeligt! Kendte Peter Madsen til nogle af VIP magteliten fra Den Danske Frimurerorden og okkulte spille- og rockermiljø, som truede ham??.. Ubåden Nautilus var ansvarsforsikret, så Peter Madsen tabte INGEN penge, ved forliset... Politi og anklagerens nye beviser mod Peter Madsen med videoer der viser tortur og henrettelser på hans computer, tror jeg SIMPELTHEN ikke på... Peter Madsens enorme viden omkring Søværnet og Forsvars & Aero spaceindustrien i Danmark (FAD). Hvad har Kristian von Bengtson, Peter Madsen, SpaceX og NASA med hinanden at gøre??.. Én af de ""allerbedste"" danske videoer, blev desværre censureret og fjernet af YouTube kaldet; [Er Raket Madsen en satanisk morder eller er der en større konspiration bag]... Har også sagt, at politiet ALDRIG ville lade Raket-Madsen smutte, da det er blevet en verdenssensationshistorie af dimensioner, noget som ikke kan falde på banaliteter. Den har ""enorm"" stor prestige, den SKAL bare køre rent igennem maskineriet, så Peter Madsen, skal sidde på livstid og dansk politi er verdens bedste helte, i stedet for at ende nede hos Jussi Adler-Olsens - Afdeling Q... Min teori er stadig, at NASA og det hemmelige rumprogram (SSP) fik lukket munden på Rocket Madsen Space Lab og dansk politi skulle spille den falske bevisførelse, for at få ham dømt!!! Eller han havde for store tekniske know-how, viden indenfor det danske Forsvar...(kan også være han er en okkult satanisk dræbermaskine)... Spørgsmålet er om dansk politi, benytter sig af samme metoder som da Danmarks største hashsag udviklede sig til en større skandale, hvor flere anklagere påvirkede politividner??. Kan de svenske myndigheder pådrage samme konklusioner som i andre uløste mordsager, mht. Peter Madsens DNA spor? Eller er de forfalskede?... En af mine bekendte, som ejer det danske blad 'Konspiration', skrev en offentlig kommentar på FB, efter den skandaleramte hashsag på Christiania udviklede sig til korruptionssag i det danske retsstat: ".. Allerede i 2006 opdagede jeg hvor skandaløst korrupt politi og domstole her i landet, opførte sig. Skal man tale om en start i min opvågning, så var det da jeg i 2007, som uddannet samfundsfagslærer, måtte erkende at den grundlovssikrede tredelte magtdeling ikke fungerede adskilt, men som en sammensmeltet symbiose. At så fundamental en regel i den danske demokratiforståelse åbenlyst (for mig) blev brudt, ledte til yderligere tab af autoritetstro, og denne gang var det nok til at sende mig ud på en nu 10 år lang undersøgelse af, hvordan magten så reelt er konstrueret. Det første skridt frem i mod at udvikle selvstændige tanker, er et bevidst opgør med autoritetstroen.. "... |

Peter Madsen aka Rocket-Madsen will be sentenced to imprisonment for life or custodial sentence - the killing of Kim Wall was planned in advance, according to the police... Police prosecutors during press conference: - Peter Madsen poses a ""significant and immediate danger"" to the lives of others... ... The indictments, addition to killing, sexual act involving corpses or sexual relations other than intercourse of a particularly dangerous nature, acc. to specialist prosecutor Jakob Buch-Jepsen at a press conference today.... The police have seized computer equipment from Peter Madsen's home and rocket workshop and wish to destroy the submarine nautilus (even it posses uncharted evidence).... - My client still denying guilt to the unknown extent of evidence, says his defender, Betina Hald Engmark, announces to TV2....

One or more people have painted graffiti on Peter Madsen's submarine, and the message is clear: He is innocent.
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/peter-madsen-tiltalt-drab-anklagemyndighed-mener-det-var-planlagt??


Danish Action: Hvem er peter Madsen ? Raket Madsen ? ? ?

Danish rocket enthusiasts Peter Madsen and Copenhagen Suborbitals are NOT alone. Around the world, amateurs gather about what can be called a DIY revolution in space. Where everyone can help explore the world out there, with homemade equipment....

Peter Madsen trial: Danish cops confirm headless torso is missing journalist Kim Wall - TomoNews

Frimurerne i Danmark og Norge De hemmelige ritualene 1 - Den første ikke-frimurer der blev lukket ind var Dronning Margrethe i 1993. (Secret Freemasons of DK and NO)

Kim Wall's dad working for Google and MSM news media?  coincidence? 
Why were Kim Wall painted the face in WHITE?
corpse-like or Geishas Painted?? Why is Kim Wall goddess, angelic being
and hero, she is part of the mainstream media (MSM)? But many 'unknowns' who has
been killed is still anonymous
Mysterious girl seen with Kim Wall and Rocket Madsen Is that her?  (NASA
-  Goddard Space Flight Center) - subliminal message? 
Google map, Rocket-Madsens company address - pentagram

Zero Hedge News | Jan 16, 2018 | Will the chickens come home to roost in 2018? Except, that Trump pardoned 5 megabanks for corruption charges |

China Downgrades US Credit Rating From A- To BBB+, Warns US Insolvency Would "Detonate Next Crisis"

“The virtual solvency of the US government would be likely to become the detonator of the next financial crisis... The market’s reversing recognition of the value of U.S. Treasury bonds and U.S. dollar will be a powerful force in destroying the fragile debt chain of the federal government." - Dagon

Putin Pals Panic Over US "Corrupt Oligarchs" List, Begin Liquidating Assets

The list, due in two weeks on January 29, must include “indices of corruption with respect to those individuals" and any foreign assets they may have.

Watch A Sitting Congresswoman Shred The MSM Narrative In Under A Minute

"We've got to understand that North Korea is holding onto these nuclear weapons because they think it is their only protection from the United States coming in and doing to them what it has done to so many

80% Of All Bitcoins Have Already Been Mined...

    Almost exactly 9 years after the first were 'mined', January 13th marked an important milestone for cryptocurrencies. 16.8 million bitcoins (BTC), or 80 percent of the entire Bitcoin supply, have now been mined.

    As No One Watched, Trump Pardoned 5 Megabanks For Corruption Charges

    "...the latest decision to pardon the banks comes in stark contrast to one of Trump’s most applauded cam

    The Antimedia | Jan 15, 2018 | Scientists Just Found ‘Limitless’ Clean Water Reserves All Over Mars | .. The fanciful notion of human beings living on Mars grew one step closer to becoming a reality this week, as newly published images taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) show that thick deposits of clean water ice — more than 300 feet deep in some cases — are buried just below the Red Planet’s surface .. |

    READ MORE: http://theantimedia.org/mars-limitless-water-reserves/

    Express.co.uk | Jan 13, 2018 | Mystery of 24 alien black-boxes discovered near Egypt’s Great Pyramid | .. THEY weigh more than 100 tons, they are solid Aswan granite, and they are precision engineered to tolerances which would be deemed remarkable even today .. |

    READ MORE: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/748884/mystery-alien-boxes-discovered-egypt-great-pyramids-giza

    Intellihub | Jan 15, 2018 | Mandalay Bay security guards, employees, say they don't know who Jesus Campos or Steve Schuck is: Report & Video | .. Authorities caught in another lie after Mandalay Bay security staff leak the fact that none of them know Jesus Campos or Steve Schuck .. |

    READ MORE: https://www.intellihub.com/mandalay-bay-security-guards-employees-say-they-dont-know-who-jesus-campos-or-steve-schuck-is-report/

    The Daily Sheeple | Jan 16, 2018 | First Hawaii, Now Japan Is Firing Off Fake Missile Alerts |

    Japan’s national public broadcasting organization erroneously issued an emergency alert Tuesday signaling an imminent North Korean missile strike.

    “North Korea appears to have launched a missile,” Japan’s national public broadcaster NHK announced Tuesday evening, “The government urges people to take shelter inside buildings or underground.”

    NHK was “deeply” apologetic after it mistakenly sent out the inaccurate emergency alert. The J-alert system, which broadcasts over televisions, to mobile phones, on the radio, and over loudspeakers, is set up to warn the Japanese people in the event of an attack. But, seeing as there was no missile, no alert should have been sent.


    TV2 NYS | 16. Jan, 2018 | TV2: Løkke lånte sommerhus af kvotekonge - kaldte spørgsmål om deres relation for 'ulækkert' | Avisen: Mette F. angriber Løkke om udenlandsk arbejdskraft efter kritik: "Det er meget voldsomt" | BT: Regeringen dropper ambitiøs reform: 'Det er et gigantisk nederlag for Løkke og Samuelsen' | Blogger: Lars Løkke vil ikke have kritiske spørgsmål, danskerne revser Lars Løkke: 'Han er en kylling'. 🐔🐔🐔 Mens erhvervslivet, eeeeelsker vores Statsminister for at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, VL-grupperne, hemmelige partistøtter, Mærsk & Oligarkerne, Kongehuset, Den Danske Forsvarsindustri, USA, Israel og især den billionstore Medicinske-Industrielle Kompleks m.fl. Jeg er bange for Socialdemokratiet, ikke er anderledes - men Folk er dødtrætte nu og ønsker forandringer... |


    The Daily Sheeple | Jan 15, 2018 | FLU PORN: THE DEVASTATING EFFECTS OF HYSTERIA | .. Americans put a ton of ‘blind faith’ into medical ‘quackery’, which in the end, has led to a reduction in the life expectancy over the past two years (in the U.S.), and plunging birth rates across the developed world .. |

    Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

    We encourage you to share and republish our reports, analyses, breaking news and videos

    Newzsentinel | Jan 16, 2018 | Another BRICS country cracks down on virtual currencies |

    Brazil has joined fellow BRICS members China and India in taking a tough line on cryptocurrencies by banning them from the country’s financial markets.

    The South American country’s securities regulator has prohibited local investment funds from buying digital cash, Reuters reports. Cryptocurrencies cannot be considered financial assets, the regulator ruled.

    Earlier in December, Brazilian authorities published a warning about the risks associated with digital currencies. Brazil has had seven public hearings on bitcoin before finally cracking down on it.
    “According to a study by Credit Suisse, Brazil’s productivity has not risen since 1981, and it’s not going to rise if the government keeps banning everything that can make us more productive,” Brazilian media commentator and popular YouTube blogger Raphaël Lima said, criticizing the decision. “And with an official 12.4 percent unemployment rate, anything that can generate a job should be welcomed with wide-open arms.”
    China has already banned initial coin offerings and some other operations involving digital currencies.
    Bitcoin users in India were facing difficulties with deposits and withdrawals after the country’s banks blocked all crypto-trading last week. India’s Finance Ministry has warned investors about the risks of trading in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, branding the ‘virtual currencies’ as something akin to a Ponzi scheme.

    Russia is preparing legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies to be introduced this year. The Finance Ministry suggested in December that mining bitcoin and other forms of online money would be illegal, but buying them or trading them would remain within the law.

    For more stories on economy & finance visit RT’s business section

    American Military News | Jan 16, 2018 | 4 cops shot while responding to call in South Carolina: Sheriff’s Office |

    Caution tape (Dreamstime)
    Four law enforcement officials have been shot, and their conditions currently unknown, after responding to a late-night domestic call in South Carolina, according to authorities.

    A suspect is also in custody after fleeing the scene on foot, according to a York County Sheriff’s Office spokesman, Fox News first reported.

    Screen Shot 2018 01 16 at 7.06.25 AM - 4 cops shot while responding to call in South Carolina: Sheriff's Office
    Four cops have been shot after responding to a call in South Carolina, authorities say. (Twitter)
    The law enforcement officers wounded include three Sheriff’s deputies and an officer from the York County Police Department – and one of the cops is a K9 officer, Fox reported.

    Police arrested 47-year-old Christian Thomas McCall, who also sustained gunshot wounds, Fox said.

    Fox reported:
    “K9 units were sent to the scene to track down the suspect, at which point one of the K9 officers was shot around 1:07 a.m. He was transferred to a nearby hospital.
    At around 3:30 a.m., additional shots were fired striking three more officers. They were rushed to a nearby hospital.”
    No other details were available at this time.

    You Are Free TV | Jan 16, 2018 CET | #GREATAWAKENING: Q posts portend #2ND AMERICAN REVOLUTION | .. Today we saw Project Veritas take down @JACK and the Horowitz report is due any minute now. Q and POTUS are assuring us that we are safe, but the Hawaii nuke threat was real .. |

    ZeroHedge | Jan 15, 2018 | Citi Reveals The Reason Behind The Market's Meltup | .. "This Is Most Worrying": In One Year, Central Bank Liquidity Will Collapse From $2 Trillion To Zero," .. | Blogger: In other news: Beijing wants to kick bitcoin out of China - The price of top digital currency bitcoin dipped below $12,000 on Tuesday for the first time since December 5, following reports of a further crackdown on the cryptocurrency market.... |

    It is hardly a secret, that one of the biggest threats facing risk assets in 2018 and onward, is the great central bank QE/balance sheet unwind, something we have discussed extensively in the past year, and as a recent example, in "This Is Most Worrying": In One Year, Central Bank Liquidity Will Collapse From $2 Trillion To Zero," in which Deutsche Bank said that "the most likely causes of a shift to ‘flight mode’ and a rise in volatility" is that by the end of [2018], the combined expansion of all the major Central Bank balance sheets will have collapsed from a 12 month growth rate of $2 trillion per annum to zero."

    This is shown in the following chart depicting the total shrinkage in central bank asset growth:

    And yet, despite the Fed's methodical, if slow balance sheet shrinkage and the ECB's recent QE tapering from €60 to €30BN per month, followed by the BOJ's latest "stealth tapering" last week, stocks have started off the new year with a panicked melt-up euphoria the likes of which haven't been seen in decades as the flurry of recent "serious" headlines suggests....[READ MORE]

    Message from Montague Keen | On Sunday, Jan 7 2018 | Channeled by Veronica Keen | ~ Dedicated to love, truth and simplicity ~ |

    Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen
    © 2018 Montague Keen

    Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.

    As I walked into the kitchen at 11.50pm on the 31 Dec, Monty's light on the side of the garage came on, to show he was here with me to welcome in the New Year, 2018. It is heart-breaking for me to begin another year without him physically by my side. My wish for all of humanity is to see everyone embrace LOVE on all levels. Without Monty's love, I could not survive to complete his work. Everything he did, he did with love. He made the simplest things wonderful because they were done with love. His love lives on, he constantly reminds me of this. When love awakens, treasure it; for it is the most wonderful gift and it is what makes life worthwhile. Happy New Year to all.

    I had a phone call to let me know that my dear friend, Bronwen, had passed to Spirit. She had been on my mind. I found myself talking about her a lot. She wanted to go to the afterlife to work with Monty to expedite our mission to rescue humanity from the Cabal.

    Monty guided (or should I say, ensured) that I watched:

    David Wilcock - UNDERGROUND BASES NUKED - YouTube

    This is a discussion between David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford on how the Cabal is controlling us, how they intend to take over humanity to wipe us out. I reminded my dear wife that I gave you all this information many years ago. Our friends from Andromeda explained how the Cabal would go ahead with what they called PROJECT BLUEBEAM, a false flag invasion to scare humanity into submitting all control to their Cabal. They want to kill 90% of humanity. How many times have I told you this? Now listen to Ben tell you exactly the same thing. You are all in a grave situation. Forewarned is forearmed.

    Wake Up World | Jan 16, 2018 | The "Broken Brain" Documentary: Clearing the Fog on the Brain Health Epidemic | .. A Practicing Physician And 10x NY Times Bestselling Author Reveals How We've Arrived At An Epidemic Of "Broken Brains" ... And The Surprising Solutions That Can Help You Heal .. | Blogger: Weeeell... First of all REMOVE: -- 1. Chemtrails & Vaccines with nanoparticles (aluminum, barium, strontium). 2. The detrimental effects of water fluoridation on the IQs of children. 3. Greenhouse gas production, waste and emissions of pollutants in water and air. 3. Danger of Coal combustion releases nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter (PM), mercury, and dozens of other substances known to be hazardous to human health. 4. Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer. 5. Contamination of tap water, beaches and ocean water around the world with pesticides, fluoride, chloride, microplastics, mercury and other toxins. 6. Genetically Modified Foods. 7. Chemicals which should be banned in the EU&World: Parabens, mineral oil, paraffin, propylene glycerol, phthalates, artificial enzymes, phenoxyethanol, nanoparticles, microplastics, mercury, silicone, PEG, with hazardous toxins in food, synthetic perfumes and colors or ingredients made from animals.... In other wordings: REMOVE: -- Geo-engineering, air pollution, depleted uranium, oil industry and low-radioactive waste, glyphosate, fossil fuels waste, food toxins, aluminium, fluoride... |

    The "Broken Brain" Documentary: 
    Clearing the Fog on the Brain Health Epidemic 

    This is your invitation to watch Dr. Mark Hyman’s powerful documentary series, Broken Brain, and learn how you can support your best health (and best life) – free! What would it mean to you if, one by one, your brain cells and neurons were just... dying? What if your brain – your thoughts, your ideas, your memories – was fading away, just a little each day?

    This is a reality for an unprecedented number of people. Our toxic environment, nutrient-depleted diets, and unrelenting stress have a dramatic effect on our sensitive brains every day. With rates of diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety and dementia so prevalent today, we have to ask ourselves – Have we created an invisible epidemic?

    New York Times Bestselling author and leader in Functional Medicine, Dr. Mark Hyman, asked just that question.

    For the Broken Brain series, Dr. Hyman has gathered leaders in health and wellness from all over the world to share cutting-edge information on dementia, ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, MS, Alzheimer’s and brain fog, and to holistically re-examine a long list of brain “diseases” that the medical establishment just can’t seem to comprehend.

    Please click here and register to save your seat.

    This free 8-part series begins January 17th, 2018. A new episode will be posted online at 6pm each day, and will be available for 24 hours, until the next day’s episode is posted.

    The series is screened at no charge, but if you would like to own the series, you will also receive a helpful workbook to help you integrate information and strategies from the series into your life.

    High rates of brain disease are not just an inevitable part of life. Depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADHD, anxiety, autism … these are all part of a toxic epidemic. But we can change this. Viewing or owning this series gives you the information you need to chart a new course and create your best, healthiest life down the road.

    Click here to watch the trailer.

    To your health!

    Ryan Mullins
    Wake Up World Founder

    P.S. Here’s a list of all the episodes:

    1. The Broken Brain Epidemic / My Story (January 17)
    2. Gut Brain Connection: Getting to The Root of a Broken Brain (January 18)
    3. Losing Your Mind (Alzheimer’s, Dementia, MS, and More) (January 19)
    4. ADHD and Autism (January 20)
    5. Depression & Anxiety (January 21)
    6. Traumatic Brain Injury: Accidents, Sports, and More (January 22)
    7. 7 Steps to An UltraMind (Part 1) (January 23)
    8. 7 Steps to An UltraMind (Part 2) (January 24)

    Click here to watch the Trailer. (And please share this link with those you love

    Folkets Avis | 16. Jan 2018 | På tvangsauktion for voldsmonopolet | ... her d. 10. januar blev jeg ringet op af et advokatfirma om tvangsauktionen. Efter boligboble og finanskrise er mange danskere kommet til at stå med en "sorteper" i form af ejendomme, som ingen vil købe eller ikke kan optage lån til. Disse huse står sikkert og forfalder, mens de ufrivillige ejere bommes for grundskyld, og måske tvungne tilslutningsafgifter. Jeg er en af disse, som via arv kom i besiddelse af en ejendom langt ude på landet, et kampestenshus på 60 kvm fra 1700-tallet. I starten betalte jeg grundskyld og diverse tilslutningsabonnementer, men har efterhånden fået det barberet ned, så der kun er opkrævning af grundskyld, samt et slagsmål med et elselskab, der mener at jeg er kunde trods nedtaget elmåler og afbrudt forsyning .. | Blogger: (historien viser hvordan man er stavnsbunden, via skatter og afgifter til Staten, som Monrad ville have sagt: "Tillykke Brodtgård, de har vundet et landbrug... men men men... desværre Brodtgård... skødet er underskrevet, gælden står i Deres navn...")... 🏡🏡🏡Jeg ønsker ikke at være sorteper... Men der er sandt, at kommunen ejer den jord, du betaler skat til, som dit hus ligger på. Din bank samt realkreditinstitut, ejer dit hus. Dit elselskab acceptere ikke, hvis du ALENE, får dit EL, via et hjemme-batteri fra Tesla (Powerwall), solceller på taget eller fri energi apparat (de kan købes) - du skal stadig betale skatter. Det er OGSÅ selvom ens elmåler er nedtaget og afbrudt forsyning. Loven siger også, spildevandet skal ledes bort på forsvarlig vis, og din ejendom skal være tilmeldt et kloaknet. Ejendomsværdiskat og ejendomsskat (grundskyld), slipper du heller ikke for - uanset om husets værdi er sat til NULL, ubeboet og klar til nedrivning som et faldefærdig hus... Spøgelseshuse er ALTID kommunes ansvar for at rive ned, selvom de ikke vil, fordi der ingen ejermand på ejendommen, findes. Som i Peter Poulsens tilfælde, står han på skødet... Hvad koster det at eje? -- Bopælskrav. Ejendomsværdiskat og grundskyld. Forsyningspligt. Tilslutning af almindeligt husspildevand fra boliger til kloak. I nogle tilfælde - Ejerforening. Krav om Husforsikring (brandforsikring). Renovation. Love om snerydning. Du risikerer tvangsauktion, hvis du ikke betaler dit boliglån, og skatter til kommunen... |

    Foto; Peter Poulsen
    LÆS VIDERE: https://www.folkets.dk/node/2493

    Matthew’s Message | Jan 14, 2018 | Channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne | .. Optimism for 2018; Earth’s steady ascension course; climate change; Presidents Trump, Putin; 2016 US election meddling belief; ET disclosure; uprooting Illuminati; peace within .. |

    Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward 
    © 2018 www.matthewbooks

    Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is joyous to see so many of our beloved Earth family starting off the year with confidence and optimism—you shall see this approach is merited as the pace of developments starts to hasten. As much as we wish that everyone there had an uplifting outlook, we know this is more difficult for some than for others.

    One reader’s long commentary includes, “There is NO sign of LIGHT disseminating the DARK. The Dark is getting darker by the hour.” And it ends, “If anything he [Matthew] states is true, it’ll be centuries and centuries from now. Even to propose it may be forthcoming is misleading.” We feel sadness for this dear soul who has closed her heart and mind to the light in hope, thus its high vibrations cannot enter to dispel the discouragement she expressed, primarily about the direction the United States government is taking.

    We welcome this reader’s perspective: “How does Trump’s role as president help us get to where we need to go to be free?” To be sure, the United States is not the only country where stark divisiveness abounds, it’s that the president’s decisions can affect nations around the world. What you observe going on there, like everywhere else, is only the public face, so to say. From our awareness of what is happening off-stage and its gathering momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential, actions you may deem worrisome are catalysts for the ever-intensifying light to bring order out of chaos and usher onto the world stage reasoned discussion and ultimately reconciliation.

    What we said in a message a year ago is taking form—nebulous still, but gaining in shape and clarity:

    Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.

    Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature. [December 9, 2016]

    The GoldFish Report No. 180 | Jan 15, 2018 | POTUS Report w/ Dr. Jim Fetzer: Q and Red Pill: Choke it Down! | .. Louisa reviews the latest Q-Anon posts that correlate with POTUS Tweets, including DEFCON post and Hawaii Missile Alert, U1 etc, the latest unsealed indictment, IG Report impression, and Trey Gowdy move. Jim follows with the Discussion of MLK Observation and his opinion about MLK's assassination, Fusion GPS and McCain connection, FISA Abuse, Elite Liberal Collusion and Free Prosecution Pass for paid players, Iran, Syria, Israel, Russia, POTUS Assassination Plot, Pedo-gate, False Flag Updates and More! .. |

    Folks really have to choke this Red Pill Down. To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. Google 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' to find a free DVD of the facts. To receive notifications of our reports please subscribe to this YouTube Channel, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldFish, on our blog at www.thegoldfishreport.wordpress.com and on our 24/7 research media news page at www.facebook.com/thegoldfishreport. To help support this viewer supported social research media you can make a donation at www.thegoldfishreport.com. Thank you to our viewers for your support and stories and thank you for viewing!

    Link to JFK Conference: http://jfkconferencedc.com/ Link to Conference: https://www.facebook.com/events/17140... Jim in Portland and Seattle: 2 February 2018, 7-10 PM, "Fake News on Five Fronts", Denny's Restaurant, 15815 SE 82nd Drive, Clackamas; 3 February 2018, 2-5 PM, "Sandi Arabia and the War on Terror", Lincoln Performance Hall, Portland State University, 1620 SW Park Avenue, Portland; 4 February 2018, 3-5 PM, "Fake News on Five Fronts", University Friends Center, 4001 9th Avenue SW, Seattle. Link to download your copy of "Sandy Hook Update: Tracy loses, Wolfgang Wins": https://we.tl/a83wacObP9 White House Link to POTUS first Year Foreign Policy Accomplishments: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-... Weblink to Moon Rock Books Here: http://moonrockbooks.com/

    Breaking-Verdensalt | Jan 16, 2018 | ⏰ Watch out! The Storm Is Here! Expect Psychological & Flags Ops ⏰ | China: 💨 Fireworks shop goes up in flames, spectacularly burning down 8-storey building in China | Germany: 💨 20 injured after school bus crashes into building in Baden-Württemberg | Germany: 💨 Berlin expands elite police with 130 to counter terrorism threat. Best known for freeing passengers of a Lufthansa plane hijacked by Palestinian terrorists in 1977 | Belgium's Antwerp: 💨 Gas explosion causes building collapse in Belgium's Antwerp | Russia: 💨 Teenage 'Columbine massacre fans' stab a teacher and eight pupils as young as ten 'in the neck' during rampage at Russian school, leaving corridors covered in blood | US: 💨 David Turpin & Louise Turpin Case: 13 children held captive in California - father worked for defense contractor | US: 💨 3000 Pedophiles Arrested Since Trump Took Office, Media Remains Silent | US: 💨 (Vaccine madness): ‘You may be infected’: Measles alert at Newark Airport & Chicago as highly contagious disease case confirmed | UK: 💨 BUG OUTBREAK Measles warning spreads to five areas across England as parents are urged to check vaccinations – as number of cases passes 100 | US: 💨 Report: Fusion GPS admits using John McCain to spread dossier | Peru/Chile: 💨Pope warns world is one step away from nuclear war | Syria: 💨‘US-trained Border Security Force is a clear project to partition Syria’ | Denmark/Lithuania/Estonia: 💨 Danish PM, Lars Løkke, makes hand waves to a combat aircraft in midair after shooting the military action in motion in Estonia due to Russia threat | UK: 💨 Britain's Royal Air Force scrambled two fighter jets to intercept Russian strategic bombers near U.K. airspace |