Apr 3, 2016

BREAKING: #Panamapapers - verdens største leak til ICIJ journalister i mands minde (foruden danske forretningsmænd, gode råd fra danske advokater, Jyske Banks ulovlige skatterådgivning samt Nordea's eventuelle medvirken til skatteunddragelse via virksomheden Mossack Fonseca og stråmand som er ikke eksisterende m.fl. dukker også Assad, Putin, Messi og Islands premierminister op blandt de mange... Mere end 11,5 millioner dokumenter afslører, hvordan en række erhvervsfolk, sportsstjerner, kongefamiler og politikere har placeret deres værdier i skattely...)


DR1 Erhvervsfolk, politikere og sportsstjerner gemmer penge i skattely - flere hundrede af dem er danskere. DR Dokumentar afslører søndag, hvordan danske banker medvirker, når de vejleder og hjælper til med at placere pengene i skattely. Men er det bankernes opgave? Hvad synes du?
Søndag den 3. April 2016 kl. 20.00: DR1 Dokumentaren: Det store skattelæk

TEMA: Det store skattelæk: 

UPDATE: 4. April 2016: Bedste bank i Norden for fjerde år i træk. Det amerikanske tidsskrift Global Finance har for nylig uddelt dette års priser for verdens bedste banker. For fjerde år i træk modtog Nordea prisen i kategorien bedste bank i Norden. Nordea blev også valgt som bedste bank i Norge, Letland og Estland. Dog er alle bankansatte tvungen til obligatorisk e-læring der omfatter hvidvask-kursus, selv Inge i filialen som ikke har med store pengeforvaltninger at gøre. Selvmodsigelse eller dobbeltemoraskhed?  FACTA/BASEL III er allerede implementeres til screening af kunder og transaktioner for hvidvaskning af penge, finansiering af terrorisme og sanktioner. Er FACTA også overset her?

MX - Dokumenter: Danske banker hjælper med skattely. Nordea og Jyske Bank er ifølge gigantisk læk af dokumenter med til at hjælpe deres kunder med skattely.

DK - EL og SF: Skattespekulation er svinsk og skal straffes. Begge partier lægger op til, at banker og personer, som hjælper med skattely, bør straffes.

Politiken - Dokumentfalsk: Nordea bestilte dokumenter med falske datoer. Tilbagedatering af papirer var så almindeligt, at der var en fast takst for det.

DR - Tidligere Illum-ejer afsløret i kæmpe skattelæk. Danske Harry Rosenberg er en af de forretningsmænd, der bliver afsløret i de lækkede papirer fra advokatfirmaet Mossack Fonseca.

Blandt de mange Nordea's Facebook besøgende er her nogen opslag:  
Besøgende1: "Kære Nordea
Jeg har været meget glad for at være kunde hos jer i 10+ år. Jeg har en forventning om at I som virksomhed har en langt bedre forklaring på jeres medvirken til skatteunddragelse end dem I er citeret for her. Ellers bliver jeg nødt til at finde en ny bank. Det er den måde jeg forholder mig til mine etiske retningslinjer......
Besøgende1"Hvad fanden har i gang i? Skattely sager og korruption i høj grad... Er det det i snyder os kunder med. Skal vi virkelig tilbage til gemme vores penge andre steder end i jeres lommer...
Kasper Bruun Andersen
Hvis det virkelig er sandt, at Nordea er i førergruppen blandt banker verden over, som opretter anonyme selskaber for deres velhavende kunder, som vil undgå at betale skat:-, så kan jeg love for, at jeg ganske omgående skifter til en anden bank!! Kan I afkræfte rygtet eller i værste tilfælde anbefale mig en anden og mere seriøs bank?
Rikke Lauritsen :I er finansielle terrorister. I underminerer Danmark indefra og misbruger den tillid som danskerne har vist jer. Tænk at I opførte jer sådan mens I modtog bankpakkerne. Landsforrædere




A major leak of the secret offshore arrangements of some of Vladimir Putin’s closest friends reveals how hundreds of millions of dollars are hidden around the globe in complex financial structures. A trove of leaked documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca unveils previously untraceable transactions of some of Russia’s most powerful men



Nordeas afdeling i Luxembourg beskyldes for aktivt at have bidraget til kunders skatteunddragelse. Allerede inden en DR-dokumentar søndag aften sætter fokus på danske bankers medvirken til skatteunddragelse via selskaber i Panama, er Nordea ude at forsvare sig. Banken afviser søndag eftermiddag i en pressemeddelelse, at man uretmæssigt er med til at hjælpe nogle af sine klienter med at slippe for at betale skat. - Nordea følger alle regler og love på dette område. Vi vil ikke acceptere at blive misbrugt til skatteunddragelse.


Rige erhvervsfolk, kendte politikere, regeringsledere, kongefamilier og internationale sportsstjerner har placeret deres værdier i skattely og bruger stråmænd.
Det viser et gigantisk læk på 11,5 millioner dokumenter fra en virksomhed i Panama. Og det fremgår af dokumentaren på DR1 ’Det store skattelæk’.
Bag afsløringerne står det internationale netværk af journalister ICIJ, som sammen med den tyske avis Süddeutsche Zeitung og mere end 100 andre medier fra hele verden, herunder DR Dokumentar, har gennemgået de mange dokumenter, der er blevet lækket.
Det er det største læk af data til journalister nogensinde og har fået navnet #Panamapapers.

Putin, Messi og Islands premierminister

Blandt de største internationale afsløringer er, at venner og forbindelser til Ruslands præsident, Vladimir Putin, i al hemmelighed har flyttet mere end 13 milliarder kroner rundt ved hjælp af banker og hemmelige selskaber, ifølge ICIJ.
Derudover har verdens bedste fodboldspiller, Lionel Messi, der i forvejen er indblandet i en skattesag i Spanien, etableret et selskab i skattely sammen med sin far.
Det fremgår af dokumenterne.
Også Islands premierminister har været medejer af et selskab på De Britiske Jomfruøer, selv om han tilsyneladende ikke har fortalt det til det islandske parlament, som han skal ifølge de islandske regler.

Læk fra virksomhed i Panama

Det enorme læk stammer fra en af verdens største udbydere af skattelyløsninger, virksomheden Mossack Fonseca, som har hovedsæde i Panama. Det indeholder både e-mails, virksomhedsdokumenter, fuldmagter og meget mere.
På internationalt plan afslører det folk, der er dømt for hvidvaskning af penge, folk der er sortlistet af USA og et enkelt selskab, der har leveret brændstof til et fly, som de syriske myndigheder ifølge USA har brugt til bombetogter mod landets egen civilbefolkning.
- Disse fund viser, hvor indgroet skadelig praksis og kriminalitet er i offshoreverdenen, siger økonomen Gabrile Zucman, der også er forfatter til en bog om skattely, til ICIJ.

Danske firmaer og velhavere bliver også nævnt

Ken O’Keefe in Berkley - March 2016 - "Jewish Power" & World Citizen Solutions

Published on Mar 26, 2016
In this talk Ken rips into politically correct barriers and speaks frankly about the challenges we face in the cause of creating a better world. Ken is currently touring the USSA on his 'Fuck the TSA/Homeland Security Tour', for the latest dates and times of Ken's speaking engagements check the Facebook page set up for this purpose; https://www.facebook.com/events/59563...

Awakened Stasis Giants Secretly Located & Imprisoned by Global Elite (Læs også: Hvem er Annunaki - Dette er blot én udlægning af mange mht. mennesker nedstammer direkte fra Annunakierne, men at vi alle er en dna gensplejset hybrid fra ikke-jordiske civilisationer, er svært at benægte efterhånden..)

Læs også: Hvem er Annunaki - Del 1/2 De selvbestaltede guder's indflydelse på globale samfundsorden og vores Bankkonsortium

Læs også: Hvem er Annunaki - Del 2/2 De selvbestaltede guder's indflydelse på globale samfundsorden og bankkonsortium

Sleeping giants imprisoned

Giants that have been in hibernation in “stasis chambers” for thousands of years are awakening, and are being sought out by elite military forces, according to several independent sources. After being located, awakened giants are allegedly being captured and held hostage by powerful global elite groups that do not want the rest of humanity to learn the truth.

Secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, was among the first to publicly disclose the existence of “stasis chambers” that were holding perfectly preserved giants for thousands of years. In an August 4, 2015 interview on the popular show, Cosmic Disclosure, Goode discussed how he had accessed information on “smart-glass pads” during his covert service about these sleeping giants and the technology of the stasis chambers that were preserving them.

Continue Reading at ..... http://exopolitics.org/awakened-stasis-giants-secretly-located-imprisoned-by-global-elite/

Steven Segal Mass Shootings Engineered (Posted by ECETI James Gilliland) April 3, 2016 CET


Jesus through John Smallman: You and God are One, and you cannot remain forever unaware of this divine truth - April 3, 2016 CET

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016 johnsmallman.wordpress.com

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday April 3rd

There are no accidents, there are only synchronicities. Every human is always on their chosen life path. Whatever arises is intended. That may seem like a harsh or insane suggestion when you look around at all the suffering in the world, or even at your own personal suffering. But everyone who incarnates as a human in any time era has, with infinitely wise spiritual guidance to assist them, made the free will choice to do so in that particular time and place with great clarity of mind. You all have a divine purpose, every child of God has a divine purpose and that is to be Yourself, the perfect being that God created.

As humans within the illusion that often seems not to be the case. By incarnating you enter the illusion, a place of forgetfulness, memory loss, and, in truth, insanity! Your purpose, every human's purpose, is to awaken from the illusory dream or nightmare and help others to awaken, in order to be once more Yourselves. However, when you constructed the illusion you used your infinite divine power to do so, and you intended to make it appear absolutely real, and in this you succeeded.

Who Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex? (The following exclusive report is quite lengthy and exhaustive. There is no other series of disclosures about the Military-Industrial Complex on the Internet as revealing and radioactive...) - April 3, 2016

Blogger: det militær-industrielle kompleks, interessefællesskabet og samarbejdet i USA mellem det militære apparat og de store virksomheder inden for rustningsindustrien, hvis produktion forudsætter langsigtet planlægning og store statslige bevillinger. Betegnelsen blev almindelig kendt, da præsident Eisenhower i sin afskedstale 17.1.1961 advarede mod konsekvenserne af det militær-industrielle kompleks' voksende magt og den dermed forbundne trussel mod USAs traditionelle demokrati. Forholdet mellem militæret og den statsstyrede rustningsindustri i det tidligere Sovjetunionen betegnedes også som et militær-industrielt kompleks- denstoredanske

The Millennium Report Exclusive:

The following exclusive report is quite lengthy and exhaustive. There is no other series of disclosures about the Military-Industrial Complex on the Internet as revealing and radioactive.

The classified information and privileged data contained in this report are well worth downloading before they are disappeared forever from the World Wide Web.

There are two other very important exposés that ought to be read in tandem with this one. They, too, disclose much secret information about The Highlands Forum. As follows:

GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA — Part I
GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA — Part II
The Millennium Report

Who Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex?


The Highlands Forum EXPOSED

By Anonymous Patriots

We are not only incensed that our elected officials are turning a blind eye to the transnational enemy within our country and around the world, we are disgusted with these warlords, both military and corporate, that send our sons and daughters to wars-for-profit to have their blood spilled for their own families’ profits. As citizens of the world, we are filled with anger when we see men, women, and children slaughtered and displaced so that the few at the top can earn profits from blood and guns. We are sick and tired of wars ad nauseam, from our fathers who were killed in Viet Nam, our neighbors on 9-11, displaced war refugees around the world, not to mention the millions of starving children around the world who could use the money we spend on DARPA and their war tools for clean water, food, and education.

This anger has arisen in us to the point that we had to find out WHO IS IN CHARGE.Unlike many of our politicians, we know that naming our enemy is the first step towards identifying and disarming them.

Many readers to this site will be quite familiar with the usual suspects: the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and big banksters who command the top tier of the human wealth pyramid. We also know that they work closely with government agencies to plan and implement continuing military, cyber, and economic wars.  We have all read about how the Bilderberg Club, Illuminati, and the Knights of Malta coordinate these machinations with the Vatican. We know that the U.S. Federal Reserve is just a private corporation with a monopoly to print Federal Reserve notes that manipulates and plunders the U.S and global economy.

It is what we don’t know that interested us. So we decided to follow the money. Who are the war profiteers that are plundering American lives, wealth, and democracy?
In this article, the Anonymous Patriots are back again. Armed with the internet and a keen ability to interpret the geopolitical landscape, we have traced these GLOBAL WAR CRIMINALS back to the economic machinations that make them richer and more powerful with every military invention that they hoist on us. We are tired of becoming poorer, sicker, and more enslaved by these ruling sub-humans and ask you to arm yourselves with the knowledge we have gleaned from our research.
Then, be a patriot. Send this article to as many people as you can, as quickly as you can, so that the truth will be preserved when TPTB think about taking down this website.

Brief Background
(We apologize that our articles are so long, but much needs to be said. You might want to cut and paste the article into a Word document so that it is easier to navigate and read.)
To begin our journey, please review this list of the top ten or so military contractors, orMilitary 

Lockheed Martin Corporation, The Boeing Company, Raytheon Company, General Dynamics Corporation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Leidos Holdings, Inc., Huntington Ingalls Industries, L-3 Communications Holdings Inc., United Technologies Corporation, BAE Systems PLC, SAIC, McKesson Corporation, Bechtel Group Inc., Veritas Capital Fund, Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation.
Now let’s look at the top shareholders of the top military contractors, who we call the Corporate or 
 Bankster Warlords.
Vanguard Group, State Street Corp, Capital Research Global Investors, Templeton Investment Counsel LLC, Barclays Bank Plc, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd., Schroder Investment Management, Capital World Investors, Bank of America Corporation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of New York Mellon Corp, Black Rock Advisors, Black Rock Fund Advisors, Old Republic International, Wellington Management Company, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N. A., Evercore Trust Company, N. A., FMR, LLC, , Invesco Ltd., Franklin Resources, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
What is worth noting about this list is that you can find some of the usual suspects: Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, and the rest of the Bankster Warlords behind some of these names. These Americans are in the business of war, every type of war or conflict that enables them to sell their war products. Like any for-profit business they have products to sell and to make good profits they need a vibrant, robust customer base. “Peace-on-earth-goodwill-toward-men” is not a market that will purchase their war services and wares.    
To make things even more complex so that we can never figure out who is in charge, every one of these corporations owns major shares in every other corporationThey are intertwined like a grape vine. If we look closer we find that every one of these corporations conducts international business and is invested in international military ventures. They are not governed by any one nation as they transcend nations. 

This type of Corporate Warfare is transnational.  It is beyond being international or global. These companies work outside of the control of American as a nation. They work against Americans with their transnational economic warfare and make money from both sides of any military or corporate warfare. No matter who wins or loses, no matter how many of our children die in their war theaters, and no matter who the politicians are, they make money. And then they invest this money back into the same business because the business of war is extremely profitable.    
Essentially, they are war criminals just like Henry Schroder, who funded both Hitler and EnglandThis type of banking warfare is common throughout history.

 Continue Reading at ....http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/03/who-really-owns-and-controls-the-military-industrial-complex-3330335.html?currentSplittedPage=0

The "Tomorrowland” Mystery - (Jim Nichols UFO researcher on Wolf Spirit Radio Show with Yvonne Palermo - Verne, Edison, Tesla, Eiffel with their "Plus Ultra (+U)" is a secret society trying to create a better world escaping from Cabal back in 1889(by other-Dimensional utopian society) , Movie director Brad Bird(member Plus Ultra) .....)

April 1, 6PM PST: JIM NICHOLS:: "TOMORROWLAND" discernments, plus ultra, the rabbit hole in our investigation!


Download the MP3: (2016-04-01 GBSII Jim Nichols Tomorrowland Plus Ultra) 

Also listen to or download from:



Tomorrowland (subtitled A World Beyond in some regions) is a 2015 American science-fiction mystery adventure film directed and co-written by Brad Bird. Bird co-wrote the film's screenplay with Damon Lindelof, from an original story treatment by Bird, Lindelof, and Jeff Jensen.The film stars George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Kathryn Hahn, and Keegan-Michael Key. In the film, a disillusioned genius inventor and a teenage science enthusiast, embark to an ambiguous alternate dimension known as "Tomorrowland", where their actions directly affect the world and themselves.

The “Tomorrowland” Mystery


In 1954 when Academy Award winning Hollywood cartoonist Walt Disney produced his first live-action epic adventure movie, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” the names of both Disney and author Jules Verne became synonymous with daring futuristic imagination.

But thanks to 20th Century technologies Walt Disney’s imagination would not be confined to Hollywood films. Concurrent with the Verne movie production Walt Disney was building a California theme park where the public could experience a realm of unlimited imagination first-hand; the magic kingdom called “Disneyland”. A key component within Disneyland park was an ongoing exhibition of the potentials of advanced technology and the promise such technologies held for the future betterment of human society… it was called “Tomorrowland”!

On July 22, 1955, years before space travel was a reality, Walt Disney offered a glimpse into the rapidly approaching future of space travel…

Walt Disney once said, “Tomorrowland was a vista into a world of wondrous places signifying man’s achievements, a step into the future with predictions of constructive things to come.”

In 1955 flights to the moon were just a dream; a work in progress, a dream yet to be realized. Walt Disney always had a fascination with transportation and space exploration. And by the 1960s his dream of space flight would become a dynamic reality that would ultimately captivate not just America, but the entire world…

“We choose to go to the moon”: JFK