Jun 28, 2018

RT - Russia Today | June 28, 2018 | ~ Enceladus: Alien geysers on Saturn’s moon contain all key ingredients for life ~ | .. Scientists trawling through data from the dead Cassini spacecraft have discovered that icy jets on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, contains all the basic ingredients required to support life .. The researchers released a statement saying they are “blown away” by the findings. “With complex organic molecules emanating from its liquid water ocean, this moon is the only body besides Earth known to simultaneously satisfy all of the basic requirements for life as we know it,” the paper’s co-author Dr Christopher Glein said .. | Blogger: Yet another soft disclosure storyline? Like the story about a Japanese spacecraft trying to probe water-rich asteroid in groundbreaking new study, signs of life? ... |

Photo illustration of Cassini spacecraft diving through the plume of Enceladus. © / NASA
© / NASA
READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/431135-saturn-moon-enceladus-life

KRQE | June 28, 2018 | ~ New Mexico geologist discusses suspected UFO crash site findings ~ | .. ROSWELL, N.M. (KRQE) - The Bureau of Land Management is taking an interest in a New Mexico geologist's discoveries that he claims are out of this world. He believes he has found parts of the alleged UFO crash near Roswell in 1947. "Some of it could be trash, camper trash, but some of it could be interesting,” said Geologist Frank Kimbler. Kimbler distinctly remembers the moment he discovered debris from the suspected 1947 UFO crash site. "I started looking around all over the place, looking to see if the helicopters were going to fly over, because you get paranoid when you read the stories of about Roswell and what's happened to people when they've come forward with stuff,” he said. Over the past eight years, Kimbler has dedicated himself to finding physical proof of the UFO, going out to the suspected site 75 miles northwest of Roswell about a dozen times. Using a metal detector, he's collected about 20 metallic fragments the size of a fingernail. "Some of the material that I found out there has been tested and it has anomalies that suggest that it might be of extraterrestrial origin,” said Kimbler .. |

READ MORE: https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/new-mexico-geologist-discusses-suspected-ufo-crash-site-findings/1265976082

COBRA | June 28, 2018 | ~ Gamma Timeline ~ | Blogger: Ongoing debate about what the 'shift from beta timeline to gamma timeline', really means... |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Gamma Timeline

In the last few months, there have been drastic shifts in the timelines and significant changes in the plan for the planetary liberation.

Most of those changes need to remain deeply classified, I will reveal here as much as I can.

In May we have shifted from beta timeline to gamma timeline. The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs.

Before the Event, some Lightworkers might be physically contacted by the Pleiadians according to Contact Dish protocols, and another small group of Lightworkers might be accepted into the Resistance as per Entry protocols. Some time after initial group, another group might be accepted into the Resistance and they will be able to take their pets with them. This second group will not be integrated into the Resistance society and a special colony is being prepared for them in a certain location underground.

At a certain point, Resistance agents might establish physical contact with certain Lightworkers on the surface and offer assistance.

The Four Pillars | June 28, 2018 | ~ MAYA ASTROLOGY - THE ENERGIES OF THE DAYS - 4 TZ’IKIN (28TH JUNE 2018) ~ | .. The number 4 is very important within Mayan mythology. Four represents the cardinal points, the four colours of maize, the four carriers of the year, the two equinoxes and two solstices, as well as midnight, sunrise, midday and sunset. The number four is representative of the four first men, who raised the sky from the sea to create the world we live on. In Mayan myth it is four pillars that support the sky from the Earth. As you can imagine, four is a number which represents stability, a solar number. Even though it is still low, it is thought of as a beneficial number .. |

Itzamna, the principle bird deity, from the “Hero Twins” frieze on the Tecolote pyramid complex at El Mirador. Photo by Mark Elmy
READ MORE: https://thefourpillars.net/?cat=29

Computerworld.dk | 27. Juni 2018 | ~ Atea accepterer dom i bestikkelsessag: Betaler bøde på 10 millioner kroner ~ | .. Atea anker ikke dommen i den store bestikkelsessag, hvor selskabet onsdag blev idømt en bøde på 10 millioner kroner i, hvad der er omtalt som danmarkshistoriens største bestikkelsessag .. | Blogger: [⚠️Trækker tråde DYBT ind i centraladministrationen. Efter den berygtede, 2840-konto, Sophie Løhde vil se på statens Atea-aftaler efter dom for bestikkelse og sættes, i bero. Det som mange ikke ved, er at Rigspolitiet fyrede Bettina Jensen, for tildeling af 182 ulovlige aftaler til 54 leverandører – på blot to år af millionkontrakter, til konsulenter uden udbud, der gik bla. til Atea 'Nordea Finans' på: 2.603.901 kroner. Ifølge journalista.dk⚠️] ... SKRÆMMENDE, dem har verdensalt.dk samarbejdede med i mere end 10 år via et amerikansk firma, jeg arbejde for... (reblog 2017:) -- “Danmark er en bananrepublik,” -- det lyder måske meget bombastisk, men ser vi på digitaliseringsprocessen og robot-fascismens hule ansigt, så er hele vores lovgivning, tænkt og udviklet i en analog tidslomme, hvor centraladministrationen samt Statsadelen, lever side om side med hulefolket og stammefolket (borgerne), ikke aner hvordan man skal gribe sagen an. Vi skal bare vade over i Skat og alle de IT skandaleprojekter som er styrtet sammen under de analoge murbrokker (der findes eksempler i hundredvis) - det digitale inddrivelsessystem EFI, KMD, IBM, CSC og andre snyltere (Baby-Lars og Kristian ""Brubaker"" Jensen - en bombe under systemet). To dage før Folketinget står til at godkende regeringens nye og strammere kurs overfor salg af leasingbiler, skrider den lagte tidsplan for stramningerne ikke holder helt i mål (måske Skat's systemer ikke fungere?) og, Rigsrevisionen starter fuld undersøgelse af Sundheds-platformen.. Det er ikke engang pinligt, det er SKANDALØST!!! Dog, findes der et sted, hvor tingene bobler af digital iver og forventningsglæde, hvis man altså er PET eller efterretningsagent i Danmark. Her, kan man i samarbejde med artikeldatabaser Polinfo, Interpol Europol TISPOL - the European Traffic Police Network, Det nordiske politi- og toldsamarbejde (PTN), Task Force on Organised Crime in the Baltic Sea Region, CIA og NSA og så fremdeles, bestemme dagsorden. Med alle borgers ""digitale"" synderegister, pornografiske tendenser, nummerpladescanning, DNA register, blodprøveopbevaring, ansigtsgengendelse og CCTV, fingeraftryksdatabaser osv. går det legene let for politiet og tro mig, de har bagdøre til din konto i banken, dine fodspor på de sociale medier, smartphone og samtlige ""devices"" som er på nettet. Jeg har levet og åndet i IT branchen, ved godt hvad de er i stand til... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.computerworld.dk/art/243894/atea-accepterer-dom-i-bestikkelsessag-betaler-boede-paa-10-millioner-kroner

BREAKING | Sputnik News | June 28, 2018 | ~ Chartered Plane Crashes in Mumbai, 5 People Dead (PHOTO, VIDEO) ~ | .. Indian police say a chartered plane belonging to a state government has crashed in a busy district of Mumbai, the country's financial and entertainment capital .. |


collective-evolution | June 27, 2018 | ~ University Physics Professor Reveals ‘Face On Mars’ Clearly Has A Mouth Full Of Teeth ~ | .. IN BRIEF -- The Facts:Multiple studies and scientists have argued, through scientific rigor, that the 'Face on Mars' was actually built by a very intelligent civilization from Mars' past. Close analyzing shows a mouth full of 'teeth.' Reflect On: -- Why do we ignore, not report and fail to emphasize such important discoveries simply because they go against the accepted framework of knowledge? .. |

READ MORE: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/06/27/university-physics-professor-reveals-face-on-mars-clearly-has-a-mouth-full-of-teeth/

Videnskab.dk | 28. Juni 2018 | ~ Denne sten er med til at omskrive Mars’ historie ~ | (In English:) - A meteorite, located in Copenhagen, records the oldest material from Mars and Earth. New analyzes of the meteorite indicate that Mars had conditions for ocean - and perhaps for life - long before the Earth .. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://videnskab.dk/naturvidenskab/denne-sten-er-med-til-at-omskrive-mars-historie

WSJ | June 28, 2018 | ~ Buzz Aldrin Fights Family For Control of His Space Legacy ~ | .. The former astronaut’s children say their father is in mental decline and want a court to appoint them his guardians; he is suing for ‘elder exploitation’ .. | Blogger: [🚀Perhaps it's time, for Mr. Buzz Aldrin, to come clean about the moon landings and what they saw? IF in fact, they went to the moon, in the first place!?👨‍🚀] ... During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret(1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes: Mission Control: What's there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11. Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they're on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384. -Dr Michael Salla Archive)... |

READ MORE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/buzz-aldrin-fights-family-for-control-of-his-space-legacy-1529872576

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | In5D.com | Mar 2, 2018 - June 28, 2018 | ~ Quick Reference Websites (which has not been censored) ~ | Blogger: 💕 Everyone is earning to find the truth - if you can handle it 💕 ... (In the Name of Terrorism & Offensive material policy) - before Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, eBay Inc. and many other friends with benefits, will serve their master and create a Berlin Wall of Internet Censorship (or Mexican Border Wall) ... Since verdensalt.dk decided to blog about 'Sphere-Being Alliance' or whatever Deep Intelligence Services, find offending, my Google Plus has been eliminated - which made me very SAD. The only reason why i've chosen Google Blogger vs. WordPress, was to get a Facebook lookalike platform like Google+ (first they censored some of my blog post, next, embedded pictures went bye-bye, now once in a while, a post gets through the wall of censorship, only 6-7 weeks, at a given time) .. Total pageviews on verdensalt.dk - has been scrutinized .. Lucky for me, Net Censorship, with their secret web sheriffs, can only reach so far. EU Internet Law & Policy Blog (EU Cyberlaw) has a loooong reach, yes. However, forcing the local police to close down a Blog - is difficult - unless your support ISIS, terrorism and or any criminal activities ... In 2017 - EU warns tech firms: remove extremist content faster or be regulated. European commission tells Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and others that legislation is being considered if self-regulation continues to fail (theguardian) ... All the way back to 2011, The Danish Ministry of Justice has put forth a proposal that would effectively make it much more difficult for anyone to use the internet anonymously. To record all sorts of info such as IP addresses, browser histories and records of who the user interacted with. That data then gets sent to the government... "to combat terrorism." Of course, what this means is that there's almost no way to be anonymous online. While it may be true that anonymity can (and at times, is) abused, it's going really far to suggest that there shouldn't be any anonymity. And giving the government that much info just screams out for it to be abused. We're definitely seeing more proposals like this... Yesterday, June 27, 2018, i had a HUGE Spike in Traffic, but neither Blogger or my total pageview, give me the TRUE result... |





TV2 FNYS \\ EB.dk | 28. Juni 2018 | ~ Dansk Folkeparti vil spærre 10-årige inde ~ | (In English:) - Ten-year-olds must be punished with confinement 24/7 at closed-in institutions, if they break the law, The Danish People's Party (DPP), legal spokesman, Peter Kofod Poulsen says .. | Blogger: O-M-G! ... 😣.. Breaking the Cycle: effective punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing of children & youngsters, offenders to be placed into "isolation custody prisons/institutions" that will break them forever - IS NOT THE SOLUTION ... |

DF vil straffe 10-årige for kriminalitet

Regeringen og Dansk Folkeparti er i fuld gang med forhandlingerne om en ny lavalder, hvor børn og unge skal kunne straffes for kriminalitet. Udspillet lyder lige nu på 12 år, men det er ikke langt nok for DF.

Børn helt ned til 10 år bør fremover kunne straffes med indespærring døgnet rundt på lukkede institutioner, mener partiet.

- Så man sikrer, at man kan gribe ind meget tidligt over for unge, der begår kriminalitet. Og sætte ind med klare, hurtige sanktioner, siger partiets retsordfører, Peter Kofod Poulsen.

Han vil dog ikke kalde det for et ultimativt krav, men det er "et meget klart ønske", hvis DF skal lægge stemmer til forslaget. Ingen af parterne ønsker dog at sænke den kriminelle lavalder fra de nuværende 15 år, men i stedet indføre en anden type sanktion for de børn, der meget tidligt ryger ind i en skidt løbebane.

TV2 FNYS | 28. Juni 2018 | ~ Danmark fordobler hjælp til flygtninge fra Afrika ~ | (In English:) - 75 million danish kroner, is on its way from Denmark to EU fund, which will """protect refugees and fight human trafficking"" .. | Blogger: [👳NO!!! This i a reverse agenda! A convenient smokescreen for the Government, to trap citizens MIND and issue more CONTROL into the EU PoliceState. - EU Refugees - The scam that never stops trying and Angela Merkel, the daughter of Hitler, is fighting for her last breath, before she's taken DOWN. Is there an agenda to flood Europe with Muslim refugees, as the conspiracy theorists would have us believe?🏴‍☠️] ...YES!... Both NGO's & EU's Deep State power elites, WANTS to bring in armed and dangerous Muslim CHAOS, Modern Day Slavery & Sex Trafficking... Verdensalt.dk has stated these facts many, many times, but Geoffrey West, has repeated this soooo beautifully (i've been guided this morning, to re-read his post) ... | Excerpts from CVN:👀 ".. “Immigration has become an urgent question because, after years with a left-wing government, there are 600,000 migrants who don’t have the right to stay,” said Berlusconi, pledging to deport illegal migrants. “We consider it to be an absolute priority to regain control over the situation..(..).. CVN: ".. To some, perhaps many, who believe the mainstream narrative, they will quickly judge this response as being racist, without truly understanding the agenda that is behind this forced migration of people, mostly from North Africa. Libya was the country that was blocking the movement of migrants into Europe, until Gaddafi was assassinated by the US State Department under Hillary Clinton at that time. Gaddafi promised that if he was eliminated, it would trigger a flood of migrants into Europe and begin a process of destabilization, and he was correct. Gaddafi had been working on a plan of his own, to create an African Union, gold-backed currency that would benefit the continent, but this was unacceptable by the western elitists. Now, young men of a fighting age, are being brought into Europe to cause chaos, rape women, and create fear and insecurity, and this is playing out especially in Germany, France and Sweden. This crisis is not about racism; it is about understanding that racism is the argument being used, to shield an agenda that will see more and more people willingly surrender their rights and freedoms, believing that their governments will shield them, from the very problem that the government itself allowed to be created. One of the sources of this crisis, has been identified as George Soros, who has been funding protest movements and migrants in support of an agenda of destabilization, mostly in Europe, Ukraine and the US so far. Nigel Farage has spoken up in the EU parliament on this, and remains one of the few who has had the courage to do so...(..).." | 💬PS: You Be The Judge (Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, can't help you anymore) ... |

READ MORE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-06-27-danmark-fordobler-hjaelp-til-flygtninge-fra-afrika

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | Feb 23, 2018 - June 28, 2018 | Cosmic Vision News | GreenPrintForLife :※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure" | Headlines -- | ⇒ Netanyahu’s Nuremburg: Investigations closing in on leader expected to bring end to political career | ⇒ Mark Of Resistance: Coming italian election could bring major slap in the face to Brussels and Berlin | ⇒ Societal Manipulation: Through social media and more, people are being subconsciously programmed to be offended by anything and everything | ⇒ Transcending Time: Scientific claim to account for time speeding up, is gaining credibility... | Blogger: [📰CVN news, still valuable in June 2018👓] ... Verdensalt.dk would like to commemorate the alternative journalist, Geoffrey West, and his many years of past service by this rerun news story ... As always, highly recommended... 📢🙉🙈🙊👂👍🙏 ... |







Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)

About Geoffrey 

A global citizen, born into Canadian and Irish heritage. Geoffrey has lived in Canada, Sweden and Costa Rica. He has a Bachelors degree in Radio and Television, and a Masters in Peace Education, from the UN-mandated University for Peace. His work experiences include the broadcasting, airline, and computer reservation systems industries. His travels include N. America, Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Australia. His passion has come from the challenges he has observed throughout the world, and also from his own personal experiences. He aspires to assist individuals in awakening to their connection to, and deeper energetic relationship with LIFE, and empower new choices of living based in honouring Self, others, our planet, and LIFE beyond Earth also. 

His mission statement for this LIFE-path is as follows: 

"To be, to the best of my ability in each moment, an example for all that will inspire them to remember their connection to, and energetic relation to the ONENESS of LIFE. To assist lovingly in empowering them to honour their own LIFE-path and serve LIFE with choices that honour Self, while also honouring others, our planet and also our galactic families in each moment of 'now', creating experiences of health, love, harmony and peace".

Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:


2. MARK OF RESISTANCE: COMING ITALIAN ELECTION COULD BRING MAJOR SLAP IN THE FACE TO BRUSSELS AND BERLIN.Nigel Farage exposes George Soros: The biggest international political collusion in histor
Farage: "How much more humiliated can the Irish nation be?"







An article appearing on the ViralNovelty.net website on Jan 8th shares 20 signs that one is becoming one’s Higher Self. Those twenty items are as follows:

You know what your purpose is here on Earth

You are mentally and physically lighter

Things are going much, much faster