Jul 4, 2018
PFC \\ Fourwinds10 \\ WhatDoesItMean \\ Sorcha Faal | July 4, 2018 | ~ ⚠️ **URGENT MESSAGE** PLEASE PAY ATTENTION** ⚠️ ~ | .. Sealed Indictment Arrest Of Supreme Court Justice Confirms Shocking QAnon Intel—As Mueller Probe Against Trump Warned Ready To Go Down In Flames .. A very intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today providing background information for President Putin ahead of his 16 July summit with President Trump in Helsinki, Finland, states that this past week’s sealed indictment arrest of West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry confirms “dark web” intelligence generated by QAnon showing that over 40,000 sealed indictments have been issued over the past few months by the United States Department of Justice—with this shocking confirmation, also, coming at the same time Senior United States District Judge Thomas Selby Ellis III has issued a ruling providing the legal road map to send Special Council Robert Mueller’s farce investigation into Trump-Russia collusion down in flames .. |
Greenpeace | 4. Juli 2018 | ~ Beskyt det fantastiske liv på landjorden ~ |
Et liv, som er truet. Ifølge en undersøgelse fra National Academy of Science udgør vi mennesker kun 0,01% af alle levende organismer. Ikke desto mindre er vi ansvarlige for udryddelsen af 83% af alle vilde dyr og halvdelen af planetens planter, som bl.a. udryddes for at give plads til det industrielle landbrug og produktionen af husdyr. Dertil er hele 80% af verdens intakte skovområder enten helt eller delvist ødelagt.
Dyr, planter og jordens organismer kan ikke tale for sig selv - men vi kan forsøge at give dem den stemme, de fortjener. Læs her hvordan du kan hjælpe.
I Greenpeace har vi bl.a. sat den intensive kødproduktion på dagsordenen herhjemme for at fremhæve de negative virkninger, den har for både sundhed, dyrevelfærd, miljø, biodiversitet og ikke mindst klimaet.
Med kampagnen “Mindre kød - mere grønt” opfordrer vi bl.a. landets kommuner til at indføre en miljø- og klimavenlig fødevarepolitik, der skal sænke kødforbruget og tilbyde plantebaserede måltider på sygehuse, i børnehaver og andre offentlige institutioner. På den måde skåner vi ikke alene klimaet for en stor udledning af klimaforurenende drivhusgasser. Vi kan også dyrke mere økologisk plantemad til mennesker og samtidig give meget mere plads til naturen. Som det er nu, bruger vi 80% af Danmarks landbrugsareal til at dyrke foder til husdyr!
Globalt arbejder vi for at beskytte verdens skove. Vi kæmper for at bevare de sidste intakte skovlandskaber i Det Nordlige Skovbælte, vi fortsætter ufortrødent kampen mod den på mange måder beskidte palmeolie-industri i Indonesien, og gør vores bedste for at beskytte regnskovene fra Congo til Brasilien. En indsats, som udover livet på land i høj grad også handler om at bekæmpe klimaforandringernes hærgen.
Den gode nyhed er, at vores stemme virker, og vores arbejde giver resultater - også selvom det kræver lange, seje træk. For blot to måneder siden lykkedes det efter 18 års arbejde at beskytte en af de vigtigste skove i Europa - den russiske Dvinsky-skov. Et område på 3000 km2, som er en del af Det Nordiske Skovbælte, og som nu er blevet fredet for skovhugst til gavn for både natur og klima.
De fremskridt, vi er med til at sikre, er udelukkende mulige på grund af mennesker som dig, da vi hverken modtager penge fra regeringer eller virksomheder. Vær en del af fremtiden og støt indsatsen for at beskytte alt det fantastiske liv på land.
De bedste hilsner
Mads Fisker
Fungerende chef for Greenpeace i Danmark
Mette Thiesen | 4. Juli 2018 | ~ Danmark skal IKKE være et islamisk land! ~ | Blogger: [🤫STUDENTERÆGGEKAST & BEVÆBNET SARIAVAGT PÅ RÅDHUSPLADSEN... HADPOPULISME -- AFTALT SPIL -- DANSK POLITIKER, SPREDER 'FALSKE NYHEDER'. FOR AT OPFORDRE OG SKABE OPRØR, HADFORBRYDELSER OG FRYGT!? HVOR STAMMER ALT DET 'HAD' FRA?😱] ... Berørte studenter, vil have video fjernet og føler sig krænket, men ignoreres, ifølge radio24syv... Mette Thiesen vil STOPPE - æggekast, syrekast, kanonkast og stenkast, siger hun til journalister... VIDEO: Sådan ser det ud, når unge mænd med udenlandsk baggrund angriber en studentervogn, siger dansk politiker... |
Intellihub.com | July 4, 2018 | ~ Did the LVMPD falsify evidence in room 32-135? (Did ABC, NBC, FOX all miss it?) ~ | .. A guest staying at Mandalay Bay on the 21st-floor reports an "explosion" and "glass coming down" outside his window at 11:32 pm, over an hour after the shooting reportedly had stopped .. | .. RT: ‘Hesitating’ police officer’s response to Mandalay Bay massacre under review .. | Blogger: [What should I do when someone try to mess with my head?] ... 'Best Evidence' - 'False Evidence' - Tampering & cover-up of evidence, by law enforcement services... |
CNSNews.com | June 22, 2018 | ~ '8 Days' Director: Youngest Girl We Rescued from Sex Trafficking was 2 Years Old ~ | .. (CNSNews.com) – At Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit last week, 8 Days director and Traffick911 board member Jaco Booyens told his audience that the “youngest girl we’ve ever rescued [from sex trafficking] … was two years old.” Traffick911, founded in 2009 and based in Addison, Texas, is a group that frees youth from sex trafficking and has helped more than 800 sex trafficking victims. The group works closely with law enforcement and its efforts have led to multiple state and federal felony arrests and convictions, according to its website. 8 Days is a movie about sex trafficking in the United States. “The average girl that’s in sex trafficking in the United States is 12 years old,” said Booyens, who spoke before an audience of young women at the summit. “Twelve, that’s the youngest average in the world—world average is 13. The U.S. says ‘we’ll beat you guys—we’ll use 12-year-olds for sex, on average, 24 times a day.’” .. | Blogger: 😔😟🤢... Traffick911 - 💓🙏|
Awakening5DHealing - fifth dimension blogs, channelling and energy healing | July 4, 2018 | ~ Energy Update the Event is Happening ~ |
Here we go friends. The great shift is in full swing now! We are being transformed from the inside out. We were one thing and now we are becoming something quite different. Upgraded humans are walking among us, we are them, they are us. We are becoming a unity consciousness race. Evolved beyond the terrors of the third and fourth dimensions. We are rising to higher dimensional wavelengths. The Blood Moon and spectacular Lunar Eclipse on 27th July mark the great of a great tidal wave of light. We are being propelled to raise our inner vibration in turn manifesting inner love to outer peace. We are transforming ourselves and our world. We are birthing the new earth.
The crystal children are here, awakening, and woke. They are here to change dark to light. To let Gaia breathe and unfurl her wings of true beauty and higher consciousness. The rainbow children, indigos and crystals know who they are, they are looking for guidance and direction from older starseed and lightworkers who have been navigating the matrix for many human years. They seek protection and love in a hostile world. Lightworkers shine your light bright and high for those golden shards of light dressed up as humans, looking to transform all around them from fear to love. The matrix is trying to lock them up, lock them down, pull them apart. It seeks to question their sanity, to paint them as ill, dangerous and unstable. They seek to pharmaceuticalise indigos, to repress their light, to dim it and stifle it. But no one, not even the overlords, can put out the light of the rainbow children. Just as they failed to diminish the light of volunteers so too, they are desperate in their failure to switch off the rainbow children. They have arrived. We have arrived. You have arrived.
Jupiter’s Scorpio retrograde exit on July 10th will break us free from his determined pullback. Kicked off in early March we have been pushing through his cosmic cleanse. Global karmic purge. Secrets revealed. Truth exposed. Anger unleashed. Release from soul searching and the self doubt his karmic excavation has exposed. From hostilities and difficulties and confrontations. We are stepping into our power beautiful people. We are standing up and being counted. We are saying there are other species walking among us. There are allies and enemies in the skies. We are saying the world is quantum not linear. We are saying it’s all about energy frequencies friends. The world is reeling from the truths being revealed and there are more to come. But awakening has taken hold, it is spreading like a virus through the matrix. The cabal know it. Chaos ensues. Breathe. Be the calm in the storm of cosmic evolution.
NWO REPORT | July 4, 2018 | ~ Switzerland Unveils 100% Gold-Backed Currency ~ | .. Switzerland has outlined plans to create a 100 percent gold-backed currency to replace the US dollar as the world’s premiere currency .. Following in Russia and China’s footsteps, Switzerland has decided to switch from paper-backed securities in US dollars to something more viable and sovereign – gold bullion .. |
Switzerland has outlined plans to create a 100 percent gold-backed currency to replace the US dollar as the world’s premiere currency.
Following in Russia and China’s footsteps, Switzerland has decided to switch from paper-backed securities in US dollars to something more viable and sovereign – gold bullion.
“The Swiss government Pension System decided to change from paper gold in the amount of 700 million CHF into physical gold and store it in Switzerland. The 700 million only stands for 2 percent of the total assets, but it is quite a surprise that they do this,” Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals advisor confirmed.
Rt.com reports: “Physical gold is the best way to hedge as well as to accumulate wealth over decades. If you would have purchased for $100,000 gold in mid 70ties the holding without doing anything would be worth more than $2 million,” the analyst said. Another factor why the pension fund demanded physical gold was that they understand that paper gold just represents a claim on gold in a highly paper-leveraged gold market, Grass explained.
“It makes common sense under the actual circumstances to assure it is stored in the home country, Switzerland, instead of London or the US, which reminds me of the central bank repatriation,” the analyst added.
Grass adds that countries are noting the geopolitical shift from West to East and that is why they are buying more real gold instead of the US dollar-based papers.
“The last geopolitical shift that started with WWI and ended with WWII, put the US in a dominant position and it owned and stored 70 percent of the gold reserves of the free world. This is also one of the main reasons why the US won the Empire over from the Brits. Now we can witness another geopolitical power shift, with the rise of the East,” he said.
The global debt burden continues to grow, while more than 65 percent of all monetary reserves on this planet are in US dollars, Grass notes. “Holding physical gold is definitely the best hedge against all sorts of fiat money risks, but from a central bank perspective it is definitely the best hedge against a weakening dollar that is on its way to reaching its intrinsic value which is zero,” he said.
Press For Truth | July 4, 2018 | ~ LEGALIZATION Of Cannabis In Canada Leads To DRACONIAN Driving Laws! Bill C-46 EXPOSED! ~ |
Δράκων, Drakōn aka Draco of the 7th century BC, Athens, Ancient Greece was requested by the Athenian citizens to be a lawgiver for the city-state…they democratically elected him to be their lawgiver and what they got was something far more harsh and brutal than they anticipated…this is what happens when you trust the government to govern you…Asking for Justin Trudeau to be the guy who will write the law that makes it legal for you to interact with a certain plant has proven to have brought us back full circle to the time of Draco in Ancient Greece as Bill C45 and C46 have been tabled by the Liberals outlining their plan for the “legalization” of cannabis in Canada. In this video Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth breaks down the draconian C46 Driving laws that will come into effect the moment cannabis becomes federally “legal” for recreational use in Canada.
Adapt 2030 | July 4, 2018 | ~ Winter Freeze Warning in Hawaii after Eruption Ice Nucleation Event on Big Island (630) ~ | .. A freeze warning was put out on the Big Island of Hawaii that was above 12,000 ft. Rare is what the meteorologists said. This is termed ice nucleation, the other famous volcanoes were Pinatubo and Iceland that grounded air traffic across Europe. So we need to ask ourselves, how big is this eruption now? Snow across Idaho and Montana and some Rocky mountain states, freezing low temperature for N.E US. .. | Blogger: There is no doubt in my mind, these many volcanic eruptions, will affect the world... 🌋 |
Destroying the Illusion | July 4, 2018 | ~ Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot ~ | .. not my circus, not my monkeys .. |
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.
chemotherapy.news | June 21, 2018 | ~ How ironic: Chemotherapy can actually trigger the spread of cancer in adjacent areas, science confirms ~ | .. Cancer patients have to face a lot of tough decisions, and one of the biggest ones is whether or not to get chemotherapy if it’s offered for their particular diagnosis. A lot of people struggle with this decision because they’re concerned about the side effects, which are admittedly pretty severe, but there’s one very big reason that some people decide against it: Studies have shown that it can actually trigger the spread of cancer into nearby areas of the body .. |
CNBC | July 4, 2018 | ~ California's County fire explodes to 60,000 acres as state prepares for 'very dangerous heat wave' ~ | .. Wildfire acreage up 25% nationally as California battles new blazes, prepares for 'very dangerous heat wave' .. | Blogger: In Other News: Bali's Mount Agung volcano erupted again overnight sending ash 2000 metres into the sky with the island's airport operating as normal ... |
- Northern California's so-called County fire began Saturday and as of Monday afternoon had exploded to 60,000 acres.
- California Gov. Jerry Brown announced late Monday that more wildfire acreage had burned statewide so far this year than during the same period last year.
- At least eight wildfires are burning across Colorado and six in Utah.
- Heading into the Fourth of July holiday, authorities are preparing for even greater risk of wildfires due to illegal fireworks or campfires.
RT - Russia Today | July 4, 2018 | ~ Did Israel steal Iran’s clouds? Tehran looks for source of ‘suspicious’ climate change ~ | .. As Iran is suffering from severe drought, its officials are struggling to explain the disastrous weather conditions. An Iranian general believes Israel is behind the cloud and snow theft, but meteorologists cast their doubts .. |
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FILE PHOTO: Clouds over the Alborz mountains in northern Iran © Yasser Al-Zayyat / AFP |
International Tribunal for Natural Justice | July 4, 2018 | ~ UK Column News 6th June 2018 EXCERPT ITNJ Commission ~ | Blogger: [THIS, has NOTHING to do with the Soros backed Antifa groups manipulates demonstration matches, international women's rights movement, female #me-too campaigns or corrupted NGO's sex-trafficking] ... IT GOES MUCH DEEPER. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL FOLKS!... The ruling elite Rothschild banking families, sinister satanic elite pedophiles cults, sexual traps & bribe of VIP's around the world with VERY disturbing child & teen sexual abuses, 'spirit cooking', #pizzagate and MUCH worse child blood sacrifices and baby parts trafficking etc. etc.... Verdensalt.dk thinks, these VERY prominent people with integrity, deep inside knowledge and spiritual endurance will MEAN something to the world ... |
NewsInsideOut.com | July 4, 2018 | ~ GRAND CALL TO ACTION: ABSTAIN FROM YOUR CELL PHONE FOR 48 HOURS JULY 4th-5th, 2018 & FRIDAY EVERY WEEK UNTIL 5G ROLL-OUT IS ABORTED! ~ | Blogger: [Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is😮] ... (2017:) - Did you know, that Denmark with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by Bilderberg Group), to be THE test country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integrated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? ... |
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GRAND CALL TO ACTION: ABSTAIN FROM YOUR CELL PHONE FOR 48 HOURS JULY 4th-5th, 2018! https://vimeo.com/277366333
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A 2 Part Event RECORDED June 23 & 24, 2018!
EDUCATIONAL VIDEO – MAKE DONATION TO SUPPORT ABORTING 5G/BANNING DEW:5G Call to Action Summit June 2018: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/151905
FREE VIDEO: TrueTube for Peaceinspace.org – Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones, 5G WIFI & 5G Internet-of-Things,DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails**WATCH TrueTube Video documentary: http://vimeo.com/277782844
28+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre at the 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT Saturday June 23-24, 2018
[EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – DONATIONS REQUESTED: Depopulation orders have directed that America’s population will be reduced from 324 million Americans creating $19 trillion GDP in 2016 to 54 million Americans creating only $921 billion GDP in 2025.
Take action now & watch this 28-minute documentary plus 2 BONUS videos on creating a positive future for America & Earth.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Watch on TrueTube by NewsInsideOut.com (28+minute documentary) plus 2 BONUS videos
Watch 1 Minute Trailer:https://vimeo.com/277814189
Watch 28 Minute documentary + 2 BONUS features:
FREE VIDEO: 1-minute Trailer
GRAND CALL TO ACTION: ABSTAIN FROM YOUR CELL PHONE FOR 48 HOURS JULY 4th-5th, 2018! https://vimeo.com/277366333
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A 2 Part Event RECORDED June 23 & 24, 2018!
EDUCATIONAL VIDEO – MAKE DONATION TO SUPPORT ABORTING 5G/BANNING DEW:5G Call to Action Summit June 2018: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/151905
FREE VIDEO: TrueTube for Peaceinspace.org – Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones, 5G WIFI & 5G Internet-of-Things,DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails**WATCH TrueTube Video documentary: http://vimeo.com/277782844
28+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre at the 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT Saturday June 23-24, 2018
[EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – DONATIONS REQUESTED: Depopulation orders have directed that America’s population will be reduced from 324 million Americans creating $19 trillion GDP in 2016 to 54 million Americans creating only $921 billion GDP in 2025.
Take action now & watch this 28-minute documentary plus 2 BONUS videos on creating a positive future for America & Earth.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Watch on TrueTube by NewsInsideOut.com (28+minute documentary) plus 2 BONUS videos
Watch 1 Minute Trailer:https://vimeo.com/277814189
Watch 28 Minute documentary + 2 BONUS features:
NESARANEWS \\ rwnofficial | July 4, 2018 | ~ Obama’s DC Bunker Blown Wide Open And Exposed ~ | .. Trump Just Blew Obama’s DC Bunker Wide Open And Exposed What His 20 Staffers Have Been Doing .. | Blogger: As always, use your own spiritual discernment, reading info coming from verdensalt.dk... PS: The very spiritual popular website, Golden Age of Gaia, keep telling us, Obama is our HERO - maybe, but WHO knows, really? Do You!?. Trump, any better!? Putin!?.. |
Ethan Sabo (& assoc)
July 1, 2018
July 1, 2018
Former 'president' Barack Obama hasn’t been in the spotlight much. Don’t think for a minute he’s just on vacation doing his own thing and not worrying about politics. The Obama’s seemed to be annoyed that they built the biggest Republican party in the history of its existence. They did more to build the party than Ronald Reagan, and that’s sad. The ‘Gipper’ was the people’s champ and will always be remembered as one of the greatest presidents to hold office.

However, there was an ulterior motive for staying in the nation’s capital. Barack Obama wanted to make sure he was still very active in everyday politics. He stayed in D.C to make sure he undermined President Trump’s presidency every step of the way. Who does that? Well, an egomaniac is who.
Barack Obama made his entire 'presidency' about himself. He wasn’t sent there to represent the people. He was sent there to represent the special interests in D.C so the rich could get richer, and the poor could become poorer. That’s the reality.
President Donald Trump has done more to help this country than any other president before him, and it’s pissed the establishment types off. They’ve been exposed every day by this administration and, up until now, Barack Obama has been getting away with it. Now, the hats are off, and the Obama’s have been busted.
“Thursday night, Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Tom Perez introduced former 'president' Barack Obama as America’s “real president” at a DNC fundraiser!!?? “Let’s give it up for the real president of the United States,” Perez said at Thursday’s fundraiser, Politico reported!!??
“Obama reportedly then told the crowd of Democratic donors that they are “right to be concerned” about Trump’s presidency.
Perez’s false descriptor for Obama is just the latest instance of prominent Democrats abandoning political norms in order to undermine President Trump.” –Daily Caller
Paul Sperry of the New York Post reports – “If you believe recent media accounts, the former Democratic president has suddenly transcended the political fray. It’s as if a newly “Zen-like” Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) is content to just write his memoirs and let Donald Trump and Republicans write the next chapter of history.”
SITSSHOW \\ Collective Evolution | July 4, 2018 | ~ What Does Trumps Space Force Mean For The Secret Space Force? What’s Going On In Space? ~ | .. (Arjun Walia) An unclassified Department of Defense document, one of many, shows high interest from the United States to weaponize space, as well as detonate weapons in outer space. It’s from the 1950’s, and for those who’ve looked into space matters over the years, it comes as no surprise at all that Donald Trump is announcing a new branch of the military, a United States Space Force´.. |
Related Trump Orders Pentagon to “Immediately” Establish a “Space Force”
Source – Collective Evolution
But there is also something confusing, a secret space force in existence long before Trump came into office. Whoever they are, they must really not like that Trump would bring attention to these efforts… But who knows, politics has become nothing but a tool used by the Deep State so it’s hard to tell what’s really going on. Ultimately, the human race can evolve past the need for such a system, one that’s corrupt and serves the human race no purpose or platform to move forward.
To complement that, we have testimony from a number of high ranking military whistle-blowers who have said some pretty unbelievable things, like Colonel Ross Dedrickson, a man who had a long stint with the US Atomic Energy Commission, saying that the US actually tried to detonate a nuclear weapon on the moon for testing, and that this was “not acceptable to the extraterrestrials.” We’ll get to that later…
The point is, there is a good chance we’ve been in outer space, and the militarization of it has been in the works or, to some extent, has probably already been accomplished. This is the stuff black budgets are made of, special access programs (SAPs) that have no oversight from Congress. Some today refer to them as ‘unacknowledged special access programs.’
This idea gained even more traction several years ago when the largest (publicly disclosed) military computer hack of all time took place. What type of information is hidden from the public? You will have to ask Gary Mckinnon. In 2002 the U.S. government charged and arrested Gary for the hack. So what did Gary find? He found a list of non-terrestrial off-world officers of rank. He was unable to tell if they represented the Air Force, Navy, or Army. He also found multiple pictures of UFOs and lists of fleet-to-fleet transfers of materials from ship to ship… Whatever that means.
You can watch an interview with Gary in this article we published years ago, it’s where the quotes above come from.
Even comments made not long ago from the recently retired Aerospace Director at Lockheed Martin, Steven Justice, have raised some eye-brows of what kind of technology is out there.
Prior to Trump speaking out, The House Armed Services Committee voted to split the US Air Force, which will lead to the creation of the US Space Corps. This would make America the only nation with a branch of military dedicated to space, as far as we know. Let’s not forget about the already existing United Air Force Space Command. This would, therefore, be the first new military branch created in the U.S. since 1947.
“This is an issue the subcommittee has studied for months and I can’t even tell you how many meetings with space experts and leaders [Democratic Rep.] Jim [Cooper] and I have had on this subject,” Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces stated.
According to IFL Science, “The subcommittee believes this move will help the US maintain their strategic advantage in space. But not all members of the committee were equally pleased with this as the mark-up (proposed legislation before it is passed) was only discussed in a couple of meetings.”
Why The Plans To Weaponize Space?
Remember the big Wikileaks release of emails? One in particular to John Podesta by astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchel stated,
Dear John. Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death. Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.You can read the rest of the email straight from Wikileaks here, and also download the documents attached on the website.
Folkets Avis | 4. Juli 2018 | ~ Det næste bliver vel en boreplatform på Rådhuspladsen ~ | .. Dansk Folkeparti insisterede på at Radio24syv skulle flyttes til Jylland. Væk fra København. Det er naturligvis meningsløst. Men hvad DF ikke vil gøre for at lægge sten på vejen for den "borgerlige-liberale" regering. Nu mener jeg personligt slet ikke at Radio24syv skulle betales af licensyderne / skatteyderne. Det bør ingen medier. Og hvis nu Radio24syvs lyttere selv betalte, så kunne de jo lægge radio- stationen lige hvor de ville. Men hvis man vil have andre folks tvangsinddrevne penge, så må man også finde sig i at Dansk Folkeparti "mobber". Radio24syv er en såkaldt tale-radio. I USA er talk radio et bredt fænomen som omfanger stort set alle befolkningsgrupper. I Danmark er tale-radio med både 24syv og P1 den talende og debatterende klasses legeplads. Så i den forstand giver det mening at DF driller .. | Blogger: 🗣️ Hear, hear!! ... |
Børsen | 4. Juli 2018 | ~ Det skriver medierne: Danske Banks hvidvask-sag vokser eksplosivt ~ | (In English:) - Danske Bank's money laundering case - rising at an alarming rate. Denmark's biggest money-laundering scandal, is getting bigger, spreading through the Baltics, dictatorships and Putin's friends, first estimated to sent not only 25 billions through Denmark's biggest bank, but 53 billions, according to new leaks .. | Blogger: [🏦When Double Jeopardy Protection Ends - "The Bank of King is dead, long live the King!". Danish chief executive receives 15 million in retirement after scandal case. A slap in the face - Danske Bank knew about this case in 2012!!! But WAIT, they haven't EVEN been prosecuted in the first place - only FINED. Protected by Elite Foreign Interest, The Royal House & Head of the Government💵] ... (Moldova, Latvia, Russia and Azerbaijan) ... In march of 2017, reports finds, that 140 billion dollars in black money from 2010 to 2014 was illegally taken out of Russia to be washed white in several others banks. Including a smaller amount of Danish billion kroners - according to the authorities in several countries derived from criminal activities - have over time been transferred to accounts in Danske Bank and Nordea belonging to shady companies in tax havens. According to one expert, the banks may very well have broken the Act on Money Laundering. NOW IT'S A FACT.... People who are not familiar with the concept of danish bank's heavy involvement in scandalous scams, this, must be the one of the biggest, as we know of, and has been published from the MSM media.. Please keep in mind, MSM has only limited access and are part of the political system, so if you want to dig the dirt, research interlinks with Khazarian Mafia with Rothschild & Rockefeller banks and the National Banking Act of 1863 and Federal Reserve Act in 1913 (FED, IMF, World Banks, BIS etc). Then, The Four Horsemen of Banking Cartel (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, ""GoLDMaN SLaCKS"", Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and ECB, with other European old money behemoths.. That's a good start... |
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Far more suspicious cash flows have been sent through Danske Bank's Estonian branch than previously known, showing a new leak of bank data. |
Sputnik News | July 4, 2018 | ~ UK Police Allege Two Hitmen 'With Close Ties to Russia' Involved in Skripal Case ~ | .. Britain and its allies continue to blame Moscow for being behind the March 2018 attack on former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter with what UK experts claim was the A234 nerve agent, although the accusations have not been substantiated. Russian authorities vehemently reject the allegations as groundless .. | Blogger: [Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City] ... A UK LIE - YOU BET YOUR SORRY ASS, IT IS... I don't trust anything that comes out from British Intelligence service & Whitehall in London... 🤥 |
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