Feb 12, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Super Bowl of 3’s + Farmers win over EU + No homes, no hope for 2M in Rafah) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 12, 2024 ~ |

Video - Super Bowl Lots and Lots of 3’s

What does an 'OWL' symbolize (dark religion)?

Millions of Palestinians are trapped in Rafah.
Big victory for the People🔥 The EU has surrendered to the farmers 
Putin wants to end Ukraine conflict – Tucker Carlson

👁️⃤𓂀🕳️🏃 (Præstehuller, skjulte kamre og hemmelige passager) Langt nede under Københavns travle centrum (og andre byer) løber 4 kilometer ”motorvej”, som kun de færreste nogensinde har hørt om eller set. Hvor flygter Mette-Mord og Co. hen, når landmændenes lortebål, brag og brølende traktorer, indhenter dem, på Frimureriets Folketing? ~ 12. Februar 2024 ~ |

Editors' Note: Mææætte og Co, godt hjulpet af PET-livvagter, flygter ned i en 700 kvm. stor kommandocentral, som Folketingets administration helt frem til 2008, benægtede eksistensen af. Ellers via løbegange over til Frimurerordenens hovedsæde / Stamhus på Blegdamsvej. Bygningen er på 13.515 kvm. men whistleblower og frimurejager, Knud Jakobsen, påstår, at en underjordisk bunker nedenunder, er dobbelt så stort og har forbindelse til Rigshospitalet og langt inde under København.

Hamas havde kommandotunnel under UNRWA / FN’s Gaza-hovedkvarter, siger israelsk militær. Men hvem brødfødre og tjener Hamas = Mossad/Israel. Amerikansk politi opdagede en hemmelig tunnel under (DeSorteHattes) Chabad-Lubavitch synagoge's hovedkontor synagoge i New York - relateret til sexhandel med børn (hvor man fandt blodgennemblødte madrasser, barnevogne og spor af Blood libel (Ritualmord). 

Kender (Chabad-jøderne og demonstranterne) også til bunkeren, tunnelerne og løbegange under Den Danske Frimurerordens stamhus og hovedsæde på Blegdamsvej, der forbinder Christiansborg og Københavns hemmelige ”motorvej” 40 meter under jorden? Langt nede under Københavns travle centrum løber 4 kilometer ”motorvej”, som kun de færreste nogensinde har hørt om eller set. Den forsyner københavnerne med livsvigtig varme og længere nede end, metroen. 

Vidste du også, at dybt under den fløj på Christiansborg, der til daglig huser Statsministeriet, ligger en kommandocentral, hvorfra regeringen skulle lede landet i tilfælde af krig? Hemmelige tunneller giver associationer til gamle slotte, klostre eller sågar pyramiderne i Giza, der sætter skub i den indre Indiana Jones. Er der virkelig en hemmelig tunnel under Domkirken og Aarhus?.

SoTW har personligt bevogtet og besøgt den tophemmelige NATO-kommandocentral og Vedbaek-Bunkeren som MP'er i Flyvevåbnet. De fleste "kendte" militær-bunkere er nu lukket. Inklusiv, regan-øst/vest og kongehusets 2 atombunker. Men ikke alle. I løbet af 2. verdenskrig bygger den tyske besættelsesmagt 7500 bunkere i Dannevang...| 

💌🔛💡 (“The Professor of Happiness”) Nicky Hamid: Something Huge is Happening with Us All ~ Feb 12, 2024 ~ |

February 11, 2024 by Sitara

by Nicky Hamid

There is a lot spoken about us becoming crystalline and frankly for me it is often a lot of sincere “Humbug”.

Physically all organic life is primarily constituted from hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. And it is carbon that gives the density needed to be in the physical realm (3D).

So what is happening to our bodies. Why are we often feeling so heavy, dizzy, and all the blood flow problems, nerve pains, allergies, and the constant changes.

What is really happening to our bodies that we are constantly feeling and will continue to feel for these next few years as the cosmic inflow accelerates?

There is, as you all are aware, something huge happening with us all.

The carbon in your body is transforming through the magnetization of cosmic photons. Changing from the normal 6 neutron – 6 proton–6 electron structure (666 -beast), to a 1-6-6 configuration.

That very same structure known as the “Metatron Cube” (from the cube to the inner “star). No wonder you feel the consequences of this change physically.

Literally being turned inside out.

The more light (LOVE) you hold consciously the more accelerated is the change…..OUCH!!

Yes the more you feel the Peace, the Love. the Smile as the background of your experience (as long as you do not drop into fear).

Any LOVE (InnerSmile) = LIGHT ON. Any fear = LIGHT OFF.

I was shown these changes 50 years ago when I was studying occult chemistry.

The changes that are coming to us all and our capacity as Beings who create our world of experiences in density, will be literally “mind blowing”.

Carbon based vehicles radiating intense Light from within as the DNA unwinds and releases LIGHT, from the carbon celled transformation.

As you invite more of your SOUL Being into your body.


I So Love You

🕵️👥⚔️ (Clandestine’s Newsletter) Why the Deep State Refuse to Negotiate with Putin ~ Feb 12, 2024 ~ |

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine | Daily Mail Online

Putin appears to be extending an olive branch to the West.

He is willing to negotiate. The only problem is, Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate, because Putin wants justice for bioweapon development in Ukraine.

This is why they are willing to start WW3 and waste hundreds of billions rather than negotiate, because Putin’s demands will result in their prosecution for crimes against humanity.

This is why the Biden regime have not called Putin, because they never had any intention of negotiating an end to this war.

Putin is waiting for Trump to return to negotiate a deal, because Trump does not have any crimes or assets in Ukraine to cover up. This is why Trump can end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, because Trump and Putin have the same objective of destroying the Deep State.