Aug 14, 2019

🙏~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (verdensalt) ~ 💕 |

☭ ~ Aalborg Universitet bruger million på Obama-besøg i september (Nyhedsbrev fra | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs |

Sidste år blev det en dyr omgang for skatteyderne, da Kolding Kommune og Syddansk Universitet brugte flere millioner kroner på et kortvarigt besøg af den tidligere amerikanske præsident Barack Obama.

Som vi i dag kan offentliggøre på, bliver det også tilfældet i forbindelse med, at Obama i slutningen af september kommer til Aalborg.

Den historie kan du læse her

De kommende dage følger vi op på Obamas kortvarige optræden i Aalborg.

📉🔴 ~ Dow plunges 700 points after bond market flashes a recession warning, Citigroup tanks 5% (CNBC) ~ | Blogger: [💲I Told You So. RV/GCR is Coming in 2019 or 2020. Crash The Matrix by NESARA/GESARA. Until Then, The Banksters Still Have The Upper Edge💹] ... Deutsche Bank, Germany and China hit hard by trade war, and mortgage debt in US exceeds 2008 financial crisis peak. Argentina's peso, stock exchange plunge after Macri vote defeat, fear of new state bankruptcy. While Trump, desperately tries to stop it, by delaying tariffs to benefit Christmas shopping (Globalists biggest earnings is at x-mas and Trump knows this)... |


🌹 ~ Når man kan hælde spiritualitet på dåse, så vil jeg gerne ha' noget nu, tak! (Verdensalt Arkivskab) ~ | Blogger: [🧠Our ego echo chamber satiates our appetite for pleasant lies and reassuring falsehoods and has become the defining challenge to our inner false prophet psychological projection👤] ... HVORFOR stopper du ikke den konstante demonstrative falske evidensdebat, inde i mørke- kammeret, EGOET❓ Hvad skal der til for, at overbevise det næste menneske- skæbne, du møder på gaden, eller din partner og familie, at simpel matematisk logik model, ikke kan afprøves eller afgøre konspirationsteorier❓ Hvornår lærer du, at give slip på din indre robot-avatar, som tager beslutninger, hvor du burde stille spørgsmål❓ I hvilken tilfælde, tør du shanghaje kommunikationen mellem dit bevidste og ubevidste sind, for at tiltrække sandheden frem i lyset❓ Ville du også ønske, du bare kunne tænke mere positive tanker❓ Hvad for dig til at tro, du mister en del af din troværdighed, stilles uden for det fine selskab, hvis du over- giver dig til skæbnen, karmaloven og den universelle lov❓ Hvorfor banker vi under bordet❓ Hvorfor betyder det ulykke, hvis en sort kat krydser vejen❓ Har du nogensinde følt dig selv helt kørt ned og drænet. Kan det være fordi, du oplever en energisk forbindelse mellem dig og en anden person gennem det, der kaldes en 'æterisk snor', men er det sundt for dig❓ Og hvorfor krydser vi fingrene, når vi ønsker noget godt for os selv og andre❓ Nogle mener, at deja vu'er er mystiske erindringer fra et tidligere liv, andre mener, de skyldes, at vi husker profetiske drømme, vi har haft før. Tør du stille en garanti for, at der ikke findes andre udenjordiske civilisationer i vor multivers, lever omkring os på jorden og svæver rundt på himlen, uden at ty til rispapirlanterner folk og sølvpapirs-hatte❓ ... "Den fysiske sansning er ikke det primære i menneskets livsoplevelse ~ Martinus". Vores åndsguider har sagt det meget tydeligt: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”. Det betyder, at vi alle er åndelige væsener. Hvis du tror, ​​at der er mere end livet selv, så er du i min bog, blevet opmærksom på ens egen åndelige tilstand. Spiritualitet er ikke en religion. Det kommer ikke fra dine forældre eller Jehovas Vidner, der banker på dine dørtrin (bare et eksempel). Spiritualitet stammer fra et sted dybt inde i dig (højere aspekt eller en sjæl). Det er en indre tro, der danner rod i hjertet uden at have synlige beviser, lugtes til eller føles på. Vi er alle enige om at blive på jorden i denne "nutidens bevidsthed" for at opleve vores fem sanser. Det betyder også, at vi skal lytte til, hvad vores hjerte, intuition og mavefornemmelse, føler og handler efter det. Når du lærer, at rent faktisk lytte til den indre stemme, bliver resultatet uundgåeligt - ændringer. Fordi livet selv i vores 3D-matrix af illusion, begynder at falde fra hinanden. Du begynder at stille spørgsmålstegn ved alt, der omgiver dig, hvad vi har lært i skolen, nyhedsmedier, forældre, lægen, politikere og religiøse overbevisninger. Næste ting - rollercoaster emotions - vred, angst, skuffet, forvirret, udmattet. Beslut dig til, at forstå. Frygt, holder dig tilbage❓ Bryd ud af dit eget fængsel og begynd, at udforske... |

Når man kan hælde spiritualitet på dåse, så vil jeg gerne ha' noget nu, tak!

Hvordan viser du din lykke?
Udgivet første gang den 24. juli 2014 af

Det er utvivlsomt den aller bedste tid, at være i live lige nu på vores planet. Vi har alle sammen valgt, at blive hængende, bedt om og spurgt til, fordi tidsperioden netop nu, oplysningens tid er på vej. De fleste mennesker er slet ikke klar over, vi bliver stopfordret med strømninger af energier hele tiden og har gjort det i lang tid nu for en accelerede version af Ascension, som ingen andre sjæle har oplevet før nogen steder i universet. I øjeblikket forestår begivenheder og klargøring for at bringe denne plantes frihed, fred og velstand. Ting sker for at befri os alle fra styreformer, der virker til at undertrykke din frihed, som har undertrykt dig med løgne om, hvad det i virkeligheden sker. Dette tyranni er nu ved at blive forvandlet. Vi fortsætter med at bevæge os hastigt fremad mod de transaktioner, som frembringelse de nye finansielle og bankmæssige instrumenter. De enorme rigdomme der længe har været skjult af de store dynastiske og spirituelle familier er næsten klar til at blive distribueret ud til alle mennesker på jorden. Vi har fået en gave ovenfra, lad udrensningsprocessen begynde!

"Jamen - jeg føler mig ikke anderledes og klar til oplysningens tid, jeg nægter at forstå, følger blot mine vante vaner, passe på mit eget ego, ingen skal røre ved mit liv og min identitet og desuden skaber jeg så lidt mulig opmærksom på mig selv!"


Hvis det var muligt for os at sidde oppe i stratosfæren og kigge ned på Jorden, ville vi måske være i stand til at se hvordan de mange forandringer, der i denne tid finder sted på vores planet og som hænger sammen i et større perspektiv.
Uanset hvilken stadie af forandringsparathed, gennemgå alle mennesker en forstærket sanseoplevelse via strømninger af energier, hvert niveau af vibrationer kræver en indsats og fysisk tilpasning, fordi den såkaldte kærligheds tusanmi penetrere os alle dybt ind i vores grundvold, så at sige. Tilretning af vores DNA struktur - Transformation fra vores fysiske kulstofbaseret livsform (carbon) hen imod vores tidligere strålende krystallinsk form og transmutation (som i filmen Noah 2014 og de lysvæsner, der var udformet som klippe-vogtere, en version af forståelse). En anden fantastisk film 'Interstellar' som skulle efter sigende var åbenbaret af vores opstegne mestre...... 
"Men, det lyder helt galimatias."

Jeg kan bedst forklare det sådanne;  De såkaldte mørke kræfter fra vores fjerne historie - en hel menneskealder tilbage i vores tid, havde tilbøjeligheder til at ændre vores menneskelige DNA for at reducere mængden af ​​lys i vores organer. Det tillod dem at installere mønster af fysisk svaghed, sygdom, alderdom, død og alvorlig nedsat evne for intelligens og åndelig klarhed. Evnen til selvudvikling og forståelse, vores egen guddommelige højere selv var gemt langt væk og dermed også næste kærligheden til vores medmennesker og os selv.
"Vil det sige, jeg skal slippe alt hvad jeg har lært et helt liv, og tro på små grønne mænd tusinder år tilbage, være forandringsparat og tro på unikheden i mig selv, måske begynde at elske mig selv ligefrem?

Den helt normale reaktion, når vi bliver konfronteret med noget, vi ikke helt forstår, en fornægtelse, misbilligelse, hånlig latter af uvidenhed, afstandstagen, især for dem som stadig er solidt forankret i de lavere dimensioner af Jordens dualitet. Forsøg dig med en guided Tour
Se dig omkring, mærk tendensen. Gør dig den tjeneste, ta' dig tid til at, kigge efter de syndelige forandringer som er lige nu. Det er som om forhængene bliver trukket til side og de skjulte dagsordener på alle niveauer i samfundslivet kommer frem i lyset. Handlingsmønstre, som ikke er helt fine i kanten, har tidligere kunnet leve bag kulisserne, men den ene skandalesag efter den anden rulles nu op i medierne og de involverede bliver stillet til regnskab. Der er bare ingen som kan gemme sig mere, heller ikke dig og mig. Som Storm P. sagde engang "Mange millioner mennesker render forvirret om på jorden for at finde den længste vej til graven"
"Fint nok, men hvordan oplever vi så denne forandring i vores fysiske legeme"?

Hvordan undgår du stress og depression?
Hvorfor tror du der i årtier har været "nyere kroniske" symptomer som træthed, svimmelhed, diffuse og fysisk ubegrundede smerter, udslæt, depressioner, migræne, susende for ørerne, problemer med halsen, rygproblemer, mave m.m. Diagnoserne er blevet til f.eks. fibromyalgi, kronisk træthedssyndrom, virus på balancenerven, forskellige gigtformer, allergiformer, mavesår, stress og depression m.m. I medierne hører vi, at antallet af mennesker med disse symptomer og diagnoser stiger med stor hast uden oplagt forklaring. En given neuropsykolog, som arbejder med at hjælpe mennesker med disse symptomer videre i livet via samtaler om deres stressede hverdag, om at lytte til kroppens advarsler og i det hele taget fokusere mere på livsstil end på sygdom. Den udvikling er uden tvivl et skridt i den rigtige retning, ikke den almene lægevidenskab, som slet ikke er forandrings-parate. Det kunne ligefrem være de strømninger af energier, ændringer af vibrationer og frekvensskift ændring af vores DNA, vi taler om her........  Når vi begynder at åbne op for vores kronechakra, sker der først ting og sager, som overgår selv Din vildeste forstand. Dit kronechakra sidder lige over dit hoved, og symboliseres med en hvid eller rødviolet farve. Kronechakraet er det syvende chakra, og udgør din erkendelse af din egen guddommelighed og din sammenhæng med universet. Kronechakraet er detALLERVIGTIGSTE lige nu at få åbnet....og dernæst det tredje øje - Pinealkirtlen

"Hvad kommer der så til at ske med mig? Jeg forstå ikke alle disse begreber omkring spiritualitet"?

🦸 ~ USA: Trump defends retweeting Epstein conspiracy theory ( Ruptly) ~ | Blogger: [🤜This is one of the Reasons, why Denmark are Deadly afraid of Trump's visit & as a Precaution, Govt has also invited Obama, as well. (Bill Clinton in 2018). Trump is Unpredictable and (nobody) has no Idea, what he do Next🤛] ... STRANGE it is, that video evidence shows, FBI launches massive raid on epstein "sex island" following his supposed suicide, but why? He is 'supposedly' dead so why the fuss? To get more evidence on the Clintons, and the 301 Brit associates including Mick Jagger, Tony Blair and The British royals in pervert’s ‘little black book’ found by FBI?... |

US president Donald Trump defended spreading a conspiracy theory about Jeffrey Epstein's death at a question-and-answer session outside his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey on Tuesday.

Trump had retweeted a video post claiming without any evidence that financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who reportedly committed suicide in jail, was killed by Bill Clinton. "The retweet was from somebody that is a very respected conservative pundit. So I think I was fine," said Trump.

The US president also said he wanted a full investigation into Epstein's death saying he had 'no idea' if Clinton was involved.

Trump also commented on plans to impose background checks on gun buyers in the wake of recent mass shootings in Ohio and Texas. "Look, it's very simple. There is no-one more pro-second amendment than Donald Trump. But I don't want guns in the hands of a lunatic or a maniac. And I think if we do proper background checks, we can prevent that", said the US president.

🔭 ~ Wearable Tech 3D-Printed Directly Onto Real Skin For The First Time ( Strange Things) ~ | Blogger: [🖨️3D Printing Should Be Used With Polymers & Metals, To Create Gadgets or Build Houses, Not Bio-Degradeable Plastic 'Living' Body Parts, Heart-On-A-Chip or 3D Printed Guns🤖] ... WHY? You may ask!? Custom-made, living body parts have been 3D-printed in a significant advance for regenerative medicine and is sooo great for humanity!??.. As VERDENSALT predicted, 3D printing has already or will in some years from now, have the potential to alter humans (inside/out) to a robotic transhumanist biomechanical machine. A (new) lifeform based reality with artificial intelligence, neuromorphic computing, AI chips emulating the brain, DNA vaccination, biospecimens, synthetic cells, tissues, and organs etc. etc... This is today reality and if you believe in takeover of AI's, we need to be extra careful, before we just "transform" our "carbon-based” life form into a bio-robotic state, instead of aiming the goal of a (future) Ascension process as crystalline silicon vehicle, upgrading from the carbon base body (like our galactic friends in the skies)... MOREOVER, the fact of the matter is, that 6000 secret patents exist (MIC-SSP), like Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds), and other natural medical life altering devices, could STOP this process of trying to make the biological mark such as animals and humans, to become energetically autonomous, controlled and dependent on engineered artificial organs that are capable of repairing, supplementing, or replacing long-term organ functions... Does it make any sense?.. |

A customizable, low-cost 3D printer has printed electronics on a real hand for the first time, leading the way for next-generational wearable devices. The adaptive printer, which is both autonomous and portable, could be used by soldiers to print temporary chemical sensors on their bodies or charge essential electronics. 

⚖️ ~ ANALYSIS BUFFET: 25 urgent things you need to know about spygate, Epstein, China, financial collapse, mass shootings and civil war (NN) ~ | .. In truly bombshell news, the CEO of has gone public, stating that he has all the answers about the Russia collusion conspiracy hoax. To the shock of listeners everywhere, he actually said, “That’s about to happen and I think we’re about to see the biggest scandal in American history as a result. But it was all political. Everything you think you know about Russia and Clinton investigations is a lie. It’s all a cover-up. It was all political espionage…”... Once Comey and Brennan are indicted — along with others — there will be efforts to turn them against Obama and Clinton. Obama was the deep state mastermind behind it all, and he will likely flee the country (see below) rather than face indictment himself ... Between now and then, the deranged, lawless Left is going to run every false flag mass shooting operation they have in the works, including unleashing MKultra subjects onto various soft targets (i.e. crowds of people in gun free zones). Antifa is being ordered to ramp up its domestic terrorism operations at the same time, with the goal to be igniting a civil war that causes mass chaos before William Barr can secure the arrests of deep state traitors. The complicit media will brazenly lie about every shooting in order to blame Trump, regardless of the actual origins of the violence. Watch for CNN to be closed down after the full truth of the spygate fiasco comes to light (..).. | Blogger: A-MUST-READ!... ⚠️However, Mike Adams sometimes disturbing or exaggerated video's and 'Gung-ho' attitude, take it with a grain of salt... There's no end-of-world-scenario, NN narrative, illustrations and his word choice is deliberate to make a buck on his channels, but in my book, not all of the Intel is Fake News, that's IMPOSSIBLE... As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |


👼 ~ 💗 Be Grateful - Be Happy (David Icke) 💕 ~ |

🤑~ FINALLY!! $25.5 MILLION fraud judgment against Disgraced Ex Senator and Fraudster Dave ScHmIdT Assc. Robert Dunlap & the Meta 1 Scammers!! (OOM2) ~ | Blogger: [✋WATCH OUT FOR BLOG POSTS WHICH DON'T RESONATE WITH REALITY LOGIC AND ARE SIMPLE SCAM🛑] ... has been warning you guys about theeee 'scammers' (and i've admit it, still have Vietnamese Dong, in my safe) ... Like, TNT Dinar that finally admitted that he is guilty of his 14dailyplus scam (TNT Dinar Guru Tony Renfrow Changes Plea) ... AND, Jerzy Babkowski (AKA ZAP) -- DON'T GIVE HIM A DIME... ... ⚠️ Very important Report -- Bad news to all of the millions of naive people, who bought Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong - The 'RESET' (RV/GCR) do nooot turn people into multi billionaires overnight, according to OOM2 / Cobra / Fulford / Shrout and other sources... One of the reasons, turned down the postings of RV/GCR scamtastic scammers like Zap Office of Poofness, Dinar Chronicles Blogs, TNT Tony, Landa China Global, Neil Keenan, Karen Hudes, Dave Schmidt, etc. etc... PS: People who still waits for 'The EVENT'. You aaare 'The Event'... WE aaare 'The Event'... EVERYBODY, is 'The Event'.... BE, 'The EVENT'... "Money Don't Make You Happy"... |


☢️ ~ Apple’s new iPhones to come with built-in 5G transmitters… AVOID all Apple products or be irradiated ~ |

Will Apple slow down LTE networks on purpose to influence their customers to switch to 5G-compatible phones in 2020? 

With over a million 5G cell towers getting installed as you read this, at least three of Apple’s iPhones coming out in 2020 will support 5G. Will any American have the choice NOT to be radiated to death slowly by the Apple iPhone cell mutation complex? While Bill Gates pushes for more population control across planet Earth, from vaccines in Africa to 5G cell towers just a stone’s throw from kids playing in their own yards, America is quickly becoming the sickest industrialized nation from the ultra-high frequency and intensity of their smart phones.

Even if the price of Android 5G phones drops, most people’s medical bills will skyrocket, and no medical doctor in the U.S.A. will dare blame the vaccines or the 5G network. Heck, if you post anything on social media now that bad-mouths the 5G platform you get banned, blocked and blacklisted. Don’t you know Mark Zuckerberg is sitting right next to Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos at the round table discussion about you.

Yes, we’re talking about you. You, the dumbed-down customer who must have a faster phone – the one you keep next to your head, in your pocket or pocket book, on your hip, or the one two inches from your kid’s faces while they play games relentlessly.

Wide range of 5G networks may skyrocket cancer cases in just months

Soon, the high speed Metropolitan-style “mmWave” version of 5G will be a “consumer demand” too, and Apple’s urban and rural customers will all be sucked into the deadly vortex of the low-band “sub-6GHz,” no matter what your “purchase intentions” were or are at the time. Apple is betting on it.

Their customers will hate the slow speed of the old stuff (that’s slowed down on purpose to get you to switch) and demand the new. Nobody will be able to get an Apple customer service representative on the phone to complain either. Make no mistake, if you don’t switch to 5G, Apple will punish you. Only positive reviews will be allowed on the entire world wide web, where the socialists, pharma heads and tech giants reign supreme.

From mid-bands to low-bands, by the time 5G is done rolling out the full-fledged nightmare, they’ll be ready to install modem chips in everybody’s smart device. Post anything on YouTube that’s negative or sounds the alarms about 5G dangers to human health and your footprint will be erased to cover up the crimes of the telecom industry as a whole.

👼 ~ 💗 HOT AUGUST (PROTECTION PROTOCOL FOR MASS MEDITATIONS) 💕~ | by Teilen at FM144 | Blogger: [🧂Take EVERYTHING With A Pinch Of Salt on Salt Of The World. Be Your Own Freethinker💡] ... PS: FM144 is a Cobra friendly website... Not sure if this stuff resonate with Cobra himself, the underground resistance movement or guidelines for disclosure, but read it, if you feel so guided... The Dark Ones, Spiders and Archons or not, happy, happy, happy thoughts... |

Since the beginning of this month (and the Black Super Moon), the Dark Ones have started a heavy wave of attacks as a countermeasure to the ongoing Light Force Operations.

The Grid has been temporary filled with huge amount of anomaly (removal in progress), which of course provides an ideal breeding ground for energetic attacks on Lightworkers as well as for various negative physical events that have occurred in recent days and weeks (be it on a global scale through mass shootings/stabbing rampages/sudden "suicides", or even just when people in one’s own environment seems to be going mad).

As for Epstein, it seems that he actually has left the avatar. At the moment, however, this blog cannot confirm yet that he was brought into CS.

And as for the attacks, they are all energetically backed by negative occult forces and the plasma spiders.

One of the main targets are also the mass meditations, which have taken place so numerously lately.

Some Starseeds complained that they feel extremely unwell after participating in these. The reason is that the meditations are currently bombarded severely (especially the ones during the Lions Gate Portal).

The Dark Ones, of course, also know when these meditations take place and will counter ritualize and irradiate them with neg. energies. They partially pump anomaly into the participants, especially into those who aren’t protected or can’t protect themselves that well.

The meditations are still extremely helpful and powerful and should be continued, of course! But it is not intended that Starseeds get harmed by participation.

So, it is extremely important to take appropriate energetic precautions before (and after) participation, which should also be pointed out and made more clear in the various instructions of these mediations.

It is advisable to energetically protect, camouflage and clean oneself and the location you are at, before and also after the meditations (cleaning is important in order not to serve as a portal for negative energies during meditation).

🐼 ~ China says Hong Kong airport protesters 'acted like terrorists’ (the jakarta post) ~ | Blogger: [🚫Is China surrounded by countries that are scared of Chinese power because of world has grown far too dependent on China as a manufacturing giant?🚷] .. THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION -- Will the new danish socialist-communist government and other nations like United Nations human rights body, who (says) they will take aim at Hong Kong police brutality, and the totalitarian Chinese central govt dominance over HK and Taiwan (Hong Kong is a semi-autonomous territory under Chinese sovereignty), do ANYTHING at all? Or is HK a new Yemen, one of the Arab world's poorest countries, that has been devastated by a civil war and all nations has put blinders on, to the oligarchy dictatorship totalitarian monarchy with Islamist lines, Saudi Arabian-led intervention, who everyone is DEEPLY depended on, for oil???... |

Pro-democracy protesters holds placards against the police brutality and the controversial extradition bill at Hong Kong's international airport on August 12, 2019. Hong Kong airport authorities cancelled all remaining departing and arriving flights at the major travel hub on August 12, after thousands of protesters entered the arrivals hall to stage a demonstration. (AFP/Manan Vatsyayana )

⚖️ ~ MILITARY TRIBUNALS FOR ELITE TRAITORS AT GITMO (Paradoxman316 Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👾Speeches, empty promises and crocodile tears . How Archons plant negative voices in your head to make you generate negative programmed emotional energy, but you have to stay calm, not to take in the collective consciousness frustrations🧘‍♂️] ... (verdensalt) Little did I know how angry or sadness arises in me, when we speak about innocent children are forced by careless parents, lying health authorities and biggest drug lobby spending money politicians, for pro-vaccinations programs... Sometimes it's hard not to get carried away and being disheartened, dispirited, or discouraged... Verdensalt posses the strongest affective empathy towards 'any' pure innocence or fellow being and (not) so much to narcissists and sociopaths, the villains, who rule the world, with lack of empathy and emotional responsiveness, a real-world disorder... When The Prime Minister of Denmark, rich elites with shell companies, like LøkkeFonden, has absolute no moral and ethics, because of plausible deniability or parliamentary immunity (- they're more likely to take candy from babies, than give money to lost Boys Academy)... How Ashley Judd's sexual harassment claim against Weinstein dismissed by US judge... How Investor Browder asks France to investigate Danske in Magnitsky case and U.S. is also investigating laundering case, but danish Wall Street banks,(like Danske Bank & Nordea) are protected by masonic Rothschilds, so nothing will happened (no banksters in jail)... How everything became about war, money and oil, and the military became everything... The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that about 815 million people of the 7.6 billion people in the world, or 10.7%, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2016... How missing unaccompanied migrant children, parental / International child abduction and runaways in US and EU, are sexually exploited children... Example is CEO of Save the Children International, Former Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has left the ruins before being indicted and has accepted Vestas offering (wind turbine solutions and services) to enter board of directors in many high powered elite international companies. How a lawyer, Klaus Ewald, and Italian Admiral, Enrico Credendino, Commander of the EU Anti-Migration Operation Sophia, has reported Helle Thorning's organization to the police, believes that the former PM uses collected funds for the particularly serious type of human smuggling (and several newspapers has talked about she was ignoring sexual harassment in he own top management).. Not to mention that she was properly informed by national intelligence and security authority, PET, that 2015 Copenhagen shootings, was a False Flag... Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, who has declared holy war on Russia and considers to be the worst suspected war criminal in danish history (Former Danish PM lied about Iraq war plans)... Not to talk about putting false fears about tuberculosis outbreak at a danish school, scientists discover new Ebola-like virus in China and Sweden and NGO's like Save Children, will save the day even so, warning us about the storm, dubbed Norma, some 11,000 Syrian refugees were affected by it and 70,000 are at risk, but NGO's has no means to stop anything, paid and funded, by government, who don't care.. Happy 80 year old birthday, Mogens Amdi Petersen - Mexico do not have an extradition treaty. Founder and leader of Humana People-to-People and the Tvind Teachers Group, has since August 2013 been on Interpol's Most Wanted list, and is being sought by his native Denmark for serious financial crimes. Four of Petersen's aides are also Interpol fugitives. Petersen is now known to be hiding in Mexico... But we all have to be Calm (before the Storm)😌... To establish our own frequency of Joy, of Love for ourselves and others, and anchoring that into all that we do, feel, say, and believe emotionally and spiritually🤗..... And that we consider our only reality now... |


Ron Van Dyke aka Paradoxman316 broadcasts (mostly) daily Youtube videos about our Evolution, Revolution, based on Spirituality and Awakening.

Published January 8th. 2019

Supposedly there are over 70,000 sealed indictments, although some Operation Disclosure reports indicate that some were unsealed toward the end of 2018 and more after January 2nd. Last night I attended a meeting in which a well-known local astrologer was the speaker. She presented the birth chart for Donald Trump. There were people there like myself who wanted to see the corporate criminals, known and unknown, brought to trial for their crimes against humanity; however, there were also those who want Trump taken out either by being found guilty of anything or else executed Kennedy style. Even though the presentation was non-political in nature, the under-current was palpable. I know several in the room who were and still are Hillary supporters. At least some of them just wanted a woman in the White House. To me, she is even worse a criminal than Bill. Gender has nothing to do with it. Of course most seem incapable of critical thinking. They are not stupid, just blinded by main-stream media rhetoric. Any mention of GITMO is simply avoided. One woman came up to me after the meeting to let me know that she agreed with me. I hope these alleged trials are real. If so, perhaps the white hats will finally win and we will see the swamp drained at last!

🙍‍♀️ ~ Helle Thorning: Jeg har følt mig krænket ( Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [🎴Get out of jail free card - under the guise of 'humanitarian aid', agents of UK, UN, and US sponsored NGOs traffic Haitian children for sex slaves, and pocket billions in aid relief👯‍♀️] ... En kvindelig bedrager? ... Danmarks første kvindelige Statsminister, er som Obama, den første amerikanske sorte præsident, en skandale og ikke messias og mirakelmager!... Ja, undskyld jeg siger det rent ud... (""Helle Thorning: Jeg har følt mig krænket og er træt af "hverdags-sexisme". Hun mener, at #metoo-bevægelsen skal skubbes i en mere offensiv retning, og sagde, at debatten efter hendes mening "handler mere om magt end sex", og opfordrede til forsoning og samtale i hverdagen mellem kønnene) ... Siger den tidligere statsminister, der står anklaget for, at sammen med top NGO'er inklusive hendes egen, Save The Children, at fordre og føde, en verdensorden af Sex trafficking... En advokat, har anmeldt Helle Thornings organisation til politiet, mener, at den tidligere statsminister bruger indsamlede midler til særlig grov type af menneskesmugling... 💬 Når familien Dannevang vågner op en dag og smager på den lunkne, fordærvet kaffegrums, så skal jeg love for, at der sker ting og sager i mennesker🤢. Desværre er det sådanne, at de fleste politikere er beskyttet af magtens doktriner, mørklægningsloven og gud ved hvad af fortræffeligheder, så hemmelighederne kommer sikkert ALDRIG ud, da de også har parlamentarisk immunitet og har dække, af embedsværket... En ting er sikkert og vist, når det hele springer i luften om lidt, så lever disse narcissistisk personlighedsforstyrrende elementer ikke længere, i vores Folketing... Ja, historien kommer fra en socialistisk venlig avis, som skaber og lever bag clickbait sexhungrende betalingsmur, dog, skal man ikke tage fejl af emnet, som er meget højaktuelt, under #Metoo-bølgen, der desværre forbigår den vold og kvinde-undertrykkelse, der foregår i de muslimske miljøer samt fortielsen af overgreb på drenge og mænd, udført af kvinder... Vi lever i en vestlig verden, hvor hovedfokus, drejer sig om de 'hvide' piger, 'hvide' kvinder og feminismen, som har overtaget Metoo-rollen som vor beskytter, overfor gamle mænd i nye biler... Vi glemmer desværre, mange flere samfund, har levet under gammeldags kvinde-undertrykkelse og lande i årtusinder, der censorer alt om homoseksuelle rettigheder eller tabuer om mænd, der bliver voldtaget af kvinder... ⚠️ Tag ikke fejl: Sexchikane er en alvorlig sag, men, #metoo handler OGSÅ om, at 'skjule' den global jagt på pædofil forbrydere blandt magteliten. Ja, ganske simpel og jeg kan med ro i sindet sige, det er ikke en konspiration. Den verdensoms- pændende #Metoo-bølgen er den hårde chokolade som omgrænser Mars-chokoladebaren, mens den skjulte bløde del af nougatkernen - den stærkt sammentømret pædofilorden, der omfatter forfærdelige og langt mere modbydelige kriminelt overgreb på børn og unge... De kalder det Hillary's #Pay-to-Play, #Pizzagate, Podesta's #Spirit-cooking af hemmeligsfulde lyssky okkulte sexkulte, der får #Raket-Madsen, til at ligne fnug, i vinden (med alt respekt. Peter Madsen, har udført en handling, som er modbydeligt og utilgiveligt)... OG AlT IMENS dette sker, raser en intens debat om formandskabet i patriarkatet af korrupte beskidte betændte Venstre, hvor Kristian Jensen, stensikkert, må trække sig, for Claus Hjort Iceman Vader, der har fået velsignelsen af det militær-industrielle kompleks, for at føre krig siden Danmark, blev en krigsførende nation i 2001, under dække af 9/11 og køb af F-35, som er total ubrugelig... |

Helle Thorning-Schmidt var hovedtaler ved debat-arrangement med fokus på #metoo-bevægelsen. Foto: Thomas Lekfeldt/Ritzau Scanpix (arkiv)

Heksejagter kan undgås, hvis mænd får lov til at åbne op for ikke-strafbare erfaringer med sexchikane uden repressalier, mener Helle Thorning-Schmidt


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room | Apr 3, 2018 | ~ Video: Clinton Foundation, Oxfam Not the Only Predator NGOs Raping Haiti ~ |


The song remains the same.

Under the guise of 'humanitarian aid', agents of UK, UN, and US sponsored NGOs traffic Haitian children for sex slaves, and pocket billions in aid relief.

Meanwhile predator agents of the MIC steal the natural resources, while publicly stating the country is a 'shithole' -

- A 'shithole' which the Clinton foundation, the Bushes, UK, UN, US, and MIC created in the first place.

‘NGOs masturbating on our pain & they must leave’ – Haitian human rights lawyer (SophieCo)


Published on Apr 2, 2018

Haiti, battered by natural disasters, is reeling from a scandal around the revelations of abuse by international aid workers.

How will it affect the humanitarian efforts of NGOs and the UN in the country?

We ask Ezili Danto, Haitian human rights lawyer.



Helle og Villy på kampagnetur i Roskilde