May 15, 2016

Saul via John Smallman: Be Love by Living Lovingly Regardless of What Arises - May 15, 2016

Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddah, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016 johnsmallman

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 15th

Do you sometimes wonder: “What on earth am I on Earth for, what is my purpose, if any?” Well, you are on Earth because you chose to be here to hold the energy field of Love. To strengthen and intensify the Tsunami of Love by your compassionate intent to offer comfort to all in pain, and by your intent to be a powerful healing field for all who are suffering through injury, illness, or emotional distress.

Just by being You you are having an enormously positive effect on humanity’s awakening process. Just by your presence you are helping humanity to achieve its collective intent to awaken from the dark nightmare in which it has been immersed for so long. No one but you can do this, and you are highly honored in the spiritual realms where the effects of your presence on Earth at this time are clearly, in fact, brilliantly visible.

Your presence on Earth at this point in the collective awakening process is absolutely essential to its divinely assured success. You truly have no idea of the power that your loving intent carries or how it effects everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, from your warm smile offered to the cashier at the store to the loving kindness with which you assist someone who is feeling lost, hurt, or alone.

Er de tunge topchefer alle pengene værd? ( Det vækker forargelse at VW-chefer får løn på en halv milliard kroner trods rekordstore tab. I BP protesterer aktionærerne over topchefen Bob Dudleys lønstigning. Herhjemme har årslønninger, fratrædelsesordninger og bonusser på to- og trecifrede millionbeløb sat gang i debatten om, hvad der er ret og rimeligt)

Lørdag d. 14. maj 2016, kl. 20.30-

Der er dem, der ynder at sige, at vi hellere taler om vores sexliv end om vores løn.

Der er dog en undtagelse: Topchefers løn, bonusser og aktieoptioner er kommet på dagsordenen både i den offentlige debat, i bestyrelser og i aktionærkredse nationalt som globalt. Der er sågar topchefer i England, der selv siger, at deres aflønning er for stor.

Herhjemme har der også været årslønninger, fratrædelsesordninger og bonusser på tocifrede og trecifrede millionbeløb, der har båret brændsel til debatten om, hvad der er ret og rimeligt.

»Det er fuldkommen forrykt. Lønmodtagerne har i 10-15 år ikke fået noget af betydning, men på chefgangene får de lønløft efter lønløft,« sagde en harmfuld fagforeningsboss, da det i marts viste sig, at den forhenværende Novo-kronprins og nuværende topchef i Lundbeck fik et gyldent håndtryk på knap 73 millioner kroner, hvilket i øvrigt skulle være danmarkshistoriens hidtidige største gylden håndtryk.

Frisk i erindringen stod topchef Eivind Koldings gyldne håndtryk en måned tidligere: To fyringer på to et halvt år – først i Danske Bank, siden i Novo A/S – som havde udløst fratrædelsesgodtgørelsen på 43 mio. kr.

Det fik en klummeskribent til at skrive i JydskeVestkysten, at Grundtvigs tanke om et land, »hvor få har for meget og færre for lidt«, var meget fjern.

De anslag er nærmest krusninger i forhold til, hvad der sker internationalt. I England har aktionærer netop gjort oprør mod BPs planer om, at selskabets administrerende direktør, Bob Dudley, får en lønstigning på 20 procent, så hans løn stiger til godt 130 millioner kroner. Ikke mindst i et år, hvor selskabets resultater er gået fra et overskud på 52,5 milliarder kroner til et tab på 33,7 milliarder kroner, samtidig med at man har fastfrosset medarbejdernes lønninger......

I Tyskland vækker det forargelse, at den skandaleramte bilproducent Volkswagen vil udbetale over 468 millioner kroner i løn til tolv nuværende og tidligere direktører trods et voldsomt stort underskud. Hedgefonden TCI, der netop har købt aktier for 1,2 milliarder euro i selskabet, har i et brev til ledelsen krævet, at selskabets vederlagssystem fuldstændig ændres.
Sådan skrues topdirektørens løn sammen

Fast løn: Den bliver fastsat i forhold til markedsværdien. Der findes statistikker, der viser, hvordan lønforholdene er i forskellige lande i forhold til virksomhedens størrelse og sværhedsgraden i jobbet.

Bonus: Den afspejler den præstationsaftale, som direktøren skal nå i forhold til et salg, indtjening, investeringer og likviditet. Eksempelvis om der skal være købt en ny fabrik i et forretningsområde inden for en bestemt tidshorisont, eller om et datterselskab har fået en ny direktør. Når direktøren målene, så kommer bonussen til udbetaling eller bliver reduceret i forhold til, hvilke mål der er nået.

En aktiedel: Kan enten være aktieoptioner, warrants eller aktiekøb. Der findes forskellige kombinationer af aktieoptioner og aktiekøb, hvor aktionærerne lægger vægt på, at der er et købselement, hvor direktøren engagerer sig økonomisk.
Sir Martin Sorrell, chef for WPP, tjente i 2015 405 millioner kroner

Læs videre :

Heads Up! More Spy Towers In Arizona, G-BOSS Surveillance Systems and Technology (UNCLASSIFIED documentation has now been removed... showing 'public' installations on fake/camouflage tree cellphone towers multiple usage like Mono-palms, Secretive Stingray Use, Military hubs, Wireless Mesh Routers, Rouge Cell Towers Can Intercept Your data or biometric systems.. ) - May 15, 2016

Military installations - Ground Based Operational Surveillance System (GBOSS-(E)) and fake 'palm' trees cell phone tower with (PSS-G) TWR systems
Read also: The bizarre history of cellphone towers disguised as trees


Published on May 11, 2016
UPDATE- 5/12/16:
FY16 increase of $7.520 million is a result of adding GBOSS-E and IGSSR-C programs to this funding line.
A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification
G-BOSS(E): Ground-Based Operational Surveillance System (Expeditionary) (G-BOSS(E)) will replace the interim Persistent Surveillance System-Ground (PSSG)
Increment 1 towers with improved persistent surveillance capabilities and will provide network integration and better mobility utilizing modular configurations. GBOSS(E)
will replace obsolete, quick reaction capability (QRC) surveillance and force protections systems utilizing modular configurations: Light (man-transportable)
for extra small base camps or small outpost/company, Medium (mid sensor height) for small to medium size base, and Heavy (high level sensor height) for large
contingency base camps. G-BOSS(E) will operate in a stand-alone mode or as part of an integrated network utilizing government owned software, be easily operated
and maintained, and be rugged enough to support employment in expeditionary operations worldwide.

A Guide To Earth's Extraterrestrial Races - May 15, 2016 CET

by Michelle Walling, CHLC

Lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the Draco species as well their negative Grays and Reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda. There are astral taps that exist as a part of their matrix program and they needed to be identified in order to recognize them more easily. We will now move to a neutral perspective in order to explore the origin, evolution, and qualities of some of the extraterrestrials tied to the planet at this time.

As I have mentioned, there are positive and negative beings within each extraterrestrial race. We exist within a Universe of free will which allows duality to be present; good and bad, right and wrong. I posted an In5d article that has some information from Wes Penre on his viewpoint of identifying good and bad races, called Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly.

In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side by side with an array of different beings not unlike the Cantina bar in the movie Star Wars. The future holds this time, and we are rapidly bringing it forward in the now. In order to accept others into our lives, it is helpful to recognize who we really are.

We have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon. There are many races of extraterrestrials here on, in, and around the planet at this time. When I came across the information I am sharing with you from Amariah on her website, it was of great interest to me to wonder whether I had lives as Zeta Reticulans, Reptilians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Aliens, Felines, or Pleiadians. Of course there are many other races including Sirians, Lyrans, etc., but they are not mentioned in this particular source of information.

You may have characteristics that stand out more than others that match some of these extra terrestrial races:

Zeta Reticulan Grays:

Place of Origin: These beings are a product of this universe. They originally developed in the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is about 39 light years from Earth.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist in 4D and some are evolving into 5D

Appearance: These look like the gray alien image so commonly known today. There are many forms, but they generally all have large heads, big black eyes, spindly bodies, and grayish skin with many color variations. They range in size from 3-6’ in height and can have 3-5 long fingers and some are webbed. They are less physically dense than we are, yet retain use of a body form and can change their physical vessels for different purposes. 

continued reading....


The list below is Alex’s first release of information from planned ET-22 series. This release contains a brief list of E.T. races, their body types and the inhabited solar systems by those ET groups.

Church Lady Cold Open - SNL (Church Lady (Dana Carvey) discusses the election with her guests, Sen. Ted Cruz (Taran Killam) and Donald Trump (Darrell Hammond)

Published on May 8, 2016
Church Lady (Dana Carvey) discusses the election with her guests, Sen. Ted Cruz (Taran Killam) and Donald Trump (Darrell Hammond).

Get more SNL on Hulu Plus:

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BREAKING NEWS: Swiss to recognise homeopathy as legitimate medicine(What's going on in the Land of Milk and Honey?? The Swiss National Bank shocked markets January 2015 by abandoning the euro cap " franc’s value against the euro".... December 2015 Swiss to vote on banning banks from creating money... Then Reports on Switzerland will be the first country in the world to vote on having a national wage of £1,700 a month...Latest, Swiss seek Malaysian help probing $4 billion financial scandal...Now, The interior ministry has announced plans to give five complementary therapies including homeopathy the same status as conventional medicine.. WAUW!!!..)

Facebook - Støt Læger Uden Spnsor  : This Is HUGE! ...."The interior ministry has announced plans to give five complementary therapies including homeopathy the same status as conventional medicine. Homeopathy, holistic medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine will acquire the same status as conventional medicine by May 2017 when it comes to health insurance.After being rejected in 2005 by the authorities for lack of scientific proof of their efficacy, complementary and alternative medicines made a comeback in 2009 when two-thirds of Swiss backed their inclusion on the constitutional list of paid health services."
This is amazing - now the rest of the world needs to wake up and be smart about this too! yeah!

Good for the Swiss people for backing this!…/complementary-therapies_…/42053830