Aug 20, 2019

👼 ~ 💗 Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature 💕 (Jesus through John) ~ | .. John Smallman posted: "Jesus Audio Blog for Friday August 16th - Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually" .. |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2019 johnsmallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Friday August 16th

Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually living and experiencing so very realistically. The realism is because the vast majority of you fully identify with your bodies which are very vulnerable to pain and suffering through disease, accident, and conflict. When you chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to use your bodies as as your main means of experiencing life in form, effectively shutting out the absolute vastness of Reality, and thus reducing your ability to enjoy the fullness of life. Instead avoidance of pain and suffering became one of your driving motivations, along with the motivation to seek pleasure as a distraction from the seemingly never ending succession of painful realities with which life in form is constantly presenting you.

In this present age, the twenty first century, as a result of the recent advances in science, medicine, philosophy, and psychology it has come to humanity’s awareness that by changing your beliefs and how you choose to perceive others and the world around you, you can successfully manage your life experiences so that they are positively uplifting, inspiring, and enjoyable . . . or fear-filled, anxious, and painful. You do each have the intellectual and the spiritual tools you need to build lives that fulfill you, but very often you allow moods of a negative nature to influence you unduly and unhelpfully. As I have told you before, you are all powerful divine beings who have chosen to place yourselves in situations that are limiting and restrictive. From that place you then choose how to proceed, either positively trusting your intuition and engaging in life with honesty, integrity, and loving respect for one another, or as victims in an environment over which you believe that you have no control at all.

👼 ~ 💓 A Message From The Angels... (Matt Kahn) 💕 ~ |

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangel throughout his life. Matt serves as a bridge between the mysterious empires and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, inexplicable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened their true nature through Matt's deep and loving teachings and transmission of holy heart wisdom. Matt and Julie offer their clear intuitive guidance and loving presence, removing all perceptions of obstacles in your life and too energetic to support you through all aspects of the spiritual journey and experience of awakening.

On behalf of all Angelic Kingdoms: 

"We greet you with this message of unity and cooperation, so to release you from the stress, worry, fear, and overwhelm you may be carrying in your field. At this time, many light workers are experiencing a depth of angst and existential fatigue. This is due to the ego adopting a spiritual persona, attempting to do the work of an entire Universe, instead of surrender to a greater Divine plan.

All too often, when nothing you do seems to work, it is the Universe helping you acknowledge that you may be attempting to do more than your fair share.

In the 5th dimension, more effort doesn’t equate to better results. 

Instead, the Universe works to help you align with your highest calling by asking you to open up space for the totality of your angelic support and spirit guides to work through you for the evolution of your being. This means, it is your job to simply put one foot in front of the other, while invoking your guides, angels, and animal totems to work through you and bringing to life the outcomes of your highest alignment. When expressed in this exact way, you are asking the Universe for help in creating outcomes and realities greater than what any one person can conjure, while leaving it open-ended for the Universe to bring you what is in your highest will, whether it matches the outcomes of your desire or not.

🚛 ~ UPS Quietly Using Self-Driving Trucks For Months (Zero Hedge) ~ |

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,

UPS teamed up with TuSimple in May for autonomous delivery of cargo.

Gizmodo reports UPS Has Been Delivering Cargo in Self-Driving Trucks for Months And No One Knew.


🎵 ~ 💗 David Guetta - Tomorrowland 2019 - Avicii ft. Chris Martin - Heaven (David Guetta & MORTEN Remix) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [In memorial of Avicii 🕯️😔💞🕺🏽💌💃] ... {Swedish House Mafia vs. Avicii - Don't You Worry Child vs. Wake Me up (Axwell /\ Ingrosso Mashup -- gave me goosebumps!} ...💡PS: On a more darker note (sorry): Anyone who’s invested time into what happened to DJ Tim Bergling a.k.a. Avicii dead, knows, there was evidence of foul play, like all the recent celebs who died from ‘hanging from door- knobs”.. Was Avicii silenced for his views? As a successful and popular young artist with a following of tens of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses. As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work is incredibly dangerous in today’s world. Are all of these deaths related, or is it all a big coincidence?.. Other mysterious deaths: (Luke Perry), George Michael, David Bowie, Prince, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Anton Yelchin, Christina Grimmie, Heath Ledge, Whitney Houston & daughter and Carrie Fisher's mum Debbie Reynolds has died just a day after the Star Wars actress... Not to mention Michael Jackson... Let's dance and listen to Avicii in the afterlife (of heaven) for more proof... (we all love you guys) 🕺💕💃🏽🎹🎵🎵🎶🎶... |

🛸 ~ US Navy Regards Electromagnetic Propulsion & Tesla Shield Patents as Operable (Dr. Michael Salla ~ |

The US Navy has for the second time in a year intervened to support a patent application for an exotic propulsion system technology lodged by one of its employees, Dr. Salvator Pais, which had been rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The Drive’s Brett Tingley comprehensively examines many details of Dr. Pais’ proposed invention, and why the Navy has intervened to support two of his applications.


🛸 ~ Massive UFO sightings over Mexico city. Cigar shape object captured.Alien abductions? 17.08.2019 (colourufo) ~ | Blogger: OH NOOOO! It must be the Russians😂... |

UFO Sighting Sat 8th Sept, 8PM - What Do You Think This Is

Black Triangle Sighting in Atoka, Tennessee

Expert: UFOs frequently come close to hitting airliners

💉 ~ HPV: A blind man´s bluff” (Mette Kenfelt ~ Støt Læger uden Sponsor Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: 😥Har fulgt Mette Kenfelt på FB i lang tid efter hendes datter blev dødssyg af HPV. Den tidligere Danmarksmester blev syg af HPV-vaccinen og var stort set lammet. Her er et lille klip hvad Mette, Simones mor, skrev da det skete: ".. Simones bivirkninger og forløb efter HPV Vaccinen: Kraftig daglig hovedpine som ingen smertemedicin kan fjerne, svimmelhed, besvimelser også fra stående tilstand, træthed, søvnløshed, følelsesløshed, tab af muskelkraft, koncentrations- besvær, kan ikke fokusere, rystelser i hænder og arme, problemer med korttids- hukommelsen, tåge syn (befinder sig altid i en tåge verden), tåge hørelse, går ved siden af sig selv, nedsat syn i perioder, talebesvær, kløe, koldsved, hedeture, forvirret, markante humørsvingninger, kroniske smerter, ledsmerter, smerter i nakke og ryg, rislende fornemmelse (prikkende under huden), hævede mandler, mavesmerter, POTS, funktionsnedsættelse, fået markante menstruations smerter, ondt i brystet, og sidst men ikke mindst, så har Simone mistet ca. 25 % af 6. Klasse og 60 % af 7. Klasse og næsten 2 år af sit teenage liv" (slut på citat).... PS: Har adskillige blogindlæg fra Mette Kenfelt's FB postings og har tilladelse til at udsende dem i rå form. Kan varmt anbefales... |

LINK til artikelen -->

A blind man´s bluff” lød kommentaren fra supervisor professor Tom Jefferson ved gennemgangen af ph.d.-afhandlingen om HPV-vaccinen ”Benefits and Harms of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines” af MD Lars Jørgensen. En klokkeklar udtalelse, som jeg heldigvis fik optaget på bånd.

Afhandlingen afslører, at alvorlige skadevirkninger blev underrapporteret for 72 % af forsøgspersonerne i 24 kliniske studierapporter. Tooghalvfjerds procent, det betyder, at 68.610 deltagere ud af 95.670, fik deres alvorlige skader ufuldstændigt registreret”.

Der er tale om de studier, som danner hele grundlaget for godkendelsen af HPV vaccinerne. Man gnider sig i øjnene. Kan det virkelig være sandt? Jeg er meget glad for, at jeg selv var tilhører.

Afhandlingen blev godkendt, hele forløbet er båndet. Det er fakta, hvorfor det er særdeles skræmmende, hvordan myndighederne fortsat manipulerer og misinformerer befolkningen om HPV vaccinen, uden indgriben.

Jeg har skrevet en kronik, som jeg håber du vil læse og dele.
God læselyst.

Del af hjertet tak og hjælp andre…

~ Mette Kenfelt 


Forskere finder ikke sammenhæng med vaccinen og udviklingen af 45 sygdomme hos voksne kvinder.

Her et lille uddrag fra en længere artikel og kommentar udarbejdet af verdensalt: 

Blogger: STOP nu den følelsesmæssige frygtpropaganda!!! Bliver med ét vildt skræmt og vild ked af det, hvis danskere, kryber til patten efter denne udmelding. Ved snart ikke hvad man skal gøre og sige mere, for at overbevise mennesker, at HPV er LIVSFARLIGT! Hvordan skal jeg ellers viderebringe den sørgmodige nyhed, i bevidsthedens klare lys?
  • Nej, jeg (verdensalt) er ikke ekspert. 
  • Nej, jeg har ikke udarbejdet fejlbehæftet og forfalskede rapporter efter rapporter, med samarbejdspartnere i hele verden (Statens helsetilsyn (Sverige), Sundhedsstyrelsen, SSI, WHO, CDC, ECDC, EMA m.v.). 
  • Nej, jeg har ikke modbeviser på, at der FAKTISK er sammenhæng med vaccinen og udviklingen af 45 sygdomme hos voksne kvinder. 
Men jeg har deltaget i masser af amerikanske holistiske seminarer m.fl., læst godt på lektien, som med sikkerhed kan konstaterer følgende: (gælder for andre vacc. også) 
  • HPV-vaccinen er den mest modbydelige og teknologisk mest avancerede, jeg nogensinde har studeret, og det er ikke noget, at jeg trækker ud af min bare mås. Både Gardasil® og Cervarix® fremstilles ved hjælp af rekombinant DNA-teknologi og nanoteknologisk overlegenhed. Med andre ord, du siger ja til at nanoroboter, kan svømme frit rundt i dine organer (Med nanoteknologiens revolution kommer en uovertruffen kontrol over elektronernes vandring i en nano-transistor) 

💉 ~ Johnson launches anti-vaxxer crusade as measles outbreak grips UK (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🤯O-M-G! This is a time to wage spiritual warfare😾] .. Please, please don't pay any attention to the incredible powerful and allopathy cartels psychopaths (Mafia), selling their soul for profit, regardless of the killings of innocent babies and humans, on Earth... LET me tell you, when people wake up from the nightmare 3-D Matrix of illusion, there will be a spiritual reckoning... PS: DID YOU KNOW, that the MMR vaccine was approved after (only) 42-day-trials in 1978?... ANOTHER FACT CHECKER: The HPV vaccine is the most (disgusting) and technologically most advanced I've ever studied on verdensalt, and it's not something that I pull out of my (buttocks)... Both Gardasil® and Cervarix® are produced using recombinant DNA technology and nanotechnological superiority. In other words, you say yes to nanorobots being able to swim freely in your organs and infect you or cure you? (With the revolution of nanotechnology comes an unmatched control over the electron migration in a nano-transistor)... Not to mention about Aluminium in vaccines, entering the The blood–brain barrier (BBB) - an Aluminum-induced neurotoxicity: alterations in membrane... |

Main image: MMR vaccine © Reuters / Lindsey Wasson; Inset: Boris Johnson © Reuters

The British government has launched a campaign to combat misleading information spread by people opposed to vaccines, after the UK lost its “measles-free” status with the World Health Organization.


Activistpost | ~ MMR Vaccine Approved After Only 42-Day-Trials In 1978, Per FDA FOIA Reports ~ |

0️⃣ ~ Jyske Bank Has Debuted The World's First Negative Interest Rate Mortgage (Introduces Negative Interest Rates For Rich Customers) ~ | Blogger: [📈Negative mortgage rates? Other countries like Ireland, will not follow suit📉] ... {The world's headlong dash to zero or negative interest rates just passed another milestone: a bank in Denmark is paying homebuyers to take}... BUT THAT'S NOT ALL... FOR the first time i danish history, it will now cost (digital) money (up to minus 0,6% or more) to have a 'digital account' (banks don't have cool cash only Account Money) in the bank of Jyske Bank, with over 7 million or more and other banks are pleading danish government for help to a new Stability Package, due to the (negative interest rate) problem...🤑 PS: Danish support packages for the financial and corporate sectors was helped by sole financier to the danish government and got hundred of millions in commision, in return (the British finance house NM Rothschild)... "The date was November 26, 2008, and the recipient, in addition to Michael Dithmer, was then Minister of Finance and Business Lene Espersen. Just the day before, the Danish politicians behind the settlement of Bank Package 1 had begun preparations for a new aid package, and the 200-year-old consultancy Rothschild was ready to help knit it together with its offer" ~Berlingske... "Rothschild receives most of the DKK 100 million that the state pays for advice in connection with Bank Package 2, and the preliminary investigation of Dong's stock exchange listing, which Rothschild was responsible for in 2007 cost DKK 70 million" ~ Berlingske... (true stories from the MSM media outlets - links below).... |

Banker til Lars Rohde: Vi har brug for hjælp med de negative renter

🗳️ ~ Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti og 'Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab' (Verdensalt Arkiv 7. Feb 2019) ~ | Blogger: [🥁Julius Caesar 'Drums of War', Anders 'Fog Of War Rasmussen' & his bestestbuddy: Lars "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation" LøkkeFondens Sham and Scam = What is the meaning of the emperor new clothes again?🤴] ...{Citat fra Grevil: 'om man kan lyve hvis man ikke ved hvad man taler om, fordi man ikke vil vide det'} ... Og mens vi venter på 'prinsen' der skal blive enig om Kongeriget, alle danske medier, samt politiske kommentatorer, har i de forgange uger (20.8.2019 Q&A - Radio24syv) sagt, at vi VENTER på, at Venstre, bliver enige, før vi kan fører Danmark, videre (Whaat?)... Tale om at en politisk magtelite, hersker i landet her... CENTRALADMIN & FOGH REGERINGEN ""LØJ"" i 2003. Siden Lars Løkke var Amtsborgmester i 1985, kan min egen mor huske, at PrivatLars svindlede... "Beslutning om Irak, VAR allerede truffet dengang af Foghs personlige ambitioner, et nødvendigt dansk offer, rapporten som blev lækket, skulle bare tjene til at redde regeringens egen R**", sådan siger tidl. efterretningsofficer Frank Grevil til morgen i 24syv Morgen i en SØNDERLEMMENDE KRITIK ... (Krigen i Irak var Foghs, Foghs og Foghs) -- Radio24 Rapporterne: journalisten Bo Elkjær, siger det hele var baseret på en LØGN. Grevil siger det var LØGN, (Kristen Birgit siger det var LØGN), de to forskere, det var 'efterretnings-stramninger', mens Hækkerup kalder det for 'manipulation', og Per Stig Møller, en 'fejl', Lars Løkke er tavs og venstre's partisoldater, 'en fodfejl'.... VLAK fortsætter, at forgylder sine spindoktorer med store bonusser - på borgernes regning ... Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, Magtnetværket's 423 politiske familedynaister, de mest magtfulde VL virksomhedsleder-grupper og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer til LøkkeFonden og partierne... Lars Løkke vil ikke have kritiske spørgsmål, danskerne revser Lars Løkke: 'Han er en kylling'... Mens erhvervslivet eeeeelsker vores (tidligere) statsminister for, at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, lobbyist landbrugsorganisationen, Too Big to Fail But Not too Big to Crush - banker, kvotekongerne, oligarkerne, Kongehuset, USA, diktaturstater, Israel og ikke mindst, den danske forsvarsindustri og især billioner store medicinske-industrielle kompleks... |

Venstre-husets fundament er ustabilt, indtil vi får skiftet ledelsen ud (billede er lånt af

Udgivet første gang den 25. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Forord: Som altid smider jeg nogen bolde op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af en tese, fortolkning og faktum, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.
"Tusindvis af bekymrede danskere skriver breve til Løkke, Støjberg og Pind. Den seneste års øgede indvandring vækker stærke følelser hos danskerne, der i hobetal sender deres bekymringer, håb og gode råd videre til regeringen"
" Der er en fantastisk åbenhed, hvis man lige ser bort fra "Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard med henvisning til, at Venstre nægtede at oplyse forskerne om, hvem der sidder i partiets hovedbestyrelse, ligesom også de erhvervsklubber, som kanaliserer støtte til partierne, har en høj grad af lukkethed."
"»Hele konflikten om at acceptere konsensus, søge magten og æde de andres legitime ret til at være der, har udspillet sig for øjnene af os, mens vi har lavet det her arbejde. SF måtte træde ud af regeringen, fordi baglandet ikke ville acceptere, at man var nødt til at tage Goldman Sachs – nogle, man traditionelt ville tegne et fjendebillede af – og acceptere at de var medspillere med ret til at være der,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard. 
"Selv om mange sociopaterpsykopaterfupmagere, supersælgerekultledere, forretningsmænd og lignendekan også være politikere, er det modsatte er ikke sandt: Rigtige psykopater og sociopater er sjældne, i den samlede befolkningKun mellem 1% til måske 5af den samlede befolkning i de fleste kulturer.......Men MAGT, er en stærk og vanedannede narkotikum blandt Politikere... 
"Politikere mister tillid og opbakning i samfundet (Vi har brug for Dukkepartiet til at angribe den politiske kultur) - Gakkede partiarter - De nye partier, Alternativet, Nationalpartiet og Dukkepartiet, forsøger alle at være det »anderledes« parti, som vælgere, der føler lede ved de etablerede politikere, kan stemme på.... 
"Som seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm fra Den Korte Radioavis - Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk kokprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen....
Landbruget frem for alt. Forskere blev sat under pres, høringspraksis blev bøjet, EU-advarsler ikke taget til følge, miljøtiltag henvist til fremtiden – alt sammen for at sikre landmændene ret til at bruge mere kvælstofgødning fra næste måned. Jerngrebbet fra de traditionelle landbrugsorganisationer. Hvem ejer hvem? Sydøstjyllands Politi siger nu, at der blev udledt flere tusind ton flydende gødning ved brand på Fredericia Havn

Skandaler preller af på Venstre

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«
Lars Løkke Rasmussen - jamen jeg har ikke yderligere kommentarer.

18 politikskandaler 1980-2010
Det startede med den første venstreregering under I.C. Christensen blev i 1908 ramt af en skandalesag, da justitsminister P.A. Alberti blev dømt for bedrageri i en sag, der også førte til en rigsretssag mod I.C. Christensen, der havde ladet staten yde Alberti et lån. 
Antallet af politiske skandaler i danske medier har været stærkt stigende siden 1980. Det viser forskning fra Roskilde Universitet. Der vil fremover komme endnu flere skandaler, fordi sensationspressen kæmper hårdere for sit liv. Nye skandaler kan forventes at tage udgangspunkt i dødssynder som griskhed, ladhed og nydelsessyge.
I denne analyse skelnes mellem to overordnede typer af politiske skandaler:

  • Politikskandaler, det vil sige skandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers politiske arbejde. Politikskandaler drives frem af den undersøgende journalistik og afspejler på denne måde tanken om den politiske skandale som et højdepunkt for pressen i rollen som fjerde statsmagt.
  • Normskandaler, der udspringer af en ministers eller politikers personlige handlinger, enten i rollen som politiker eller i rollen som privatperson. Normskandaler drives frem af den tabloide udvikling i medierne, men kan også siges at spejle udviklingen/stabiliteten i samfundets overordnede norm og moralkodeks.
(2013 Politiske skandaler – Troels Lund Poulsen og Birthe Rønn Hornbech) Selvom der ikke går en uge uden nye belastende oplysninger om regeringsførelsen i den tidligere VK-regering, er vælgerne fortsat begejstrede for Venstre, eller er de? De juridisk tunge sager, der bliver kulegravet i kommissioner, går hen over hovedet på folk, fastslår eksperter, der udpeger store og komplicerede politiske sager som de mindst farlige. Carl Holst-sagen vidner om et større problem.Sagen om Carl Holsts misbrug af embedsværket er næppe enestående, vurderer eksperter. Der mangler et kodeks for embedsmænd i kommuner og regioner, hvor de ansatte ofte er tæt knyttet til de politisk valgte ledere, lyder det

Ved folketingsvalget den 18. juni 2015 fik Venstre 34 mandater i Folketinget. En tilbagegang på 13 mandater i forhold til valget i 2011. Mandaterne gik hovedsageligt til Dansk Folkeparti, som nu var det største parti i blå blok med 37 mandater. Venstre med bilags-Lars som formand var således valgets store taber med en resulterende nedgang i offentlig partistøtte med 7,1 millioner kr. årligt. Den formue kunne have finansieret hans forbrug af sokker og underbukser i mange år. Den 28. juni 2015 dannede bilags-Lars en Venstre-mindretalsregering med kun 34 mandater og 17 ministre ( måske 16 med udgangen af Eva Kjer Hansen)

Magtkampen mellem Kristian Jensen og Lars Løkke

"Det eneste sjove ved ham er, at han er fra Bøvling" - Forårets opgør handlede ikke kun om dyrt tøj til Lars Løkke, det handlede mere om Venstres identitet.

Kristian Jensens position i Venstre er så stærk, at han ville have erobret formandsposten, hvis Venstres krise var endt med et ekstraordinært landsmøde. Også selv om modkandidaten var den nuværende formand, Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Det vurderer Kristian Jensen selv efter tre dramatiske uger, der natten til onsdag i stedet endte i dannelsen af et nyt ’formandskab’, hvor både Løkke og Jensen bevarer deres nuværende poster......Det lå næsten i kortene, at efter bestyrelsesmødet og en formodet studehandel med Dansk Folkeparti, at Lars Løkke nægtede, at lade sig vælte. Men hvordan kunne man overlade Danmark og gå tilbage til åbenlys fuser, en svindler, som bilags-Lars? Var det i virkeligheden en magtkamp af værste skuffe, hvem som havde "venner" i  Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne, der gjorde udslaget om Kongetronen i Danmark?

Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte


👤 ~ Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen 2012portal - denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement) | verdensalt arkiv | Blogger: Dette blogindlæg er også oprettet på FB-gruppen DK-SOTR (Sisterhood Of The Rose- Denmark)... Verdensalt er gået lidt ud af Cobra-supportgruppen, af personlige årsager, men det betyder ikke, at Cobra-organisations budskaber er dårlige eller mindre sandfærdige, af den årsag... |

Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen - Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement).... Cobra er en talsmand for et kæmpemæssigt netværk af lysarbejdere. Han er ikke din nye Tony Robbins og en Guru. Han er virkelig, mange os har mødt ham, og de budskaber han formidler, kommer ikke fra hvem som helst... De stammer fra tidligere topmilitærfolk, Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarkier, nedstegne mestre, præster og præstinder, civilisationer fra andre planeter og indre jord...

🔩COBRA er et kodenavn for 'Compression Breakthrough'🍔 kodenavn Cobra er afledt af de to ord "kompression" og "gennembrud"...

Navnet COBRA, skal ikke sammenligning med Sylvester Stallone og hans film, 'Cobra - lovens stærke arm' eller En kobra (portugisisk cobra) der er en giftslange (som eksempel)...

Forsøg at forestille dig, at vor Moder Jords overflade er komprimeret / trykket sammen som en sandwich og vi mennesker, ligger imellem, lag på lag. Gennembruddet består i at lyskræfter (lysstyrkerne) fra Den Galaktiske Føderation, kæmper stødt fremad fra himmeriget nedad mod planetens overflade. Motstandsbevægelsens lyskræftere, arbejder stødt fremad, opad fra den indre jord's huler af civilisationer (Inner Earth, The Hollow Earth) til planets overflade....

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosretninger fra den virkelige modstandsbevægelse, vores Nordiske aner, Plejaderne og forhistoriske kulturer samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som newbie begynder, at læse eller slå tingene op PFC (Prepare For Change - amerikansk søsterkanel til Cobra's mange supportgrupper). Der er udarbejdet en Lazy Dog's Guide eller en hurtig reference til nogle Cobra-definitioner....…/a-quick-reference-of-some-c…/

Eller hjørnestenen af Cobra's mange artikler:…/cornerstone-cobra-articles/

💡⚠️THE EVENT - En unik begivenhed som skaber en dynamisk situation, en fælles skabelse af lys og kærlighed, fra os alle lysarbejdere af de 144.000, en beslutning på et kollektivt niveau..... Cobra har sagt, at 'Du skal forstå, at hvis du ønsker at gøre dit liv bedre, skal du selv udføre 80% af arbejdet, så lysstyrkerne kan hjælpe dig med de resterende 20%'...

💡⚠️ DEN GALAKTISKE FØDERATION, også kaldet Lysets Galaktiske Føderation, Konføderationen (af Planeter), Interstellar Alliance eller den Galaktiske Føderation af Verdener, er et samarbejde af rumrejsende civilisationer i vores mælkevejs galakse. Føderationen består af hundredtusindvis (millioner) af medlemmer og blev grundlagt for millioner af år siden efter en række krige i Lyra konstellationen. Ødelæggelsen, der indtraf ved den lejlighed, førte til, at de overlevende fra da af forsøger at løse galaktiske konflikter på en fredelig måde. Hver beboet galakse i vores univers har en føderation, men vores er en af ​​de ældste...

❌ ~ The Grand Cross (COBRA) ~ | Blogger: Blogger: [🤜Latest from Cobra and the Resistance Movement✊] ... Excerpts: "According to sources, the Cabal has consid- ered Epstein to be a security threat and he was taken out of his cell by the Cabal agents on August 10th, a lookalike was put into the prison cell and murdered there, whereas Epstein was taken to a secret Cabal location in Manhattan, interrogated, and ritually sacrificed to Moloch the next day, August 11th." ~ Cobra...PS: If you're Guru-follower, verdensalt are not, please always use your own spiritual discern- ment. I will personally turn any organisation down, who's making a shitload of money of others (with all due respect😔)... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

The Grand Cross

Clearing of the Chimera group, primary anomaly and toplet bombs continues. Our Flower of Life meditations in last few weeks along with other factors were strong enough to eliminate most dangerous potential outcomes and the planetary liberation process can continue in a slightly more balanced way.
Still, the Light Forces are asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression Breakthrough, to assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet utilizing Flower of Life mediation:

There are big changes taking place in the universe. For the first time since the creation of this universe, areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly have appeared inside the universe. They are not stable yet, but this is the first sign of the beginning of the new cosmic cycle and the coming cosmic vacuum metastability event:

This will not lead to the destruction of the universe as physicists falsely claim, but will simply push the universe into a more stable state in which primary anomaly and thus evil will not be possible.

Current increase of activity of the Galactic Center is only indirectly related to this, but it is still another indicator that we are getting closer to the Event:

While we are speaking about cosmic changes, we might note that NASA probe has detected a plasma anomaly shockwave that collapsed the Alpha timeline in January 2018:

Another sign that we are slowly approaching the Compression Breakthrough is China bracing for the impact:

The arrest of Epstein has brought the reality of child abuse into the mass consciousness of humanity:

According to sources, the Cabal has considered Epstein to be a security threat and he was taken out of his cell by the Cabal agents on August 10th, a lookalike was put into the prison cell and murdered there, whereas Epstein was taken to a secret Cabal location in Manhattan, interrogated, and ritually sacrificed to Moloch the next day, August 11th.

🚀 ~ Chandrayaan-2 LIVE: Big Leap for ISRO as Spacecraft Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit in Tricky Manoeuvre (news18) ~ | Blogger: Chandrayaan 2 aims to explore the dark side of the moon (but will they be allowed by MIC-SSP?) ... |

India’s second Moon mission Chandrayaan-2 lifts off onboard GSLV Mk III-M1 launch vehicle from Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. (Image: PTI)
Chandrayaan-2 LIVE: In a significant milestone for India’s Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-2 successfully entered the lunar orbit today after nearly 30 days of journey in space. ISRO in a statement said, “Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver was completed successfully today (August 20, 2019) at 0902 hrs IST as planned, using the onboard propulsion system. The duration of maneuver was 1738 seconds. With this, Chandrayaan-2 was successfully inserted into a Lunar orbit. The orbit achieved is 114 km x 18072 km.”

On Monday, ISRO Chairman K Sivan had called the step “challenging”. This was one of the trickiest operations in the mission because if the satellite approached the Moon at a higher-than-expected velocity it would bounce off it and get lost in deep space. But if it approached at a slow velocity, the Moon's gravity would pull the Chandrayaan-2 and it might crash into the surface.

🔴 ~ Grotesk og dybt problematisk: Politikere i hård kritik af techgiganter efter afsløring af overvågning i hjemmet (politiken) ~ | Blogger: THIS is not a breaking, just Denmark who have woken up to the reality, that HUMANS at Apple / Google listen to Siri’s recordings, smart speakers with Google Assistant, of people having sex, fighting and every single (private) conversation in the unity of the danish Realm. To sell (secrets) to highest bidder - like Facebook, uses that data to make money... PS: Yesterday, a mass malfunction of Google services has been reported across the entire US and beyond, with people unable to log into their Gmail accounts or use search. What of importance, did happen, yesterday?... |

Politikere kalder det grotesk og problematisk, at techgiganter har lyttet uden brugernes viden. De store internetvirksomheder går langt over stregen, når de optager og gemmer lydklip på tidspunkter, hvor forbrugerne langtfra forventer, at andre lytter med


🥅 ~ (GAME OVER) Trump's Secret Plan to Save America Economically and Militarily (The Common Sense Show) ~ | Blogger: [🔦Hodges Deep Sources in DK & elsewhere, verdensalt REALLY do agree that America needs Greenland to develop the mineral resources, and military buildup, as verdensalt has mentioned several times] ... {Trump loves the military. Do (Qanon) love him back?} .. PLEASE remember, we are not here without God / Source's unconditional love (grace) for us, but where is the Spirit in the inner man, who dwells in our hearts through faith by unconditional love for our fellow man!?🙇‍♂️... Verdensalt don't believe WAR is a way to solve (ANY) problems. NOT in a million years, in any way, shape, or form.. WHAT i do believe in, is that Scandinavia, are scared shitless (sorry my french)👻.. With 700 Marines out of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Norway, has it's own major buildup by secret $500 million Arctic naval base, Chemtrail spraying, HAARP Trondheim Sør-Trønde, EISCAT - Longyearbyen, Svalbard, and Great Britain represented a milestone in the Norwegian intelligence services' history. Norway, has for many, many years been a doorway to NATO and US military, Finland has, particularly since the end of the Cold War, carefully cultivated its military links with the US. Sweden are reluctant to follow the ringleader, so they tells us, having their nails permanently chewed down to stumps, 'neutrality' my (ass), been in secret working with US-MIC and (Denmark), has open the gates to hell by allowing U.S. military-industrial complex might to become a 'critical infrastructure' for survival, since The implementation of the Marshall Plan in Denmark in 1947-48 and creation of Thule Air Base, Greenland, 1955. USA has 'already' it's own territory of strategic importance in Greenland, so of course, TRUMP, wants it all. 👨‍🏫Jimmy Carter has lectures Trump about America is the ‘MOST warlike nation in history of the world'. President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces⚔️... THE FUNNY THING is, that EVERYONE in Denmark, from Monarchy of Denmark, political parties, LSM news outlets, baby anti-trumpsters, you name it, has until today, been trying to reject Trump's offer, shaking their heads, laughing and ridiculing POTUS, never seen before, because he's unpredictable and not a team-player, but do you know what???🤭... If TRUMP wants to buy Greenland, he will do it and Cabal Zionist Rothschild Banksters who owns Denmark, can't do a goddamn thing about it (make them an offer they can't refuse)... It's all about MONEY & POWER... How cynical are you, verdensalt? I'm really nothing of its kind - it is the responsibility of spiritual awakening soul of intellectuals to speak the TRUTH and to expose LIES🤥... YESTERDAY, the PM of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen has been visiting officials on Greenland and do you know what she said? After turning POTUS down, (several times), she's hereby agree to waive the right and opens up for increased military presence in the Arctic (WHAAT!?) 😵.. Yes, you heard me...Verdensalt has been doing this for 25 years time and i know what they're thinking (so I tell myself, at least i'm not afraid to come clean🚿)... It's like picking the criminal mind... DENMARK has never, like in N-E-V-E-R, turned down, USA... ☝️ PS: AND Rufus Gifford, Former Danish Ambassador and Congressional candidate, with Gifford's nomination from ex-President Obama (both homosexual) absolutely HATES Mr. Trump after this insane twitter outburst, (and i Quote: ‘I Laughed Until I Cried’) but do you know who will win in the end Mr. Gifford? .. Guess who?🙈... But you be the judge, as always, use your own spiritual discernment.... FOLKS, nothing is what it seems, it's all a masquerade, a political farce to see who will bite the tongue off first... ✌️ PS: Please tell me why it is, that a (man) that wants to be anonymous due to Trump haters, has paid for a poster at City Hall Square in Copenhagen and Radio24syv (radio station) in Denmark are looking for this man and the company behind it, like they did a crime!?... |

Former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark on Trump’s Greenland Interest: ‘I Laughed Until I Cried’ 


Trump's Secret Plan to Save America Economically and Militarily

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, August 19, 2019 - 13:51.

Trump’s Plan to Save America Economically and Militarily

America needs Greenland to develop the mineral resources. Greenland would benefit from this partnership. Also, Greenland is a buffer against Russian military expansion coming out of the North Pole.

The President was in the middle of a brilliant move to save America, when his strategy was exposed. He needs to ignore the participants in this communist takeover of America and press forward with the deal.

President Trump has secretly been trying to purchase Greenland for a reported $70 billion. Greenland, only a territory of 56,000 people, owned by Denmark, is mineral rich and would serve as a buffer to Russia’s economic and military designs on the North Pcritole which threatens America.

One of my trusted sources tells me that Denmark does not want to part with Denmark. But President Trump has been convincing, by using NATO military protection as a level to bring the Danes to the table. The deal was in progress when Trump, once again, was betrayed by his own staff and leaked the details to the MSM. Since that time, NBC and MSNBC have been characterizing the deal as lunacy and perhaps the 25th Amendment should be invoked and remove Trump from office for mental illness.

This move by the participating Democrats and the MSM in going after Trump on this matter, speaks clearly that these two entities are partners in the purposeful demise of this country that was put into motion by the most treasonous President in history, Obama.

The following paragraphs will describe what is at stake.

The North Pole

For a decade, the Russians have been preparing to win World War III, while America continues to dismantle her military power. The decline of American military power has stabilized under Trump, but Obama did irreversible damage.

The question that many are asking is where will the next great war to end all wars take place? Many speculate that it will take place in either Iran, Venezuela, Syria or Ukraine. However, mounting evidence would suggest elsewhere. Please consider the following quote from one of my military sources.

Seven years ago, one of my most trusted sources has informed me that the United States has secretly brokered a deal with Canada and Norway to militarize the North Pole as a proxy military force. This deal is almost a decade old and there has never really been a peep in the MSM about it. The two nations would provide some of the manpower and forward bases of operations while the U.S. provides the weaponry and funding. I have said it before and I am saying it again, it looks more and more like World War III will have its beginnings in the North Pole where it is likely that we will see the first direct face-off of NATO forces and the Russian Federation".

The History