Feb 27, 2022

👁️⃤ 🌻☣️ ~ (Pyramid + Eye on 2nd largest Ukrainian banknote) Miscellaneous - Mostly About 2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian Crisis (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: It's a HEAVY and DEEPLY somber energy is cast upon of February. All eyes went to Canada, that (kinda) went sour, but nobody is talking Freedom Convoy USA?.. Among the many, many Cabal "attempt and contributions" to create a WW3 and exclude Russia and Putin from the world stage, Russian planes face near-total airspace ban to west, EU nations to provide weapons, Zelensky invites foreigners to fight for Ukraine and in the center of it all is Denmark. The Kingdom of Demark, if we exclude Greenland and Faroe Islands, as one country of the smallest in size, insignificant on the world map, but biggest banking money-laundering-scheme and military intelligence freemasonry contributors to US Inc. and the Deep State. Every second the Media, controlled by CIA Project Mockingbird, shows us false photos, video's, storylines and promoting once pro-Russians, elites and businessmen (whatever) to disconnects from their roots, jobs whatever, to let us understand, Russia, is and has always, been our common enemy. I'm sitting here on the SoTW-channel thinking, we have been fighting to get the truth out in 2 years about Corona-Corporation, will it take 2 more years to let the world know, what's really going on in Ukraine? I don't think so, but we are in unknown territories, right now, even if I truly think, that when we all reach, April of 2022, it will be all done!. Let's at least think that is a possible outcome. I cannot bare to think about I have to sit on my blog the next two years covering disinformation and propaganda with a ruling Cabal... |



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