Jul 2, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (We're not out of the woods - not yet) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ July 2, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: right now a mass shooting in Baltimore is taking place... Tinderbox France violence police calls: “savage hordes of vermin”. Who cares to watch TV with all the doping at the Tour de France + Pro Cycling?... Canada is burning + Texas severe thunderstorms... Ukraine counter-offensive is gonna be long and bloody, says US Gen Mark Milley... And then, Megan Fox (transwoman?) did Ayahuasca and went to Hell for 'an Eternity'... | 

🥈🧑‍⚕️ (Sølvvand - et naturligt antibiotikum - helt uden bivirkninger?) Kaldes også kolloidt eller ioniseret sølv, kolloidalt sølv i nano-format. Vidundermiddel eller hokus-pokus snydemedicin? Svaret er meget overraskende. Svenskerne har brugt det i mere end 20 år. Danskerne er først begyndt, at vågne op til dette enestående mirakelmiddel. SoTW har selv brugt det i 10 år ~ 2. Juli 2023 ~ |

Udgivet første gang den 9. Maj 2015 af Verdensalt

I Lucky Luke tegneserier eller western-film, 1800-tallet guldalder, optræder der altid 'charlatan-medicin-sælgere' som lokker med de intetanende befolkning med Snake Oil, vidundermiddel-medicin kan kurere alt lige fra hovedpine til gigt og lammelse. Blot virker vidundermidlet først 48 timer efter indtagelse af medicinen, og så er sælgeren over alle bjerge. Dog, fandtes der produkter som indianerne og kineserne benyttede sig af, som virkelig var helbredende. 

I dag kan vi raffinere og fremstille produkter på organisk eller økologisk vis som rent faktisk virker. (Naturligvis uden om lægevidenskabens klare lys eller medicinalindustrien accept). Vidundermiddel som er hotte i vores tid, er Cannabis OlieKokosolie og Natron (bikarbonat) og som sagt Kolloid Sølv.

Radio24syv's 'Bæltestedet' med Jan Elhøj & Simon Jul kom faktisk lidt ind på emnet angående Sølv https://www.facebook.com/Baeltestedet/photos/p.1766428726916907/1766428726916907/?type=1&theater men det blev som sædvane gjort til en joke, fordi mennesker blev farvet blå ved indtagelse.

Lidt forhistorie 

Sølv blev anvendt op igennem middelalderen. Man brugte det til behandling af åbne sår på slagmarken i krigstider, og indiske ayurvediske læger anvender sølv den dag i dag. Før køleskabet blev almindeligt, brugte man at have en sølvmønt eller noget sølvtøj til at ligge i mælken og vandtønden, for at holde indholdet frisk. De første indvandrere til USA og Canada i 1800 tallet brugte sølv, og mange kan berette om, at deres bedsteforældre plejede at placere en sølvdollar i mælken, så den kunne holde sig frisk i stuetemperatur. 1924 blev den første elektro- kolloidale sølv fremstillet og det viste sig at være meget mere virksomt end de medikamenter, som havde været tilgængelige hidtil, og det blev dengang regnet for at være højt avanceret teknologi. I flere hundrede år havde den kendtes metode, hvorpå man kunne fremstille sølv til brug for mennesker, været at male sølvet til et fint pulver, enten manuelt eller kemisk.

Udtrykket "blåt blod" stammer fra en antagelse om, at royale måtte have sølv i blodet; for de spiste udelukkende med sølvbestik og af sølvskåle. - De indtog faktisk grove sølvpartikler, og det gjorde deres hud misfarvet. Så sent som i 1930'erne blev der anvendt sølvnitrat til at dryppe de nyfødte børns øjne med. Det skulle forebygge blindhed hos barnet, hvis moderen havde fået en kønssygdom. Dette bliver stadig praktiseret i mange lande.

Kolloid Sølv var almindeligt indtil 1938, hvor det blev brugt imod 650 forskellige infektionssygdomme, men det var meget dyrt at fremstille på den tid. Før 1938 blev Kolloid Sølv indtaget oralt, rektalt, vaginalt og intravenøst, eller det blev sprøjtet op i næsen, blev inhaleret med forstøver og dryppet i øjnene.

I Science Digests udgivelse fra marts 1978 var der en artikel, som hed: "Sølv - vores mest effektive bakteriedræber". Her hed det, at mere end halvdelen af alle verdens flyselskaber har valgt at bruge sølvandfiltre for passagerernes sundheds skyld, der i blandt British Airways, Lufthansa, og Air France. NASA udvalgte et sølvfilter, efter at have afprøvet 23 andre vandrensningssystemer til en rumkapsel, og Japan bruger sølvfiltre til luftrensning.

🥵🔅🌪️❤️‍🩹 (Chemtrails, HAARP & Weather Manipulation) SoTW: Did the US Govt finally admit that Solar geoengineering aKa development of Sun-Dimming Technology exist? And Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth? Canadians and Texicans will be very excited or angry, like the rest of the world. And over the past decades, Europe has been experiencing frequent and severe weather and climate-related natural hazards like droughts, forest fires, heatwaves, storms and heavy rain ~ July 2, 2023 ~ |

Biden admin outlines hypothetical geoengineering research program — RT World News
Mile wide tornado devastates rural Canadian town on Canada Day canceling celebration events | Daily Mail Online
How Long Will Canada Burn? (msn.com)

Record-breaking 13-ounce hailstone that's almost SIX INCHES long is spotted in Texas | Daily Mail Online

Lightning, rain, hail - extreme weather protocol enforced and no maglia rosa awarded in cancelled Giro d'Italia Donne opener | Cyclingnews
Extreme weather: floods, droughts and heatwaves (europa.eu)
TV 2 Vejr - Se vejret i dag, i morgen og 7 dage frem - TV 2

※🔴📰 (Fulford Video Report + More) SGH SG Anon: Situation Update Stream June 30 - The Storm is Coming ~ July 2, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: First 35 minute is Benjamin Fulford. The next many hours are from lots of truthers or digital soldiers.. BF- a far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... SoTW has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill... |


Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 1, 2023

Benjamin Fulford:

  • The U.S. Globalist CABAL Regimen Under Siege! You’re Winning the War!
  • In an unprecedented turn of events, Tucker Carlson’s groundbreaking revelations on corruption within the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon have captivated over 100 million viewers, shattering mainstream media records by a staggering 200-fold! Brace yourselves as the truth bombs drop and the awakening spreads like wildfire across the nation!
  • Financial Giants Teeter on the Brink of Collapse! BlackRock, Vanguard, JP Morgan Chase on the Verge of Bankruptcy! Unveiling the shocking truth behind the manipulated financial reports, the imminent collapse of industry giants like BlackRock sends shockwaves through the global economy. As their shares plummet and earnings dwindle, the crumbling facade becomes undeniable. Brace for the implosion of a financial empire that will rock the very foundations of Wall Street!
  • The WOKE Agenda Backfires! Major U.S. Beer Corporation Faces Devastating Collapse! Prepare for the downfall of the largest beer corporation in America as their ill-conceived embrace of the WOKE, LGBTQ, and transgender agendas boomerangs on them! Unmask the truth behind the fake mainstream media narratives, exposing the true scale of opposition to the Democrats, WOKE mobs, and LGBTQ movements. Even Starbucks trembles on the edge of collapse, forced to retreat from their rainbow-colored signs amidst widespread backlash.

🕉️🌌🤔 ('Convergence point of many cycles. Ascension window. The Great Solar Flash. Lightworkers leaving Earth. Erase darkness from this universe 2025?.') Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra: Portal of Light Activation Part 2 ~ July 2, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy continued:  I'm sorry guys! I do not want to be rude! I can't explain why my H-S puts out negativity bias about the leader of Cobra RM. I can only say, that I have first-hand knowledge and been around the top core group, since 2016. But please! If your own intuition tells you otherwise or trigger you in a bad way, please disregard my message. To put it simply; I do not trust entirely on every intel drop and the esoterically teaching from the so-called spiritual organization C.O.B.R.A. R.M. and their leader, a Pleiadian contactee. Because, my H-S told me, that, the 'Pleiadian' who is suppose to be his  'supervisor' to leader of COBRA, is not to be trusted. But that doesn't mean that I should totally reject it, just taking in, what resonate with my inner belief system and leave the reset behind. I do not have any NDA's signed, expect the ones, Cobra RM, asked me to sign, before, all of his conferences. There's a reason I left this so-called 'spiritual organization' in 2018 after Brazil conference and the earnings was 150.000 Euro for 2 days and nobody knows, where these money went to. Same goes for his latest Paris conference. 2 years later, my Romanian ex-girlfriend, the next-in-line Earths High Priestess (after Isis Astara), left Cobra. And the leader of Cobra's name is still a secret, where he lives and everything about him. Apparently in 2023 he still have to redact or mask his voice. I was to lead the DK version of the SoTR event, travel all over the world in his name, and was initialized in everything and took classes. In other words, I deep involvedly into one of the core groups of Cobra. This Core group is gone, has left him, for good. I reckon that I have or still is, involved into 3 major international spiritual organizations for Planetary Liberation. The biggest is Dr. Charlie Ward group. Then Simon Parkes group and lastly, C.O.B.R.A. R.M... |


 🙋 4. C.O.B.R.A. R.M.   We asked a lot of questions and below is the end result;

P.S. - Rumor in the very top hierarchy including my ex-girlfriend on SoTW told me that the leader (cobra-resistance.github.io) of this huge spiritual organization was inspired, seduced and controlled by an American spouse called the "Dark Queen." who killed the former spouse called Isis Astara which SoTW has meet in 2015 etc.

- Are there any present and living humans on Earth who controls leader of Cobra2012? NO! 

- Does the so-called named "Dark Witch" controls Cobra? NO! 

- Is Cobra himself from The Pleiadians? NO! 

- Has the Pleiadeans used him as a "spokesman" as he claims? NO!