- New gold-backed currency OneGram launched
- Backed by one-gram of gold, uses blockchain technology
- OneGram is first in wave of new Shariah, tech-savvy gold products
- 2017 sees big changes for gold thanks to Shariah gold and blockchain
- Gold investors should prepare for tightening in supply
- Bitcoin and shariah gold demand suggest change in retail investor thinking
May 31, 2017
ZeroHedge | May 30, 2017 | Gold-backed Currency Launches in Dubai - It is a new currency known as OneGram (OGC) backed by one gram of gold and can be used for digital payments |
Gold-backed Currency Launches in Dubai
Avisen | 31. Maj 2017 | Stenrig familie i bittert millionopgør mod Skat: Første runde afgjort | .. Sagen omhandler en udbytteudbetaling på 400 millioner kroner, der i 2007 blev ført fra Danmark til et selskab i Sverige, som var ejet af Sonnich Frylands søster, Mette Kalmanson, som var medinvestor i Ferrosan. Herfra gik pengene ifølge Skat videre til Monaco. Skat krævede i 2012 udbytteskat af overførslen og opkrævede 112 millioner kroner af Mette Kalmansons selskab, Metkal. Søsterens udestående med Skat blev efterfølgende overført til Sonnich Frylands selskab. Kravet fra Skat er allerede indbetalt, og ender Sonnich Frylands selskab som sejrherre i det millionstore slagsmål, vil det ifølge årsrapporten fra A/S Fryco betyde, at selskabet får 183 millioner kroner tilbage fra Skat som følge af tilskrevne renter, skriver Finans. Sonnich Fryland er kendt som hovedmanden bag flere særdeles succesfulde investeringer i virksomheden Ferrosan, som mest er kendt for at stå bag vitaminpillerne Multi-tabs .. |
The Richie Allen Show | May 31, 2017 | Alex Jones Believes Manchester Victims Were Liberal Trendies Who Supported Open Borders |
Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | Spiritual Insights June 2017 | .. The summer is beginning to heat up in terms of anger and hostility. As Mars begins to dance with the Sun tempers begin to fly. Events will intensify till they conjunct July 26 at 9 degrees of Cancer. As Cancer rules security and family many aspects concerning these issues will be disturbed. Early this month seems most difficult as Mars first enters into Gemini aspecting Saturn. Ketu is aspecting Mars. Saturn is debilitated in the navamsha. At the time of the New Moon June 23 the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars will be in Gemini and the nakshatra Ardra. This represents sadness for the symbol for this nakshatra is a tear drop. Rudra the storm god rules this nakshatra indicating storms and severe weather during this time. The recent terror attack in England concerns problems focusing on terrorism and the many more threats yet to come .. |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
The summer is beginning to heat up in terms of anger and hostility. As Mars begins to dance with the Sun tempers begin to fly. Events will intensify till they conjunct July 26 at 9 degrees of Cancer. As Cancer rules security and family many aspects concerning these issues will be disturbed.
Early this month seems most difficult as Mars first enters into Gemini aspecting Saturn. Ketu is aspecting Mars. Saturn is debilitated in the navamsha.
At the time of the New Moon June 23 the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars will be in Gemini and the nakshatra Ardra. This represents sadness for the symbol for this nakshatra is a tear drop. Rudra the storm god rules this nakshatra indicating storms and severe weather during this time. The recent terror attack in England concerns problems focusing on terrorism and the many more threats yet to come.
Transiting Saturn will retrograde back into Scorpio June 21 and will hover in the last degrees of Scorpio (Ghandanta). These are the some of the most malefic degrees of the zodiac.
Mercury is traveling at top speed but as it transits in Gemini it is the final dispositor of all the planets with Mars. Travel will be most difficult with the threat of terrorism at its peak. Security will be amped up raising suspicion everywhere.
Mercury is the planet of communications and travel which is the focus. The real issue now is, there is complete and total confusion and isolation concerning the agendas involved in world affairs. No one understands or trusts each other. Investigations fly rampant with political leaders and at the core of all the anger, suspicion, lack of trust is the need to be heard and understood. All means of communication is out of control with seething anger and disrespect. The energetics of the world are becoming angrier and this is mounting as we approach the coming total solar eclipse August 21.
We tend to lose trust and faith when we feel we aren’t heard by others. We must all try to be understanding, and support and validate the feelings of others. Discounting other people’s feelings leads to resentment.
Message from Jesus | May 30, 2017 | Channeling through John Smallman | When you truly open your hearts all that is unloving falls out |
Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017 johnsmallman.wordpress.com
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017 johnsmallman.wordpress.com
Humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, and for many this is very unsettling, even disturbing. The pace of technological change worldwide has increased enormously over the last one hundred and fifty years, and is continuing to do so in an exponential curve, and again, many are wondering how long this can continue and how people will be able to cope with it. You have experts in various fields who are very knowledgeable, but most people have practically no understanding of how modern technology works, but everyone understands that if your electric grids break down almost all of your modern technology ceases to function, and that is a very worrying thought.
Will humanity be thrown back into the dark ages when all “technology” was hand-driven? How could you survive such an eventuality? Is the collapse of the illusion going to be an enormous step backwards technology-wise? So many worrying questions and so few meaningful answers. How can Love possibly resolve all of humanity’s major issues – disease, wars, poverty, cultural and religious disagreements – and the resultant pain, fear and suffering?
Folkets | 30. Maj 2017 | Sundhed.dk forgylder it-konsulent: Årsløn på lige under 2 millioner kroner | .. Det er offentligt, og det er dyrt – og konsulenterne griner hele vejen til banken .. |
Det offentliges sundhedsportal Sundhed.dk er ikke kun stedet, hvor danskernes sundhedsoplysninger ligger samlet. Det er også en offentlig virksomhed, hvor skatteyderne betaler meget store konsulentlønninger.
-Sundhed.dk tilbyder en bred vifte af indhold til både borgere og sundhedsfaglige. Læs også om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger og om sikkerhed med NemID og digital signatur.
På blandt andet denne måde præsenterer Sundhed.dk sig selv på hjemmesiden, der oprindeligt blev startet som et privat projekt med blandt andet gode sundhedsråd og lægebrevkasser. Efterfølgende er der dog sket meget med siden, som aktuelt eksempelvis skaber direkte kontakt mellem praktiserende læger og deres patienter.
Udviklingen kan også aflæses i de udgifter, som skatteyderne pålægges at betale til portalen. Det fremgår af aktindsigter, som Folkets Avis har opnået hos Sundhed.dk. Herunder i de udgifter, der de seneste år er blevet betalt til konsulenter.......[LÆS VIDERE]
Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki | 30. Maj 2017 | Sheldan Nidle | Planetary Activation Organization |
Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
The great gifts from Heaven are finally being readied to bless you. Take this prosperity and pursue your dreams so each of you is able to achieve your passions
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System |
6 Chicchan, 8 Pax, 13 Caban
Dratzo! As before, the monies are gradually moving forward. Since this movement is proceeding in the most cautious manner, it is difficult for all of this to unfold as swiftly as we prefer. There are indeed scalawags and rapscallions everywhere. However, remember that there are those who are quite capable of ensuring the guaranteed safety of every shipment. The present procedures are therefore quite unnecessary. Thus, we ask that the methods we have so kindly suggested be vigorously adopted.
When this takes place, we deeply believe that the current situation can be quickly remedied. At present, the ways employed stretch this payment system to a method even slower than one can imagine. We realize as noted before that the dark cabal is still able to retain vestiges of power. What is now required is to accelerate arrest cycles of the cabal and simply sweep them and their illegal USA, INC from power. There are in truth vast sums of gold and other precious metals to ensure a swift compliance to ending this sad reality and instead setting up NESARA and its wondrous flag!
Let us do this as quickly as possible so we can eliminate all the odd agreements that are currently “gumming up” the works. The main purpose of all that has preceded this moment was simply to assure that the dark was properly vanquished and the Good carefully restored. It is true that the dark was everywhere. Let us then swiftly capture and isolate them from the general public. We stand ready as before to implement this process as quickly as our technology allows.
Matthew Williams - YouTube | May 25, 2017 | Blogger: HD drone footage of new crop circles in the UK, Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire.. If You're able to explain this as natural phenomena, please go ahead... |
Crop circle, Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire, UK
Visit Crop Circle Connector for all the BEST QUALITY and latest circle photos. We are 99% of the time first place to hit the Internet with photos, so bookmark the CCC...
All of the theories surrounding the “alien takeover” agenda fail to account for the evidence that points to the fact that they’re already here, and that they’ve been visiting us for a very very long period of time.
That being said, sightings of unidentified objects, even ones performing physics-defying maneuvers have been documented by military authorities via visual and radar confirmation for decades, but whether or not these craft are ‘ET’ is an entirely different question. We do have, however, statements from hundreds of credible witnesses alluding to the fact that yes, some of them are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
Was this the case with what happened in Phoenix Arizona in March of 1997? On this day, something extraordinary happened that, as Kurt mentions in the video below, was witnessed by 20,000 people, recorded by multiple cameras, which was then in-turn witnessed by millions.
Kurt Russell, a well known American actor is also a pilot, and on that day he was flying into the city and witnessed this phenomenon first hand. Listen to him share his story in the interview below.
“We’re on approach and I saw 6 lights over the airport in absolute uniform, in a V shape…It’s unidentified, it is flying and it’s 6 objects….That was the most viewed UFO event, over 20,000 people saw that.”...... [READ MORE]
Daily Mail | May 30, 2017 | Five European leaders mock Trump's glowing orb photo op in Saudi Arabia - as they pose together with a SOCCER BALL | Blogger: OMG! This runs deep! The mark of the beast! This photo not only shows some funny looking PM's from Scandinavia, trying to ridicule Trump. This goes much deeper. For me this portraits the support for daughter of Hitler (and Hitler was a Rothschild). Merkel's latest statement: "Europe 'must take our fate into our own hands'" and to support her statement, Scandinavia trying to enforce it by reuniting with their own orb.. People might find this amusing and laughable, perhaps it is. But it's really about who has the power to rule. All of these countries France, Germany, Scandinavia, UK/EU/NATO etc. are minions to TheDeepState, the Khazarian mafia, Cabal if you like (Rothschild and Rockefeller) call them what you want. They don't want changes, they do not want to give up their Federal Reserve computerized trading system cover-up or Mortgage industry of Scandinavia. They don't want to get exposure to all their scamming and cheating to be known to the populations. Their Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the 'New World Order' secret alliance with the beast. The False Flag Ops; Norway's Utøya massacre. Danish Krudttønden cultural cafe and recent Stockholm truck terror. No sir! Denmark and Sweden, as the most notorious racist countries who hates foreigners, expels Trump because he's the ugly duckling in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. Trump is trying to expose them all. Scandinavia wants to continue fighting Russia, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and US with Trump as president and all other countries who want to take their power, away. This picture shows all Scandinavian ministers for the first time in cahoots with the shadow secret government, who wants to take down Trump. This has properly much deeper meaning as well.. Try to form your own opinion... |
- Five Nordic prime ministers posed for a photo as they all touched a soccer ball
- It was quickly compared on Twitter to the meme-worthy photo of Donald Trump laying his hands on an orb with Saudi King Salman last week
- Leaders of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Denmark had met to discuss cooperation among the Nordic countries
- Twitter went into meltdown with many convinced the Nordic leaders were trolling Trump
Donald Trump posed for photos with Saudi King Salman and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as they placed their hands on a globe on May 21 |
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