James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
December 24, 2021| Issue 19
State of Terra Address Christmas and New Years Newsletter
While in meditation and doing clearings Baba ji came to me with an obvious but profound message, “God is Love.” He then said it does not matter what you name it, what image you project on it, the real God is Love. He said between the 21st and January 7th there would be a great outpouring of love. Love is the manifesting force behind creation, those who create from fear will experience the manifestation of those fears yet it will be amplified and accelerated. Those coming from love in service to others will receive a profound blessing. Those coming from fear in self service that seek power over others will create some profound lessons. The energy coming in will amplify and accelerate everything including karma. It will uncover what is hidden, the masks will come down and you will see people and their actions for what they are, not what they mislead and portray them to be. This is already well underway yet there will be waves of energy exponentially getting stronger in the days to come. Some waves are timed with other natural and religious events where people’s hearts are more open and receptive. Between the 21st and the 7th is one of these times.
Today we live in a world of opposites. Science has become political, profit driven. The mainstream and social media rather than inform people disinform people. Rather than provide a platform for free speech and communication they have become censors of opinions that do not align with their agendas or the goals of their corporate sponsors, the global elite and the CCP. The alphabet agencies and justice departments are the best money can buy, Just Us systems. Most are politically driven straying away from the law, especially the supreme law of the land, The Constitution. The majority of Health agencies, hospitals and doctors use junk science or profit driven science betraying their Hippocratic oath and have instead made an oath to big pharma. The global elite, CCP and big pharma, “the vaccine companies” are running the show with disastrous results. The censored and suppressed crippling and deadly side effects are a testimony to this. According to Vayers which records less than 10% the adverse side effects to the vaccines, vaccine injuries and deaths are exponentially increasing in unimaginable numbers. Still births have increased over 300% and 173% more children have died from the vaccines than covid. Up to 90% of the people checking into the hospitals with covid or variants are vaccinated. This is a total fail when it comes to health care agencies and systems.
The vaccine companies were given immunity as long as there is not willful misconduct. It has now gone beyond willful misconduct, fraud and in many cases premeditated murder. The vaccine companies knew according to their previous communications of the crippling and deadly side effects. This means their immunity is null and void. So where is the justice system? Why aren’t the heavily invested politicians in the vaccine companies speaking out? The defense department has always been the offence department, the brute squad for the global elite. Religions have failed to bring universal peace, a personal God connection and judging by the homeless and sick have become misdirected. Satanic/Luciferian influences, pedophilia including child sacrifice has infiltrated the tops of almost all institutions. It has become epidemic in the political, music, movie, and news networks. It is not a matter of who, now it is a matter of who is not. Then there is the educational system that teaches gender confusion, racism, socialism, communism and are paid enforcers of the lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates. Did you know billions are given to governors and school boards to enforce the masks and vaccine mandates? Is this a conflict of interest, collusion, is this why parents, trusted guardians of the children are speaking out? Is this why they ignore real science?