Compelling evidence of secret space programs dealing with highly advanced technologies withheld from the public. The impact of these undisclosed programs is monumental in understanding today’s world events. This video presents the history behind these secret programs using key documents and whistleblower testimony that reveal the hidden development of antigravity spacecraft. Particular focus will be on the development of a German Secret Space Program in Antarctica during the 1940’s, and the evolution of the U.S. Navy's Solar Warden Space Program from the 1950’s to 1980’s. Both of these highly classified programs have led to subsequent bases and colonies being established in our solar system, as well as interstellar space flight that continue to the present day. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblowers which reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs.Dr Michael Salla presenting via Skype at the NEXUS Conference on Parallel and Secret Space Civilisations . Subscribe to UAMN TV for more new releases in 2017
Electric Sheep in HD is an high-definition rendering from the Electric Sheep project by Scott Draves.You can find more about it at
Scott's website is at You can find more information about this video, plus a torrents of a high-quality mkv version, or looping blu-ray iso image at
This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license:
For more information on re-using content from the Electric Sheep project, see
'Sheep' are fractal animations that can be designed by humans, generated by computers using a genetic algorithm, or a combination of both. This animation used the top 256 'best' sheep (by number of votes) from the Electric Sheep server, rendered into a continuously-looping animation.
This documentary shows modern man has technology to create unimaginable race of human hybrids. When man tries to play God some odd things begin to happen. What is transhumanism? Tom Horn is a good authority to find out! Today we have the technology to go beyond any limitation … nanotechnology, biotechnology, neuroscience, informatics … all of these knowledge fields will soon converge. Using Darwinian principles to “improve” mankind is founded on the understanding that man has evolved over millions of years and that therefore we were less or “sub” human in the past. Then, logically we will evolve into something more/better or “post human” in the future. The concept that we can assist our evolution through scientific means isn’t new and is unfortunately gaining widespread popularity.
Den danske kronprins og Natos generalsekretær deltager i kransenedlæggelse på mindesten skænket af Danmark til ære for faldne soldater i Nato-operationer. Yves Herman/Reuters
The energies are ramping up as we move towards the powerful Solstice Stargate Activations on June 21st. I love this special cosmic event each year, as we’re immersed in a field of galactic photonic rays pulsing from the Great Central Sun. Imagine the Galactic Center is shining a colossal spotlight on your divine destiny. It is a moment in spacetime that illuminates the world around us! It is revealing, reverent and universal!
Every year the Solstice Stargate initiates new ascension upgrades to your body, heart and mind. With active participation, you have available a moment of immense potential…an opening to vast possibilities. It is a moment of clarity, the evaporation of veils. As you stand in the Crystal Stargate of Source, the spotlight reveals your true essence in a flash of illumination. Imagine you are bathed in crystalline diamond light revealing all that you are! It is a profound homecoming!
On Thursday, June 21st we will join other Lightworkers around the world for our annual Solstice Global Activations, including your powerful heart-centered intentions to birth a new 5D earth. The Solstice upgrades contribute to activating your light body merkaba and enhance your ability to perform alchemy – the active creation of your physical reality.
If you cannot attend the ‘live’ broadcast, the replay will be available at the event link. The recording is accessible within minutes upon completion of the show broadcast. Register to attend here:
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright (c) 2018 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
QAnon Update June 11 – FF Weather Alert (WW). By Interstellar. Source 8Chan. Updated 22:22 UTC
Q !CbboFOtcZs No.100 Jun 10 2018 22:11:35 (EST)
Start the Clock. A Week to [Remember]. Think Logically. First private [CLAS-5(6)] Second public. Blackwater on GUARD. Evidence KILLS. These people are STUPID. Q
Thank you for guarding POTUS, Erik. Jun 10 2018 23:18:31 Q !CbboFOtcZs 1693998
>>1693990 Not POTUS. Q
Q !CbboFOtcZs No.101 Jun 10 2018 22:53:46 (EST) #FLY[RR]FLY# Failure per WH instruction / agreement. DECLAS_Public[3] EO dated_official IG redactions [heavy+][remove] Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR# JC. #2. LL. BP. PS. LP. ………. 302s Texts Tarmac FBI DOJ Operative insertion(s). UK [SIS] Dark to LIGHT. Shall we play a game? ———————————- You have a choice. Do what is right. FBI agents willing to testify +24 Next DOJ – offer open [2]. Next C_A – offer open [3]. GOOD vs. EVIL. Q
Italy says they are no longer taking refugees, shipping them to Malta. Kim Jong Un and Trump are getting ready to meet in Singapore for the peace summit. Russia pushing for peace in Afghanistan. Russia warns that there is another false flag coming in Syria. Assad says the western nations are behind the war in Syria. Q is back and has dropped alot of bread crumbs. These include North Korea, IG report, false flag on a world wide basis, the ability to access the blackhat phone system, dark is turning to light. Follow the white rabbit.
Photo by Owen Hoffmann/Patrick
McMullan via Getty Images
My disclaimer: I have not been one to search the web or back channels to dig around in all the conspiracy theories or try to put together a cohesive picture of all the events happening now around the planet.
However, my admiration for Anthony Bourdain as a genuine, live-life-out-front, honest and caring person has really peaked my interest in what I’m hearing about his death.
After news of Bourdain’s suicide broke the social media world went into frenzied overdrive. The large majority of individuals were paying tribute to him as a person and an influencer. There are tributes everywhere.
I, personally, don’t have all the answers as to why I believe he was killed, but there are lots of conspiracy theories out there.
Immediately every major news outlet was repeating the same story with almost the exact same words and the focus immediately went to the “causes” of suicide and suicide prevention. It’s a subtle way of focusing attention on a part of the issue rather on the fact of how this death really occurred and why.
I believe Bourdain constituted a threat to the Dark because of his outspoken criticisms of certain institutions, child trafficking, support for gender equality, and the Me Too movement. He was highly influential as a force of connection and good around the world and the Dark did not want him being outspoken about what he knew.
It’s my opinion that we are in the time of chaos where the Dark is putting up a last ditch stand against the Light. Their methodology includes eliminating those who threaten them in any way.
Those who have knowledge of the Dark’s manipulations of our culture are speaking out. There are many people out there who have made it their mission to bring out the facts and truth about what is happening on this planet now. Some of you may already follow them on Twitter or Instagram or YouTube.
Discernment is critical. There is so much mis and dis-information swirling around.
I think that this video from Jordan Sather is pretty right on. There’s lots of information here.
I have a dear friend who is really into this and I asked her for some places you can go if you are interested in researching for yourself. Just type these names into YouTube and tons of videos are available.
The latest
guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders,
Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, great bringers of a New Day, a New Era in Earth life!
This week a Lightworker wrote in with a question on an issue affecting many on
the Earth now . . .
question is on the theme of how humanity is processing old wounds, and how we
as Lightworkers are processing this in our collective consciousness.
This past week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F.
Kennedy after he won the California delegate vote in 1968. I was only
eight years old then, and have little or no memory of the event [from that
[This past week] I listened to people speak about the great promise and empathy
RFK had for allpeople,
and how beloved he was—seen as a beacon of Hope at that time.
I was moved to tears over and over again, as I felt the loss of this man who
held such promise to humanity, but was taken from us before he had the chance
to bring freedom, justice, and equality to so many.
My question is, Am I processing and releasing these old wounds,
brought back to the surface in order for humanity to realize that this Promise
can once again be brought to light?
How are we, as humanity, to remember and celebrate the
lives, long and short, of those who worked to move us forward?
As we look to bring about the New Earth and a Heavenly view, how do we weave the lives of the
heroes of our past—which were at times flawed, but still focused on a better
world—into the conversation and consciousness of our changing world?
The Collective: Greetings,
dear one!
You and billions of others are indeed processing much that is yours to process,
and releasing much that is not yours to process or transmute.
For much travels through you—through your mind, emotions, and etheric body—on
this Earth plane that is not for you to wrangle with, nor to take on as being
relevant to your life path or soul existence.
Yet you experience all you encounter as having to do with you, because you came
into this and every Earth life with nearly no boundaries energetically.
Katrine Axholm tror på kærligheden. Hun er parterapeut, og hun tror på,at vi mennesker inderst inde ønsker os at elske og blive elsket. En at dele livets op- og nedture med. At lykkes med familien og sidde sammen på en bænk, når vi bliver gamle og se tilbage på vores fælles liv.
Hun ved også, at mange synes, kærligheden er svær. Kompliceret og smertefuld. Derfor opgiver over 50 procent og lader sig skille. Hun synes, de ofte går af de forkerte årsager. Fordi de ikke ved bedre. Fordi de tror, at kærlighed handler om at få noget af en anden. At et andet menneske skal give dem alt det, de har brug for og gøre dem lykkelige. Og når ikke det lykkes, så er det bedre at leve uden eller at prøve lykken med en anden. Men sådan behøver det ikke at være.
Her i bogen inviteres du direkte ind i en række kærlighedshistorier, der beskriver de typiske udfordringer i parforholdet: midtvejskriser, utroskab, kulde, manglende kærlighed, tillid, kedsomhed og meget mere. Hovedpersonerne er både mænd og kvinder, der er nået til et punkt, hvor de ikke kan mere. De står ved en skillevej og skal træffe en beslutning.Du kan læse om deres dilemmaer, hvorfor de vælger at gå i parterapi, deres og partnerens indsigter og erkendelser i løbet af terapien, Katrine Axholms overvejelser undervejs og de perspektiver, som garanteret vil få dig til at se på dit eget parforhold med nye øjne. Du vil også få nogle direkte råd til, hvad du selv skal holde øje med i dit eget parforhold. Bogens formål er at inspirere dig til at se på dig selv og forstå din egen adfærd, så du og din partner kan lære at gøre noget andet og bedre og sammen (gen)finde kærligheden.....
Daimlers øverste chef, Dieter Zetsche, er under pres. Han har mandag meddelt, at 238.000 biler i Tyskland tilbagekaldes for ulovlig software. Det sker, efter at tyske myndigheder har afsløret snyd med udledning under test. Foto: John Macdougall/AFP