Her ses et billede fra et forskningsprojekt, der forsøger at identificere, om en person er homoseksuel. |
Nov 11, 2017
DR VIDEN | 11. Nov 2017 | IT-blogger frygter misbrug af ansigtsgenkendelse | .. Computere, der forsøger at identificere homoseksuelle, kriminelle og demonstranter, bekymrer it-blogger Dorte Toft. .. | Blogger: Som jeg har sagt mange gange før -- Kontrol - Militarisering - Politi - og retsstaten (Digitalisering & Robotisering = Transhumanisme ) ... |
Tulsi Gabbard | Nov 11, 2017 | ~ Rep. Tulsi Gabbard at People’s Summit: We must end our war to overthrow the Syrian government now ~ | .. Let leaders in Washington know that we must stop wasting our valuable, limited resources on regime change wars such as the war to overthrow the Syrian government, and instead focus our resources on investing in and rebuilding our nation and communities here at home. We simply cannot afford to do both .. | Blogger: Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.”... |
Tulsi Gabbard has served as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's second congressional district since 2013. She was born in American Samoa but moved to Hawaii at age 2. At 21, Gabbard was the youngest state legislator ever elected in the history of Hawaii. Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2003, and in 2004 she was shipped out to Iraq with the 29th Support Battalion medical company. As a native Hawaiian and military veteran, the congresswoman’s voice holds a lot of weight in her home state.. Gabbard resigned as DNC vice-chair on February 28, 2016, in order to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. She was the first female U.S. Representative to endorse Sanders. At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Gabbard gave the nominating speech putting his name forward.
MSM Nyheder DK | 11. Nov, 2017 | Ni tidligere Zentropa-ansatte beretter om ydmygelser og sexchikane | Blogger: (In English:) A NEW HARVEY WEINSTEIN SHITSTORM IN DENMARK OR HOAX??? If this is true, why is he still a movie producer???.. The story that wouldn't die!!! .. Swedish film partner: Aalbæk's view of sexual harassment is unacceptable - demand him removed as a producer and has withdrawn their financial support.. Peter 'Ålen' Aalbæk Jensen from Zentropa Entertainments, a Danish film company started in 1992 by director Lars von Trier and producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen (Vibeke Windeløv), has been accused from nine woman (former employes) - their experiences of a harmful working culture initiated by the director, where sexchilians, humiliations and bullying have dominated the film company.. Zentropa has been a key player in Denmark in this European development over the past 15 years. Danish-based Zentropa has built a considerable international reputation as a producer of international sales platform, for high-quality, specialized films.. Chairman of the Board of Zentropa and Director of Nordisk Film (leading Nordic entertainment company and is part of Egmont), Allan Hansen -- 'has no comment'.. ""Corporal punishment"" -- Peter 'Ålen' Aalbæk Jensen is well known by physically punish his employees. The punishment for younger trainees at Zentropa, by 'ass-whipping', after a danish newspaper publication, the film company has now announced that punishment for students is no longer allowed.. For example, to be taken on the breasts again and again. To have the director standing close and moan while talking on the phone. To be laid over the table or knee and get ""smacked"" repeatedly. According to women's statements, Peter Aalbæk Jensen has initiated sexually related humiliations on the stage at the Christmas party in front of guests from the film industry, where there are also prizes for the student who drops their clothes in the shortest time, or the one who greeted the longest ""pubic hair"". He has launched a game where female employees or students in turn must pull a sex toys from a plastic bag, after which he will come up with suggestions on what to use. He has sent young students in the city after ""nipple clamps"" or required that they vaccinated his pigs!!!.. |
Hos filmselskabet Zentropa har ydmygelse og sexchikane igennem årtier været en del af hverdagen for selskabets ansatte, såvel elever som ansatte i højere stillinger.
Det fortæller ni kvinder til Politiken, hvoraf flere står frem ved navn, i udførlige vidnesbyrd suppleret af andre tidligere ansattes observationer, oplevelser og vurderinger.
Alle de tidligere ansatte har haft deres gang i filmbyen i Avedøre og arbejdet sammen med stifter og tidligere direktør Peter Aalbæk Jensen, der bliver fremhævet som en central figur i de systematiske ydmygelser.
»Man føler sig mindre værd, og dertil kommer, at man bliver nedgjort af Peter Aalbæk. Jeg er kommet videre, men jeg vil ikke anbefale nogen at blive ansat der«, siger 32-årig Julie, der ikke ønsker at blive citeret med efternavn, til Politiken. Julie var elev på Zentropa fra 2012 til 2014.
Verdensalt | Archive | ~ Spirit Week ~ |
(English version) - Published July 31, 2015 by Verdensalt
Our Spirit Guides has stated it very clearly. We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. That means, we are all spiritual beings. If you believe there is more than life itself in the present of now, then in my book, you are becoming aware of one's own spiritual state. Spirituality is not a religion. It does not come from your parents or Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on your door steps (just an example). Spirituality arises from somewhere deep inside you (HIGHER SELF or SOUL). It's a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore......
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #5 - Downloadable Books (NESARA, Disclosure, Starseeds, Ascension etc)
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #6 Hvordan udlever vi åndelig spiritualitet? (hentet fra hovedsiden Åndelig livsstil)
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #7 - First Wave Of Ascension: Preparation And Insights For The 144,000 Lightworkers
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #8 -
Blood Moon Is Coming - Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Of September 27th 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #9 - The Universal Ascended SpaceLife of Mount Shasta - Sept 2, 2015 CET
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #10 - Planet Alert September 2015 – Wave X Is The Wave Of Love
Theme weeks for September 2015 - May 2016.
Global Mass Ascension with Wave-X Bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift
Spirit Week:
Our Spirit Guides has stated it very clearly. We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. That means, we are all spiritual beings. If you believe there is more than life itself in the present of now, then in my book, you are becoming aware of one's own spiritual state. Spirituality is not a religion. It does not come from your parents or Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on your door steps (just an example). Spirituality arises from somewhere deep inside you (HIGHER SELF or SOUL). It's a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore......
Below blog posts as they come along (English and Danish articles)
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #1 - Når man kan hælde spiritualitet på dåse, så vil jeg gerne ha' noget nu tak! - July 31, 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #2 - Unblocking the Third Eye : What illuminati does not want you to know - July 31, 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #3 - De amerikanske medier er nu begyndt at rapporterer, alle verdens finansmarkeder er manipuleret via computere og klart baseret på calculus, financial market strategy
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #4 - Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #1 - Når man kan hælde spiritualitet på dåse, så vil jeg gerne ha' noget nu tak! - July 31, 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #2 - Unblocking the Third Eye : What illuminati does not want you to know - July 31, 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #3 - De amerikanske medier er nu begyndt at rapporterer, alle verdens finansmarkeder er manipuleret via computere og klart baseret på calculus, financial market strategy
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #4 - Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #5 - Downloadable Books (NESARA, Disclosure, Starseeds, Ascension etc)
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #6 Hvordan udlever vi åndelig spiritualitet? (hentet fra hovedsiden Åndelig livsstil)
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #7 - First Wave Of Ascension: Preparation And Insights For The 144,000 Lightworkers
Blood Moon Is Coming - Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Of September 27th 2015
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #9 - The Universal Ascended SpaceLife of Mount Shasta - Sept 2, 2015 CET
Spirit Week - Wave-X "The Frequency Shift Into September 2015" Edition #10 - Planet Alert September 2015 – Wave X Is The Wave Of Love
Awarenessact | Nov 11, 2017 | A Galactic Tidal Wave of Divine Light is Raising the Frequency of Earth, Ending the Old Reality (VIDEO) |
Over time, our world will undergo a number of different changes and energetic shifts, some are so slight that we don’t even realize that they have occurred while others are significantly larger and more noticeable. One such major shift is currently underway providing us with an important shift towards the ending of our old reality and the ascension to that which is next to come.
As the electromagnetic fields on the Earth shift, so to do our auras as the two are deeply connected. This journey to ascension can be difficult to navigate, bringing with it a number of different symptoms including:
In order for the world to continue in its path of ascension, it must first experience a re-calibration of its electromagnetic fields. Experts in this area have witnessed significant changes, reporting that the magnetic fields, as we know them, are in fact dissolving and reforming in a higher frequency.
Source: The Big Riddle
- A need for alone time and for personal space
- Heightened sense of smell
- A deep longing to go ‘home’ without knowing where ‘home’ is
- Increased feelings of static electricity in the body
- A distorted sense of time, feeling as though it is slowing down or speeding up
- Sinus and allergy issues
- Unexplained body aches, pains, tension and soreness
- Intense, detailed dreams that may be prophetic, or may be ‘odd’ or bizarre in nature
- Sudden, unexplained changes in body temperature
- Changes in both vision and perception
- Increased psychic awareness, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition
- Clumsiness and lack of coordination
- A deep intuition or sense that something is wrong or changing
- Cold or flu-like symptoms that come and go suddenly
- Issues involving the stomach or digestive tracts such as IBS or unexplained nausea
- Changes in diet, appetite and eating habits
- Sudden development of allergies and intolerances to certain foods
- Sensitivity to sound
- Frequent headaches and/or feelings of pressure in the head
- Changes in sleep patterns or feelings of extreme fatigue
- Increase in daydreaming and fantasizing
Netavisen Pio | 10. Nov 2017 | Regeringen angriber dagpenge og Løkke afviser at fortælle om egen rolle i kvotekongesag (Dansk formandskab for Europarådet vil svække menneskerettighederne) | .. S: Grotesk at regeringen vil skære dagpenge for at give aktionærer skattelettelser. Dagpengemodtagerne skal betale for at aktionærer fremover kan slippe billigere i skat, viser notat fra regeringen. Grotesk, mener socialdemokrat .. |
RT - Russia Today | Nov 11, 2017 CET | Last ISIS stronghold in Syria, Abu Kamal, totally liberated – Syrian Army | Blogger: Things are really heating up -- the plot thickens ... Anticipated Putin-Trump meeting realized with handshake in Vietnamese attire ... Trump, Putin reportedly agree to defeat ISIS in Syria after meeting at Asia summit ... 294 sealed indictments against the elite ... ISIS eliminated in Syria ... Legal blackmail? Congress considers withholding support for countries opposing US position at UN ... No ‘Space Corps’ as Air Force gets sole authority to boost America’s galactic might (soft SSP disclosure) ... UK prosecutors destroyed crucial emails in Assange Case... #MeeToo: Tipping point, or outrage du jour? ... Besides Roy Moore, among the most recent allegations is a claim by U.S.A. women’s football team goalkeeper Hope Solo that she was sexually assaulted by a former FIFA president ... Prime Minister of Denmark in gigantic breach of faith, unemployment benefit recipients striped of money, to bolster & soften the lives of businesses and stockowners ... DANISH CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE TO WEAKEN HUMAN RIGHTS. Denmark has formed a task force of civil servants to lobby against the court in Strasbourg among the other 46 governments (ECHR) ... How the Saudi crown prince pulled off his own Game of Thrones purge (more arrest continues in week 46) ... One leading indicator for the equity market is breaking below a key support level, a move that could have negative implications for stocks ... Israel Warns US To prepare For War With Syria, Russia, Iran ... Proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia intensifies ... |
In the vicinity of Abu Kamal / Screenshot from RT Arabic video © RT / RT |
A Message from my Higher Self | Nov 11, 2017 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight
As you are undoubtedly aware, many things are progressing well that signal the significance of changes that are occurring all over the world. The old energies are dying away but not before causing some confusion and upsets.
Be assured however that the cleansing is proceeding well and uncovering that which has been concealed for a very long time, and those involved are no longer able to hide their activities. There will be no hiding place for them, and their crimes will be brought to light and be answered for. New levels of honesty and integrity will be the order of the day, and anything less will not be tolerated.
The dark Ones have been in retreat for some time now but still have the ability to make a nuisance of themselves, to the point where matters have to be kept secret from them. However, they no longer pose the threat they used to be and as time passes they will be removed for once and for all. Some will try to escape from justice but their attempts will be in vain, and they will not be able to leave the Earth. They have served their purpose to test those of the Light and have come off second best. Their fate is to answer for their actions against the Laws of the Universe, and clearly they have much to learn.
As you move into the higher bear in mind that you have to take care as to what you think or say. As through the power of thought, what you think is what you become. It means that you can manifest anything that you need. It is not as difficult as you might imagine, as you grow into it and therefore have time to get used to it. Even now the power of your thought is sufficient to attract things to you. Naturally, if you focus upon negative things that disturb you, you may likewise attract them to you. Again however, as you evolve you learn to control your thoughts, and only give power to those that assist you.
BREAKING | OOM2 \\ Mountain Republic \\ Leak Project \\ BT \\ Telegraph | Nov 10, 2017 | 💥Massive Radioactive Cloud Contaminates 28 Countries & Authorities Says “Don't Worry, Be Happy💥 | .. Uheld på atomkraftværk: Radioaktiv sky over Europa | BT Udland .. |
http://www.irsn.fr/EN/newsroom/News/Pages/20171109_Detection-of-Ruthenium-106-in-France-and-in-Europe-Results-of-IRSN-investigations.aspx |
Nuclear ‘accident’ sends radioactive pollution over Europe
Posted on November 10, 2017 by Mountain Republic — Leave a comment
A cloud of radioactive pollution spread over Europe after a possible “accident” at a nuclear facility in Russia or Kazakhstan, French nuclear safety officials confirmed on Friday.
France’s nuclear safety institute, IRSN, picked up faint traces of ruthenium 106, a radioactive nuclide that is produced when atoms are split in a nuclear reactor and which does not occur naturally, in three of its 40 monitoring stations late September.
Faint traces were also detected in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland.
There has been no impact on human health or the environment in Europe, a French official stressed, but he added that detection of such a cloud was “absolutely not normal”.
MLordandGod YouTuber | Nov 11, 2017 CET | Mueller Files 294 Sealed Indictments Against These Elite Ring Members |
Mueller Files 294 Sealed Indictments Against Elite Ring Members
2) Thumbnail image - Mueller-indictments-pedo-ring-678x381.jpg
The Guardian | Nov 10, 2017 | Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin shake hands at Apec – video | .. US and Russian presidents greet each other at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit dinner in Vietnam on Friday, though the White House said there would be no formal meeting. Trump and Putin smiled and stood next to each other for the traditional group photograph then parted to sit at different parts of the table .. | Blogger: Why is this so significant??? To break the ""magic spell"" of Russian hysteria and anti-Trump mania.. WE MUST BREAK THE DEADLOCK OVER NON-NATO COUNTRIES - PARANOIA AND FEAR-, AND WAR-MONGERING TACTICS. Denmark and NATO with their death machines to provoke WW III... |
Destroying The Illusion | Nov 11, 2017 CET | Jordan Sather | ~ 11.10 - Q Updates - Possible Arrests Tonight? & ANTARCTICA Info ~ |
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.
Find me @ http://www.jordansather.com/
Personal transformation and health coaching services
Destroying the Illusion by unveiling the Truth.
Antarctic Atlantis - https://goo.gl/fQtTRw
Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - https://goo.gl/KhZgSU
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My FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/jordan.sather.9
ECETI Update | Nov 11, 2017 CET | MORE SPACES ADDED! LIVESTREAM FROM ECETI 11:11 CEREMONY THIS SATURDAY - Free Registration. Gathering begins at 11:00am | From James Gilliland: What is Universal Law? It is written within the hearts and minds of all people. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. If you cannot find the impeccable integrity to live according to Universal Law, do the best you can. Do not participate in anything that would bring harm to humanity or the Earth. There is a Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good.” Find your heart, get your feet on the ground, use discernment concerning this division game. It has been so redundantly acted out it is beyond ridiculous .. |
It's 9pm PT
Friday and I just added another 100 spaces. Thanks for the great turnout! So
if you missed out on registering you can do so now.
- Heart Hugs, Ashll
with James
Gilliland from ECETI
starts at 11:00am PT
By popular request we are
offering livestream connection to ECETI's 11:11 Meditation this Saturday
November 11th beginning at 11:00am. We have set up a Zoom meeting with free
registration and I just added another 100 "spots" available. We
appreciate your only sharing the registration information with the people you
personally register so that we don't exceed the 200 slots.
After you make your
booking using the button below you will receive a confirmation email with the
details on how to log in. Please test your Zoom connection before 10am
Saturday as ECETI Crew will not be available for last minute troubleshooting
- they'll be getting ready for the Ceremony.
Disclosure News Italy | Nov 10, 2017 | Planet Earth | ~ Schumann Resonance Today ~| Blogger: Translated from Italian to English... |
Schumann Resonance Today
10 November 2017
We will try to keep you updated about the changes of the Resonance with this page Schumann Resonance . The great variations that no one can explain precisely but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is ringing ever higher, just like us! Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz. Today's Peaks:
- 3 peaks isolated at 40 Hz at 9:00 to 12:00 and at 15:00 UTC.
The chart is based on the Tomsk time - Russia - UTC +7
The ancient Rishis Indians called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It is also the natural rhythm of Mother Earth, the Schuman Risonanze named after Schumann's professor who was involved in the early months of the German Space Spatial Program and was then paperclipped into the United States. Schumann Resonance frequencies are quite stable and are predominantly defined for the physical dimensions of the ionospheric cavity. The amplitude of Schumann resonances does not change and is larger when ionospheric plasma is excited. The excitation of ionospheric plasma occurs due to solar, temporal activity, the use of Plasma Scalar Weapons and HAARP, and lately even when the Forces of Light compensate for plasma anomaly.
The ancient Rishis Indians called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It is also the natural rhythm of Mother Earth, the Schuman Risonanze named after Schumann's professor who was involved in the early months of the German Space Spatial Program and was then paperclipped into the United States. Schumann Resonance frequencies are quite stable and are predominantly defined for the physical dimensions of the ionospheric cavity. The amplitude of Schumann resonances does not change and is larger when ionospheric plasma is excited. The excitation of ionospheric plasma occurs due to solar, temporal activity, the use of Plasma Scalar Weapons and HAARP, and lately even when the Forces of Light compensate for plasma anomaly.
PFC | Nov 11, 2017 CET | Here We Go! … Special Episode of Ground Crew Command For Official Launch of the 144,000 Activation Campaign @ 11/11/17 – 11am MST |
time to do it!
It’s time to throw
caution to the wind … fulfill your soul purpose at a much higher level … and
transform this world we are here to liberate.
No more being on the back-foot,
both in your personal life or in the collective external world.
No more of the status-quo tyranny
running our lives & deciding the fate of humanity.
Goddess has commanded the full
& unconditional liberation of us all. She has authorized our request for
abundance to be unleashed … wonderous suppressed technologies to be released …
… and that big moment we’ve
waited tens of thousands of years for …
… the mass landings …
… where we will once again be in
the embrace of our galactic families ...
I now ‘just happened’ to glance
at the number of words this article had just reached, … and it was 144!
Can you just imagine the Anshar
coming back to our timeline … because WE, the 144,000 … raised Gaia &
humanity to the highest frequency timeline with our monthly MASS Meditations,
where they were literally saved, and now on the surface thanking us &
hugging us PERSONALLY … one by one.
There’s millions of them … no
reason why they can’t do this after disclosure and mass landings!
Can you imagine Resistance
personnel coming to the surface (actually they’re already on the surface) … and
wanting the honor of shaking-your-hand … and informing you that what we
collapsed all remaining lower timelines and catapulted us all to
the highest timeline for the Mass Arrests & Event.
drastically quickened the mass arrests, and arranged things for
them to go as smoothly & painlessly as possible for humanity, with no scary
disruptions to goods & services, or false flags.
triggered official disclosure FAR sooner
… and feeling tears begin to roll down your cheeks knowing that
this means Mass Landings and the warm embrace of your galactic family will once
again be felt … in the PHYSICAL.
… possibly just days afterwards.
seeing motherships land and taking in all those millions of
children & adults who suffered so horrendously in human trafficking &
rituals … being taken to the motherships for healing.
… and just feeling yourself finally
breathe in the sweetest air of FREEDOM.
It Is The Role &
RESPONSIBILITY of The 144,000 to MAKE this happen … by taking charge!
… are the ones we've been waiting for.
… are they ones THEY’VE been waiting for.
… are the ones the whole universe, multi-verse, omniverse, angelic realms, animal
kingdom, fairy kingdom … pick your realm, right up to the highest levels of
Light … have been waiting for.
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