Apr 18, 2020
💌 ~ 💗 A Message to Lightworkers: Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only 💕~ |
Greetings, Beautiful Light Source!
This week's very cool Message addresses the sea of pandemic theories, accusations, real news, propaganda, and other madness we're swimming in now.
Yet despite the confusion, there is a great Awakening for us in all this. The Collective comment in their Message that:
"Now would be the crucial time to begin to realize the depth of the mental programming, entrainment, and unseen technologies that have governed human life, including those beliefs that one considers to be one’s own, for thousands of years."
Rather than wondering "who's telling the truth," maybe our own higher mind, speaking to us as our intuition, is our greatest guide now.
I'm recording a set of videos right now, to offer more support during these times.
In one of them, the Collective call us to stand separate from our outer situation. And yet somehow, to be more present in our physical selves than ever before.
Remember Grandma Waka's beautiful wisdom that my friend Richard shared:
"You humans live with the attitude of What If. Instead, live with the attitude of, All is taken care of. All is complete.”
He also shared that an ancestor called Great Buffalo Spirit said to him once:
“Love is the answer to everything—the Love we have in our world. Your world has not seen that Love for a very long time, but it will, and when it does, it will change everything.“
Now is the time! And that flow of higher energies, once we join them, always lifts us above the fray.
I send much Love & Light, with thanks for your beautiful presence on the Earth at this time!
P S The Collective have asked me to discount channeling sessions during this time, and I am happy to do so.
There's also the "Just One (or Two or Three) Question" recorded channelings to your individual questions.
A Message to Lightworkers -
April 17, 2020
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth
Elementals, Fae Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
💚 ~ Nyhedsbrev fra Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning: Biodynamiske nyt i 13 pkt. 💕 ~ |
1 Aften- og morgen-bøn
2 Om normale antal døde
3 Formandens påske-skrift
4 Biodynamisk have/markdag 13-9
5 Exosomer
6 Borgerforslag om C-vitaminer
7 Om 6 GMO-høresvar
8 Sanduko har brug for coronahjælp
9 Overlæge undrer sig
10 Jorden ændrede aura i år 33
11 Jordbrugsfonden
12 Meget speciel historie - Corona-spillet
13 Gifte i små doser – store skader.
Følg de røde tal i venstre side.
1 Aften- og morgenbøn
Niels Stokholm har sendt et fint påskeskrift ud til enkelte.
Jeg har fået lov at sende de to bønner videre ud til jer.
Niels har oversat dem til dansk.
Om natten, når vi sover, er vi med vores jeg og astrallegeme i den åndelige verden.
Vi kommunikere der med åndelige væsener. Men kun ganske få mennesker kan huske dette.
(Steiner kunne dette. Fra da Judith von Halle var 10 år kunne hun også).
Men vi kan, når vi vågner, være fx glade eller måske sure – eftervirkninger derfra.
Det siger vel sig selv, at det er vigtigt i hvilken stemning, vi er, når vi sover ind.
Et ordsprog går på ”at det vil jeg sove på”.
Om morgenen kan man måske så løse et problem, man ikke kunne før man sov ind.
”Følgende aftenbøn af Rudolf Steiner er med til at forberede dette møde:
Jeg bærer mine smerter ind i den synkende sol,
Jeg lægger mine sorger ind i dens lysende skød,
Lutret af kærlighed, forvandlet af lyset,
Vender de i morgen tilbage,
Som kræfter til at udføre offerglade gerninger.
Følgende morgenbøn af Rudolf Steiner er med til at præge min sjæls stemning gennem dagen:
Velsignet være mig, du lysende dag,
At mennesket i mig:
- samtidig med at jeg udfører mit daglige arbejde-
Begriber de sjæle, der omgiver mig,
Virker visdomsfyldt ind i mit arbejde,
Opfylder min skæbne.”
2 Oversigt over normale dødstal
I radioen P1 15-4 kl. 9.25 blev det sagt, at der i snit dør 150 pr dag i DK.
Pr år tæt på 55.000. Ingen overdødelighed i år.
I Tyskland dør 2200 pr dag eller 0,8 mio. pr år.
Antallet af såkaldte corona-døde er relativt småt.
I andre år er der døde en hel del flere af influenza.
Hvorfor så al den ståhej i år og ikke i de andre år?
Måske er der slet ingen, der er reelt er døde af corona?
(Skrev om dette i vores mail 25-3 pkt. 3, hvor de døde havde andre sygdomme).
På verdensplan dør der vel løst anslået dagligt en 300.000.
Se pkt. 5 om exosomer.
Niels Stokholm har sendt et fint påskeskrift ud til enkelte.
Jeg har fået lov at sende de to bønner videre ud til jer.
Niels har oversat dem til dansk.
Om natten, når vi sover, er vi med vores jeg og astrallegeme i den åndelige verden.
Vi kommunikere der med åndelige væsener. Men kun ganske få mennesker kan huske dette.
(Steiner kunne dette. Fra da Judith von Halle var 10 år kunne hun også).
Men vi kan, når vi vågner, være fx glade eller måske sure – eftervirkninger derfra.
Det siger vel sig selv, at det er vigtigt i hvilken stemning, vi er, når vi sover ind.
Et ordsprog går på ”at det vil jeg sove på”.
Om morgenen kan man måske så løse et problem, man ikke kunne før man sov ind.
”Følgende aftenbøn af Rudolf Steiner er med til at forberede dette møde:
Jeg bærer mine smerter ind i den synkende sol,
Jeg lægger mine sorger ind i dens lysende skød,
Lutret af kærlighed, forvandlet af lyset,
Vender de i morgen tilbage,
Som kræfter til at udføre offerglade gerninger.
Følgende morgenbøn af Rudolf Steiner er med til at præge min sjæls stemning gennem dagen:
Velsignet være mig, du lysende dag,
At mennesket i mig:
- samtidig med at jeg udfører mit daglige arbejde-
Begriber de sjæle, der omgiver mig,
Virker visdomsfyldt ind i mit arbejde,
Opfylder min skæbne.”
2 Oversigt over normale dødstal
I radioen P1 15-4 kl. 9.25 blev det sagt, at der i snit dør 150 pr dag i DK.
Pr år tæt på 55.000. Ingen overdødelighed i år.
I Tyskland dør 2200 pr dag eller 0,8 mio. pr år.
Antallet af såkaldte corona-døde er relativt småt.
I andre år er der døde en hel del flere af influenza.
Hvorfor så al den ståhej i år og ikke i de andre år?
Måske er der slet ingen, der er reelt er døde af corona?
(Skrev om dette i vores mail 25-3 pkt. 3, hvor de døde havde andre sygdomme).
På verdensplan dør der vel løst anslået dagligt en 300.000.
Se pkt. 5 om exosomer.
🤑 ~ Corona udløser vild opfordring til regeringen ~ | Blogger: [👉Dansk Folkeparti vil have regeringen til at gå 20 procent ned i løn👈] ... Det vil vores elskede Landsmoder Mette-mus eller Skygge-Statsminister, Martin Rossen, aldrig gå med til. Mette F. har jo lige fået lønforhøjelse... Derimod er danskerne blev flået i Deres pensioner, som idag er mindre værd, højere rente hos NB og Rothschild Wall Street Banker, gør det sværere at låne til hus og sælge... Noget som jeg sad inde med af en fintfølende fornemmelse nævnt på bloggen for 5 uger tilbage, er at Staten og Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond og de indefrosne danskeres 100 milliarder kroners feriepenge, tyvstjæles til hjælpepakkerne og virksomhederne... Hvorfor er det lige, at 1 million hjemsendte offentligt ansatte, skal bruge deres fridage op, så alle er klar til at få samfundet i gang igen efter coronakrisen?... Hvorfor er SSI, SST, Big Tech og alle Teleudbydere gået sammen med Staten for at bekæmpe Covid-19 - og spionere på os og tjekke danskernes bevægelser med mobildata?... Dem, som taber på Covid-19 er boligejere, små virksomheder og hele service, hotel og restaurationsbranchen. Lad de store mega virksomheder, overleve og ekspandere må regeringsmottoet vel være?... Der er så mange ting jeg ikke forstår, men én ting er sikkert og vist - alle som er beskyttet at staten, mister ikke nogetsomhelst under CV-krisen... |
https://www.folkets.dk/node/4077 |
https://www.bt.dk/politik/statsminister-mette-frederiksen-faar-loenforhoejelse |
Forslaget fra DF kan virkelig mærkes på pengepungen
Flere medier har de seneste dage skrevet om regeringen i New Zealand som angiveligt går 20 procent ned i løn i sympati med befolkningen som er ramt hårdt på pengepungen af coronavirus.
Nu fortæller Radio4 at Peter Skaarup fra Dansk Folkeparti vil have regeringen herhjemme i Danmark til at følge det New Zealandske eksempel.
✨ ~ Jason A World News:The Truth May Scare You! (2020) ~ | Blogger: [⚠️DISCLAIMER: Who woke up your inner Sleeping Beauty? The spiritual communities? Here's something that N-O-B-O-D-Y wants to talk about😴] ... I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic and VERY christian religious in nature, like Trump's speech, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world... |
🆔2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ ~ (#SayNoToBillGates) BANNED ON FACEBOOK, DELETED ON TWITTER ~ | Blogger: THIS IS AMAAAZING!!!!! My 💕 heart goes out to these brave young woman 💌, to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and RichieFromBoston... |
Facebook and Instagram have repeatedly deleted this video from RFK Jr's feed because Americans are not allowed to #SayNoToBillGates. pic.twitter.com/GbC1FXYTRE— Safe & Effective Podcast (@safe_effective) April 17, 2020
👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "The population of Earth has tired of the continual wars and conflicts, having realised that they have been orchestrated, deliberated, and started by members of the Illuminati. Peace has never been their objective and even now they try to create situations that lead to wars, however greater powers than theirs have the authority to prevent their actions, as an end to them has now been decreed. There may still be minor skirmishes, but nothing of any importance. The changes taking place are irreversible and will eventually lead to peace on Earth. It will be seen as a prelude to permanent peace and allow great strides to be taken towards open contact with the Galactic Beings who patiently await the right opportunity to make themselves known to you.".. (So be it and so it is)... |
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
© 2020 treeofthegoldenlight
17th April 2020
Currently you are seeing the outworking of the last time events will touch upon war between nations. The time for such actions is no longer acceptable and differences can be settled amicably if those concerned put their minds to it. You could make much quicker progress if you adopted peaceful attitudes and put an end to petty squabbles. The people of the Earth are One, and the ego must be set aside so as to allow good sense to prevail so that you can advance in a unified manner. Look ahead and set a path that allows all countries to come together. The days continual warring are finished and ended with the coming of the New Age. It has barely commenced but already there is a new feeling amongst people, who realise that the way forward is through peace and goodwill.
Politics are also changing inasmuch that there is less showmanship and deceit and instead a move to an honest relationship where all are treated with respect. Inequality has often resulted in difficult relationships where those holding the power have laid down the rules. The need for honesty and openness is needed to create good relationships that have been seriously lacking in recent times. It will improve as the “right” people take positions of authority and ensure fairness in all transactions. The truth has often been scarce but times are changing as more responsible and honest people move into the top positions. It may take time for people to realise how much things have changed for the better, but once the last vestiges of war have been removed, it will be obvious that a new era has commenced.
🤥💸😔 ~ IMF Executive Board Approves Immediate Debt Relief for 25 Countries ~ | Blogger: [👉NESARA/GESARA. Verge of Greatest Debt Jubilee? The Collapse Of The EU. What Happens When The World Wakes Up?👈] ... Sorry guys - it's a HOAX! Apparently for 25 poor countries some postponement or even remission is granted - mainly African countries. Below the original IMF link... SoTW has been told, that it's all a hoax!... this article turns out to be a playful yet misleading action by a group of activists who want to alleviate/remit the debt burden of 11 countries.... This is what i snatched from a Telegram group messenger: "It's not correct, you can read the popup that comes with it. It comes from an action group/NGO. This group wants to put pressure on the IMF to cancel debts of the 11 poorest countries. And that's what they're doing with this campaign, which for a short time was trending on Twitter, so many people started helping the campaign (ignorantly)"... In other news, Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild (Puppy-dog), is out SHOUTING EU is risking collapse and Italy needs money... "Half of Italy's population now wants to leave the EU, polls show. Without financial aid to the hard-hit countries, the EU may well suffer shipwreck, the French president believes."... The Rothschilder Macron is DESPERATE if you ask SoTW. Brexit - the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union has left EU bleeding. Trump's decision to cut WHO funding is an act of international vandalism, the EU leaders says but has left WHO bleeding, because they support China and the COVID-19 scam... As we know, Italy is controlled by the Mafia, also in these insane CV-times... As David Icke says in the latest Spiro Skouras videocast, Italy and the CV-spread in around (Milan) is a notorious place of vast numbers of deaths, more precise hundreds of thousands of deaths and as we go along down Italy, 57,000. All because of bad air quality and lung diseases, says David Icke. Italy health authority has also publicly admitted, that 99% of those who died from virus had other illness. So David is claiming that Italian high numbers of CV-deaths is not alone CV, but has everything to do with OTHER diseases as well, and are claimed by Italy, to ONLY be CV-cases (for the show to keep on going).. CV is all about FEAR - Fear as a natural emotion and a survival mechanism. Fear of dying and finding 'someone' to protect us from harm and our govt's is just doing that, will lead us straight into ignorance.. Can you see? etc. etc. etc... PS: The Health Ranger Reports, runned by Mike Adams, by the other hand, is now working for Alex Jones's InfoWars, who is taking huge money from big corporations and conspiracy theories made Alex Jones, veeeery rich. Mike Adams is saying that "David Icke is WRONG about claiming the coronavirus is a "hoax." It is very real and very dangerous."... SoTW just think that David is saying, that there's a CV-number scam and hospitals are EMPTY etc.... You be the judge... |
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