May 30, 2016

Det Røde Felt: "Forklaringen om at DONG var nødlidende og under et livstruende pres, holder ikke vand" (Nok en af de bedste dybdegående indslag om hele DONG sagen. Motiver, løgne og tyveriet samt kortslutningen af den almindelige demokratiske process. Kan vi stille politikere til ansvar?)

Danmarks eneste venstreorienterede debatprogram

Lars Trier Mogensen er rød, og hver mandag formiddag er han oppe i det røde felt, sammen med gæster og lyttere. Lars Trier Mogensen er både kontrært kritisk og usentimental optimist.

‘Det Røde Felt’ vil derfor både fokusere på begivenheder fra ugen, der begejstrer og hidser Lars Trier Mogensen op, i åben og bramfri debat med både gæsterne og ikke mindst lytterne, som er velkomne til at ringe ind og give deres besyv med. Start ugen med et direkte, kritisk, konstruktivt debatprogram, med klar slagside til venstre. 

30/05 Det Røde Felt uge 22, 2016 (2) - Det Røde Felt uge 22, 2016 (1)

Mistede milliarder. Politikerne har foræret mindst 10 mia. kr. til den amerikanske investeringsbank, Goldman Sachs, som allerede dengang blev kaldt for en ‘vampyrblæksprutte’. I stedet for enten at lade staten skyde midlertidig kapitel ind, eller at lade danske pensionskasser købe en ejerandel, valgte SR-regeringen i 2014 at sælge ud til spotpris. Den første til at påpege problemerne var erhvervsmanden Klaus Riskær Pedersen, som deltog i ‘Det Røde Felt’ i begyndelsen af december 2013. Nu er han tilbage - sammen med direktøren for tænketanken Cevea, Kristian Weise, som også har spillet en hovedrolle i forsøget på at skabe åbenhed omkring det kontroversielle salg. Til sidst sættes den nye Irak-undersøgelse til debat: Hør Alternativets fredsordfører René Gade forklare, hvorfor partiet er gået sammen med de borgerlige partier om en begrænset undersøgelse. Han diskuterer med Enhedslistens forsvarsordfører Eva Flyvholm. Lars Trier Mogensen

(FB update fra Kritiske interessenter i Nykredit og Totalkredit
Uha, Nykredit tror de bare har et kommunikationsproblem..

Tillid. Den hollandske forfatter Joris Luyendijk tager os med ind i hovedet på bankfolk i Europas finansielle centrum, City of London, i bogen »Svømme med hajer – en rejse ind i bankverdenens mørke«. Bogen og en nylig undersøgelse fra den…

Alan Greenspan: Venezuela Declares Martial Law, America Is Next(VIDEO)

May 29, 2016 · General / Alternative · 0 Comments

Alan Greenspan issued a dire warning about the U.S. economy during an interview with Fox News on Thursday. Greenspan said that as Venezuela descends into martial law, the U.S. is heading in the same direction.

Greenspan warned that the U.S. has “a global problem of a shortage of productivity growth” which is leading it into an impending disaster. reports:
“What the Fed does at this particular stage is less important than what the markets are doing. And what the markets are beginning to show us is acceleration in money supply for the first time in a very long time… We have a global problem of a shortage in productivity growth and it’s not only the United States but it’s pretty much around the world and it’s being caused by the fact that the populations everywhere in the Western world, for example, are aging and we are not committing enough of our resources to fund that,” he said.

Greenspan said the main thing confronting our country and the global economy is long-term economic growth.

Lad dog Rusland være: Det er USA der starter det hele (Heftig debat om dansk NATO-politik. Er det klogt at sende danske soldater til den russiske grænse."...Nedlæg NATO og lad Rusland være...","... Det er USA, der starter det hele..")

Spændingerne er kørt helt op mellem verdens stormagter.

Natural News: May 30, 2016 CET (Health Ranger to make three landmark science announcements that will expose the chemical lies of multi-billion-dollar corporations)

Is this a big deal? It seems like it. I’m ssure this will be a well-supported concerted effort to expose the “Big Food” industry.
“Over the next 1-2 weeks, I’ll be making three landmark announcements — unprecedented milestones in the history of independent science.

“One of those announcements, by the way, is the release of the complete elemental data set of the first 100 EPA Watch water results. This is the first independent science effort to challenge the EPA’s criminal deceptions by independently testing the nation’s water supply for toxic elements like lead.

“The next two announcements will see the jaws drop among scientists all across the world as they witness how we just leapfrogged most university laboratories to achieve something that has enormous implications for food safety and transparency. Once we make this announcement, we begin a new era of independent food science… this is the day the big food companies hoped would never arrive because it means they can no longer hide their poisons from their own customers.

“…what I’m announcing this week is, in essence, the ultimate food industry lie detector. From this historic week forward, we’re going to be exposing the lies of multi-billion-dollar corporations… and it’s all being done in the public interest, as a non-profit endeavor for humanity.”
                                                                                                                          -- kauilapele

Health Ranger to make three landmark science announcements that will expose the chemical lies of multi-billion-dollar corporations

(NaturalNews) Get ready for an exciting week for independence science. Over the next 1-2 weeks, I’ll be making three landmark announcements — unprecedented milestones in the history of independent science.

One of those announcements, by the way, is the release of the complete elemental data set of the first 100 EPA Watch water results. This is the first independent science effort to challenge the EPA’s criminal deceptions by independently testing the nation’s water supply for toxic elements like lead. We’ve got hundreds more water samples ready to follow in subsequent updates, by the way, and our liquid handling robot arrived in the lab, making our throughout much more efficient. Data on the first 100 samples will be quickly followed by an expanded data set.

So watch Natural News for the announcement of the EPA Watch water results. There are some disturbing findings in the municipal water supply across America.
Read more…

Jesus through John Smallman: You are all the divine children of God, created perfect, and therefore eternally perfect! - May 30, 2016 CET

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016

Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 30th

We are all ONE! It really is that simple. You do not have to do anything, because you are One with God, our divine Source, and therefore your individual wills are in complete alignment with His. All you need do is to allow, and when you do the divine field of Love, which surrounds you in every moment, will embrace you, suffusing you completely as It flows through you out into the world nudging humanity toward its inevitable awakening.

You chose to be here right now, in this eternal now moment, to powerfully assist in humanity's awakening process, and you are doing sterling work, work that no one else can do. When, along with the vast majority of humanity, you awaken, you will be amazed at what you have achieved as you have worked seemingly blindly in the illusion, to bring this stage of the divine plan to fruition.

You are each beings of intense Light – Love – Light that is temporarily very much subdued because your human forms could not withstand Its divine intensity. Because It is only dimly experienced you have difficulty in feeling It, in knowing It for what It is, and yet, deep within you do know that Love is your true, unchanging, and eternal nature. And that is why all the channels keep on advising you of your need to go within at least once daily to connect with and commune with your divine Source, the Source from which you have never been separated, your eternal Life Source, God, All That Is.

You and God are most definitely One!

7 MISSING Inventions

Published on May 29, 2016
7 Strangely and Mysterious LOST Inventions

From earthquake machines, to ketchup, to an ancient remedy, these are the top 7 strangely and most mysteriously lost inventions.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico

His neighbours repeatedly complained to police about noise and vibrations which shook the very foundations of their homes, and on one particularly violent occasion Tesla was forced to smash his own invention with a sledgehammer before it reduced his laboratory and the nearby area to rubble, and that invention was the Earthquake Machine.

9/11 Disinformation: Saudi Arabia Attacked America - May 30, 2016 CET

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Former US Treasury Official, Co-Founder of Reaganomics, Economist & Acclaimed Author - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist, a columnist and recent author of “How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the Police/Welfare State”. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. Dr. Roberts has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy. He has also written extensively that during the 21st century the Bush and Obama administrations have destroyed the US Constitution's protections of Americans' civil liberties and has been a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Posted: 27 May 2016 02:31 PM PDT

by Paul Craig Robert

The forever changing 9/11 story is entering a new phase. Blame is being transferred from Osama bin Laden to the Saudi Arabian government.

There are 28 pages classified secret of a congressional inquiry into 9/11 that allegedly found Saudi financial support for the alleged 9/11 hijackers. Neither the George W. Bush nor the Obama regimes would release the classified pages. Only a few members of Congress have been permitted to read it, and they are not permitted to speak about it. Nevertheless, Congress now has before it the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act which, if passed, permits families of victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue the Saudi Arabian government for damages. In other words, although Congress has no information except rumor with which to support the bill, Congress is going ahead. Obama says if Congress passes the bill, he will veto it.
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The Arcturian Group - May 30, 2016 CET

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer. 

Blogger: Spirit Week (frontpage)

Kanaliseret aSuzanne Lie 
©2016 suzanneliephd

Sue: Dear Readers, to my surprise the below message flew through me this morning as fast as I could type it. My guess is that many of you are getting similar messages from your higher guidance.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, Suzille, we do have a message for you. Are you ready to receive it?

Yes, I am, and thank you very much. I have been feeling emotionally low; I guess it was mostly yesterday. I hope that you might be able to assist me to understand why that was — as I am determined to feel better today.

Dearest Suzille,
It is true that you have been feeling that something is about to happen. But because you were not sure what is coming, it left you with an emotional discomfort. Therefore, please allow us to assist you in remembering what you already knew but doubted because you want it so much.
Therefore, instead of realizing that what is about to occur is actually exactly what you wished for, you are “protecting yourself against yet another disappointment.” We remind you now that it is far more effective to send Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Light into that which you wish to experience.
Do you see how you are actually holding back your wish by not believing in that which you feel is correct?

Yes, I do understand now how I/we block that which we wish to occur, because we have told ourselves over many 3D incarnations, “Don’t get your hopes up!” But I can see how that statement actually works against the fulfillment of our desire.
I know that it is the NOW of that which we once only thought of as “miracles.” However, even though I know that, there is this inner voice of protective fear that stops me from “believing my desire into manifestation.”

Suzille, would you like to state your belief/desire as a strong affirmation, rather than whisper it softly so that you are not disappointed?

Yes, Yes, I would so like to do that…
“I am ready to consciously perceive the landing of the Pleiadian Ships within whatever frequency they choose to be the safest for all concerned.”
“I am also ready to usher in the ‘EVENT’, which has long been planned to allow our reality to release the shackles of illusion that others have power over us. I KNOW that we have abilities that the lost Ones can never attain. Our innate human abilities resonate to a state of consciousness far beyond that which those who live by “power-over-others” can ever achieve or maintain.
“Therefore, I know that these lost Ones can never be a threat to us unless we believe that they can be. We, the forces of Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love are ready NOW to welcome in a reality that resonates to the higher fourth dimension, the fifth dimension and all dimensions beyond our current expectation.
“I also know that those of us who have volunteered to accept the Higher Light are currently in a state of metamorphosis. While we are in that state, we may feel as helpless as a caterpillar just as it transmutes into a butterfly. Because we are in this transition, we must release all that was associated with our former state of awareness.
“Is that correct, dear Arcturians?”

Yes, that is correct. How does it feel to boldly declare and own that which you wish to manifest?