The Socialist / Communist Democrat Party is on a mission to normalize Pedophilia, and Hollywood has gone full scale war against humanity. Their mission is to [further] brainwash the younger generation with disgusting movies, games, and music lyrics. I know for a fact this has a profound affect on young people….because my son is a victim. His hatred for anything good is evident of the fact.
Thanks to the CIA hardcore drug smuggling into the U.S. and the “Open Border” crowd, plus the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, the upcoming generation is being poisoned, coerced, and mentally altered in-order to facilitate the New World Order’s control of the planet. Using illegal aliens and refugees to facilitate their agenda is the crisis they want.
“Acquisition of wealth and power – worshipping the creature rather than the Creator,” has surfaced in America as the focal point for the Democrat Party and their leaders.
President Trump has brought Christianity back into the White House and is hated immensely by the Left. His human indiscretions, or his tone while campaigning, is the excuse for drumming-up chaos and dissent for this president. The COVER-UP of true facts behind the hatred continues to be revealed by the Liberty Movement.
If YOU are a Moderate Democrat, this is your wake-up call to do the right thing and NOT allow these bastards the slight chance of re-gaining power in the United States. WE HAVE TO STOP COMMUNISM. They want all weapons confiscated, not just better gun laws, they want them all, as Diane Feinstein once stated…”Mr. and Mrs. America, turn in your weapons”