Feb 20, 2019

🔴TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Flere og flere piger takker ja til hpv-vaccine ~ | Blogger: TROEDE DU, at Sharia-sheiken fra SSI, havde givet op?? TROEDE DU, præsident Trump, der brugte vagthunden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. til at bide en luns af EU-Domstolen, kunne vinde over den medicinske mafia?... Nu skal man ikke tro, at Rockefellers familiedynasti falder sammen, af den grund (det medicin-industrielle kompleks). Allerede nu, har vi set Sundhedsstyrelsen og medicinalindustriens sammensvorne bforskere, anvende tricks for at vildlede os. Det er ikke længere frivillig TVANG, men nærmere, indforstået samtykke, at modtage HPV... Hvorfor satser man så ENORMT mange ressourcer på, at få piger og drenge underlagt den giftige HPV-vaccine? Det skal jeg sige dig, HPV benytter sig af den nyeste og mest penge-indbringende DNA/Nano teknologi, verden over. Den ændrer dit DNA og celler. Den bevæger sig gennem din blod-hjerne-barriere og skaber neurologiske eller udviklingsmæssige lidelser (fx Autisme, ADHD, Sclerose). Så er det sagt. Det er en del af Agenda 21 affolkningsprogrammet. Ja, ved godt når jeg siger Agenda 21, så vælger mange ikke at læse mere, men sådan er det bare.. Den lidt længere forklaring, check Ty and Charlene's Story (The Truth About Vaccines). Jeg har selv deltaget via VoD i mere end 20 timer (The Truth About Vaccine/The Truth About Cancer) hørt på alle udsagn, for og imod. Har brugt en menneskealder på at undersøge sandheden bag om vacciner. The Truth About Vaccine programmet kan findes på YouTube, hvis man søger, ellers er det en delvis betalingsbar kampagne.. Mange af os er dog begyndt at indse, at industrien er parasitter, forklædt som 'charlatan-medicin-sælgere', som lokker de intetanende befolkning med Snake Oil, vidundermiddel-medicin der kan kurere alt lige fra hovedpine til gigt og lammelse... Alder-standardiseret forekomst af livmoderhalskræft i Sverige steg med 20 procent i 2014 og 2015 -- Større livmoderhalskræftrisiko forbundet med HPV-vaccination, velansete medicinske tidsskrift fjerner ny undersøgelse... |

Hver dag får en dansk kvinde konstateret livmoderhalskræft, mens der hvert år er omkring 6000 kvinder, der opereres for forstadier til sygdommen. Foto: Fred Tanneau / Scanpix Denmark
Trods år med kritik af vaccine mod livmoderhalskræft har piger og forældre igen fundet tilliden.

Omkring 40.000 piger valgte i det forgangne år at lade sig vaccinere mod hpv, der senere i livet kan føre til livmoderhalskræft.

Det er en stigning på over 20 procent i forhold til året før, hvor 31.714 blev vaccineret, viser nye tal fra Statens Serum Institut.

- Det er fantastisk. Det viser, at der er rigtig mange forældre og piger, der har taget imod hpv-vaccinen og dermed er beskyttet mod livmoderhalskræft, siger Bolette Søborg, overlæge i Sundhedsstyrelsen, om de 38.624 piger, der i 2018 blev vaccineret.

ALSO READ: Greater cervical cancer risk linked to HPV vaccination, well-regarded medical journal removes new study.

RT | ~ ‘Extraordinary breakthrough’: Scientists make ‘Holy Grail’ universal flu vaccine discovery ~ | Blogger: [🧟T-virus - "The virus is protean, changing from liquid to airborne to blood transmission, depending on its environment. It's almost impossible to kill." - Red Queen from Resident Evil🦠] ... O-M-G!. Don't believe ANY WORD they say... "Australian scientists have discovered immune cells that can fight all known flu viruses and mutations in what has already been branded an “extraordinary breakthrough” which could lead to the creation of a universal vac- cine. They then identified so-called “killer T cells” found in over half the world’s population, which act like the body’s own private security, identifying abnormal- ities and infections and killing them. Harvesting and replic- ating these cells could lead to the production of an all-in-one flu shot which would only be administered once a decade or possibly once in a lifetime" ~ RT... |


Berlingske | ~ Klaus Riskær vil i Folketinget – skylder 169 millioner kroner ~ | Blogger: [⏸️Former jailed Klaus Riskær Pedersen & EU MEP, before exclusion, Founder & CEO Reboot International Ltd. (UK) and other companies, still owns 169 mio. kr., out of billions of loans in the 90' ish and previous bankruptcy cases, new candidate and political party to Denmark's parliament - 2019 Danish general election🗳️] ... Selvom den elskede tidligere populistiske propaganda politiker, nu alm. borger, den enøjede justitshævner, overvågningsminister og John "Ny sherif i byen" Lord Sauron Pind er bekymret over sagen, vil han ikke besvarer DKR's Rasmus Bruun spørgsmål om en kort gennemgang af Klaus Riskær, henviser til Gyldendal - Den Store Danske... Men, det vil Qvinden, der nægtede at dø - Dan- mark's mediedarling, seniorkorrespondent og nyhedsoplæser, Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, en genopstået heltinde, som har fået blod på tanden, der desuden mener, at Riskær, kunne ha' gemt penge i skattely (ligesom Stein Baggers svindel i IT Factory og hans penge som er gemt væk) ... Kisser, mener ikke sagen er værre end vores Statsminister - all power to you!. Det er jo ikke enhver beskåret og Riskær er en død charmerende fyr: eneste rigtigte ved denne sag er efter Kissers udsagn, hvad Guld-Harald a.k.a. Harald Simonsen, som var dansk bygge- matador i 1930'rne og ejede det store palæ Lille Amalienborg og Skats bygninger m.m. sagde; Riskær er ikke en SLUTTER!... Ifølge Kirsten-Birgit, har Lars Løkke en LøkkeFond, som han bruger offentlige midler på, at plagiere rundt om i verden, at børn og unge kan lære at læse... Det er EMBEDSMISBRUG, siger altså kisser. Det vi kalder KORRUPTION... |

Den Korte Radioavis 20-02-2019

verdensalt | 20. Feb 2019 | ~ Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladmin- istrationen ~ | Blogger: ['Collusion' is but a day, #Russophobia is forever. Why I Lie, Cheat, Steal And Kill, And You Should Too - Kind Regards, Danish Govt. "Suspicion of money laundering in Sweden draws threads to Danske Bank"🥁🥁🥁💥🚦👎] ... Dansker har fået afskrevet 1,5 mio. i gæld til det offentlige. ud af personens saml- ede gæld til det offentlige på i alt 51 mio. kr. ... It-giganter vil beskytte folketings- valg mod russiske hackere ... Politibetjente og Politiforbundet, håber at whistle- blowerordning ikke bliver brugt ... Mistanke om hvidvask i Sverige trækker tråde til Danske Bank ... Landbrugslobby tildeler sig selv millioner af skattekroner ... Britta Nielsen overførte 11,4 millioner til nærtstående personer – og hævede masser af kontanter ... Signe lammet af kramper: Lægen beordrede hjernemedicin ... Efter Mint-sag: Nye regler for at få børn til Danmark ... Helsingør Kommune kager rundt i tingene : Har alligevel ikke politianmeldt aktivist der kæmpede for plejehjems- plads til syg og blind 92 årig ... Embedsmand scorede million i fratrædelses- godt- gørelse – og fortsatte i jobbet : Tjener nu over 1.800.000 kroner om året hos DR i nyoprettet stilling ... Pape om politiets kontroversielle droner: - Det må de redegøre for ... |

NN | ~ The true story of how Oprah Winfrey helped promote a mass rapist who ran a child slave farm ~ | .. (Natural News) Back in 2010, talk show guru Oprah Winfrey dedicated an entire episode of her show to a self-professing “faith healer” with whom she claims she had a “blissful” encounter. But as we recently reported, this “faith healer” has since been exposed as a serial rapist who had actually been operating a massive child “sex slave farm” and “birth factory” behind his religious facad .. |

How Oprah Winfrey helped promote a mass rapist who ran a child slave farm
Mike Adams
As the truth comes out about the "John of God" faith healer who has been arrested and accused of committing literally hundreds of rapes (and running a child slave farm in Brazil), it's important to remember who promoted this monster who victimized women and children.

Although it wasn't her intention, Oprah Winfrey got suckered into turning this little-known "guru" into a household name, resulting in thousands more women visiting him, with many of those women being raped and exploited as "baby factories."

Reportly, John of God also had those women murdered after they churned out babies for ten years. The babies were auctioned off for profit, according to media reports.

How could someone like Oprah get caught up in such evil? The answer is that she wanted to believe the "healer" narrative, and she allowed it to blind her to the truth.

What truth is that? The simple truth is that many sociopaths and evil people hide behind New Age-sounding "guru" language, even while they're raping, abusing and exploiting women and children.

Destroying the Illusion | ~ 2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves" ~ | Blogger: [💉You Haven't Been 'Red Pilled' Yet Until You Learn the Truth About Vaccines💊] ... Look at the other video called; "How This Teen Rebelled Against His Anti-Vaxxer Parents". A "VERY" disturbed or "programmed" healthcare industry mafia payed 18-Year-Old Ethan Lindenberger recently discovered that his parents never got him vaccinated.... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics

Breitbart | ~ Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel (VIDEO) ~ | .. In a major warning to purveyors of fake news, Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and his family have hired a high-powered attorney who specializes in suing the media for libel and slander .. | Blogger: [🙋YES - another WIN to Pres. Trump, whether you like it or NOT. 'Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be' ~ Trump🤗] ... Folkets.dk: "Maga-knægten sagsøger avis for 1.650.000.000 kroner" - Kan I huske Nicolas Sandmann? Det var drengen som blev hængt ud i medierne. For noget han ikke havde gjort. Venstrefløjen i USA var ude efter hans blod. Og medierne piskede en stemning op som byggede på - ja, som ikke byggede på noget andet end gisninger og tolkninger af en simpel video og et par fotos ~ folkets... |


Secureteam10 | ~ WHAT These Men DID, Had The CIA SCARED... ~ | Blogger: [🕵️TEASER - Third Eye Spies🌌] .. Wooow! Tyler from Secureteam10 has got a hold on a guy with extreme physic abilities or Extrasensory Perception (ESP), from CIA's most secretly 'Remote viewing' (RV), Sixth Sense Abcderium... Introduced in the context of experiments conducted at the Electronics and Bioengineering laborat- ory of the Stanford Research Institute (and funded in part, it was later revealed, by the CIA) beginning in the early 1970s by researchers Russell Targ (and Harold Puthoff, Pat Price) .. Ingo Douglas Swann was a claimed psychic, artist, and author known for being the co-creator, along with Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, of remote viewing, and specifically the Stargate Project. But, it goes much, much deeper than that. Remote viewers was used to spy on others, and do things with SPACE, and who knows else, says Tyler.. 🚩For example, (ESP-drawings vs. CIA drawings). In July 1974 Price described, and drew to scale, a Soviet Siberian weapons factory at Semipalitinsk with remarkable detail--an enormous eight-wheeled gantry crane and a concealed 60-foot steel sphere then under constr- uction. This was all confirmed two years later by satellite photography 🚩Other examples: SOVIETS PUSH FOR BEAM WEAPON -- The US used high resolution photographic reconnaissance satellites to watch soviet technicians dig through solid granite formations. In a nearby building, huge extremely thick steel gores [sic] were manufactured. These steel segments were parts of a large sphere estimated to be about 18 meters (57.8 feet) in diameter. US officials believe that the spheres are needed to capture and store energy from nuclear driven explosives or pulse power generators. Initially, some US physicists believed that there was no method the Soviets could use to weld together the steel gores of the spheres to provide a vessel strong enough to withstand pressures likely to occur in a nuclear explosive fission process, especially when the steel to be welded was extremely thick ~ (C.A. Robinson Jr., Soviets push for beam weapon. Aviation Week, May 2, 1977.) 🔦 PS: (verdensalt.dk: just think about the military application from 40 years plus use of remote viewers and accurate method of psychic spying or information gathering for the U.S. Military and intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA) and indirectly SSP - Secret Space programs) -- Dr. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., has already said, that A declassified Central Intelligence Agency document reveals that in 1984, the CIA employed a psychic “remote viewer” to look at a region of Mars as it was approxi- mately one million years ago. The remote viewer, who was not aware that the coordinates given were on the planet Mars, described seeing pyramids, futuristic technologies and a very tall human-looking civilization facing impending environmental calamity... |

Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!

verdensalt.dk found this publication by Russell Targ, called: The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities

CIA Used Remote Viewing to Learn about Mars Pyramids & Inhabitants

COBRA | ~ Cosmic Central Race ~ | Blogger: [🇩🇰 Help the Danish Audience 💜:] -- Ny meddelelse fra Cobra... Lys-aktiveringens Hjemrejse (Return of Light Activ- ation) har fået "enormt" opmærksomhed ... Ny meditation, en invitation fra den, absolute Godhead - reneste lyskilde, af udenjordiske væsener fra den kosmiske central center, til at fjerne al mørke på Moder GAIA. Nyt symbol, der repræsentere den kosmiske central sol.. Det er vigtig for en omstrukturering af overfladens lys- styrker, som forberedelse på et samarbejde med den Kosmiske Centrale Broder- skab og SURFACOM specialstyrkerne. Retfærdighed kommer... Må retfærdig- heden ske fyldest...💡PS: verdensalt, opfatter "kosmiske central center/sol" som Den Universelle Bevidsthed, der hvor den højeste kærlighed og højeste energi-frekvens eksisterer, her opfatter man Gud, Skaberen - øverste trin i den Åndelige Hierarki. Vi er alle aspekter af Skaberen/Gud/Kilden, direkte links til energien fra den Store Central Sol, eller Kosmiske Solsystem... |

Who is Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official provider of communication from the Resistance Movement.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming horizon.

Cosmic Central Race 

Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.

Cosmic Central race is the most advanced race which has evolved around the Cosmic Central Sun. It has now begun to focus its attention towards planet Earth and its liberation, because now there is enough consciousness on the surface of the planet to make cooperation with such evolved beings possible.

As a result of this interaction, certain aspects of liberation plan will be released to the surface population in the intermediate future.

Our Solar System is now full of beings from the Cosmic Central race and they are cooperating with the Light Forces from the Jupiter Command, Ashtar Command, Atlantis Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet, Resistance Movement, positive Agartha factions and certain special forces called SURFACOM.

Cosmic Central race beings are also contacting the most advanced members of the surface population in their meditations, dreams and visions.