Dec 13, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀👤🖕✡️ (Futurama – The Dominoes Will Fall Like a House of Cards) Hvor er det bare skønt at have superrige royale venner for Mason og Moderaterne. LLR er ikke bare EFI-skandalens konge som gav den som komiker foran imponeret Obama. Det er myten om manden, der solgte sin sjæl til Djævelen, og lever, i bedste velgående. På et tidspunkt springer kloakdækslerne op med lugten af svinestald fra Ashkenazi jøde-rotter, der har ædt alt og alle i flere årtier. Dominobrikkerne er begyndt at vælte - du og jeg, skal bare have tålmodighed ~ 13. December 2023 ~ |

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: Search results for lars løkke (

"»Nod out« Nu-Lars vil meget gerne, at man glemmer alt om »Fucking ligeglad« Før-Lars." ~ SoTW

 "LLR kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk korkprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen" ~ Kirsten Birgit

Editor's NoteLivet på 1.klasse og luksuslejlighed til spotpris fra Jeudan-Jøderne. Bubberbrødernes LøkkeFonden og pensionsfinte. Druk-frokoster med Sauron Pind. ShrekDenLøkkelige der ønsker at overtage Vestagers europæisk toppost. Og alle hans mange, mange, mange dumme skandalesager. Du ved, når man rækker Fanden en lillefinger, tager han hele hånden! Generalen fra GLIMT-Græsted, går skridtet videre, han gnaver sig helt indtil til benet. Rygter siger, han hjalp eller dækker over, Kongepingvinen Frede-Fup, ud af fedtefadet i Madrid (Federico forsvandt i en bil fra den danske ambassade). Nu skal han også, redde, Elvira Pitzner ud af kattepinen, i Dubai. Og fik skjulte millioner i donationer af sky bagmænd i hans politiske netværk a.k.a. med firmanavnet 'Det Politiske Mødested' (erhvervsklub). Som derefter hvidvaskede dem rene og videre over i Moderaterne. Det er fuldt lovligt og så undgår man åbenhed om privat økonomisk støtte til politiske partier. Vil man skjule sin støtte til et parti, skal man blot støtte en forening, der støtter, et parti (helt legitimt pengeklub). P.S.: Hvem bor ved siden diamond-Queen Katerina Pitzner på Vedbæk Strandvej? Prins Light og Marie-der-ligner-Mary. Tobaksmillionøsen Færch, flødebollekonge Spangsberg, eks Mærsk-direktør Søren Schou, Sarah Zobel og Burhan G... |


Smittede tanker 81: The Great Reset - konspiration eller faktum? - Thomas Aastrup RømerThomas Aastrup Rømer (
Valo Health and Novo Nordisk to collaborate to discover and develop novel treatments for cardiometabolic diseases using human data and artificial intelligence | Økonomisk Ugebrev
Regeringen nævner Novo Nordisk 31 gange i prognose for dansk økonomi — MedWatch

Én historie om hans karriere er gået igen – nu betvivler flere central fortælling om magtfuld fagboss | BT Samfund -

Karsten Ree sætter palæ til salg: Se billederne her -
Oscar Gundlach-Pedersen - Greg Pepin Silver
(20+) Facebook

Oksbøl Skyde- og Øvelsesterræn danner i disse dage ramme om Hærens største feltøvelse i hele 2023 🪖 Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsen… | Instagram
Kampvognene er tilbage på Hærens største øvelse (

"Bastarden" er indstillet som dansk oscarkandidat | SE og HØR (
Bastarden - Grand Teatret

🙏 ~ 💝 (Watch out Princess Märtha your guru-lover teaches how to cast demons out of children) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 13, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: In latest gaffe... Pro-Russian Polish MP expelled from parliament in a Hanukkah stunt... Turkish MP collapses seconds after saying Israel will ‘suffer Allah’s wrath (hit by CIA's heart attack gun?)... Actor Lord Voldemort Zelensky unable to win over Congres. Republicans resisting further support for the war without a deal on immigration reform...P.S.: The YouTube channel called "ROYAL FAMILY👑" a joke maybe - buuutt, HRH The Crown Prince, cannot hide forever... |

🤗🏳️🙌 ('Buddha said the Whole Universe is Within. The rest is one gigantic disempowering distraction.') ECETI Newsletter #70: Monthly News & Updates ~ Dec 13, 2023 ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

December 9, 2023| Issue #70


By James Gilliland

 2023 Nov 28

I wish I could say this can’t get any crazier.

According to the Q clock Nov 28th was going to be a big day. On the 28th I saw a council meeting with beings I recognized from the Orion Council of Light. Not to be confused with the Orion Alliance a group of negative grays and reptilians. I also had an appearance from Gabriel. I asked, so are you going to step in and kick some serpent, reptilian and dark lord butt. Yes I know sounds unenlightened, if you can’t joke with Masters, Saints and Sages your not ready to sit with them. He said we take care of the nasty of nasties. The real work on Earth is done by the Orion Council of Light, Pleiadean warriors, Sirians and a few other off worlders tied into white hats on Earth. They are extremely busy and yes everything is a go. When the Orion Council of Light meeting ended they all left and took up their positions actively engaging in the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and Earth. I do believe Christmas will come early.

Many ask what is going on in Iceland. The earthquake and volcanic activity is the collapse of some of the oldest tunnels and underground bases used by the cabal since the Phoenicians. Lava is a great filler. You are also going to see the fall of the Khazarian Jews, the Zionists and Mossad. Their deep state assets, the entire network of tyranny will fall. If you want to end war and disease get rid of the war and disease profiteers. It is a simple formula. Follow the money and the eugenicists behind the wars and plagues will be revealed.

The weaponization and censorship of our government against the American people is being heard in the House, subpoenas have gone out there is undeniable evidence the agencies have been weaponized against conservatives and political opponents of the current administration. Our Youtube account is a classic example as well as to numerous to mention bans and farcebook jail time. Factcheckers are the brute squad for the present administration censoring factual evidence and information about adverse effects of vaccines, political opponents, anything not in alignment with their WEF, NWO, and hostile governments, their sponsors agendas. Big shout out to Jim Jordan holding their feet to the fire.