May 23, 2020
🍿 ~ Operation Disclosure RV/Intelligence Alert (Full Report) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
[Full Report]:
The take down of the Deep State Cabal has begun as the Obama administration is exposed of crimes and corruption which is known as the Obamagate scandal (previously known as Spygate).
The Obamagate scandal is expected to lead to the long-awaited mass arrests.
The Earth Alliance already has the evidence needed to take down the Deep State Cabal in one fell swoop.
The take down of the Deep State Cabal has begun as the Obama administration is exposed of crimes and corruption which is known as the Obamagate scandal (previously known as Spygate).
The Obamagate scandal is expected to lead to the long-awaited mass arrests.
The Earth Alliance already has the evidence needed to take down the Deep State Cabal in one fell swoop.
🤥💊 ~ The Remdesivir Study Is Finally Out: Drug Only Helped Those On Oxygen, Finds Mortality Too High For Standalone Treatment ~ | Blogger: [👉"No marked benefit seen for those who were healthier and didn’t need oxygen or those who were sicker; "Given high mortality despite the use of remdesivir, it is clear that treatment with an antiviral drug alone is not likely to be sufficient." ~ ZH👈] ... EVERY single danish newspaper is out saying, that the Facui-touted hyped "Remdesivir" Medicine reduces corona deaths by 80 percent. They even go so far saying, New Remdesivir research is 'the biggest medical discovery of the year' - the treatment early in the course of the disease seems to be crucial if the medication is to work, study shows according to danish news papers, danish professors, doctors and specialists. Remdesivir must go 'out to everyone' - the results are 'incredible', says Professor... On the other hand, Zero Hedge with many claims behind, says the drug O-N-L-Y helped those on oxygen... PS: And we know people on ventilator or high-flow oxygen, is on their LAST breath, before finally death from COVID-19.. So WHO is lying?... |
🤯 ~ Særligt sensitive mennesker - Frygt er glæde i forklædning (Verdensalt Arkivskab) | 5 minutters læsetid | Blogger: [👉Tager man sine 5D spirituelle briller på; 'nutidens' børn, vælger “højfrekvente” forældre, spirituelt åbne eller kærligheds-mennesker👈] ... Hvis det modsatte viser sig, har de underskrevet en guddommelig pagt om, at ruske op i forældrenes grundvold og er per definition, sensitive 'Krystal-, Engle- eller Indigobørn' 🤗 Deres bevidstheds- og energiniveau er meget højere end deres forældres 🤔 De ønsker IKKE at tøjles med gammeldags og konsekvent opdragelse 🙄 Med andre ord, nutidens børn er ikke som os andre, de er anderledes, de har mange gange langt større basisviden, intuitive tænkende og stærkere end du tror. De er ikke tynget, som deres forældre, med livslange traumer, frygt og fornægtelse, hvad enten vi vil erkende det eller ej 😥 .. Disse børn, som er sensitive, nogle, med højt sensitiv personlighed, skal lyttes til, accepteres, og gives, ubetinget kærlighed 👨👩👧👦 ..Tro ikke et sekund på, at nutidens børn er lægevidenskabens diagnosticering af ADHD, DAMP eller OCD.. Der er INTET i vejen med disse børn.. Vores eksperter på området, mener at 'HSP' er et personlighedstræk, som er nedarvet (siger de).. Det er muligt, men forstår man sig lidt på spiritualitet, holistisk menneskesyn, metafysisk årsagsforhold, åndsvidenskab eller esoterisk filosofi, kan man sige, vi er alle sammen skabt af rent lys, ubetinget kærlighed med en indbygget sjælefred, hvor børnenes engle-energifelt, ikke er ødelagt af traumatiske oplevelser, fobier, chok, begrænset kærlighed og sjælesorg. Det kommer helt automatisk når børn, bliver mødt med os, forældre, de 5 autoriteter, forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets levevilkår. Eller som 'Niham' (skytsengel eller åndelige hjælper) ville have sagt det; "de voksnes adopterede tankemæssige mønstre, der forhindrer os i at lytte til hjertets åbenhed".. Jo mere sensitiv du er, jo mere skal du arbejde intensiv med dig selv, resten af dit liv, indtil, en højere forståelse, er skabt. Bærer du på for mange byrder, uden selvransagelse, skaber du et eksplosiv indre, som begrænser din selvudvikling. Det går ud over dine omgivelser og dine børn.. Det er mit bud (verdensalt), søg selv viden...🙏😇 |
Udgivet første gang den 25. Juni 2014 af Verdensalt
Er du et meget følsomt menneske?
- Reflektere du over ting mere end alle andre?
- Bekymre du dig over, hvordan andre mennesker føler?
- Foretrækker du roligere, mindre kaotiske omgivelser?
- Har du en ivrig fantasi og livagtige drømme?
- Er tid alene hver dag så vigtigt for dig - som mad og vand er ?
- Er du "for genert" eller "for følsom" ifølge andre?
- Er du ofte meget følsom, anspændt, nærtagende, utryg?
Hvis dit svar er ja, kan du være et særligt sensitiv menneske (HSP - Highly Sensitive Person)
Er det en velsignelse eller forbandelse?
Jeg har hentet inspiration fra egne oplevelser fra familielivet som ligger mig på sinde at have forståelse for hvordan man omgås sensitive mennesker, samt fra Lise August som er autoriseret psykolog - specialist i klinisk psykologi. Hun har i samarbejde med Jette Harthimmer , clairvoyant og spirituel rådgiver, udgivet en fantastisk podcast omkring særligt sensitive mennesker. Test dig selv
Hvad er "særligt sensitive mennesker"?
🍑😽🌷🤳 ~ (KUSSOMATEN ER TILBAGE) Kvindelig museumsinspektør: Typisk har manden en stor pik, og det er ham, der bestemmer ~ | Blogger: [👉KUNNE ikke dy mig, nu hvor Fromme Moder Mette-mus' feminister og DJØF Mafiaen i det offentlige system, har vendt op og ned på Qanmark, fra kvindekampen til klassekampen👈] ... SJOVT nok, sidder der en MAND bag ved regeringsrattet, ledet af bøsser, (lesbiske) og ekskommunister - den såkaldte "skyggeregering" - støbet af et trekløver bestående af Mette Frederiksen, Henrik Sass Larsen, samt Martin Rossen og Co... Nu går jeg ikke så meget ned i disse ligegyldige Dramaer, men kan faktisk godt li' Ditte Okman's indlæg, der spørger "Hvad i alverden sker der for DR?" Om, hvordan DR's 'Aftenshowet', beskytter Statsministeren, der helt gratis kan få lov til at underspille graverende fejl i smittetallet, hvor SSI fucker med beregninger, sidder og genere Henrik Qvortrup, som åbenbart er den ENESTE i Qanmark, som tør stille kritiske spørgsmål, samt hvordan DR-stationen klappede hælene sammen, da Kulturministeriet ringede og beordrede journalistiske medarbejdere hjem og debatprogrammer lukket til fordel for popmusik – i øvrigt helt uden hjemmel. o.s.v. o.s.v... ☝️PS: Der er bare ÉN TING at sige til det hele... Det er, at der findes 2 fraktioner; Dem som A-L-D-R-I-G vil se "sandheden" i øjnene og "beskytter" bevares af den politiske kult, Eliten eller Kongehuset, som det opstillet fortryllende hjerte-hygge-glansbillede, de indrammer, til evigt minde... Og så er der os, der TØR hvor andre TUDER... Bedøm selv... Åhhhh nej... Må jeg i den forbindelse, advare KRAFTIG mod sugardating, til de unge piger mellem 10-20 årige, som KONSTANT følger berømtheden Fie Laursen - som er blevet diagnosticeret med den psykiske lidelse i form af; "PTSD", “Borderline” og “Bipolar”. Hun er sgu for viderekommende... |
🤔 ~ Celebrities #PasstheMic to Experts on COVID-19 (ONE World) ~ | Blogger: [👉Let me point you in the right direction👉] ... Democracy DO NOT EXIST... Individual freedom, and social tolerance, fascist and communist regimes alike sought an unprecedented degree of state control over individuals and society... America is a corporation and the world is lead by conglomerate companies like Rothschild Banking cartel in the top of the food chain, who has started ultimative all wars in the last 200 years, who also controls all political, police forces, military, intelligence apparatus and has infiltrated every level of society. As big tech companies dive deeper into "banking businesses", creeping tech addiction, Social Credit Systems and highly comprehensive surveillance by 5G networks, and A.I. control grid, wish to track and resorts to TOTAL CONTROL - Orwellian measures, like there's no tomorrow. The second largest "Spectre" organization is The medical–industrial complex (the Rockefeller empire). Together with the Satanic/Illuminati factions secret societies, like Freemasonry, uses all the tricks in the toolbox, to alter our preception, by DEW's and MK Ultra CIA Mind Controlled Hollywood Celebrities to obey, or else. Here comes Fauci & Bill Gates and all their "minions" in the picture and the latest celebrity-backed push for globalism, the #PasstheMic ‘take over’ of celebrity social media profiles to encourage a “global response” to the Corona pandemic... Any more questions?😂... BTW, Because "some" have refused to censor the "Plandemic" video documentary with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Facebook and the 20 high priests and priestesses, like Helle Thorning, is ramping up its illegal, antitrust censorship of, the video platform... Check out the NSA surveillance programs video and Bill Gates Briefing to CIA 2005, that shows vaccine being proposed to Pentagon to ‘immunise religious and spiritual fanatics’... |
👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions. These may seem premature in view of the fact that there is still some way to go, but you have completed the difficult part and are now rising up to a new level where you will experience the Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, that will immediately lift you onto the new Earth – your Ascension. You may not realise how privileged you are to be on Earth at the actual moment of Ascension and it can be looked upon as an exciting moment in your life. "👈] ... Mike Quinsey, yet another highly evolved spiritual Soul, on the same path or same course as Meg Benedicte & Caroline Oceana Ryan... PS: I'm excited that, Mike, are talking about The Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, as of COBRAS' Resistance Movement (RM)... |
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
© 2020 treeofthegoldenlight
22nd May 2020
Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so [because] it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further.
The future is set to ensure you continue your evolution, having experienced many lives in the depths of the lower vibrations that were your Hell on Earth. Some souls were caught up in them so much so that they were unable to extract themselves from it, whilst others repeatedly took on the challenges presented to them and were able to survive.
👼 ~ 💗 A Message to Lightworkers (Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉"Faction Three White Knights, who serve under the Ashtar Command, are saying now that we are receiving help from our galactic family, both to assist in stopping the spread of illness, and to protect Earth Herself, as they work with the Sun's energies to lift Earth's vibration to a very high level. NESARA is unfolding, my friend and fellow traveler. Keep that vision strong! Expect it." ~ Caroline👈] ... PS: Actually, Meg Benedicte & Caroline Oceana Ryan are both aligned and discussing the new society or the New Earth etc... Watch her new video called; "Rebirthing Dense Situations to a Much Higher Level -- in Your Life & in the World"... |
A Message to Lightworkers -
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth
Elementals, Fae Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We speak to you each week from the perspective of your being on an Earth that changes by the hour in terms of vibration and the resultant new reality you are molding.
This you create with your words, your intentions, your visions and feelings about life and how things are going for your beautiful Lady Gaia, and your expectations of how life shall continue on this planet.
We speak often of your increasing empowerment as you realize your presence as co-Creators, for it has long been your training to look at outer circumstances and feel that that is what determines the quality of your life—the content and experience of it.
Yet we assure you, friends, nothing could be further from the truth.
You are far more than observers of and reactors to What Is, and yet—yes, it is also a gift, to move into Observer mode when you wish to create some distance, particularly emotional distance, between you and what you see happening outwardly.
We are asking you to understand that the amount of higher assistance flowing to you now is astounding and unprecedented.
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We speak to you each week from the perspective of your being on an Earth that changes by the hour in terms of vibration and the resultant new reality you are molding.
This you create with your words, your intentions, your visions and feelings about life and how things are going for your beautiful Lady Gaia, and your expectations of how life shall continue on this planet.
We speak often of your increasing empowerment as you realize your presence as co-Creators, for it has long been your training to look at outer circumstances and feel that that is what determines the quality of your life—the content and experience of it.
Yet we assure you, friends, nothing could be further from the truth.
You are far more than observers of and reactors to What Is, and yet—yes, it is also a gift, to move into Observer mode when you wish to create some distance, particularly emotional distance, between you and what you see happening outwardly.
We are asking you to understand that the amount of higher assistance flowing to you now is astounding and unprecedented.
👼 ~ 💗 Just Hours Till Global Activations – May 23rd (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW - these days, weeks and months, my lucid dreaming has been overwhelming... Meg Benedicte is talking about we're all still moving through a global reset. Whether she's referring to spiritual version of Global Currency Reset & RV or our 'controllers' own version THE CORONA CRASH 2020, it doesn't matter. E.i., blowing up the entire Global Economic & Financial System in order to maintain the totally rigged, dollar-denominated "Global Gambling Casino" run out of London and New York City... As Meg is saying;"We are in the early stages of creating a new society. This is a ‘chance of a lifetime’ to reconstruct communities in the New Earth template of unity consciousness…a global family living in harmony with nature and the cosmos."... Soooo... talking about Denmark warning us we're in the LAST STAGES, from a cashless society... Last night I was dreaming of RV / GCR in a way... It first started out as I meet a "guy" down in a secret bunker, where he had stacked cash, supplies and food. Later we were sitting in my old childhood home outside and waiting. Suddenly, light after light was switched off, until total darkness with no electricity anywhere. Then we could hear 'War Thunder' and lots of noise, like someone was fighting for their lives. It woke up my parents and family and we had to explain to them it was part of a 'bigger war' going on to get a new and better society... Anywho, something is telling me, it's the Calm before the Storm... |
As the world starts to emerge from shelter, we are still moving through a global reset. We are in the early stages of creating a new society. This is a ‘chance of a lifetime’ to reconstruct communities in the New Earth template of unity consciousness…a global family living in harmony with nature and the cosmos.
Clearly evident is what does not work! This provides the backdrop for what can work in its replacement. As we envision our new society, we still need to address all that was triggered during the pandemic. In Saturday’s Global Activations we will focus on healing protocols to ease the anxious heart in an uncertain world. We will clear the field of fear and panic. We will adjust the fractured self, bring all back into wholeness.
During the Global Activations we will disentangle from the parasitic ‘Host System’ so we can live in abundance in the New Earth. Our role is to liberate life on Gaia, so all can thrive in sovereignty. As we heal the wounds of the heart, we are liberating all to bridge into the New Earth field of Love vibration.
We are the Light Bearers, the Gridworkers and Earth Angels! Join other Star Beings from all around the world, as we gather on Saturday, May 23rd for our Global Activations. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, click here:
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