Nov 27, 2022

💝 (Hold the Line! Expect The Unexpected and Be Prepared! Sir Yes Sir!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Nov 27, 2022 (SOTW; Unfortunnaly, I cant find Kingdom of Denmark in all the country maps - only Sweden and Norway that surrendered. Buuutt, as I told you, the Rothschild-controlled Danish 1000 yrs old Mason-Monarchy who's with cabal-commie-democrats Inc. all the way, will go down with the ship and their “Swagger In Chief” or fake Capitano) ~ |

Kat Is The Sea – Nov. 26, 2022 – Rose Rambles…
QFS: THE NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM – Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age! – Nov. 26, 2022 – Rose Rambles…

(20+) Facebook

👴😐🤦 ('Creepy Joe' is back exploits young girls and then asking 'if the game is over') Here Is the Question Joe Biden Was Clueless About in Nantucket ~ Nov 27, 2022 (SoTW; and I agree, Joe-the-Moe is a WH asset, he has to be... aaand in other news - Vive la révolution.... I've personally meet Mr. Craig Campobasso in Mt. Shasta, amazing guy. Out with a new book 'The Huroid Revolution and Other Warring Creatures') ~ |

Here Is the Question Joe Biden Was Clueless About in Nantucket – RedState

👁️⃤ 👆🌈⚽ (Det som ingen ved - er fodbold rigged?) Er det bestemt, hvem som vinder VM i Qatar? Europæisk fodbold og andre sportsgrene blev startet af frimurere - og den har sine formål på grønsværen i form af kokasser, kondomer og idoldyrkning. Ifølge dem selv blev det danske landshold overtaget af frimurere-spillere fra 90'erne - og i dag udelukkende - det er derfor man kan opstille Christian Eriksen hændelsen (siger en kilde) ~ 27. Nov 2022 ~ |

Editor's Note: Hver uge hører vi igen og igen om tillidspersoner inden- og udenfor sportsverden, som leger 'hyggeonkel', og misbruger mindreårige og så altid DBU-ballade, der bruger ekstreme bøllemetoder og om Hummel sportstøjindustriens almægtige konge-frimurer, Stadil-familiens koncern, Thornico, og dens 'hemmelige' formue, som gør dem til multimilliardær. 

Jeg har spillet fodbold i min helt unge dage, et enkelt år med Amerikansk fodbold, hvis Football Association, blev grundlagt den 26. oktober 1863 på Freemason's Tavern (Arms) i London. 

Der er noget sygt over alt det FIFA og dens korruption og bestikkelse. Tror ikke en millimeter på FIFA’s trussel om Simon Kjær's gult kort, hvis han bar OneLove-anførerbinder. DBU (66) er ikke nogen helte-organisation og tror selv på, 100% involveret mht. Rigged Fixed Matches og frimureriet. Det, at de dropper One Love-anførerbindet + 'Black Lives Matter' + Mee-Too, Regnbue og LGBTQ-bevægelsen + 'Kindness Diversity Makes Us' o.s.v. o.s.v., De har alle sammen én ting til fælles - det er en bevidst Agenda, for at gøre os vrede, mere hjernevaskede og lulle os i søvn, til at følge Deres Sportsgrene, Trans-gender og Trans-humanisme som er en KÆMPE pengemaskine, så de selv, kan lave lyssky aktiviteter, i baggrunden. 

Har også brugt tid på Triathlon (Treenighed, trinitet, teologisk 300 tilbage) og Badminton. Professionelt Cykling ved alle, er en af de STØRSTE dopingmaskiner, nord for Alperne. 

Den mest kendte svindler af dem alle, er Bjarne Fis-Riis og vi har konstateret at Vingegaard, Rolf & Ritter, er frimurer, med visning af håndhjertesymboler og tavshed... | 

🔮 ('we're watching a movie, you guys!) Nov. 26th 2022-WORLD NEWS (SoTW; I think that covers it all what TBJ is taking abt. Everything is 'fake'. White Hats and it's military from around the world is in control + off-worlders and benevolent beings. But for Englishmen, Aussies and Canucks, pls go and watch it for more intel) ~ |

Join Tarot by Janine to get all the news!

🏳️‍⚧️🐐 (It's man's man's world: Talking abt the Gay-Prince, Never to be Crowned King) IT'S CALLED ''SECRET'', BECAUSE IT WAS NAMED AFTER QUEEN VICTORIA WHO WAS BORN AS KING VICTOR — THEY SOLD THEIR SOUL ONLY FOR FAME & MONEY — THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK ~ Nov 27, 2022 ~ |

Editor's Note: It's not my own title or any of the capital letters. Look, it's gonna be veeery hard to swallow the red pill on this one - I know. Jennifer Aniston (rumored to be a 'man') and has remained an A-list actor for decades. Michelle Obama (110% trans) named most admired woman for third straight year (called Big Mike or Michael). There's NOTHING wrong being straight, gay or 'trans'-gender, however, these ppl worship Satanism and Baphomet Cult and lies abt they've sex-changes and actually 'trans' and 'pretenders or cock teasers.' (sry for the express). Buuutt, pls, do not kill the messenger, I got all these pics and there's a loooot more from a sec. pvt. telegram-G called "Q News International WWG1WGA" in another sec. pvt. group of Alex Collier)... | 


👥👑🏰🛢️💎⚕️ (Empire of The Sons & Daugthers: The Rothschilds & Rockefellers owns the entire world) Benjamin Fulford HUGE Intel Drop - Cabal on Notice! ~ Nov 27, 2022 (SOTW; That's acc. to BF. You're up for a surprise how many well-known and famous secret rulers R&R children that controls you and me in this 'world's shitshow' today. It's a good videocast if you constrain yourself and not focus on 'Eyes Wide Shut 666 mason signs' BF is showing us. He's also wearing an Jesuit t-shirt and worship Black Sun, so he claims. Mr. Paul Adams ask the right questions and has the famous site called "") ~ |

Benjamin Fulford HUGE Intel Drop - Cabal on Notice! (