Jan 10, 2017

OMG!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Are You Watching This?! (Blogger: -- Intelligence heads testify in Senate on Russian activities in election (WATCH LIVE) -- Seem to me that the us politicians or senate committee spin on all the alternative media allegations, to their own advancement? ".. Senate attacking RT(Russian 24/7 English-language news channel) in public as a propaganda news source (RT popular enough to impact elections).. Confirmed Russia hacked DNC to help Trump win and undermine Hillary Clinton, to overturn her presidency (Russian propaganda effort helped spread 'fake news' and using 'trolls' etc.).. Confirmed Vladimir Putin deliberately destabilizing U.S. politics.. Russia were engaged in Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and more.. Russia could In theory hack Into all US private homes, posting fictional evidence to get US politicians arrested.. FBI confirms multiple requests to look at DNC servers were denied.. and much more..".. Please turn into better clarified news feeds than my own blunt attempt..)

LIVE: Russian Hacking Hearing, Confirmation Hearing of Trump Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions - FOX 10 Phoenix

Intelligence heads testify in Senate on Russian activities in election (WATCH LIVE) - rt.com

Julian Assange holds press conference, calls CIA intelligence report an “embarrassment” for the United States. Julian Assange slams the recent ODNI report, calling it a "press release" and not an "intelligence report."

WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange criticized the ODNI report describing it as ‘quite embarrassing to the reputations of the US intelligence services.’

RT reports on Assange’s comments…

Wikileaks held a press conference streamed live over Periscope…

Planet Free Will summarizes what was asked to Assange and what was answered, during the live stream and afterwards during a twitter Q&A…
Julian Assange slammed the recent report as a “press release”, stating that only about five pages of the report could be considered substantial content.
“The real question is whether the Russians hacked the Democratic party with the intention of favoring Donald Trump,” Said Assange [Paraphrase]. “Even if you accept that Russia hackers were involved, even if no evidence was presented in the report, what was the intent of those Russian attacks and do they connect to Wikileaks.”
Assange went on to confirm once again that the DNC emails and the Podesta emails were not provided by state actors.
He accuses that the report “deliberately obscures” the timeline of the email leak in regard to the timeframe in which Donald Trump became a serious contender for President. He notes that DNI director James Clapper himself has confirmed that the intelligence community does not know when Wikileaks obtained any of the emails.
Assange also took issue with the conflation of direct vote hacking and the possibility of information which caused a change in public opinion. He asserts that Donna Brazile and other DNC and Hillary campaign officials lied to the public by stating that the emails were “fake” and noted Wikileaks’ ten year accuracy record.

Screening for brystkræft forhindrer ikke dødelig sygdom (Blogger: Mammografi eller ej? Lad os slå en ting fast! Røntgenstråling er en af de mest kendte former for medicinsk billeddannelse. Den er baseret på elektromagnetisk stråling (bestående af fotoner) med korte bølgelængder. Det er ingen hemmelighed, gammeldags røntgen på røntgenklinikkerne på sygehus, er 'mindst' usundt form for ståling sammnenlignet med andre, mere moderne, så vidt jeg kan læse mig til. Blykappen som dækker over de områder, som ikke skulle undersøges, hjælper patienten. Der er en grund til sygeplejersken godt bag en afskærmning. Røntgenstrålerne bliver dannet i røntgenrøret, der er indhyllet i en blykappe for at bremse strålingen. Foran røret sidder en aluminiums plade/filter, der fjerner lav-energi-fotonerne fra strålingen Så går så langt. Snakker vi med radiodoktoren.dk og om man skal sige ja til tilbud om mammografi, er svaret klart NEJ!. Han siger; ".. Min mening er den, at man ikke skal tage imod tilbuddet om mammografi. Jeg tilråder heller ikke min kone og døtre at få foretaget mammografi. Dels er der for mange falsk positive resultater, så mange skal gå rundt i angst, indtil det viser sig, at der alligevel ikke var noget galt. Dels får man ved en mammografi en dosis radioaktivitet, hvilket øger risikoen for at udvikle kræft i brystet. Det kraftige tryk mod brysterne under mammografien øger også risikoen for kræft og for spredning af eventuelle kræftceller. Det har også vist sig, at selvom man eventuelt ved en mammografi. kan opdage en brystkræft lidt tidligere, så lever kvinderne ikke længere af den grund end kvinder, der har fået så store knuder i brystet, at de kan føles. De får så bare flere år med angst og usikkerhed. Man skal dog ikke bare lade skæbnen råde, men være opmærksom på, om brysterne ændrer sig på nogen måde. Man kan, når man bader og har sæbet sig ind, let føle, om der er knuder, og så få dem undersøgt. Man skal gå metodisk til værks og undersøge sine bryster sektion for sektion, udefra og indefter. Der er godt nok en videnskabelig undersøgelse, der tilsyneladende viser, at selvundersøgelse ikke er meget værd, men den siger ikke noget om, hvor mange kvinder der gør det rigtigt. Der er desuden andre metoder, såsom ultralyd scanning, termografi og MR-scanning, og ingen af disse metoder er farlige. Så hvis der er usikkerhed omkring, hvad man kan føle i brystet, er det rimeligt at spørge efter disse undersøgelser, så man ikke går og er nervøs uden grund. Thermo-mammografi udføres i Danmark kun privat og et sted.. ")

Young Caucasian adult woman examining her breast for lumps or signs of breast cancer

Forekomsten af store tumorer er ikke mindre hos kvinder, der screenes for brystkræft, viser et nyt stort dansk studie, der sår tvivl om, hvorvidt screeningen overhovedet virker

Af Maria Cuculiza / Cordelia Weber - 10/01-17 04:00

Et nyt studie fra Det Nordiske Cochrane Center viser, at brystkræftscreening ikke fører til en reduktion i antallet af fremskredne tumorer, og at et ud af tre kræfttilfælde, der opdages ved screening, sandsynligvis er overdiagnosticerede...

Læs hele artiklen: http://www.mx.dk/nyheder/danmark/story/21748067


Airport Shooter Says He Was ‘Mind Controlled’ By Intelligence Agency — Eyewitness Claims There Were At Least Three Other Shooters

Posted: 09 Jan 2017 05:43 AM PST

Eyewitness: “There was like at least three people in there still shooting” after the first guy was caught

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (INTELLIHUB) — Demoted and discharged Alaska National Guard private first class and alleged killer of 5 people at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Esteban Santiago, 26, may have been mind controlled or mentally ill, according to FBI officials.

Santiago, who was arrested in January and waiting to stand trial in March on criminal charges, recently showed up to an F.B.I. office in Anchorage unannounced seeking help.

Santiago told the F.B.I. he thought he was being mind controlled, possibly by the U.S. government or the C.I.A. and admitted hearing voices, which Santiago said told him to study “extremist materials on the Internet,” the New York Times reports.

Read Entire Article »

Little girl gives the motivational speech of a lifetime (Blogger: Sooo adorable little girl with a strong message! Keeping that joyful spirit after the holidays can be a struggle for some people. Making matters worse are those hard-to-keep New Year's resolutions. This adorable 4-year-old girl will help turn that frown upside down!.. )

Inspired by Paul Tripp, my daughter and I put together a little video about New Year's resolutions and where real change actually happens.
If you liked this, have a look at the other videos I've made with my kids https://goo.gl/7e6yGW

PrepareforChange: Malawi Update ~ Jan 10, 2017 CET

Dear Dane, Lynn and the PFC Members

girlinredblouseGreetings once again in the name of our Lord King Jesus Christ.
We failed to go to Ntambalare village as our last village to visit last year because of the financial problem.
We thank the Lord for giving remaining 19 mattresses at the Orphanage, now all the children are sleeping on the mattress.
I just want to share with you that all schools has been opened now and up to now we didn’t pay the school fees of any child under Maoni Orphanage.  We really need urgent support so that we can pay their school fees before they are chased from their classes.
As we shared with you about what happen at Maoni Orphanage last month due to thunderstorms, lightening and heavy wind that destroyed the boys’ dormitory.
I have scanned some of the news cuttings to show also other people they have been affected by this.
ruingbuildingWe need the help also of rebuilding the boys dormitory so that the boys should be back soon.
Keep on praying for:-
1. Lord to provide with finances so that we can rebuild the dormitory soon and  To complete the roof maintenances to some damaged buildings at the Orphanage
2. Good rains to continue so that Malawi and Mozambique can have enough food for this coming harvest season.
3. School fees and school materials which is MK1, 211, 000.00 for the second term to the children of Maoni as all school has been opened now.
Once again thank you very much for all your prayers and support.

Dane Arr
Inventor, Designer, Astrologer, Writer, Web Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Father, Husband, Grandpa and all around mad creative, born under Pieces at 5:55 degrees in California USA.

Spectre of Trump assassination haunts Meryl Streep at Golden Globes - Jan 10, 2017 CET


Spectre of Trump assassination haunts Meryl Streep at Golden Globes

VANCOUVER, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 9, 2017, offers an apparent insider look at what one Presidential Medal of Freedom award-winning Hollywood icon said about politics and journalism at the 74th Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night. It has been cited by AP as a “stirring rebuke” in which actress Meryl Streep called out President-elect Donald J. Trump for what she described as his public bullying and shaming of a disabled reporter during the election campaign. The New York Times states the president-elect was not surprised to hear of the critique nor would it seem is he unprepared for its mirror-dimensional implications.

Spectre of Trump assassination haunts Meryl Streep at Golden Globes
By Jon Kelly

DNC Russian Hackers Found! You Won’t Believe Who They Work For!!

“If someone steals your keys to encrypt the data, it doesn’t matter how secure the algorithms are.”
Dmitri Alperovitch, founder of CrowdStrike.

By the Anonymous Patriots
SOTN Exclusive

Russians did not hack the DNC system, a Russian named Dmitri Alperovitch is the hacker and he works for President Obama. In the last five years the Obama administration has turned exclusively to one Russian to solve every major cyber-attack in America, whether the attack was on the U. S. government or a corporation. Only one “super-hero cyber-warrior” seems to “have the codes” to figure out “if” a system was hacked and by “whom.”

Dmitri’s company, CrowdStrike has been called in by Obama to solve mysterious attacks on many high level government agencies and American corporations, including: German Bundestag, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the White House, the State Department, SONY, and many others.
CrowdStrike’s philosophy is: “You don’t have a malware problem; you have an adversary problem.”
CrowdStrike has played a critical role in the development of America’s cyber-defense policy. Dmitri Alperovitch and George Kurtz, a former head of the FBI cyberwarfare unit founded CrowdStrike. Shawn Henry, former executive assistant director at the FBI is now CrowdStrike’s president of services. The company is crawling with former U. S. intelligence agents.

Before Alperovitch founded CrowdStrike in 2011, he was working in Atlanta as the chief threat officer at the antivirus software firm McAfee, owned by Intel (a DARPA company). During that time, he “discovered” the Chinese had compromised at least seventy-one companies and organizations, including thirteen defense contractors, three electronics firms, and the International Olympic Committee. He was the only person to notice the biggest cyberattack in history! Nothing suspicious about that.

Alperovitch and the DNC

After CrowdStrike was hired as an independent “vendor” by the DNC to investigate a possible cyberattack on their system, Alperovitch sent the DNC a proprietary software package called Falcon that monitors the networks of its clients in real time. According to Alperovitch, Falcon “lit up,” within ten seconds of being installed at the DNC. Alperovitch had his “proof” in TEN SECONDS that Russia was in the network. This “alleged” evidence of Russian hacking has yet to be shared with anyone.

As Donald Trump has pointed out, the FBI, the agency that should have been immediately involved in hacking that effects “National Security,” has yet to even examine the DNC system to begin an investigation. Instead, the FBI and 16 other U. S. “intelligence” agencies simply “agree” with Obama’s most trusted “cyberwarfare” expert Dmitri Alperovitch’s “TEN SECOND” assessment that produced no evidence to support the claim.

Also remember that it is only Alperovitch and CrowdStrike that claim to have evidence that it was Russian hackers. In fact, only two hackers were found to have been in the system and were both identified by Alperovitch as Russian FSB (CIA) and the Russian GRU (DoD). It is only Alperovitch who claims that he knows that it is Putin behind these two hackers.

Continue reading at .. http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=62536

Matthew’s Message (".. Vibrations around President-elect Donald Trump are even lower than previously, those around most of his choices for top posts are low, and vibrations have remained consistently high around Senator Bernie Sanders. If we knew how this will play out, we would happily tell you, but this unique situation of high and low vibrations wildly in motion, yet coexisting almost in a standoff, gives no indication as to the outcome. What we can tell you is, with vibrations continually rising on the planet, whatever resolution is achieved ultimately will be for the highest good of all. Please have no fear that Russia or China will start an armed conflict with the United States that could burgeon into a nuclear war. Despite the rhetorical posturing that some of your analysts consider worrisome, none of those countries’ leaders wants to become embroiled in a war that could imperil the world. And, if any other country or rogue group were to send up a missile with a nuclear warhead, ever-diligent crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth will prevent its detonation. This is a good place to answer another question: No, Iran is not secretly developing nuclear weaponr. We see the UN Security Council’s vote to condemn Israel for building settlements on the West Bank in violation of international law as a sound defeat for the Illuminati. The goal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in the top ranks of that secret society, never has been to serve the best interests of his people or to make peace with Palestine. In addition to keeping the region destabilized so funds keep flowing in for Israel’s defense, he wants to establish an Illuminati powerbase in Jerusalem from whence to spread their control throughout the Mideast. That will not happen. Storms and record temperatures are due partially to weather control technology; chemtrails and other toxic pollutants in your atmosphere also have a role in this. So you are right in thinking that the Illuminati, not Mother Nature, are causing anomalous weather conditions as they are responsible for all the contributing factors, factors that are delaying the planet’s return to a moderate climate globally.. ")

Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward 
© 2017 www.matthewbooks

Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.

January 8, 2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Your calendar year 2017 promises to be exhilarating as the planet rides powerful energy waves along its ascension course. The waves are fields of light, and since light and love are the same energy, you could think of everyone in your world as residents in a boundless sea of love. We offer a meditation that can let you feel as one with this energy: Envision a panorama of exquisite beauty, see yourself gently floating over that idyllic scene, now feel yourself merging with it and savor the blissful sensation the Oneness of All imparts.

Now then, dear family, we shall reply to questions, starting with the one most frequently asked: In short, what about the United States presidency? Energy in Earth’s field of potential pertaining to this is in a state the likes of which is so unusual that we know of nothing comparable.

Vibrations around President-elect Donald Trump are even lower than previously, those around most of his choices for top posts are low, and vibrations have remained consistently high around Senator Bernie Sanders. If we knew how this will play out, we would happily tell you, but this unique situation of high and low vibrations wildly in motion, yet coexisting almost in a standoff, gives no indication as to the outcome. What we can tell you is, with vibrations continually rising on the planet, whatever resolution is achieved ultimately will be for the highest good of all.

Please have no fear that Russia or China will start an armed conflict with the United States that could burgeon into a nuclear war. Despite the rhetorical posturing that some of your analysts consider worrisome, none of those countries’ leaders wants to become embroiled in a war that could imperil the world.

And, if any other country or rogue group were to send up a missile with a nuclear warhead, ever-diligent crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth will prevent its detonation. This is a good place to answer another question: No, Iran is not secretly developing nuclear weaponry.